
Successful Trials New Joint Strike Fighter http The new Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) F35 Joint Strike Fighter is another step closer following successful trials of :// the aircraft’s advanced flight control software which will enable ww pilots to land onboard ship in all weathers, day and night with w.fl ‘centimetric accuracy’. The trials, carried out onboard HMS Illustrious using a veteran two seat eeta Harrier airframe, the Vectored-thrust Aircraft Advanced Flight Control irar (VAAC) Harrier, put the new system to the test. The Harrier has been heavily modified with a conventional control arrangement in the front moa cockpit and the rear being connected instead into an experimental fly- .org/ by-wire system using left and right hand interceptors to manoeuvre the aircraft and simulate the way the new Joint Strike Fighter will fly and Con respond to different inputs. 66 running landings and recoveries were tent/ achieved in varying sea states up to and including sea state 6, with outstanding results. incepts/inceptors site The test aircraft, XW175 is the oldest flying two seat Harrier in the s/ world. Commander Kieron O’Brien, the Air Engineering Officer, HMS Illustrious said “The VAAC Harrier provided an ideal facility to trial the FAA Shipborne Rolling Vertical Landing (SRVL) techniques that will be utilised OA/ by the Joint Strike Fighter in the new carriers. It worked brilliantly. “The UK has historically been in the fore- XW175 represents an incredible link between the past and the future of pag the Fleet Air Arm.” front of innovation in carrier technology. es/1 XW175 Harrier T2 (VAAC) 64/ The development of Shipborne Rolling FN1 Vertical Landing techniques could well be 00_I next – enabling the Joint Strike Fighter to SSU E_3 recover with a significantly greater fraction 0.P of weapons and fuel than“ achievable using DF 1909 - Rear Admiral a vertical recovery. 2009 Simon Charlier aphy contributed by HMS ILLUSTRIOUS Photographic Section and other Royal Navy Units r 7KH5R\DO1DY\3ODQVRQ/DQGLQJ7KHLU)%VDW6HD6RYLHW6W\OH 2FWE\,DQ' &RVWDLQ7KH+DQJDU $8QLWHG.LQJGRP)%/LJKWQLQJ,,WDNLQJRIIIURP(JOLQ$LU)RUFH%DVH)ORULGD86$3HUVRQQHOIURPWKH5R\DO1DY\DQG 5R\DO$LU)RUFHZHUHDW(JOLQ$)%IDPLOLDULVLQJWKHPVHOYHVZLWK)DLUDQGJURXQGSURFHGXUHV7KH)%/LJKWQLQJ,,ZLOO SODFHWKH8.DWWKHIRUHIURQWRIILJKWHUWHFKQRORJ\JLYLQJWKH5R\DO$LU)RUFHDWUXHPXOWLUROHDOOZHDWKHUGD\DQGQLJKW 15 Oct 2018 'Mogwi': “I hold the record for the first ever FDSDELOLW\DEOHWRRSHUDWHIURPZHOOHVWDEOLVKHGODQGEDVHVGHSOR\HGORFDWLRQVRUWKH4XHHQ(OL]DEHWK&ODVV$LUFUDIW&DUULHUV 8.0R'LPDJHU\UHOHDVHG CRVL, c 1045Z May 1st 1982; I was not sure whether I http://tacairnet.com/2015/10/02/the-royal-navy- could safely hover after taking one of Herr Rheinmetal's plans-on-landing-their-f-35bs-at-sea-soviet-style/ 20mm HE through my tail. Took a bit longer to stop than Wizzle though!” https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/ 2UGLQDULO\IL[HGZLQJDLUFUDIWUHTXLUHWKHXVHRIDWDLOKRRNDQGDUUHVWLQJWKUHHIRXUDUUHVWLQJFDEOHV 221116-future-carrier-including-costs-264.html#post10283680 WR VDIHO\ FRPH WR D KDOW DERDUG WKH GHFN RI DQ DLUFUDIW FDUULHU -HWV OLNH WKH $9% +DUULHU ,, FXUUHQWO\LQXVHZLWKWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV0DULQH&RUSVGRQ¶WKDYHWKHOX[XU\RIDGHGLFDWHGDQJOHG $<DNGXULQJDQ659/W\SHODQGLQJDERDUGD6RYLHWFDUULHU GHFNIRUODQGLQJDVWKHLUVWULNHILJKWHUEUHWKUHQGRZLWKWKHVXSHUFDUULHUVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV1DY\ 3UHYLRXVO\WHVWHGE\4LQHWL4D8.EDVHGPXOWLQDWLRQDOGHIHQVHFRQWUDFWRURQDPRGLILHG+DUULHU,, 6R LQVWHDG 0DULQH DYLDWRUV PDNH XVH RI WKH $9%¶V DELOLW\ WR KRYHU XVLQJ YHFWRUHG WKUXVW LQWKH659/LVDEVROXWHO\IHDVLEOHIRUWKH5R\DO1DY\,QVWHDGRIHQWHULQJDIXOOKRYHUZLWK HPDQDWLQJIURPDVHWRIQR]]OHVRQERWKVLGHVRIWKHIXVHODJH7KHSLORWVORZVGRZQWRDKRYHURQ QR IRUZDUG PRWLRQ SULRU WR ODQGLQJ WKH DLUFUDIW ZLOO DSSURDFK WKH IOLJKW GHFN ZLWK WKH )%¶V WKHSRUW OHIW VLGHRIWKHDPSKLELRXVDVVDXOWVKLSWKDWKH¶VDERXWWRODQGRQWKHQQXGJHVKLPVHOI RQERDUGFRPSXWHUVFRQWUROOLQJWKHYHFWRULQJQR]]OHVLQVXFKDZD\WKDWWKHZLQJVVWLOOPDLQWDLQOLIW RYHU WKH GHFN GHFUHDVHV SRZHU VWHDGLO\ XQWLO KH GURSV GRZQ DQG WKHQ FXWV LW DOWRJHWKHU WR WKRXJKEDUHO\DERYHVWDOOVSHHGDQGWKHDLUFUDIWVWLOOUHJLVWHUVDKRYHUWKRXJKLW¶VPRUHRIDYHU\ FRPSOHWH WKH ODQGLQJ :KLOH WKLV LV TXLWH HIIHFWLYH DQG HIILFLHQW DW OHDVW IRU WKH 0DULQH &RUSV¶ FRQWUROOHG GHVFHQW WKDQ DQ\WKLQJ HOVH 8SRQ WRXFKLQJ GRZQ RQ WKH IOLJKW GHFN WKH DLUFUDIW ZLOO SXUSRVHV VXFK D V\VWHP IRU DLUFUDIW FDSDEOH RI VKRUWYHUWLFDO WDNHRII DQG ODQGLQJ 6729/ FDQ FRQWLQXHUROOLQJMXVWDVWKRXJKLWH[HFXWHGDUHJXODUODQGEDVHGUHFRYHU\EXWZLOOXVHGLVFEUDNHV DFWXDOO\EHLPSURYHGWRDGHJUHH ZLWKLQWKHODQGLQJJHDUWRFRPHWRDIXOOVWRS1RWRQO\GRHVWKLVDOORZIRULPSURYHGUDQJHLWDOVR $W OHDVW WKDW¶V ZKDW WKH 6RYLHW 8QLRQ IRXQG RXW EDFN LQ WKH V DQG V ZLWK WKHLU <DN DOORZVWKHDLUFUDIWWRUHFRYHUZLWKDODUJHUZHDSRQVDQGIXHOORDG7KHZHDUDQGWHDULQIOLFWHGRQWKH )RUJHU 972/ FDUULHUEDVHG ILJKWHUV 8VLQJ ZKDW ZH WRGD\ FDOO WKH ³VKLSERUQH UROOLQJ YHUWLFDO HQJLQHLVDOVRJUHDWO\UHGXFHGDQGWKHODQGLQJVXUIDFHVRIWKHFDUULHUDUHQ¶WDVDIIHFWHGDVWKH\ ODQGLQJ´ 659/ WHFKQLTXH WKH 6RYLHW 1DY\¶V SLORWV SHUIRUPHG VRPHWKLQJ YHU\ VLPLODU WR D ZRXOGEHGXULQJDGLUHFWKRYHUODQGLQJHVSHFLDOO\WDNLQJWKHEUXQWRIYHQWHGWKUXVWIURPWKH)¶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¶OOIXQFWLRQDVWKH)OHHW$LU$UP¶VSULPDU\FRPEDWDLUFUDIWJRLQJLQWRWKHIXWXUH ZLOOHQWHUIXOOIOHGJHGVHUYLFHE\ NASA SimLabs News Volume 6, Issue 1 (Jan 2006) http://www.simlabs.arc.nasa.gov 2. Lockheed Martin Continues Joint Strike Fighter Tests at SimLabs January 2006 http://www.simlabs.arc.nasa.gov/newsletter/archive/newsletter_01_06.html “Lockheed Martin continued evaluations of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft in SimLabs’ Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS) http://www.simlabs.arc.nasa.gov/vms/vms.html [amazing setup] by recently compl- eting four weeks of simulation experiments. The unique motion and acceleration capabilities of the VMS are ideally suited to evaluate the handling qualities of several variants of the F-35. The JSF is a next-generation supersonic combat aircraft designed to reduce costs by utilizing a common design with variants to meet a wide range of needs serving the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marines, as well as several international par- tners. Two variants were recently evaluated in the VMS: The Short Take-off Vertical Landing (STOVL) config- uration and the Conventional Take-off and Landing / Carrier Variant (CTOL/CV). The STOVL configuration was the primary variant studied. This configuration required high fidelity motion cues to evaluate tasks that included bolter and ski ramp take-off.A bolter is an aborted carrier touchdown that requires full thrust to take-off after the abort. The ski ramp take-off is a short deck take-off at full thrust [in STOVL MODE] using a ramp at the end of the deck. Both maneuvers require high vertical acceleration cues to simulate accurately. A secondary variant was the CTOL/CV. For this variant, most of the effort was aimed at first flight readi- ness and tasks such as formation flying or offset approaches requiring a high level of motion fidelity to fer- ret out any issues with the control system. As part of this study, representatives from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense evaluated a Shipboard Rolling Vertical Landing (SRVL) procedure as one more determinant in their choice between the variants men- tioned above. The procedure is tied to a new aircraft carrier design under consideration and will have signific- ant cost ramifications on the carrier design. For the SRVL procedure, touchdown dispersion and ramp clear- ance under various shipboard and environmental conditions were evaluated. Several aircraft controls handling issues were identified that need further investigation giving designers the opportunity to improve the system while the vehicle is still under development.” CHARLESDEGAULLE CdeG IFMQT+4'QSPHSBNNF The UK’s QinetiQ and the MOD Joint Test and Evaluation Group, which http://navyleague.org.au/wp-content/uploads/ comprise the UK Aircraft Test and 2012/06/The-Navy-Vol_69_No_4-Oct-2007.pdf Evaluation Centre, are currently undertaking a series of landing trials of a short take-off vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft on to the French Navy’s CHARLES DE GAULLE carrier, using QinetiQ’s Vectored-thrust Aircraft Advanced Control (VAAC) experimental Harrier. Undertaken as part of the US Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme on 2007 behalf of the UK MOD Joint Combat Aircraft Integrated Project Team (JCA The MOD has stated “Consideration “The CHARLES DE GAULLE QinetiQ is also conducting ongoing IPT), the trials were designed to expand of the aerodynamic performance of JSF, carrier, at around 40,000 tonnes has a work in maturing flight control concepts
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