UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ‘Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development - COAST’ ATLAS ID – 43199; PIMS - 2439 Report of the Mid Term Evaluation Mission 6th May 2010 Nigel Varty (International Consultant) Ru !ica Maru "i# (National Consultant) Acknowledgements The Mid Term Evaluation (MTE) Team would like to thank all the COAST Project and UNDP staff, and the many other people interviewed who gave freely of their time and ideas (all those listed in Annex 4 contributed). We would especially like to thank the staff of the PIU and the UNDP Croatia CO for their excellent logistical skills and hospitality – particularly Mr. Gojko Berengi (National Project Manager) and Mr Ognjen !kunca (Deputy Project Manager), and Jelena Kurtovi " (UNDP Croatia) for their organizational efforts and patience with the requests of the MTE. Following completion of the Draft Report on 8th April 2009, review comments were received from the PIU, UNDP CO and Regional Coordination Unit in Bratislava, and the Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction. Comments have either been included in the text where these related to factual inaccuracies in the draft, or have been reproduced in full as a footnote to the appropriate text. The MTET has commented on these in some cases. We thank each of the reviewers for providing useful and constructive feedback, which helped to strengthen the final version of this report. The MTET has tried to provide a fair and balanced assessment of the Project’s achievements and performance to date and to provide constructive criticism. We have made recommendations aimed at helping to improve project delivery and sustainability and replication of project results for the remainder of the Project, as well as to aid in the development and execution of future GEF projects. It should be stated that the MTE was greatly facilitated – and made a pleasurable experience – due to the openness, courteousness and sense of humour of all the Project team. Both the members of the MTET believed that the Project team has a pool of dedicated and talented personnel. Very many thanks to all for a stimulating and very worthwhile assignment. The International Consultant would especially like to thank the National Consultant, Ru #ica Maru $i", for her patience and perseverance on a long challenging evaluation, and also for kindly provided the use of her car as a second evaluation vehicle (it made a tremendous difference) and a mobile phone for the International Consultant which greatly facilitated communication between the MTET, Project team, UNP CO and interviewees. Nigel Varty Ru #ica Maru $i" Preston, England Zagreb, Croatia 6th May 2010 2 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations APR Annual Project Report AWP Annual Work Plan CBRRF COAST Biodiversity Rapid Response Facility CO (UNDP) Country Office COAST Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development CTE Core Team Expert DPM Deputy National Project Manager EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EU European Union GEF Global Environment Facility GIS Geographic Information Systems HAMAG Croatian agency for small business HBOR Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development IPA (EU) Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAFRD Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development MEPPPC Ministry of Environment Protection, Physical Planning and Construction MSES Ministry of Science, Education and Sport MSTTD Ministry of Sea, Transport, Tourism and Development NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NEAP National Environment Action Plan NEX (UNDP) National Execution Modality NGO Non-government Organisation NPD National Project Director NPM National Project Manager OFP Partner agency Operational Focal Points PAP/RAC Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre (of the UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan - MAP) PAs Protected Areas PDF B Project Development Facility – Block B PDF Project Development Funds PIMPA Public Institution for Managing Protected Natural Values PIR Project Implementation Review PIU Project Implementation Unit PMG Project Management Group PSC Project Steering Committee SAPARD Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development SAP BIO (GEF/UNEP) Strategic Action Plan for the Protection of Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin SGP Small Grants Programme SINP The State Institute for Nature Protection SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises SP2 GEF Biodiversity Strategic Priority No. 2 SPP Stakeholder Participation Plan SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (Analysis) TOR Terms of Reference UNDP United Nations Development Programme WB The World Bank WWF The World Wide Fund for Nature 3 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................................7 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................11 1.1 Purpose of the evaluation and key issues addressed ............................................................................................11 1.2 Approach and methodology of the evaluation......................................................................................................11 2 THE PROJECT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT CONTEXT..........................................................................................12 2.1 Introduction – the Project region...........................................................................................................................12 2.2 Problems that the project seek to address .............................................................................................................13 2.3 Project development...............................................................................................................................................14 2.4 Immediate and development objectives of the project.........................................................................................14 2.5 Project start and duration, and implementation modality ....................................................................................15 2.6 Main partners/stakeholders ....................................................................................................................................15 3 PROJECT FORMULATION .........................................................................................................................................16 3.1 Overall Project strategy and design.......................................................................................................................16 3.1.1 Changes to project strategy made during inception period ......................................................................16 3.1.2 Review of project strategy ............................................................................................................................17 3.1.3 Project indicators ..........................................................................................................................................18 3.1.4 Project activities connected with protected areas management ...............................................................19 3.2 Design and operation of GBSP..............................................................................................................................20 3.2.1 GBSP 'expected results', targets and indicators ........................................................................................21 3.2.2 Criteria for selection of GBSP projects and selection process ................................................................22 3.2.3 Target areas for GBSP funding ..................................................................................................................23 3.2.4 Demonstrating an impact on biodiversity and economic and financial viability – GBSP project indicators 25 3.2.5 GBSP Manual ...............................................................................................................................................26 3.3 Country ownership/Driveness ...............................................................................................................................28 3.4 Relevance................................................................................................................................................................29 3.5 Replication approach..............................................................................................................................................30 3.6 Stakeholder participation and public involvement in design of COAST Project...............................................30 4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................................................31 4.1 Project oversight.....................................................................................................................................................31 4.2 Stakeholder participation and public involvement during Project implementation...........................................32 4.3 Project direction, management and execution......................................................................................................34
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