T YOUTH CAMPS vl/ SATSANG YATRA (J) PEACE WORK MEDITATION CAMPS RESEARCH CENTER > SOCIAL WORKERS CAMPS COMPILED AND EDITED BY KAISER IRANI THE ELOQUENCE OF ACTION Vlmalaji's Work In India From 1978 - 1988 Compiled and Edited by Kaiser Irani Published b y : Vlmal Prakashan Tm sl 5. Theosophlcal Housing Soclely Navrangpura. Ahmedabad-380 009 Gujaral, India (c)1989 Translallon and all rights reserved : Vlmal Prakashan Trust Ahmedabad-380 009. India. Printed By: Suramya Press HinglaJ Mata Compound B/H Navrangpura Police Station. Ahmedabad-380009. Phone:446199 Rs 4 0 = 0 0. CONTENTS Page Forward Chapters I. Pilgrimage for Freedom and I - 23 Democracy II. Camps 24. 89 III. A Leap Into Ihe Flames of Violence 9 0 - 126 IV. Experiments In Restructuring 127- 152 Rural Economy V. With Ihe Assam Movement 153 - 168 VI. The Cause of Punjab and Punjablyall69 - 239 VII. Border Problem of Gujaral 241-244 VIII. Gujarat Blradarl 245 - 254 Pilgrimage For Freedom And Democracy Contents PART ONE 1. Message from Shri Ravi Shnnkcr MaharaJ 2. Pilgrimage for freedom and democracy ' 3. Letter to friends Joining ihe Pilgrimage 4. Our Pilgrimage 5. Preamble 6. Lok Satsang Yalra: Talks by Vimalaji during Yalra in Gujarat and Rajasthan 7. Discussion with Sarvodaya workers In Bikaner, Rajasthan 8. Newsletter of the second phase of Lok Satsang Yalra 9. Report from Punjab PART TWO Resume Of The Pilgrimage 1. Gujarat 2. Rajasthan 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Punjab 5. Himachal Pradesh 6. Haryana BLESSINGS FROM^SRI RAVI SHANKAR MAHARAJ I am v ery g la d to Iearn about the prqfect undertaken by V lm a la ben and her Satsangi friends to contact the people and waken them. This work will not be limited only to Gujarat but will spread 000* th e e n tir e co u n try . I h u m bly p r a y to G o d to h elp h e r in this noble u x r k . Vtmalben never lags behind on such critical oansions. She faces risks to do such Jobs. My blessings are with h e r in this noble undataklng. PILGRIMAGE FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY W h a t is satsang Parbtar? II Is a loose brotherhood of individuals having faith in man and the Divine concealed In him. Since the last fifteen years a number of religious enquirers have been living around Vlmalajl in a friendly non- organizational way. They live in various states of India and are involved in their occupations. Such Individuals living in India as well as In different parts of the world constitute Vlmal-Satsang-Parlvar. Why do we use the tom ’ttgrimage"? The word pilgrimage indicates our faith in man as well as our attitude towards life. It indicates that we do not claim to be leaders of the people or professional social workers. We are common citizens, dedicated to the majestic and mysterious divinity which dwells In every human form. We strive to awaken that divine potential concealed In every human heart, through personal contact, conversation and satsang. W h a t d o w e expect q f the Veaple^f We expect; That the people should shed away all self-pity and the sense of inferiority, which has made them passive, inert and Insensitive. That they should themselves become the creators, controllers and organisers of village life. That they should themselves build up the rural socio-economic .structures. That they should keep a vigilance over the work of every P iifr m n g i /orf n td a n a * d d t m r a c y 3 governmental and seml-governmenta) administrative unit In their respective areas. What is implied by people? Man is the concrete expression of people Who are the ’people"? They, who live in the villages, towns and cities of India. They, who recognize their rights as electoroale and voters of Indian polity. They, who are the foundation as well as apex of the parllmentary democracy in India. Indians have forgotten the fundamental truth that they are the PEOPLE. Indians are not aware of the gravity of their responsibility- to keep parliamentary democracy alive and to exercise their right to vote in an impartial way. Indians have totally forgotten that the source of social Injustice, economic exploitation and all political corruption is concealed In iheir own greediness, cowardice and selfishness. The pilgrimage Is for awakening the awareness of these simple facts. (This matter was printed in form of a Folder and distributed door to door during the Lok Salsa ng Yalral LETTER TO FRIENDS JOINING THE PILGRIMAGE . Sh ivku ll Mount Abu Dear Friends, We are all set upon an unprecedented adventure in the lives of religious enquirers. All of you very willingly decided to Join the campaign for awakening and acllvislng the people of India. Pilgrimage for freeda* and democracy It Is only the people who are awake and alert, that can function ar- the supreme power holders In democracy. By the terms "awake" and "alert" we do not imply mere political consciousness, the basic need is the consciousness of the glory of being a Human being: the Human being contains the Divine potential which manifests itself through the quality of human life; truthfulness, compassion, reverence for Justice and love are some of the fundamental expressions of the Divinity that man Is b om to represent. Our concern Is to awaken that consciousness of the Divinity. It will confer upon man a sense of decent self-respect, dignity and lndlspensablllty of individual freedom. People who lack self- respect. sense of dignity, sense of responsibility and Integrity of character do not hesitate to bargain socio-economic or political rights for petty little selfish ends. Such bargaining is prevallent in every democratic or non-democratlc country in the world. This fact tempts some sections of Indian society to Justify the corruption, the exploitation and the chaos existing on a national scale in our country. We on the other hand feel rather strongly that the Indian people due to their exceptionally unique cultural and spiritual heritage can wipe out this psychological cancer from the body pollllque of our country. Unfortunately some of our well-wishers feel that we should postpone the Pilgrimage In case It is misunderstood by Ihe rulers that be In Delhi. I fall lo understand why we should be concerned about the possible or probable reactions of the government. My concern Is with the rightness and Justness of our action. I am willing to face the risks if there be any. I request everyone of you lo think for your own selves independently. I shall not misunderstand you if you feel obliged to drop out. Please be honest with yourself, consult your families and take the decision. Please do not force yourselves to accompany ipe In case you have doubts, hesitations or nervousness of any manner. Doubts destroy faith. Nervousness pollutes the quality of our words and deeds. Psychological reservations transmit a nameless weakness and paleness Into words and actions. It Is only those who find a smokeless flame of clarity In their hearts who should Join me. 1 happen to be an individual whoes life has been dedicated to the Divine In Man. I have never asked anything of man or Cod Pilgrimigt for freedan 0*d democracy 5 hence there have been neither gains nor lo6ses In my life. Naturally those whose lives are not totally dedicated to the cause of the Divine are entitled to be cautious and circumspective about what they do. My sympathy will be with those who find themselves In such a slate o f mind. I would like to assure all of you that whether you Join me in the adventure of awakening the people or keep away from it. it will not affect my affection and friendship for you. 13 th January, I960. Vhnala OUR PILGRIMAGE These words are addressed to every member of the group for serious contemplation and consideration. 1 expect everyone to Implement my humble suggestions with humility, responsibility and the grace of willingness. We shall live together and move as a family unit for about ten weeks In all. We are travelling not for personal pleasure or enjoyment but for learning to serve the fellow human beings and cleanse our hearts through that service. The cleaning of the heart creates humility, receptivity and unusual strength of integrity. None of us has any claim or the right to expect any personal services from the local workers who will join us from lime lo lime in Gujarat. Rajaslhan and Madhya Pradesh. I request each one of you not to take any personal concessions, personal gifts or presents or ask for any personal favours from individuals or institutions during the pilgrimage. I hope you have read the history of the long revolutionary march that General Mao had led before the Chinese revolution. The soldiers were forbidden lo take anything from the village people. Those who would grab personal favours or gifts were exposed and punished by the leader of the group publicly. We Oeing a group of inquirers there can not be any punishment, but the day I notice that personal concessions or favours have been asked by anyone of the group. I will be obliged lo request the person to leave the group. 1 hope I will nol be pul to such an unpleasant talk by anyone o f us. The camping place will be our home for the duration that we slay there. It will be the responsibility of everyone of us lo keep 6 Pitgrwnagt fcr frudmanddmxnKy ihe whole place clean and tidy.
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