Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 7-15-1978 Herald of Holiness Volume 67 Number 14 (1978) W. E. McCumber (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation McCumber, W. E. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 67 Number 14 (1978)" (1978). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 384. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/384 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Superintendent Eugene L. Stowe The Blessing of Quietness Y FATHER’S favorite hymn was Then quietness before God can enable us . “Be Still, My Soul.” 1 remember to perceive that we have let words become a Mhim singing it 40 years ago. The last timesubstitute I for works. In the athletic world it is was with my daughter she said, “Daddy, I possible to “talk a good game” without really think my favorite church song is ‘Be Still, My playing well. And some Christians are guilty Soul.’ ” This speaks well for the timelessness of the same error. Jesus said, “Not every one of this great Christian classic. that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter No doubt one of the reasons for its into the kingdom of heaven; but he that perennial popularity is that it is based on doeth the will of my Father” (Matthew 7:21). scripture. The Bible never gets out of date. Saying and doing may be two very different The sweet singer of Israel said it in Psalm things. 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” Finally, in the stillness of meditation we Dr. David H. C. Read states that a more contemplate the goodness of our Heavenly correct modern language translation is, “Shut Father which brings quiet strength to the soul. up! And know that I am God.” That’s plain Just knowing that He is God calms our fears talk, but it gets the message across. and brings inner peace. Stillness and serenity Talk is not cheap but terribly expensive are inseparable. Then it is just a short step to when our spoken words drown out the voice total reliance upon His inexhaustible re­ of the Living Word. God is still speaking, but sources. when we are constantly “broadcasting,” it is Be still my soul; the Lord is on thy side. small wonder that we hear so little that He is Bear patiently the cross o f grief or pain; saying. The Twentieth Century New Testa­ Leave to thy God to order and provide. ment translates 1 Thessalonians 5:19, “Do In every change He faithful will remain. not stifle the voice of the Spirit,” and our Be still my soul; thy best, thy heavenly Friend speaking can effectively do the stifling. Thro' thorny ways leads to a joyful end. □ 2 HERALD OF HOLINESS GOD Gave Me by E. ROY ORCUTT Mount Vernon, Wash. G. A. Clarke T WAS 45 years ago in a log bunkhouse on the ness of the mine, I put my hands up to my eyes to .banks of the Red Deer River, near the Favorite shield them from the brightness of the sun. It was a ICoal Mine, where “ he brought me out of an horrible new country with sweet smelling air, washed clean pit” (Psalm 40:2). by the refreshing rain; the grass seemed to be greener, For 4 years I had been working in the coal mines of and the flowers were more beautiful. Alberta, Canada. At the end of each day my face I stood transfixed for several minutes gazing in awe was covered with coal dust, and for 12 years I knew at two of the most beautiful rainbows I have ever my heart was also black with sin. But I did not know seen, spanning the Red Deer River. I could almost that God, for Christ’s sake, would forgive me. The touch the end of the lower rainbow. The other rain­ only prayer I knew was the one my Mother taught bow was just as bright but higher in the sky. God’s me as a child, “Now I lay me down to sleep . omnipotence was revealed in that magnificent double Several incidents made me realize I was a sinner display of seven gorgeous colors. and needed to be saved. A young man came to our God gave Noah a rainbow, but He gave me two door, and handed me a tract and said, “ You must be rainbows. And He made a covenant with Noah, that born again.” I asked my Uncle Walter, “ How can you never again would He destroy the world by a flood. be born again?” To remind mankind of His promise He gave us a rain­ “ Search me,” was his only reply. bow in the sky (Genesis 9:16). Two years later I heard something that caused me I’ll never live to see more brilliant rainbows, unless to do some serious thinking. A man from the United it should be the rainbow around God’s throne Church said to me, “Mrs. McQuarry didn’t know (Revelation 4:3). that she could have the knowledge of sins forgiven.” It was there in that log bunkhouse, near the foot Many nights after that I prayed, “ O Lord, forgive of the rainbow, where I found far more than a pot of my terrible sins.” One dark night I went out in the gold. I found God’s forgiveness for my sin-blackened woods under a large cottonwood tree and asked the heart. □ Lord to save me. I was ashamed to kneel by my bed in the bunkhouse, near the miners, and pray. Early in the morning I was dreaming a prayer, “ 0 Lord, forgive my terrible sins.” At that very moment the Holy Spirit spoke to me: “ Ask and ye shall re­ ceive—why doubt it?” Then a marvelous feeling came over my body. I A CHANNEL was wide-awake. My toes were tingling and a peculiar Today, Lord, I will bring sunshine sensation like electricity came creeping up my legs and through the torso of my body to the very crown to someone's darkened world; of my head. What a thrilling experience to have your I will point out rainbows life transformed—to know you are born again. Praise to someone who looks only the Lord for salvation! at the muddy ground; The next summer I heard holiness preached for the I will defeat someone's frown first time in the Cumberland Church of the Naza- rene, located five miles south of the coal mine. with a smile. One day there was a thunder and lightning storm Today Jesus will love through me. in the valley. But underground in the intense black­ -DEBBIE KENDRICK ness of the mine all was quiet except the steady drip Kansas City, Mo. of water, as I filled my miner’s lamp with carbide. That afternoon as I came out of the murky dark­ JULY 15, 1978 3 HERALD OF HOLINESS W. E. McCUMBER, Editor in Chief IVAN A. BEALS, Office Editor Contributing Editors: V. H. LEWIS • ORVILLE W. JENKINS GEORGE COULTER • CHARLES H. STRICKLAND EUGENE L. STOWE • WILLIAM M. GREATHOUSE General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES THE BLESSING OF QUIETNESS ................................................... 2 General Superintendent Eugene L. Stowe G O D G A V E M E T W O R A IN B O W S .................................................3 Sign of salvation E. Roy Orcutt A C H A N N E L .................................................................................................3 Poem Debbie Kendrick THE BROKEN MONUMENT OF THE UNREALIZED ..... 4 Salvation for the scarred Ralph A. Mickel A M I W O R R IE D ? ....................................................................................... 5 Poem Elaine Wright Colvin P A C K IN G B IB L E S A L O N G W IT H A L U N C H ...........................6 Food for the soul Thomas W. Klewin T H IS P R E C IO U S B O O K ! ...................................................................... 7 Poem Alice Hansche Mortenson L O V E A B O U N D IN G ............................................................................... 8 Helps to Holy Living H. Ray Dunning P O W E R F A IL U R E .......................................................... ...................... 9 Pen Point Richard H. Leffel G R O W IN G O L D : E V E R Y O N E ’S A S S IG N M E N T ....................10 “In the World . ” Jerry D. Hull L O V E O U T P O U R E D ..............................................................................10 Poem Mabel P. Adamson T TOUCHES any sensitive heart to stand by a HOW TO KEEP THE YOKE FITTING ......................................... 11 -grave whose marred tombstone is symbolic of Book Brief Reviewed by Wanda Knox that life’s unfinished task. We read in Deuteronomy Y O U A R E A V I P ....................................................................................... 12 I34 that Moses stood on the heights of Pisgah and Very Important Person Mary E. Latham heard from the Lord words that denied him the HOLINESS MEANS BOTH PURITY AND POW ER ............ 1 3 God’s best Ross W. Hay slip realization of the great goal of his life, just when he was so close to it. Our last glimpse of him is on Mount P R A Y IN G T H R O U G H ............................................................
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