•7- (N.-J;_) CITIZEN^AND CHRONICLE—TllUUSDAY, JMARCIl ic, 1 career . advancement pr SPECIAL! Kashariaii Undefeated sponsored by tjie Busines 1 FREE! PLANTABBS IC As RutgeiS Wiesller Professional. Women's Cli Fiinwood and Scotch Plair Wiflt Purchase of $2 Worth oi |. KE.NILKE.NIL'WOHTO H —E Edward; Kas- Week.' —•--- -,' . ' ,' '•'••• At St. Paul's tariim of 1TH Boulevard e FERRY—MORSE & CO. -T •' '!' • '• : ui :i n the GARWOOD ; — ' !<th Miirluv ''' " undefeated niuuiber of ' NORTHRUP -~ KING & CO iNr wrestlinli g tciuii Second Clasi Poslafie Paid Power of God" will be the sermon in five" matches. "• , , Fund Drive At Craniord Nr'OtT"^ GARDEN TOOLS GARDEN SEEDS CftANFQRD, NEW JERSEY^ THURSDAY, MARCH 23, ? 1961- topic of the Rev. Stephen Szabo, "• A freshman'ill Hulgers, tic com- Vol. LXVIII. 3 Sections, 24 Pages pastor, at (Tie 11 a.m. worship 'pc-ted in thl; Metropolitan 'Wrest- Report Awaite Value 79c and 89c ling Championship' last week at MW t( Iff UlJ Utl UlNJUX It I 111 I UU&ftfUiUMUIUUItUUI servict in St.'Paul's United Church Montclair 'State-,- winning 'thre At St. Theresa Joint Civic . of •• Christ.this-Sunday. The Youth nut of tour matches in the 130 Percent Ratid Effect class* Me is the son of Cou»- .KKNILWOHTH.'—^ii. ' Choir,''..'."under"'direction of Mrs. ;' i tlic development drive • o: "God cilman. and Mrs. Edward H. TlnitNanw^ Raymond R:nnbov w.jH "Arclidiocesc of- Newark i So_ Loved the .\Vor|d, by "John Theresa's'.parish will be ma • Flower Pots . Stainer. •" j -night^t 7 o'clock at St. Th<,_ New dispersing Idea The avprage t^x bill here (except ir» the case^f-a veteran, New Officers Church School.*'will • Sprayers •:. Richard. H. Dudley, was elected 9:3b .a.m." Sunday, ;|nd .there will . yj^g an» exemption dji his property) should remain approxi- Knights List to succeed Nclsoh M. Llghtcap -as _bf'_:)_, .Tniiifir Vtii'il'h. Fellowship Ti. Hart and He... gmenr&een grass with brushes on lawn itelv" the same under the 40 percent ratable ratio set .this Chairman of ther Joint Civic. Com- .-_..._K'- at rfp.m. j"" •' • icienik-arc co-chairmen •• 1 • Dusters >ek for. Union County municipalities; according to the foj- Effectiye July 1 Senior.Citwe(,is will meeti'at'-the parish drive. Mrs. Edria Cai . mittee for Encouraging Candidates church'-at'1. yim. today. ' <•'••-•• is executive Secretary. The -products ving explanatory statement issued by Tax Assessor^ Edward lor the Board of tiducation at flit Mrs. Robert EL Biossor,'whd_has.served,a month of he , . — IHana . for Sylvester'1!?* McVeFgi), paste tion class will with,the pas- !• spring•••• activities have been an- • Lawn Rollers irkowich:.. .. , • • .'' . '" ' "" ' ~ group's, annual meeting .in ..Lincoln. first term, announced, her rosignation_as of July.1 at a meeting _ extunded thanks to all men mm School Monday night. Mr... Dudley tor_at :*::iO thin oft frrnoottr mere j1?tni ,^C(:, by Sl_ ^ Council oiputing in tlwi drive. _ , 3 Union County, Tax of the Board_of Education on Tuesday night in Lincoln School. .Will be rehearsals is a representative of th'o Ci-anforc Participants are as follows, • Garden Gloves 1 at their meeting of Board Mbves Taxpayers*. Association on iht Mrs... Blosscr, who wus elected to the ttoard in the "Feb- Choir .at "6:45. aiKlj thij .Ghimeel j ThV anmini IToly Hour-will be Tcairi l.nSernic- Smith, cs Choir at 8. o'clock this el-oning. ,. ,. Holy'Thursday after mass hel(J on PpminiclT'Ai Marino, Frank ' r>v.. 20 adopted a_.4O per- .committee. • " . ruary 14 school election for a three-year-term, said.her hus- • -. The audit and • bi|idfief • commit- binder the direction of John ~ " Knee Guards r ? narelli, , Michael Duffy, V nt ratio for0tKe~ a^sesiitierit Toward . Named' vice-ehairma'n was Mrs. ^bahd has been named super- ,—fop-will mt-L'i :it "•'- •'•— -»• •••• "i-- —.-..-,-.... s. | Joutihorty.'' Jack • Smith, E; all real, property througnoul Uie uf fcl • D.m, : to'mnrr? Oi". Tuesday, i activities committee. ; AGRIC -• a representative bf the Cranford Tintendent of transpor[aTIoir C;.rr'aiihe«, Frank W-ajjer, 'W ' weight, full-power fertilizer—feeds Garden Tools munifcipalitios of-Union .County. ''-.. • •• •" .- ' " .•.-r:''.-.V/,.' Youth Choir rsa la- [NOW -rhonibers-wUrhonibeUl be're'eeived Utadley, Ed Hill, Al Make. Pay System Junior Service .JLeugue. As vice- lot the northern regibn o£ the -.:bQ,diicle'.1..;j( 3: 15 i).iri. nnd ; oil April (>. The. Vecon.d decree vyil- your Uwn completely. Phosphorus is was brought about by"the chairman, she also. vvill serve ns nd';4 Thomas O'Brien. '.' ' The Board of Education took a Pennsylvania Railroad in-Buf^ * there; "'will be. a njectirit! of the ; b . jliven • April 27; third decree, . and potash build stronfrootS. ••sitti'ot a law last year by the • • •chuivman of the jjrpup'u screening c tainTea; Arthum 2,r MichaeHppl ,. Mayer, step toward a merit pay plan for falo, -N, Y. He formerly held -feoatd. of -Chrisliim Education at 'B.j,May' 13r3rrr S. 1 itc -Legislature now known as committee. ."."• Z •tainvaly;, ArthuFred rWeppler Hodapp, ,IWichae Mih - .-.--..^..-. .Long-lasting urea-form nitrogen. r teachers at a meeting on Tuesday ••fontfli service:' Th.e annua^ni l spring .dance will he- aptcr SI,-taws o£f I860, Other officers for i&Gl-62-and, the same position for tho, Ne\v_ sik7 Charles Lennonl ,I Mr. Ki . spoon feeds yourJawij^ M •• I-iiF will be -hold at ii p.m.-Wednesday .'lApiil •-; lti in- thIe churchhh rtijiurti- 'tHe. law.JIeaqlL.county night at Lincoln School. the orguni^ations they represent' York region in ]W«w-]Y6r_k City. K.. M.-ROai.';.M^ Scheuerman - 'Under ~.tne.-iaw...._eavi»....wi*ui.«.ij. 'jz"""^-.-^'-'^'-~'".t~~"'-"' • The Ladles' Aid Society' will • toriurn at 9 p..m. IVIiisic will be •forunifdimgreeni ' fhe^nfy^sp that stops spreading r^^- are:—^lecarding_si;ctetaryi^ldigri;cttaryMrM s _James E. MeGovney, president, Hum J'eans. Team 3', Mlch'ae.'.'. -board must setlJtsJcLwn^.aiip_ _^r^iej30aKLunon|mously approv- hold-a'food.sale from lti a.m. to 4J provided by E'd' Davies and his _topgrowth. 50 pound bag 1961 ...assessed value, to true value 1 Berry . Zimmernym, Business and said the board \«fii appoint a 'sub— - Ttr • ~~ • .-..I — •'• '.. I ..„..! ,„„ 1-.. ^ahk, captain; George Sai when you.stop walking • >. ed a tecommendation ' by Henry 1 orchestra. Carl Ste'oL^and 3 \j.in.ust also equalize the. rate Professional DvSjnen's Cliib; cor- stltute for the remainder- of .the" 2, ]>..m. on March 24',••jjvlth luncheon JJV..-Wa 1(1 vogel. Otto La , • covers 5,000 square feet I Boardthan, chairman of the. teach- Desmond al-e ' co-.chait-jrrien^ as- • The first newly engineered spreader in a decade^wlth excluslvs - ' every tcdvn within the couhty- "resp'onding-rsecrt'tary, Mrs. Mal- j'tTar.wher) Mrs. Blosser's.t'osignu- at noon. Joseph Leary, John ers' committee, "to accept as a sisted by Christian Kaisefi, Hadyn , --.---.--• • -, guaranteed nylon brush agitator, automatic shutoff. easy-thread - -To the taxpayers of Cranford colm Prlngle, Cruniord. College tlon. becomes effective. This is in 1 stttemerst' ofo .-its* objective the'esr' Johns. Mic.hael- Kovaly, mcilarcrj^l! ^""-. Walter^ Gauer, "selting guide. The AGRICO BBUSHdlfSPRE*S£(v spreads any .. •i means our ratip 'of assessment Club, and treasurer, HowardrSr- accordance' with board polj.cy, -ho Siihonelli, Lee Dooner and . tablishttiEnt of a merit system iof John Sturlevani, ,and Mi-? ,5O4bs. $4.75 25 lbs. $2.95 lOmba-a-jyi) $8.75 she particles ;-;t seed, fertilizer, weed controls, peat moss, v. ll go from 31. percent presently nesen, Cr'anford Post 212; Ameri- pointed out.- ThiS- board has (i5 Over |0 Ferry-.- ' '•''."-". ' '•'•.••'• ; •' pay -tredimeni' for the Cranford ! chnel Duffy •WILD BIRD lime.-top soil! Foolproof coverage and easiest operation—• • ^'- ., - to,40 percent for the ..year -cari-Lcglo.tCr~v —«--:•" *•• :.'•• ~ days in \vhlch to.'f ill siich-a va*tr "Team '4, Jack Flamingo, cs School System." '.'• . ~- - T l •^tn open houfco f6r vyivjes is speed your lawn chores! .. ' ; "'•'•'"•".•"'* jiV'-model' • ti rajsing the asessment ratio, Mr,'_ Lightcap requested outgo- cancy, after \vhk h tlie'cbunly'sil- Tirotip 731 Mhiier Walter Ncbenfuhr, Joseph At the present time Cratiford pcrinteiulent takes over the selec- '• !' |)ltirin<*c}~April- si) with muwB. by ,• asulJ—providing •muntci- ing members of the eoinmitteo to 7 manski, Joseph Cheeka, Neil . ^teachers are. on^ salasalary g •/KBNILWOSTH - *;t.imv9o!|~T^^«tn»1f.\> Htiil/ik^. ' '.\~' ^teachers are. tion, ho. noted. *,- '.-,.- T ' ; exptniies do not increase advise the presidents of their j'e- » .-'.!••'. A.-Hizzo.-Tl. J^ KOziol, J. F." ' Sift >vhich sets all salaries according Mrs.' Blosser."will remaiii here H\v\ scouts -and their ijamiUes, at-1 Onind KntalU-.Fi::mds a smith '. Butler, Joseph Da' . tax rate will come down spectivc organizations that U-nevy '. '•'''.• BLEND tended a .-fifthIly niclv smor«as-j,uul p.vst Grand.'Khifcht Kcnne'th -7' ' •'• to educational -background and "until July V when tlieli' throu chil- I 'compcilsifte, fbr the increase junior member must be appoint- 1 bord supper spon'soi-en' 1 ! b.v. V«"-4lr--ii!lrt-:\v UI-bi/-dc"lcKiit»Jfl-;-nt--tlio • Bird Houses Ti5!.u>.s'mgiitj' '-^Phe-^-neta^rcsult Td^irT^r4reurrttj^td^i ^4e^ttj^ttiot r dren-finish school. ^ The .Bloi^era Scout Troo1p1 7.'tV?~6n Monday at I-.' Team .5 J.villlanrATicrn,"cr 1 ' -r - ',/ , "r", r, ?' «St(!5th ' nn»ranamrnal statstolee conventioconvention in—'in 1 111 he ' that -the average years ago' all teachers' members will serve another year x'c lived here five years, • . Community' Methorti.-it Church. James Salvato, John Macifc ,_^ -''• __, ' — •'•'.. ' '.". Wiotq by Wm. II.
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