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INDEX A Audi, 8 Advertising, 155–156 Australia, 197 Affinity China, 111, 180–181 Affluent consumers, 149–150 B Affordable-luxury sector, 183–186 Baccardi, 172 Age of Discovery, 44, 45, 50 Badge brands, 108 Age of Exploration, 42 Bali, 198 Aging population, 151–152 Bang & Olufson, 185 Agriculture, 37, 58, 66, 122 Barry, Max, 53 Agriculture Industry Commerce Baskin-Robbins, 18 Association (AIC), 94 Baudelaire, Charles, 49 Alcohol consumption, 9 BDA China, 69 Alibaba, 125, 130–132, 204–205 Beard, Mary Ritter, 191 Ali Pay, 132 Bedding, 31 Ali Wang Wang, 132 Beer, 9 Amazon, 131, 132, 204 Beijing: American brands, 183, 185 Galleries Lafayette in, 127 American Century, 80–85 Lenovo in, 157 American Dream, 3, 6, 83–85, 118 as part of Coastal China, 8, 92 American products, preference for, retail outlets in, 18 135 7-Eleven in, 121 Americans, individualism of, 173 Beijing Olympics, 73, 74 Amsterdam: The Story of the World’s Beijing Snowflake, 96 MostCOPYRIGHTED Liberal City (Shorto), 50 Belstaff, MATERIAL 185 Amway, 207 Best Buy, 127 Ancestor worship, 38 BesTV, 206 Annan, Kofi, 41 Biederman, Paul, 191 Anticorruption drives, 107 Billboards, 155 Apparel, 18, 70, 71, 118, 127, 140, Billionaires, 9 151, 164–168 BMW, 183 Apple, 204 Bohai Bay, 8 Appliance market, 95–96, 163 Boston Consulting Group, 135, Asia, as Chinese travel destination, 197 163 213 214 Index Brands: hypermarkets, 119–120 in broadcast media, 172 lifestyle stores, 126–127 in department stores, 115 malls, 116–118 and travel, 198 multibrand retail, 127 Brand advertising, 169–170 specialty retailers, 127 Brand halo effect, 150 street-level stores, 115–116 Brennan, Sage, 69–70, 72–75, 188, Chen, Frank, 114 198 Chengdu, 121, 182 Brian, Wei, 161–164 Chen Yi, 162 BRICS nations, 9, 19 Cheung Kong Graduate School of British Empire, 34, 53–55 Business (CKSB), 177 Broadcast media, 170–173 Chiang Kai Shek, 86 Brooks Brothers, 182–183 Chi ku, 186 Brown, Kevin, 195–196 China: Buddhism, 38 contradictions in modern, 30–31 Bush, George W., 85 as historical superpower, 13–14, 16 Business culture, Chinese vs. Western learning about, 21–24, 209–210 approaches to, 27 as market, 91–92 Business strategy, 144–145 population of, 7–8 Business travel, 194 as self-contained empire, 33–39 Buying, in supply chain, 142 unique quality of growth in, 18–20 China Central Television (CCTV), C 155, 167, 172 Candles, 22 The China Dream (Liu Mingfu), 3 Canton, 86. See also Guangzhou “China-fy,” 96, 98, 100 Canton Fair, 130 China Global Demographic, 103–111, Car culture, 74–75, 82 157, 210 Carmosky, Janet, 19, 25, 26 China Global Demographic Market Car ownership, 17 (CGDM), 103–111 Carrefour, 137 China Horizon Investment Group, Castro, Fidel, 64 121, 124–125 CBRE Research China, 114, 118 China Law Blog, 136 CGDM (China Global Demographic China Luxury Advisors, 70, 73–74, Market), 103–111 188 Chanel, 9, 170 China Post, 121–126 Changchun-Harbin, 151 China Resources Enterprise, 120 Changzhou, 92 Chinese culture, 19, 21–32 Channels, 113–127. See also and Chinese mindset, 24–30 e-commerce importance of familiarity with, China Post/Post Mart, 121–126 21–24 convenience stores, 120–121 Chinese Dream, 118, 194 department stores, 114–115 “The Chinese Dream,” 3–6 grocery stores and supermarkets, Chinese language, 22, 23, 29, 37, 91, 118–119 129 Index 215 Chinese Miracle, 207 Deng Xiaoping, 1–2, 16, 63, 65–67, Chongqing, 121, 151 87, 117 Chopard, 105 Department stores, 98, 114–115 Chow Tai Fook, 116 Detroit, Michigan, 82 City clusters, 150–151 Digital Mall, 132 Civil War, 86 Discretionary income, 156 Clingman, Alan, 121–125 Disposable income, 99–100, 149 Cloud computing, 204–205 Distribution, and supply chain, Coach, 9, 116, 184, 187 143–144 Coastal China, 92 Distribution channels, see Channels Coca-Cola, 22, 87, 94 Domino’s, 96–97 Coffee, 9 Dongguan, 8, 92 Cold War, 81 Dong Mingzhu, 163 Colgate-Palmolive, 87 Dubai, 198 Collectivization, 58 Dutch East India Company, 50 Colors, 23 Columbus, Christopher, 44, 45 E Communists, 56, 86 East and West Designs, 26 Communist Party, 1, 2–3, 58 East China Design and Energy Confucianism, 38, 71 Company for the Confucius, 33 Environment, 164 Conspicuous consumption, 200 EBay, 131, 132 Consumer boom, 71–75 E-commerce, 129–138, 152, 153, Consumer culture, 16, 49–50 168. See also Alibaba Consumerism, 70, 82 Edelman, 134 Convenience stores, 120–121 Educational travel, 195 Converse, 127 E! Entertainment Television, 170 Copyrights, 136 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 82 Corelle, 98 Elliman, Douglas, 174 CorningWare, 98 Emporio Armani, 183 Corruption, 107, 167, 186 Empress Dowager, 55, 59 Cosmetics, 162–163 English language, 29 Cost, total delivered, 141–142 eno footwear, 70 Crusades, 41–42 Entertainment, shopping as, 152 Cuba, 64 Environmental concerns, 195 Cultural Revolution, 59, 62–63 Ermenegildo Zegna, 18, 87, Culture, see Chinese culture 140–141 C-Wonder, 185 Estée Lauder, 163 Etsy, 132 D Europe, as Chinese travel destination, Dalian, 8 197 Daoism, 38 European Dream, 6 Decollectivization, 66 Europeans, 38, 44–45, 50 Delorme, 185 Export Now, 134–135 216 Index F Germany, 83 Facebook, 174, 204 Gernert, Douglas, 135 Family Mart, 121 G.I. Bill, 81 Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), Gifts, 36 5, 87, 179 Gifting, luxury, 181 Federal Interstate Highway System, 82 Giordano, 18 FICEs (foreign invested corporate Globalization: entities), 101 and China Global Demographic, First Emperor, 36 103–111 First globalization, 41–42 first, 41–42 FITs (fully independent travelers), Globalization 1.0, 15 193–194 Globalization 2.0, 15 Five-Year Plan (FYP), 3–4 GM (General Motors), 8 FMCG, see Fast moving consumer GM Building (New York), 163 goods Gome, 127 Focus Money magazine, 134 Google, 204 Ford,Henry,16 Gossip Girl, 171 Foreign invested corporate entities Gotta-have-it mindset, 156 (FICEs), 101 Goverment rules and regulations, Foreign real estate buyers, 195–196 113 Formosa, see Taiwan Graff, Roy, 192–194 Forrester Research, 130 Great Depression, 81 Fortune, 163 Greater China, 35 Four Modernizations, 1 Great Leap Forward, 59, 63 Fred Myer, 119 “The Great Pizza Wars,” 96–97 Freedom, 4–5 GREE Electric Appliances, 163 Free Trade Zone (Shanghai), 206 Greek Empire, 35 Fujian province, 8, 92 Gretzky, Wayne, 97 Fully independent travelers (FITs), Grocery stores, 118–119 193–194 Gross, Dave, 187, 188 Fuzhou, 8 Group dynamics, 27 Fuzhou-Xiamen, 151 Guangdong province, 92, 121 FYP (Five-Year Plan), 3–4 Guangxu, Prince, 55 Guangzhou, 94, 130, 133 G as city cluster, 151 Galleries Lafayette, 127 and colonial exploitation, 53–54 Gandhi, Mohandas, 21 as part of Coastal China, 8, 92 Gang of Four, 62–63 Post Mart in, 124 Ganster, Steve, 93–95, 97–98, 101 Guanxi, 134, 186 Gates, Bill, 91 Gucci, 9, 187 Gellman, Richard, 106–107 General Motors (GM), 8 H Genghis Khan, 43 Häagen Dazs, 74 George III, King, 53 Haier, 96 Index 217 Halo effect, brand, 150 I Han Dynasty, 36 IBM, 157–159 Han ethnic group, 61, 91 IGD, 118 Hangzhou, 8, 92, 131, 166 Implementation, supply chain, 145 Hao, Emma, 174–176 Impulse buying, 152 Harmonious Society, 3 India, 64 Harris, Dan, 136 Individualism, 173 Harry Winston, 116 Industrialization, 58–59 Hartmann, Renee, 69–75 Ingrao, Tony, 175 Heilongjiang Province, 100 Initial public offerings (IPOs), 131 Heineken, 74 Inner China, 36 Hello Hollywood! (television show), Insider trading, 69 171 Intellectual property (IP), 136, 204 Henan province, 124 Internet, 205 Hershey, 9 Interstate Highway System, 82 Hierarchies, 27 Inventions, Chinese, 37–38, 49 Hirohito, Emperor, 56 IPOs (initial public offerings), 131 History, Chinese, 21–24, 209 iQiyi, 171 H&M, 116, 184 Hollywood, 81 J Home Depot, 127 Home Shopping Network (HSN), Japan, 55–57, 67, 80, 83, 86, 196–197 161–163, 135–137 Homonyms, 22, 29 Jerry Maguire (film), 93 Hongbao, 167, 186 Jiang Qing, 62–63 Hong Kong: Jiangsu province, 8, 92 and colonial exploitation, 53, 54 Jiangxi province, 124 Emporio Armani in, 183 Jiang Zemin, 2 Lenovo in, 157–158 Joint ventures, 94–95, 101 as part of Coastal China, 8, 92 Joyce Beauty, 163 and Shenzhen, 66–67 Technomic Consultants in, 94 K as tourist destination, 193 Kate Spade, 184 HSN (Home Shopping Network), Kate Zhou Handbags, 116 161–163 Kennedy, John F., 203 Hu, Mark, 95 KFC, 74 Hua Guofeng, 65 Kmart, 119 Hua Hai Zhong Lu, 115–116 KMPG, 105 Hubei province, 161 Korea, 80 Hublot, 116 Kraft, 87 Huizhou, 8 Kublai Khan, 43–44 Hunan TV, 164 Kunming, 151 Husband daycares, 118 Kuomintang Party (KMT), 55, 86 Hypermarkets, 119–120 Kutcher, Ashton, 159 218 Index L McKinsey & Company, 9, 147–153 Lancôme, 163 McKinsey Technology Institute, 148 Land reform, 58 Magnes Sisters, 116 Lane Crawford, 116, 127 Mainstream consumers, 149–150 Las Vegas, Nevada, 197 Makeup, 79 Lavazza Coffee, 172 Maldives, 197 Lavin, Frank, 134 Malls, 116–118 Lawson, 121 Manchuria, 56 Lee, Ann, 85 Mandarin Chinese, 29, 129 LeeJeans,172 Mandarins (civil servants), 16 Lenovo, 157–161 Manufacturing, 67, 142–143 Lew, Andy, 182–183 Maoism, 64 Liao Central South, 151 MaoZedong,2,6,57,63 Lifestyle experience, travel as, 194–195 Market clusters, 92 Lifestyle stores, 126–127 Marketing, 155–178 Li & Fung, 106 and brand advertising, 169–170 Li Ning, 116, 127 and consumer impulses/desires, 156 Literacy, 59 by Lenovo, 157–161 Liu Chuanzhi, 157, 158 and made for China TV, 170–173 Liu Mingfu, 3 by O.C.T. Mami, 164–168 London, England, 197 via promotions, 177 Longines, 105 via social media, 173–177 L’Oréal, 163 by WeiEast, 161–164 Los Angeles, California, 197 Market segmentation, 147–153 Louis Vuitton, 9, 87, 185 Markman, Scott, 156, 169–170 Lu, Christine, 111, 180–181, 198

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