ABCDE Prices may vary in areas outside metropolitan Washington. MD DC VA SU V1 V2 V3 V4 Thunderstorm 89/71 • Tomorrow: Thunderstorms 86/69 • details, B8 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 washingtonpost.com • $1.25 Microsoft battles Cantor loses in primary shocker TEA PARTY OUSTS U.S. over MAJORITY LEADER Stunning blow to GOP e-mails establishment Data held overseas is BY ROBERT COSTA, sought; cloud computing LAURA VOZZELLA industry fears impact AND DAVID A. FAHRENTHOLD House Majority Leader Eric BY ELLEN NAKASHIMA Cantor (Va.), the chamber’s sec- ond-ranking Republican, was Microsoft, one of the world’s badly beaten in a primary contest largest e-mail providers, is resist- Tuesday by an obscure professor ing a government search warrant with tea party backing — a histor- to compel the firm to turn over ic electoral surprise that left the customer data held in a server GOP in chaos and the House located overseas. without its heir In what could be a landmark apparent. case,theRedmond,Wash.,compa- Cantor, who nyisarguingthatsuchawarrantis has represent- not justified by law or the Consti- ed the Rich- tution. Microsoft and other tech mond suburbs firms also fear that if the govern- since 2001, lost ment prevails and can reach by 11 percent- across borders, foreign individu- age points to als and businesses will flee to their Dave Brat, an Dave Brat non-U.S. competitors. economist at The materials sought by the Randolph-Macon College in Ash- government are e-mails held in a land, Va. It was an operatic fall Microsoft data center in Ireland from power, swift and deep and and connected to a drug-traffick- utterly surprising. As late as ing investigation. STEVE HELBER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday morning, Cantor had felt The battle, which began in De- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) delivers his concession speech as his wife, Diana, listens in Richmond, Va. so confident of victory that he cemberwhenamagistratejudgein spent the morning at a Starbucks New York issued the warrant, also on Capitol Hill, holding a fund- raises significant economic and Defeat throws Congress into disarray raising meeting with lobbyists diplomatic issues for U.S. compa- 36,110 while his constituents went to the nies that store mounds of data for BY PAUL KANE difficult issues facing Con- in a district based in the Rich- Number of votes Brat polls. others as part of the burgeoning gress, from an overhaul of mond suburbs. The defeat received (55.5 percent). By Tuesday night, he had suf- cloud computing industry, which The primary defeat of House immigration policy to fiscal seemingly ends an ambitious fered a defeat with few parallels has been battered in the wake of Majority Leader Eric Cantor on and tax reform. Any prospects two-decade march up the polit- in American history. Historians revelations about its cooperation Tuesday will rank as one of the for a grand fiscal bargain, long ical ladder, beginning in the 28,898 said that no House leader of with U.S. spy agencies conducting great political upsets in at least sought by Boehner and Presi- Virginia House of Delegates Number of votes Cantor Cantor’s rank had ever been de- broad surveillance. a generation and promises to dent Obama, would have re- and culminating with an or- received (44.5 percent). feated in a primary. “If the government’s position scramble the legislative dy- quired Cantor’s imprimatur, nate office suite on the third That left stunned Republicans prevails, it would have huge detri- namics in an already dysfunc- and he played a leading role in floor of the U.S. Capitol, with a A return: Former lieutenant — those who had supported Can- mental impacts on American tional and ideologically divid- trying to contain his party’s view stretching across the governor Don Beyer wins tor, and even those who had cloud companies that do business ed Congress. ideological fervor, both nation- Mall. the Democratic primary in worked to beat him — struggling abroad,’’ said Michael Vatis, a law- Cantor (R-Va.), a seven-term ally and in the Old Dominion, The prospect of a loss Virginia’s 8th District. B1 to understand what happened. yer who co-authored a friend-of- incumbent who had emerged going into the elections of 2014 seemed to have gone uncon- The man who beat Cantor: Several said they believed that the-court brief for Verizon, which as the heir apparent to House and 2016. templated in the Cantor camp. Cantor had mismanaged his cam- Dave Brat is a professor who operates data centers overseas and Speaker John A. Boehner (R- All of those hopes were The majority leader spent paign, with a strategy in which he which filed its brief Tuesday in Ohio), was considered the nec- tossed out Tuesday when Can- Tuesday morning at a monthly is backed by the tea party. A9 was too aloof and his tactics too support of Microsoft. essary linchpin in any possible tor lost to an underfunded Coming up: How will Cantor’s breakthrough on a number of challenger in the GOP primary congress continued on A9 loss affect future races? A2 cantor continued on A9 microsoft continued on A2 Splinter groups a larger worry than al-Qaeda California court strikes down teacher tenure Seizure of Iraqi city that California was just the start spotlights ambitions, Laws violate students’ of a planned effort to knock down threat to U.S. interests tenure in a state-by-state cam- rights, judge rules; paign across the country. Those national fight likely who have opposed tenure — from BY ANNE GEARAN the right and the left — have long AND DAN LAMOTHE said that the protection is an BY LYNDSEY LAYTON impediment to stronger U.S. edu- The takeover of the Iraqi city cation because it keeps bad teach- of Mosul on Tuesday illustrated A Los Angeles judge Tuesday ers in the nation’s classrooms. an increasingly disconcerting re- struck down teacher tenure and Tuesday’s decision could mark a ality for the United States: From other California laws that offer new front in national education Iraq to Syria and beyond, radical job security to educators, a deci- reform, with attacks on tenure offshoots of al-Qaeda are ex- sion that is expected to trigger moving into the courtroom. panding their ambitions and di- widespread challenges of teacher “This is going to be the begin- rectly threatening American na- job protections nationwide. ning of a series of these lawsuits tional security interests. Plaintiffs in the case argued that could fix many of the prob- The splinter groups have be- that California children who are lems in education systems na- come a bigger problem than poor receive an inferior educa- tionwide,” said plaintiffs attorney what remains of the old core tion because they are saddled Theodore Boutrous, who was al-Qaeda, and one that is in many with the weakest teachers, who joined in the effort against tenure ways harder to address or con- are entrenched in their jobs and by former U.S. solicitor general tain. The loss of Mosul to the are difficult to fire. Superior Ted Olson. The same legal team Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Court Judge Rolf Treu sided with won a U.S. Supreme Court victory (ISIS), U.S. officials and experts the plaintiffs against some of the that allowed same-sex marriages acknowledged, is a powerful most powerful labor unions in to resume in California. “We’re demonstration of the extremists’ the country, striking down Cali- going to roll them out to other growing effectiveness and reach. SAFIN HAMED/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE VIA GETTY IMAGES fornia’s teacher employment laws jurisdictions.” Insurgents overran the west- Insurgents seize Mosul: Iraqi security forces Civilians fleeing the siege of Mosul by the Islamic because he determined that they Boutrous and Olson were ern bank of the Tigris River in abandon their posts during the surprise attack. A8 State of Iraq and Syria, once known as al-Qaeda in violate students’ civil rights. among several prominent law- Friendly fire kills 5 U.S. troops: A strike in southern Iraq, gather at a checkpoint in nearby Kurdistan, a Calling it a landmark decision, iraq continued on A8 Afghanistan hits a team on a security mission. A7 stable, semiautonomous region of the country. attorneys for the plaintiffs said tenure continued on A12 each other for hope and now in charge, the Vir- IN THE NEWS planning action. ginia General Assembly INSIDE Suburbs are being left intends to send Gov. THE NATION viet power, are strong behind as cities raise Terry McAuliffe a budg- FOOD Eat fish, but avoid the supporters of President minimum wages. A10 et that does not expand The fruits of laboring in the vineyard kinds that have more Vladimir Putin. A6 Economists worry Medicaid. B1 How Jim Law helped Virginia become a wine force. E1 mercury, U.S. officials President Petro Po- that the weak recovery The theft of an admi- advised young women roshenko ordered the has gone on so long that ral’s World War II doc- and children. A3 creation of a safe corri- it might never undo the uments leads to a The House and Senate dor for civilians to leave recession’s harm. A12 charge against the are moving quickly on the conflict zone in Eagle Bancorp plans man’s grandson. B1 legislation to address Ukraine’s east. A6 to buy Virginia Heri- Storms in Prince the scheduling crisis at The Pakistani Taliban tage Bank of Tysons George’s caused flash the Department of Vet- has claimed responsibil- Corner, helping extend floods, requiring driver erans Affairs.
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