THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - -1 EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. ASSISTED BY HUGH CLEGG, M.B., M.R.C.P. VOLUME II, 1935 I JULY TO DECEMBER LONDON: PRINTED AND PIJBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. 1 THE BRITISH 2 JULY-DEC., 1935 KEY TO -DATES AND PAGES MEDICAL JOURNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1935, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue Pages Pages 3887 July 6th 1- 48 1- 12 3888 , 13th 49- 98 13- 24 3889 , 20th 99- 146 25- 32 3890 ,, 27th 147- 194 33- 60 3891 Aug. 3rd 195- 242 61- 92 3892 , 10th 243- 286 93- 100 3893 17th 287- 326 .101-108 3894 24th 327- 364 .109- 124 3895 31st 365- 438 3896 Sept. 7th 439- 484 .125- 136 3897 14th 485 526 .137- 144 3898 21st 527- 564 .145- 148 3899 28th 565- 608 .149- 156 3900 Oct. 5th 609- 650 .157- 164 3901 12th 651- 710 .165- 172 3902 19th 711- 770 .173-180 3903 26th 771- 828 .181 - 192 3904 Nov. 2nd 829- 884 .193 - 204 3905 PR 9th 885- 932 .205 - 216 '3906 of 16th 933 982 .217 - 224 3907 ,, 23rd 983 - 1030 .225 - 232 3908 ., 30th 1031 - 1082 .233 - 244 3909 Dec. 7th 1083 - 1138 .245-256 3910 ,, 14th 1139 - 1190 .257 - 276 3911 , 21st 1191 - 1240 .277 - 280 3912 ,, 28th 1241 - 1288 .281 - 288 I. r INDEX rro VOLUME II FOR 1935 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography and Urography; Lunacy and MIental Diseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Aninotations," "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). For Obituary Notices see under Names of Individuals. A. ADAM, Thomas: Report on the health of Stirling, Alcohol, food value of, 1182 1222 Alcohol in the home, influence of (C. S. ABADIE, Jean: Aetiology of elilepsy, 223 ADAMS, S.: The Effect of Lighting oss Efliciency Thomson), 1124 Abdominal pain in children, 233, 318 in Rough Wvork, 608 Alcohol and judgement, 319. See also Alcohol Abdominal strain followed by haematuria, 1138, ADAMnoN. Rhoda: Vitamini treatluent of habitual and road accidents 1240 abortion, 1275 Alcolhol and road accidents: Report by British Aberdeen. See Scotland ADAMSON, R. 0.: Voluntary euthanasia, 1281 Medical Association Committee, 171, 282-Par- Abortion, criminal: som-le figures, 645 Addiction to endocrine gland extracts (S. W. liamentary note on, 282-Correspoudence on, Abortion habitual, vitamin treatment of (D. W. Patterson) 134, 442 (0) 319, 357 Currie), 1275 Addictions, treatment of (Williamii Brown), 134 Aldehbde poisoning, familial, 48 ABRAHAMS, Reginald G.: Acute benign lympho- Addictions. See also Drug ALEXANDER, R. C., invited to the chair of cytic meningitis, 1279 ADDISON, 0 -L.: Tuberculosis of the kidney in surgery at St. Andrews, 918 ABRAMBON, H. A.: Electrokiniefic 7 hen omeva childhood. 565 (0) ALEXANDER, S., (and others): British Institute of and their Application to Biology and Medicine, Aden, review of book on, 1258 Philosophy. 1181 rev.. 1049 Adenoid curette, 583 ALFIERI. Emilio, nominated president of honour Abscess of brain following acute otitis media in Adenoidectomy using a Boyle-Davis gag, instru- of the French Congress of Gynaecology, 1029 a child with chronic nasal sinus disease ments for, 583 ALLAN, M. NI.; Appreciation of Jessie H. and acute nephritis: operationt: secondary ADEY, C. W.: Anaerobic infections, 748 Gellatly, 188 encephalitis: .recovery (E. Watson-Williams), ADEY, J. K.: Psychoses of adolescence, 804 ALLAN. W. D.: Puerperal streptococcal septi- 1152 Adrenal cortex and infections, lC03 caemia, 701 Abscess of brain, otogenic pseu]do, 231 ADRIAN, E. D., elected to the Council of the Allen and Hanburys: Pruritus vulvae et ani, Abscess, bronchiectatic. rulpture of, an unusual Royal Society, 1005 1288 case (J. II. Crawford and A Ross). 14-Corre- ADSON, A. W.: The hypothalamus, 270-Resu1lts Allergy, nasal (H. M. Jay), 692. 833 (0)-Dis- spondence on. 359 of sympathectomy and rhizotomy in essential cussion, 692 Abscess, liver, 873 hypertension. 272 ALLIBONE. T. E.: Continuously evacuated x-ray Abscess. peritonsillar, in infancy (Alex Ma.rlean), Aerial medical services of Australia (Allan tubes, 1066 254 (0)-Correspondence on, 360. 475 Vickers), 753-Discussion. 753 ALLISON, V. D. (and W. A. BROWN): Diagnosis Abscess, peritonsillar, opener for, 1156 Aeroplane, evacuation of casualties by (Wing of doubtful cases of cases of scarlet fever, 1249 Abyssinia: Ambulance unit for, 516.732.911,981, Commander J. B. Thomas), 454 (0) 1188-Norwegian Red Cross tinit, 911-War in: Africa, East, information concernin g the medical ALLPORT. Frank, death of, 767 plea for women and cbildren, 770-New Bartho- service of. 430 Almoners, Hospital. Institute for: annual re- lomew map of. 1029-Dutch ambulance to be Africa, South. midwifery in, 584 port. 458 sent to. 1188-" British Ambulance Service in Africa, West, information concerning the ALOFF, Professor, death of, 524 Ethiopia " absorbed by the British Red Cross medical service of, 430 Alopecia in early life, 193 Society, 1287 African colonies, institutioral treatment of Alpine sun lamp. See Lamip Academic Assistance Council: annual report, lunacy in (parliamentary note), 882 ALSTON. J. M. (and H. C. BROWN): Prevalence of 309 African medical officers, information concerning, Weil's disease in certain occupations, 339 (0) 430 Alum-precipitated toxoid in diphtheria im- ACADEmY, ROYAL, OF MEDICINE IN IREr AND: Age, the critical, review of book on, 503 munization (J. S. Haine). 896 (0)-(M. Section of Medicitse.-Tendencies in medi- Age, old, review book on, 953 Naughten, .J. H. White, and A. Foley). 898 (0) cine, 871 AGIUS Emanuel: Cardiac pain and Buerger's -Correspondence on, 971. SeealsoDiphtheria Section of Obstetrics.-Cancer of the uterine disease, 87 Aluminium in food, 847 body, 922 Agra, health conditions in, 599 Aluminium, idiosyncrasy to. 974,1133 Sectiont of Pathology.-Laboratory research Agranulocytosis: Discussion at the Royal Aluminium salt for gastric disorder (normo- in Ireland, 966 Society of Medicine, 1223 gastrine), 1156 Sectiotn of State Medicinie: Sonme problems Agranulocytosis with purptura haemorrhagica Amblvopia Reader, 927 of public health. 1069 following gold therapy (Philip Ellman and Amblyopic eye. See Eye Section of Surgery.- Bone grafting, 759- J. S. Lawrence). 622 (0) Ambulance, air. the first regular service Olinical photography, 1174 Agranulocytosis, suspected case of: inquest pro- inaugurated, 1081 ceedings, 1135 Ambulance Service. Home: Report, 519 Academy of Sciences of Rome: Bocconia prize, AHLBOM, Hugo: Muicous-gland and salivary- Ambulance Service, London: change of tele- 710 gland tumours, 1213 phone number, 769 Accident incapacity: Inquiry Committee (parlia- AINsWORTH. R.: Circumcision, 472, 877 Ambulance unit for Abyssinia. 516, 732. 847, 911 mentary note), 881 Air Force, Royal, Dental Branch: Revised con- 981 Aocidents, after-effects of: Discuission, 964 ditions of service. 1185 America. See United States Accidents from domestic electrical appliances Air Force. Royal: Information concerning the American Joutrntal of Obstetrics anid Gynaecology (parliamentary note), 46 medical branch of, 423-Enlistments in, num- contains an article on the contriibutions of Accidents, industrial parliamentary debate on, bers (parliamentary note), 1239 Great Britain to gynaecology and obstetrics, 190 Air Force, Roval, Medical Service: Promotions 1081 Accidents, road, alcohol and: Report of British and appointments, 436. See also Supplement American maternity hospitals (K. V. Bailey), Medical Association Committee, 171. 282- Index 921 Parliamentary note on. 282-Correspondence Air Force, Royal, Royal Air Force Reserve: AMIEs, A. B. P.: Gas anaesthesia under positive on. 319, 357 Medical Branch:-Promotions and appoint- pressure, 108 Accidents, road, decrease in (parliamentary ments, 436. See also Supplemient Index Amoebiasis, chronic, and chronic appendicitis note), 96 Air Hygiene Foundation of America formed, (W. Wilkinson). 452 (0)-Correspondence on. ACOOYER. H. : Paratyphoid B in a French 1255 924 battalion, 101 Air Navigatiou Bill, 1283 AMREIN. Otto, obituary notice of, 481 Acetylsalicylic acid, chemistry of, 793, 884 Air passages, defences of the (Sir StClair Anaemia, early, of premature infants. 22 Achard, Professor, re-elected permanent secre- Thomson), 846, 857 Anaemia of infancy, copper and, 73 tary of the Academie de MMdecine, 1137 Air-raid precauitions: Home Office circular re, Anaemia of Lederer, the acute haemolytic (H. Acidophilus therapy, 730 72, 468-Review of book on, 214, 242 Corre- Joules, and L. M. Masterman), 150 (0)-Corre- AcomB, J.: Treatment of maxillary sinusitis, spondence on, 229. 358-Parlismentary
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