IBI «8 tat THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in IS Uh by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese |3rd Year PITTSBURGH, MAY 27, 1926 No. 21 MRS. MOLAMPHEY IS CARDINAL, 25 THE "OLD LOG CHURCH" U. S. Makes Effort To RE-ELECTED HEAD OF THE P. C. C. W. YEARS BISHOP, Aid Vatican Delegate nwg GIVEN HONORS marts Catholic Womens' Convention Expelled By Mexico Denounces Mexican Consti- (By N. C. W. C. News Service) tution and Formally Protests Boston, May 26.—With the warm (By N. C. W. C. Now.' Service) there is danger of the policy of com- Outrages Against Catholics; felicitations and affectionate greet- promise resulting in serious danger Washington..«,„..„, May 26.—The Rev. Pledges $10,000 to School ing of the Holy Father, Cardinal O'- to the religious themselves, since un- John J. Burke, C.S.P., general secre- 1 Connell, Archbishop of Boston, yes- der such conditions "the human tary of the National Catholic Wel- Mrs. Theresa M. Molamphy, of terday celebrated his twenty-fifth heart and mind, even that of a re- ByRèbel fare Conference, today made public Pittsburgh, was unanimously re- year as a bishop of the Catholic ligious, is invaded by a sort of weak- a letter he received from Secretary elected president of the Pittsburgh Church, amid the loving acclaim of ness and temporizing which borders of State Kellogg, revealing the ac- Council of Catholic Women last the people of his archdiocese of on actual apostasy," and because tivities of the State Department in Thursday afternoon during the clos- every station in life. there is fear that "if we are not behalf of the Most Reverend George ing session of the Council's seventh Perhaps nothing so tvpified th< faithful in small things we shall not Caruana, Apostolic Delegate to Mex- annual convention, held in the Coun- spirit of the cardinal's flock as their be faithful in great things, and if ico, recently expelled. The letter cil House. Penn avenue. response to his request that their we are ashamed to confess Christ, follows; recognition of his jubilee consist of He will be ashamed to acknowledge The other officers elected for the Department of State, The season of the year is at hand ensuing year are Mrs. W. A. Bittner prayer and pious acts. There was us." »ten thousands of Catholic young Washington, May 18, 1926. of Crafton, first vice president; Mrs! presented to him, in answer to his Ready for Any Sacrifice «en and women of America will en- Dear Father Burke: Walter B. Brown, of Perrysville, sec- plea, a "spiritual bouquet" of no The petition further declares: "We w apon a new and more serious era fewer than one million prayers an I am in receipt of your letter of ond vice president; Mrs. John H May 14, 1926, stating that informa- are ready, with all our religious, j their lives. The school books Roney, of Crafton, third vice presi- good works, which the presentati who make their own this letter which jjiich, as they will learn in the ever- speaker assured him was "th ~ " tion has reached you that His Excel- dent; Mrs. J. J. Studney, of Pitts-1 lency, the Most Reverend George we write in the name of all, to enter iiortenmg years of their later lives, burgh, fourth vice president; Miss ing of a diocese litera - »«Î fc*' upon a hard, effective and open con- ¡ervtd them so faithfully and so ef- knees" and the "tribute Caruana, Apostolic Delegate to Mex- Catherine A. O'Donnell, executive ico, an American citizen, has been flict, accepting with the greatest Soently, will be closed, many of secretary; Mrs. Pay Ide Lauer mous heartfelt prayer good will ami joy the greatest sacri- gem for the last time. The high- children for a loved and notified by the Secret Police of the financial secretary, and Mrs. Wil- Mexican Government that he must fices, even that of life itself, in order shool, or the college stage of life liam H. Postner, treasurer. ther." Courtesy Gazette Times. to achieve the complete reform of »ill nave been passed. What lies Despite the wish of His leave Mexico within a period of six One of the outstanding events of j days. You add that you have been those constitutional articles which benmd? the two-day convention was the one material tribute was oppress and enslave our Holy '» * * was tendered "as our ju advised by the Chief of the Division adoption of a formal resolution de-' "OLD LOG CHURCH" of Mexican Affairs that the Ameri- Mother the Church and her priests, The college man, having reached ! offering," and was a fund daring that the Mexican govern- can Ambassador at Mexico City had whether native or foreign, who, with and passed his majority, and having enough to cover the entire i indefatigable zeal and disinterested- bid his head crammed with much ment has a constitution that is of the REDEDICATION ON interceded on behalf of Archbishop middle ages and not American in substantial additions to St. John's ness, are. working in our nation for leaning, will, in a vast number of Seminary. Caruana. any particular, and asking that the In reply I desire to inform you the salvation and sanctification of cases, expect to fare forth in the Cardinal O'Connell began his ju- Î0NDAY MORNING United States, through its diplomatic that AmbassadoAmbassador Sheffield tele-teli , souls. We are ready to obey in all tottle of life on his fire-breathing bilee day by celebrating Mass at the rmitted to dareer disguised as a diploma, con- representatives, transmit to the graphed under date of May 12 that things. But if we are permit Mexican government its protest of Cathedral before a huge concourse v. Edward Moriarty, pas- 1 te, in all ftjgntly anticipating the thrill of lay- of his flock and administering Holy Archbishop Caruana had informed do so, we shall flatly refuse, ing the dragons that have dismayed the constitution and laws of the tor at St. Patrick's Church, Sugar him that he received notice on the thtne lnsiiiuiioiiinstitution*s whicwhich we direcdii t in southern republic which permit those Communion with his own hand. A Creek, has announced that all ar- lai lie mthe couiinycountry, two accept the *inferna l nd defeated other men, storming he began the Mass, at the same hour afternoon of the 12th instant that he the country, . i ,. t.o . accep1- t1 .th .. eImnAs n a nn the embattlements of perseverance, in power to exile and banish mem- rangements have been completed for must leave Mexico within six days, —rule' s which ui t is desired ttno ,mimposr e on be rs of the Catholic clergy. the Rev. M. J. Scanlon, of Chelsea, the re-dedication of the "Old Log The Ambassador further reported j Catholiuatnouc institutionsiii.iiiiuuviiB^i w^will^releas—v. ..... --.ease courage, stick-to-it-iveness and se- who witnessed the consecration as a The National Council of Catholic Church." at Sugar Creek, on Mon- that, in accordance with telegraphic our beloved voung people and close rioHty, crushing his way quickly to bishop of His Eminence 25 years ago Women was requested to send a copv day, May 31. The followir pro the doors which will not be reopened the altitadinous spire of material in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. instructions from the Department of the resolution to the American gram will be observed: y • would until we have won victory or death. success, where he will strike up a began a Mass of thanksgiving in the sent to him on April 30, hf diplomatic agents, with the request Blessing of the church and cele- Our young people will say: our Napoleonic pose and hauteur. This same basilica in Rome. intercede on behalf of the Arch- if the young man who is going to that it be delivered to the Mexican bration of Mass by the Rt. Rev. bishop. Under date of May 13, the teachers, Christian religious, did not bequeath to us instruction or educa- joIB, while both feet are off the administration. Greeting From Pope Hugh C. Boyle, D.D., Bishop of Ambassador telegraphed that he had tion, but they left us an example of {Toand, that he forgot to firmly se- Condemn Mexico's Constitution At the conclusion of the Ma.-.- 3E5 Pittsburgh, at 10 o'clock, Eastern interceded with the Mexican Minis- Standard Time. Immediately fol- love and faith, truth and Christian rere the traces when he hitched his The 500 delegates to the conven- Eminence imparted the blessing of ter o•if Foreigrortrikiini Affairniittiis o"n" behalf^ of i lovt. <uiu ' MAei wagon to a star. The subsequent tion from 10 of the Western Penn- the Holy Father, as he had been em- CATHOLIC COLLEGE lowing the Mass, the Sacrament of the Archbishop and that the Minis- courage in the defense of the most landing on his nether end will not sylvania counties were unanimous in powered to do in a letter of felicita- Confirmation will be administered. ter had promised to make an mvesti- noble of all rights, iarm him. The jar of the fall is their declaration that the constitu- tion from the Vatican. The letter. CALLED IDEAL BY The sermon will be preached by the gation and advised the Ambassador | The superiors then declare their rial he will need most. The harder tion of Mexico and the laws passed (Continued on Page 8) Rt. Rev. Bishop. L to the reasons for the proceed-1 willingness to he lands the better it will be for in accordance therewith were a "peril At the conclusion of the cere- ines and their communities while fighting him.
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