F. No.434/2020-15-13 Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy lS-13 Section Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 4th August, 2020 Subject: Minutes of the Meeting of Proiect Approyal Board (PAB) held on 27h May, 2O2O to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B), 2O2O-21 of Samagra Shiksha for the State of Chhaftisgarh-reg. The Meeting of the Project Approval Board (PAB) for considering the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2020-21 under Samagra Shiksha for the State of Chhattisgarh was held on 27rh May,2020 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy. 2. A copy of the minutes of the above mentioned meeting in respect of Chhattisgarh is enclosed. dy- (Ashok Giri) Under Secretary to the Govt. Of lndia 01't-23381849 To, 1 Secretary, Ministry of W&CD 2 Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment. 3 Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. 4 Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs 5 Secretary, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation, 4b floor, Pargavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. 6 Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs, 11th floor, Paryavaran Bhawavan, CGO complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. 7 Secretary, Departmetn of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 8. Adviser (Education), Niti Aayog. L Director, NCERT 10 Vice Chancellor, NIEPA 11 Chairperson, NCTE, Hans Bhawan, Wing ll, 1 Bahadur Shah Zalar Marg, New Delhi- 110002. 12 Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 13 Member Secretary, NCPCR, sth Floor, Chanderlok building, Janpath, New Delhi- 110001 . 14 Shri Rajib Kumar Sen, Economic Adviser, School Education, MHRD. -2- 15 Shri Maneesh Garg, JS(SS-Il) 16 Ms. Darshan M Dabral, JS&FA, MHRD 17 Shri Santosh Kumar Yadav, Joint Secretary, School Education, MHRD 18 Shri Alok Shukla, Principal Secretary (School Education), Government of Chhaftisgarh. 19 strri Ashish Bhatt, secretary (schoor Education), Government of chhattisgarh 20 State Project Director, Chhattisgarh. Copy to: 1 . All Divisional Heads of SS bureau I & ll. 2. All Under Secretaries of SS Bureau I & ll. Ms Kiran Dogra, Sr. Consultant for circulation among 1 the appraisal' Team 4. NIC/PMS Unit-with request to upload minutes on the portal. Copy for information to: PPS to Secretary (SE&L) $y,-- (Ashok Giri) Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia Government oflndia Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education and Literary Minutes of the meeting of the Proiect Approval Board held on 27ot May 2020 through Video Conference to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2O2O-21 of SamagraShiksha for the State ofChhattisgarh, 1. lntroduction The meeting of the Project Approval Board for considering the Annual Work Plan and Budget [AWP&B) 2020-27 for SAMAGRA SHIKSHA for the State of Chhattisgarh was held on 27$ May 2020 through Video Confrencing. The list of participants who attended the meeting is at Annexurc-|. 2. Initiatives ofthe State in 2019-20 Ms. Anita Karwal, Secretary (SE&LJ invited Chhattisgarh to give a presentation on School Education in the State. Sh. Alok Shukla [AS], Principal Secretary, School Education (Chhattisgarh) gave a presentation which included the following maior points: a) Textbooks in local languages - MultiJingual Education: This year on Republic day theState has announced teaching in Local language. SCERT translated Hindi textbooks in local languages. Involving local teachers, the DIETs were assigned with the responsibility to translate in 16 local languages namely Dorli, Halbi, Bhatri, Dhurvi, Kamari, Sadri, Gondi-Kanker, Condi-Bastar, Gondi-Dantewara, Bagheli, Surgujiha, Baigani, Madia, Kudukh, Chhattisgarhi- Raipur/Durg/Bastar, Chhattisgarhi-Bilaspur/ Surguja. This initative is aimed at helping the students' better comprehension of the content with ease. b) Model Schools at Block level:State has started Schools of Excellence programme at . block level. The schools selected for this purpose are those which have buildings in dire need for repair and have very low enrolment. The state government proposes to establish 100 schools of excellence (Model Schools) in which all necessary facilities will be made available. c) Support to English medium Schools: State has startedEnglish medium schools in every block head quarter. One Primary and one Upper Primary School was opened two years back and now they have classes one to three at Primary level and all the classes at Upper Primary. dJ Productive initiatives during Corona Time: . CapacW building of teochers: State has registered 44000 Teachers in different online courses for their professional development to providecontinuous support to students through mobile phones. Skill development courses like- arts & crafts, photography, marshal arts, story telling sessionsare shared through different apps. Teachers' Contribution: Teachers are contributing in online content development and it'suploading,sharing of content,approval of online content,developing work Page | 1 linkages with parents and sheets and practice materials,establishing stronger and inCorona special community and in home delivery of dry ration under MDM duties - migrated workers quarantine/ support etc' formed at different levels e) Strengthening Professional iearning Community: PLCs are district, one topic on basic literary and , for academic discourse and activities. In every keeping in mind interventions to support the reading campaign was made compulsory the state Priority. quality content' the teachers have set or are f) fugad Studio: To promote, low cost, high - Through proper planning' ,"iing up a fugaad Studio in their schools and homes' tea.h".,areinvitedondailybasisandrecordingismadewiththehelpoftechnical team. g)MonthlyDiscussionPapers:Stateisfacititatingacademicdiscussionsthroughcluster in schools and level discussion papers. Every month 10 current issues are raised academicdiscussionsandlocallevelplanningandimplementationisdoneasfollowups to these monthly meetings. h)Exposurevisitsofstudents:ThestatehostedNationalscienceandMathematics .ExhibitionwiththesupportofNCERTinwhichstudentsfromdifferentstateshavealso participatedalongwiththeirmodels.Thisinitativewastakentopromoteandpoularise scienceandmathematicsamongthestudentsthroughcreativeinvolvementofstudents and teachers. 3. outcomes given by the The progress made in implementing the commitments and expected items is as under state in 2019-20 was reviewed and the status in respect ofpending Comments of sl. CommiElentand Action Taken No. Expected Outcomes PAB2020-21 State was requested to 1 For theyear 2077' In the year 2018-19 2343t 18,State hasidentified children where identified. Out ensure 100o/o enrolment School 24714OutofSchool of these 17949 (7 6.600/o) of Out of Children (OoSC) and it children are mainstreamed in Children. has committed that all schools through direct will be enrolled in enrolment, KGBV, RST, NRST schools during 2018-19 in the year 2019-20. requested to 2 Dropout rate will be The state is aPPlYing State was reduced atelementary continuous effort to reduce the reduce high dropout rate level and secondary dropout rate at secondary at secondary level. level especiallyfor girls level. The girl's enrollment has increased from 4.80 lakh to 4.93 lakh as per udise 2018-19 at secondary level. to State was requestedto 3 The State has The State is committed pendingcivil committed to comPlete complete the PreviouslY take up the works. work on the PreviouslY app roved construction Priority D- Page | 2 sl. Commitrnentand Comments of Action Taken No. Expected Outcomes PAB2020-21 approved construction andcomplete the same works. withinthis financial year. 4. Review ofPerformance during 2019-20 State has secured a score of 732 in Performance Grading Index (PGI)and was placed in Grade lll. The Domain-wise Gaps as per PGI 2018-19 as compared to 2077-78 are shown below: Year Category 1 Category 2 Total Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Domain 1 All Domains (180) (80) (1s0) (230) (360) (1000) 2017-ta I 134 66 113 206 213 732 I GAP 45 74 37 24 747 258 2018-19 134 69 110 200 219 732 GAP I 46 77 40 30 747 258 a) Access Outcomes (C-1, D-2): The State has achieved maximum grade in Transition but score is reduced in Percentage of Adjusted Net Enrolment Ratio (ANER) at elementary level as per entry age ofthe State/UT. b) Infrastructure & Facilities (C-1, D-3): State needs to focus on provision of Book Banks/Reading Rooms/Libraries, Percentage of secondary schools having lab facility and Computer lab and 7o of secondary schools covered by vocational education. c) Equity Outcomes (C-1, D-a): State needs to focus on provision of schools having functional boy's toilet, schools having functional CWSN friendly toilets and Difference between Minorities and General Category's Transition Rate from Upper Primary to Secondary level.State was requested to focus on accessibility for CWSN in all schools. d) Governance Process (C-2, D-1) Indicators requiring more focus are: Daily aftendance of students captured digitally (2.1.3), daily attendance of teachers recorded in an electronic attendance system [2.1.4), Teachers' evaluated (, State budget share spent on education to total state budget [2.1.24). State was requested to examine all these indicators and take necessary actions for improving them. 5. State'Action Plan for lmproving Educational Outcomes : PADHAI TUNHAR DUVAAR (Education at your doorstep)is a platform to connect students and teachers by providing access to good quality educational
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