IReg. No. GR/RNP/GOAl3ZI I RNINo.GOAENG/2002/6410 I Panaji. 27th January, 2005 (Magha 7, 1926) SERIES III N~ .. 44 OFFICIAL GAZETTE r GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982, is. hereby • cancelled as the said Tourist Taxi -has been converted Department of Tourism into a private vehicle with effect from 20-12-2002, Directorate of Tourism bearing No. GA-Ol/R-3879. Panaji, 7th December, 2004.- The Director of Order Tourism & Prescribed Authority, A. C. Pereira. No. 5/S(4-694)/2004-DT/2124 The Registration of Tourist· Thxi No. GA-02/V-2123 Or.der belonging to Shri Filipe Pereira, H. No. 286, Benaulim, No. 5/S(4-1501)/2004'DT/2158 Salcete Goa, ':'nder the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982, entered in register NO ... 15 at page The Registration of Tourist Thxi No. GA-02/U-3237 No.5 is hereby cancelled as the said Tourist Thxi has belonging to Shri Anthony M. Fernandes, H. No. 516, been conyerted into a ·private vehicle with effect from Curilo, Majorda, Salcete Goa, under the Goa 28-06-2004, bearing No. GA-08/A-2707. Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982, entered in register No. 21 at page No. 87 is hereby cancelled as Panaji, 7th December, 2004.-,. The Director. of the said Tourist Taxi has' been converted into a Tourism & Prescribed'Authority, A. C. Pereira. private vehicle with effect from 10-07-2004, bearing No. GA-Ol/C-7877. Panaji, 7th December, 2004.- The Director of Order Tourism & Prescribed Authority, A. C. Pereira. No. 5/S(4-605)/2004-DT/2135 --H+--. The Registration of Tourist Thxi No. GA-02/T-3679 belonging to Shri Joaquim A. Fernandes, H. No. 944, Department of Transport Vaxem, Lotulim, Salcete Goa, under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, 1982, entered in Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa, Panaji register No. 13 at page No. 64 is hereby cancelled as the said Tourist Taxi has been converted into a Notification private vehicle with effect from 29-08-2002, bearing . No. 23/6jPON/MAG/2004 No. GA-02/J-9068. Read: 1) Letter No .. AE-VI/WDIII/PHE/PWD/F51/ Panaji, 7th December, 2004.-The Director of /2004-05/480 dated 21c12-2004 of the Asstt. Tourism & Prescribed Authority, A. C. Pereira. Engineer-VI, PWD Ponda. 2) Letter No. SP/TRF/PAN/ll/2005 dated 5-1-2005 from the Supdt. of Police (Traffic), Order Panaji. liIo. 5/TTR(1112)/2004-DT/2136 In exercise of the powers conferred on me under The Registration of Thurist Taxi No. GA-Ol/T-0025 Section 115 of the Motor Vehicles Act, '1988 and as belonging to Shri Gopinath V. Parulekar, H. No. 465, proposed by the Asstt. Engineer-VI (PHE),' pWD., Gudem, Siolim, Bardez Goa, under the' Goa Pondaand as recommended by theSupdt. of Police 386 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA " SERIES III No. 44 27TH JANUARY; 2005 "(Traffic), I hereby order the closure of the road from Class "B" capacity 30 Kl. in the Plot No. 154 Village "" Priol SOciety in Priol to Masjid in Mardol National Kundaim, Ponda Taluka in North Goa District. Highway NH4A to enable the PWD authorities to take The site plan is" available for inspection with the up the work of laying of pipeline from Masjid to Priol Office of Marr>Jatdar of Ponda Thluka,North Goa and "in Society. the office"" of the undersigned. ". The above road shall be closed for vehicular A public !lOtice "is hereby given "that any person traffic for the period of 50 days w. e. f. 10-1-2005 to having any objection" against the said storage at the r 2-3-2005. proposed site should file his/her objection in this office within thirty days from the date of publication During the" above closure, the vehicular traffic shall of this notice. be diverted through the road adjacent to SDPO's Office near Farmagudi, in Ponda. Given under my hand and seal of this office. Panaji, 17th January, 2005.- The Additional District Further, in exercise of the powers conferred on me Magistrate, North Goa, A. R Bhartu. under Section 116 of the above Act, I also authorise the erection of signboards at the required junctions in order to regulate the motor vehicular traffic. V. No. 30272/2005 Panaji, 10th January, 2005.- The DistriCt • Magistrate, North Goa, Panaji, S. S. Keshkamat. Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao --... -- Public Notice Advertisements No. 35/1/2005/PET/MAG Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District 3. Whereas, M/s. Cipla Limited, M-61, M-62 and M-63, Verna Industrial Estate, Verna, Salcete Goa has Notices applied in Form VIII under Rule 143 read with Rule 144 of the Petroleum Rules 1976 for grant of N. O. C. for No. 9/4/MAG/PET storage of Petroleum Class "B" & "C" product in the Plot No. M-61, M-62 and M-63 at GIDt, Verna, Goa of Shri Oscar D'Souza, Factory Manager, Amsar Goa Salcete Taluka, South Goa District & quantity of Private Limited, S-12, Colvale Industrial Estate, Colvale products shown in the Schedule below. Goa, has applied for NOC for storage of Petroleum Solvents in drums Aprox. 2500-3000 Ltrs. at premises Sr. No. Type of Petroleum Quantity of Petroleum in plot No. S-12 Colvale Industrial Estate, Bardez Product Product to be stored Taluka in North Goa District. at time 1 2 3 The site plan is available for inspection "with the 1. Petroleum Class B (HSD) 15000 litres Office of Mamlatdar of Bardez Thluka, Bardez, Goa and Petroleum Class C 25000 litres in the office of the undersigned. 2. (Furnance Oil) A public notice is hereby given" that any person having any objection against the said storage at the Whereas, a copy of the application alongwith the proposed site should filehis/her objection in this plan of the project is available for public "inspection in office within fifteen days from the date of publication the Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete & SDO Salceteand also in this Office during working days ;U;d hours for of this notice. 30 days from the date of this public notice; . Given under" my hand and seal of this office. Whereas, the undersigned will hear the application Panaji, 12th January, 2005.- The Additional District in my Office at the Collectorate Building, on expiry of Magistrate, North Goa, A. R Bhartu, " period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice; V. No. 30132/2005 Therefore, public notice is hereby given that any person objecting to the establishment of the storage tank in the property or site, may give notice of such No. 9/3/2005/MAG/PET " objection to the undersigned and to the applicant, of not less than seven days before the day of hearing of 2. ShriJohn Mendes, Director, Advanced Oral Care the application together with the name and address Products Pvt. Ltd. Kundaim Industrial Estate has and calling and "a short statement of the grounds of applied for NOC for storage of petroleum products of his/her objection. - .. ~"-"=.== / OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 387 SERIES III No. 44 27TH JANUARY, 2005 Given' under my hand and seal of this office dated 23 years old, resident of' this 11th day of January, 2005. Mulgao, Bicholim-Goa. -Plaintiff Vis The Additional District Magistrate, South Goa, Shri Dattaram Ladu Raul, G. P. Naik. son of late Ladu Raul, 24 years, resident of V. No. 30213/2005 C/o Modern Soap Factory, Mapusa-Goa. -Defendant --... -- Notice In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division 5. It is hereby made known to'the public that by at Bicholim Judgment and Decree dated 29th September, 2004, passed by this Court, the' marriage, b!"tween the Plaintiff Smt. Shailajia Rarnkrishna Kundaikar, alias Matrimonial Petition No. 7/2004/A Laxmi Dattaram Raul, rio Mulgao, Bicholirn-Goa and Shabana Begum, the defendant Shri Dattaram Ladu Raul, rio ,C/o daughter of Jalal Shaikh, Modern Soap Factory, lII!apusa-Go;': registered before Major of age, married, the Civil Registrar of Pernem, uncter ,Civil,Registration Presently residing at No. 45/2004 dated 19th February, 2004 of the Marriage House No. 116, Muslimwada, Registration Book of the year 2004 is hereby, dissolved. Bicholim-Goa. -Petitioner Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this Vis 14th day of January, 2005. • Mr. Inus Xa, son, of Mabarnad Xa, R. R. Sarnant, Major of age, married, Civil Judge, S.enior Division, Resident of House No. 607, Taki, Xeldein, 'C" Court" Mapusa-Goa. ' Quepem, Goa. -Respohdent lIC of Civil Judge, Senior Division, 'N. Court, Mapusa. Notice v., No. 30235/2005 4. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement and Decree dated 30th day of August, 2004 passed by this Court the marriage between the Matrimonial'Petition No. 28/03/A Petitioner Shabana Begum, Presently residing at House No. 116 Muslimwada, 'Bicholim-Goa and Sneha Shashikant Shirodkar, major, married, Respondent Mr. Inus Xa rio House No. 607, Taki, rio Bella Vista, Vaddo, Xeldem, Quepem Goa is dissolved by way of divorce Tivim-Sirsaiin, Bardez-Goa, under Article 4(4) of the Law of Divorce applicable to H. No. (none). -Plaintiff the State of Goa, further the Sub-Registrar cum Civil Vis Registrar at Bicholim is directed to cancel the Mr. Shashikant Shirodkar, Marriage between the applicant, and the respondent New Wado, Olaulem, registered under entry No. 116/2003.' The Civil Pomburpa, Bardez-Goa, Registrar of Bicholirn shall endorse the fact of divorce H. No. not known. -Defendant in his records after the publication of the notice in the Official Gazette.
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