__ L7j ,'m Ps1rr tutiu4wrtsrrn at Srmpihis 30th Year MEMPHIS, TENN., FEBRUARY 17, 1949 ' Vol. 30, No. 14 i- Lynx Drop Three Sorority Rushing SUBSCRIPTIONS French Group Religious Students interested in obtain- Emphasis Results Given ing subscriptions to the Sou- Plans Comedy Contests In Row wester for family or friends Three Doys Of Parties Held away from school should con- Deval's "Tovarich" Chosen To Feature Currie Two Close Games Afield tact Tom West, Business Man- Louise Osborn But Lose Badly At Home IRC " Vivienne Chilton, ager of the newspaper. Sub- To Organize scription price Richmond Pastor, Former The three days of sorority rush is $1.50 per Poverty at its most elegant, semester. Ball Player, To Speak DERR, GOOSTREE STAR This Afternoon parties ended at one o'clock Satur- eas borne by Russian noblemen ex- day afternoon, Februqry 12, when i' iiled in Paris, will be portrayed for a Southwestern audience when the Bill Boyce Delegates Back From Vandy the girls received their bids. That SINGERSON PROGRAM night they were pledged, and each FacultyiWarms UpAlliance Francaise presents Tov- its third Southwestern dropped sorority entertained the studentI aarich, a comedy in four acts by consecutive basketball game to There will be an open meeting Dorm Discussion body and friends in its lodge. The Jacques Deval. The performance Groups at 4:00 this afternoon To Hit Students Birmingham-Southern in Birming- in Room 100 names of the sorority pledges are: cdate has tentatively been set for Part Of Services ham Saturday night by a score of Palmer Hall for all students in- l Alpha Omicron Pi: Martha late March or early April, depend- The 48-44. The game was close all the Stunt Night Plans Told Winter Services of the terested in organizing an Interna- Beggs, Betty Cage, Helen Deupree, iing upon the difficulties encount- way with the Southwestern Christian Union will victors breaking a Anne Driver, Barbara Sherman Baggett Eered in preparing this French tional Relations Club. The pur- Flippin, begin Sunday with the Sopho- 42-42 tie in the last couple of min- Jeanne Hebron, Martha Hebron, 1language presentation. It will be utes to win. Big Art Derr was pose of such a club will be to meet At an unannounced date, certain more Class Vesper Service, at Pat McCain, Martha McClanahan, Fgiven in Hardie Auditorium. high scorer for the night with 14 once a month to discuss current well-known thespians of the facul- which time Dr. Armand L. Currie, Ruth McCown, Rose Mary Nelms, The high quality of this comedy points. events. ty and administration will appear ' as guest speaker, and the South- Claire O'Callaghan, Barbara Peter- in a nlav of an unnnnounced 1is indicated by its having been The Lynx did not get off to a title western Singers, will participate in Irvine Anderson, chairman of the son, Ann Rollow, and Marzette in Hardie Auditorium. Messrs successfully filmed by Charles good start, trailing most of the the program. Steering Committee which has been Smith. Virgil Boyer and Claudette Colbert. The first half. The halftime score was Bryant and William Hatchett Dr. Currie was born at Fayette- set up to make plans for an IRC Chi Omega: June Beasley, Allison are the noncommital original stage version was popu- ville, North Carolina, 26-21. Southwestern closed the gap playwrights. in 1899. on the campus, will preside at the Brush, Anne Marie Caskey, MaTr- lar in Paris, and later had a good in the second period, though, com- He attended Davidson College for meeting. Bob Richardson will dis- Brha neMr ak run in New York. ing back to forge ahead 35-34 mid- r Two years ago, the last Faculty four years, where he received his ciss pgrposes of International Re- tha Clippard, Arleen Cook, Eileen Stunt Night was, in the words of For the benefit of those whose way in the period. The game was B.A. degree. From there he went lations Clubs. Bud Moore of the Emick, Ellen Fitts, June Grace Mr. Hatchett, "a howling success." French is a little rusty, the dia- tightly-played from there on out, Holt, Martha Jane Jacobs, Eliza- Thisyear's was written at to Louisville Presbyterian Semi- Nitist Club will discuss activities beth Moore, Jacqueline Newman, This year's play was written at with Southern getting three logue has been clarified in some nary and received his B.D. degree. Moore, Jacqueline Newman, the request of Mr. W. Taylor of thatgroup.beth places. And enough humor is in Dr. A. L. Currie He received his D.D. degree from baskets in the last couple of min- group. IElla Howard Pickens, Martha.Reveley, and promises to be Toby howl- the action of the play to make it Davis utes to win. The result evened the Bunn will submit the re- jSander, and Carol Tuthill. Reveeing,if not a success. The hpur- and Elkins College in North intelligible and funny to all who season's series between the two port of the constitutional commit- Delta Delta Delta: Gloria Bat- pose f the play is to raise money Form al Carolina. Dr. Currie's first pasto- come. Tri Deli teams, since Southwestern took tee. Anderson and Richardson will son, Mara Allan Brown, Sara Jane for the German Student Fund rate was at the Presbyterian down a 63-45 verdict earlier in present reports on the regional Bryant, Shirley Burdick, Janet Can- sponsored by the Christian Union Roles have been distributed a- Church of Paducah, Kentucky. IRC conference which they attended the year. ada, Amaline Crawford, Hattie and the Committee of Sixty. mong faculty members of South- To Be Saturday From there he was called to the last Friday and Saturday at Van- Edens, Betty Elliott, The lineups: Lucy Hay, A few of the illustrious actors western, Lausanne, Miss Hutchi- Westminster Church of Nashville, derbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Ann Henderson, Betty Hoye, Son- and actresses whose talents are son's, and St. Mary's School, and and then to Huntingtqn, West SOUTHWESTERN also to intermediate and advanced Stoltz At University Club Virginia. He is now pastor of the Ninety student and faculty IRC dra Hull, Betty Long, Lula Mont- being sought for this production Pos. FG FT F TP representatives from.the French students at Southwestern. Second Presbyterian Church of South At- gomery, Beverly Morris, Van Dyke are President Diehl, Dr. F. M. Tri Delta Coley --.....-............ F 4 0 5 8 George F. sorority will hold its Richmond, Virginia. He has played lantic Region composed of Vir- Neill, Joan Stewart, Betty Lee Tip- Wassermann, Totten, of the South- ...............-----------..0 1 8 President-elect Pey- annual mid-winter formal at the baseball Roark F 4 ginia, North Carolina, and Tenn- ton, Ann Vollmer, western speech department, will with the Arkansas Trav- and Fifi Wade. ton N. Rhodes, Dr. C. L. Townsend, University Club, Saturday night, elers of Little Rock. Pridgen __-..........-.F 2 2 3 6 supervise the dramatic essee attended the convention. Kappa Delta: Jean Allen, Mar- Dr. John Davis, aspects of Derr -.--------.. ---...... C 4 6 4 14 Professor T. A. February 19, at eight o'clock. Colie The program for the Religious Round-table discussions were held jorie Brown, Sara Campbell, Mar- Schafer, Dr. John Quincy Wolf, Tovarich. Graves .........----------- C 0 0 0 0 Stoltz' orchestra will play. The Emphasis period is as follows: on current problems involving the tha Ann Dean, Belle Fuller, Janet Jr., and Mrs. Wolf. They will por- In the leading roles of Mikhail Goostree .....---------. G 1 0 3 2 room will be decorated with the sis period is as follows: United States-Russia deadlock, the Fountain, Anne Grigsby, Nancy tray various well-known and Tatiana are, respectively, Pro- students. sorority emblems and balloons. Sunday, February 20, 5 p.m., Newton -- G 1 0 1 2 Marshall Plan, and the United Na- Knighten, May Mount, Betty Nanz, The play, which is expected to fessor Robert Roussey and Miss Members Doyle .......------------.. G 2 0 5 4 will be dressed in blue Hardie Auditorium tions' situation. The group adopted Thelma Nichols, Anna Polydouris, run two nights, will be a detec- Hutchison's Mme. Webster. The Gaston -----------..............G 0 0 0 0 and silver, and the president, SOPHOMORH an IRC Constitution to replace the Jacqueline Roland, Nancy Schroe- tive mystery with all scenes on supporting cast is: CLASS Jeanne Edens, will wear gold. SvESpE R LvrSI set of by-laws on which the organi- der, Julia Skinner, Virginia Slaugh- the campus. It will M. Arbeziat-Prof. O. 18 8 22 44 be over an J. Embry zation had revolved previously. ter, Mary Members and their dates are: Order of Worship Ann West, Ann Wilks, hour long, with three acts and Mme. Arbeziat-Mme. Magee The International R e 1 a t i o ns and Mary Woods. Jeanne Edens with James Cal- Prelude-"The Sunken Cathedral" BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN two or three .scenes to each act. George Arbeziat - Jean-Paul Clubs -------.-----.....-..- Claude Debussy Poe. FG FT F TP are sponsored throughout Zeta Tau Alpha: Edith Cones, More definite announcements Artaud vin Lewis Mr. Charles Mosby '51 Chapman ..-...........F 2 0 0 4 this nation by the Carnegie En- Mary Alice Faulk, Frances Free- will be made as to the date, but Ella Bailey with Ted Gorotchenko-Virgil Bryant Hay Processional Dominick . FF... 2 7 1 11 dowment to International Peace. 1man, Rose Mary Gilliam, Winifred it will probably be toward the end Hymn-"All People Helene Arbeziat-Ann Brown Sue Henry with Jim Turner Who on Earth West .. ----...---......F 3 2 4 8 Last year this organization was Glass, Sara Ellen Mays, Norma of February.
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