DOCUMERT RESUME ED 135 668 SE 022 186 TITLE Directory of Transportation Education. INSTITUTION Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Sep 76 NOTE 209p. AVAILABLE FROMAviation Education Office, Office of General Aviation, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C. 20591 (free) EDRS PEIcE HF-$0.83 BC-$11.37 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *College Curriculum; Courses; Curriculum; *Directories; Education; Environmental Education; *Higher Education; *Transportation ABSTRACT This directory lists institutions of higher education that offer degree and non-degree programs in various transportation fields and modes, including aviation, highway, urban mass transportation, railroad, water transport, pipeline, intermodal, and environmental and consumer education. The book catalogs courses and degrees offered, names of department chairmen, addresses, and plane numbers. It is divided into two sections, one identifying courses offered as part of degree programs and the second covering seminars, workshops, and institutes. (DT) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions* * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** . 0 - 0 0 . ' ': -' . 0 0 0 Co 111 11 . is...- I D 1 N.--N 'I T. T.' r-1 C-D 1-1-i A .. 01.111 ___=to s U S OE PARTMENT OF HEALTH EOUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTt V AS RICEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- A TING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STtT ED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF fir . EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY 0 poll, - 2 Institutions offering programs at degree and non-degree levels, including seminars, institutes and workshops. Uhited States Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary Washington, D. C. 20590 September 1976 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402 3 Stock Number Contents page Foreword iv Introduction Symbols and Abbreviations vi Section ADegree Level Programs 1 Section BSeminars, Institutes and Workshops 113 Index of Institutions by Mode 177 Foreword iv The first edition of this directory lists post-second- Aviation Education Programs Division prepared the ary institutions in the United States thatoffer: (1) de- questionnaire and developed the format for this pub- gree-level programs in transportation and related lication. The Office of Public Affairs was responsible for the final preparation for publication. TheFederal areas, and (2) regularly scheduled transportation and related seminars, workshops or institutes (such as Highway Administration provided the project with the expertise and support to make the information retriev- summer aerospace education workshops). All modes able by computer, thus permitting rapid updatingof are included: air, highway, pipelines,rail, water, ur- information plus versatility in computer records and ban/mass transportation and intermodal. processing. This publication also contains transportation-ori- Appreciation is also expressed to the Education ented specialty or emphasis areas including but not Sub-Committee of the National Defense Transporta- limited to such disciplines as environmental sciences tion Association for its assistance in developing the and engineering, noise abatement, structures,hy- questionnaire and its willingness to help disseminate draulics, management, regional and city planning, the directory through its channels of communication. mass transit, sanitary engineering,traffic engineering, Finally, appreciation is expressed to representatives reliability engineering, safety, economics and con- from the Federal Highway Administration, theOffice sumer education. of the Secretary, the National Highway Traffic Safety This publication was prepared jointly by theAviation Administration, the Urban Mass Transportation Ad- Education Programs Division staff, Federal Aviation ministration, and the U.S. Coast Guard for their inputs Administration, (AGA-300) and the Office of Public Af- to the questionnaire and the format ofinformation fairs of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The presented in the directory. Oliver H. Leine, Project Officer Aviation Education Programs Division Federal Aviation Administration C. Ramon Greenwood, Assistant to theSecretary and Director of Public Affairs U.S. Department of Transportation 5 Introduction Arrangement of Data Section B (Seminars, Institutes, Woo-: sops, etc.) In Sections A and B, the institutions are listednu- Each institutional listing for its program offering in- merically according to the Federal Interagency Com- cludes frequency of offering, period in academic year mittee on Education (FICE) code and are grouped by when normally offered, mode of transportation to states alphabetically. When there is more thanone which it pertains, and whether a certificate is awarded division or department offering a program in transpor- for completion of the program. tation, each division or department is separated by the last digit in the institution. In each listing, theperson The F10E Code to be contacted for information is listed along witha The primary utility of the FICE code is the precise telephone number and the area code. identification of a particular institution (the first sever. Program information is presented differently for digits) and of a particular division or department in Sections A and B. that institution (the last digit). This number permits computer recording and processing, thus permitting Section A (Degree Level Programs) rapid updating of the information in the directory. Each institutional listing includes one or morespe- The Modal Index at the end of the book lists institu- cific academic offerings along with letter codes to in- tions offering courses, workshops and seminars by dicate its relationship to a particular mode of trans- type of mode. For example, those institutions offering portation or area of emphasis and the degree level for courses dealing with aviation are listed together. In each offering. order to locate an institution listed in the index, refer to the FICE code number. 6 vi Symbols and Abbreviations The following is a listing of thesymbols and abbre- Miscellaneous Abbreviations viations used in the directory. Asingle letter is used to Admin. Administration describe the modes of transportationcovered by each AASHTOAmerican Assn. school's programs as well asdegree levels offered. of State The mode and degree leveldesignations are repre- Highway & sented by capital letters. Transportation Officials Mode Asst. Assistant A Air A & P Airframe & C Consumer education Powerplant E Environmental/air quality/noise Math Mathematics H Highway Ext. Extension I Intermodal T & T Traffic & P.Pipeline Transportation R Rail ARBA American Road U Urban/mass transportation Builders W Water Association CAP Civil Air Patrol Degree Level AOPA Aviation Owner A Associate & Pilots B Baccalaureate Association C Certificate/Diploma HUFSAMHighway Users O Doctorate Federation for M Masters Safety and O Other Mobility 7 Section ADegree Level Programs 1 01010021 01010092Cbrainued ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY Professor Robert G. Pitts School of Technology Department Head Normal, Alabama 35762 (205) 826-4874 Dr. J. R. Jenkins Program Mode Deg ree Dean, School of Technology Aerospace Engineering A B,M,D (205) 859-7320 Ext. 320 Aviation Management A Program Mode Degree Civil Engineedng Technology H A,B Mechanical Engineering Technology 01010093 Structures (Option) A,B AUBURN UNIVERSITY School of Aviation 01010041 700 Airport Rd. UNIVERSITY OF MONTEVALLO Aubu 'n, Alabama 36830 Department of Traffic Education Professor Gary W. Kite ley Traffic Safety Center, University of Montevallo Associate Director Montevallo, Alabama 35115, (205) 826-4599 Professor John C. Draper, Jr. Program Mode Degree Director Aviation Management Professional (205) 665-1746 Flight Option A A Mode Degree Private Pilot Airplane Program Commercial Pilot Airplane A Teacher Preparation For Driver Instrument Rating Airplane A Education Flight Instructor Airplane A Motocycle Instruction Multi-Engine Rating Airplane A School Bus Transportation Instruction 0 Airline Transport Pilot Airplane A For Supervisors H Basic Ground School A H 0 Recreational Vehicle Instruction Advanced Ground School A Evasive Driving Instruction A Teacher Preparation in Elem. and Instrument Ground School General School Safety 01010171 01010071 GADSDEN STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE ALEXANDER CITY STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE George Wallace Drive Pre-Engineering Gadsden, Alabama 35903 Alexander City, Alabama 35010 Aviation Program Director Charles A. Farrow (202) 546-0484 Dean of Instruction Prog ram Mode Degree (205) 234-6346 Pilot Training A 0 Program Mode Degree Pre-Engineering I A 01010221 01010091 JEFFERSON STATE JR. COLLEGE AUBURN UNIVERSITY Division Vocation& Education Department of Marketing & Transportation 2601 Carson ed. School of Business Birmingham, Alabama 35215 162 Wilmore Richard W. Remmert Auburn,
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