R.B.V.R.R. Women's College (Autonomous) A College with Potential for Excellence Accredited by NAAC with Grade 'A' Narayanaguda, Hyderabad-500 029. t, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS CERTIFICATE Certified that this is a Bonafide record work done in this laboratory during the yeor 20 - 20 Name: H.T. No.: Batch: Date: Subject: Electronics Paper -II: Electronic Devices Lecturer Incharge External Examiner INDEX Particulars of the Experiments Performed S.No. Name of Experiment Page Date of Date of Remarks Experiment Submission I 1. JUNCTION DIODE CHARACTERISTICS of the given diodes' @: To obtain the forward and reverse bias characteristics APPARATUS: 1) Junction diode characteristics trainer 2)Voltmeter 3)Ammeter (ma, lra) 4) Cdnnecting wires I, CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: fused together to form a p-n THEORY: A diode consists of p-type and n-type impurities in one direction only' lf the junction, The p-n junction will permit current to ftow through it terminal of the supply to the n- positive terminar of a power supply to the p-side and negative p-side of the diode is connected to the negative side, the diode is to be forward biased. lf the positive terminal of the supply the terminal of the supply and the n-side of the diode to the ' diode is said to be reverse biased' potential at junction reduces' ln When the diode is forward biased, the barrier almost no current can flow through the diode' reverse bias, the barrier potential increases, and by its schematic symbol' The figure (a) shows that the p-n iunction represented Svmbol of the diode Anode Cathode (+) t) i I, the cathode' The symbol looks like The p-region of the diode is called the anode and n-region as a remainder to us that the an arrow pointing from the p-region to the n-region. lt serves n-region of the diode' conventional current flows easily from the p-region to the Forward biased iYnction diode: Fib(b) Reverse biased iunction diode: I, Fie(d) The figure (b) shows the dc battery is pushing the conventional current in the same direction as the diode arrow. Hence the diode is forward biased. Since current flows easily through a forward biased current diode. A resistance R is included in the circuit so as to limit the current. lf excessive current is permitted to flow through the diode. lt may get permanently damaged. The plot helps in varying the voltage applied to the diode. The millimeter measures the current in the circuit the voltmeter measures the voltage across the diode. Figure(c)shows the magnified view of silicon diode characteristics. When the diode is forward biased. The voltage is plotted along the horizontal axis, as voltage is plotted independent variable. Each value of the diode voltage produces a particular current. The current being the dependent variable is plotted along the vertical axis. The curve shows that the diode current is verv small for the first few tenths of a volt. The diode does not conduct well until the external voltage produces a sharp increase in the current. The voltage at which the current starts to increase rapidly is called the cut in or knee voltage(vo) of the diode. For a silicon diode it is approximately 0.7v, whereas for a germanium it is 0.3v. That is vo=0.7v for Si we use the same circuit as in and v6 =g,3y for Ge. To obtain the reverse bias characteristics, figure (b) except for a few changes. First we reverse the terminals of the diode. Second, the milli ammeter is replaced by a micro ammeter. The resulting circuit is shown in figure (d). The (c)' Magnified view of the reverse characteristics of the diode is shown in figure V-l Characteristics of PN diode t Fonvard Bias*d I Reverse -+v Biaeed Fie(c)and Fie(d) PROCEDURE: 1) Connect the variable power supply provided on the trainer to the input voltage terminals. 2) Connect the milli ammeter to the 1't terminals. 3) connect the either Ge or si diode and connect voltmeter to v terminals. 4) Switch on junction diode characteristics trainer. 5) By varying input voltage of regular steps, note down the characteristics ammeter and voltmeter readings. 6) During reverse bias, reverse the diode terminal and replace milli ammeter by micro ammeter. 7) By varying input voltage at regular intervals, note down the corresponding ammeter and voltmeter readings. 8) plot the graph between V and I in both forward and reverse biased condition, 9) Repeat the same procedure with anode diode. OBSERVATIONS: FORWARgBTAS Vr(volts) lrfu) REVERSE BIAS STATIC RESISTANCE: The ratio of the dc voltage across the diode to the dc current flowing through it. Ra.= V/l in forward direction is by Rg DYNAMIC RESISTANCE: The resistance offered by the diode to the ac signal is called dynamic or ac resistance. lt is defined as the reciprocal of the slope of the current voltage characteristics i.€., Rr.= dV/dl = change in voltage/ Resulting change in current cALCUtATIONS: RESULT: Hence the p-n junction diode is verified. The V-l Characteristics of a p-n junction diode is studied and static resistance is calculated. 2. ZENER DTODE CHAFr{CTERIST|CS AIM: To plot the V-l Characteristics of a Zener diode and to calculate the break down voltage. APPARATUS: 1) Zener diode characteristics trainer 2)Voltmeter 3)Ammeter (ma) 4) Connecting wires I THEORY: a, junction A PN diode normally does not conduct when reverse biased. But if the reverse bias is increased, at a particular voltage it starts conducting heavily. This voltage is called breakdown voltage. High current through the diode can permanently damage it. To avoid high current, we connect a resistor in series with it. Once the diode starts conducting, it maihtains almost constant voltage across its terminals whatever may be the current through it. That is, it has very low dynamic resistance. A zener diode is a pN junction diode, specially made to work in the breakdown region. From the V-l characteristics of the zener diode, shown in figure it is found that the operation of zener diode is same as that of ordinary pN junction diode under forward biased condition, breakdown of the junction occurs. The breakdown voltage depends upon the amount of doping. lf the diode is heavily doped, depletion layer will be thin and consequently, break down occurs at lower reverse voltage and further, the breakdown voltage is sharp. Whereas lightly doped diode has a higher breakdown voltage. Thus breakdown voltage can be selected with the amount of doping. AVATANCHE BREAKDOWN: As the applied reverse bias increases, the field across the junction increases correspondingly. These electrons disrupt covalent bond by colliding with immobile ions and create new electron hole pair. These new carriers again acquire sufficient energy from the field and collide with other immobile ions there by generating further electron-hole pairs. This mechanism of carrier generation is known as avalanche multiplication. This process results in flow of large amount of current at the same value of reverse bias. ZENER BREAKD0WN: When the P and N regions are heavily doped, direct rapture of Covalent bonds takes place because of the strong electric fietds, at the junction of pN diode. The new electron hole pairs so created increase the reverse current in a reverse biased pN diode. As a I result of heavy doping of P and N regions, the depletion region width becomes very small and for an applied voltage of 6v or less, the field across the depletion region becomes very high. Making conditions suitable for zener breakdown, though zener breakdown occurs for lower breakdown voltage and avalanche breakdown occurs for higher breakdown voltage. Such diodes are normally called zener diodes. The zener effect is predominant for breakdown voltages less than about 4v. The avalanche breakdown is predominant for voltages greater than 6v. Between 4v and 6v both effects are present. lf the applied reverse voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage, a zener diode acts like a constant voltage source. For this reason a zener diode is also called reference diode. cl Zener diode symbol Zener+ diode forward bias RPS (0-30)v Zener diode reverse bias e= + I \' PROCEDURE: 1) Connect the supply, which is provided on the trainer to the input voltage terminals. 2) Connect milli ammeter to the t-terminals. 3) Connect either of the two zeners to the diode terminals and voltmeter to the V terminals. 4) By increasing input voltage in regular steps, note down the current and voltage readings. - 5) Repeat the samer,procedure for reverse bias circuit also. a, 6) PIot the graph between V2 and 12. 7) Calculate the dynamic resistance of zener diode in break down region, dynamic resistance 16 = AVz/ AVr. Repeat the same procedure for another zener diode. EXPECTED GRAPH: B[*Ss FprryvarS Surrant {+} ili*d* Simdw tev*rse fr*n*r V*ltxge F*rur,*rS lfultage {-} Vx Vu*,*mg* {+} approx. t r*ra le rnax B**ds ffi*v*rx* Surrxnt {*} OBSERVATIONS FORWARD BIAS V.(vottsl REVERSE BIAS CALCULATION: The V-l characteristics of a zener diode is plotted. The breakdown voltage is calculated and static resistance is also calculated. AIM : To study the input characteristics of a given transistor for the configuration and to cornrnon emitter calculate h;s and hlg APPARATUS: 1) CE Characteristics trainer ,f,rfltl*;,:l1 ""'' THEORY: ln common-emitter (cE) configuration, the emitter the output' is made common to the The input signat is applied input and between the base and emitter. developed between And the output is in the collector and emitter configuration' whether the transistor works lt is to be ensure in cB as cE that it works in the base junction active region.
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