NfcW iiHll A1N OAiut HERALD, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 192l. talCANTlIIAKERS STORE CLOSES EVERY MONDAY UP TO WE WILL DO TWO DAYS' VOLUME SEPTEMBER 5 INCLUSIVE BUSINESS TUESDAY 11 1 HOLD CELEBRATION S3 ' Social "Relorril Work Is Reviewed HARTFORD HARTFORD J I Richnlond. Ind., Aug. 15. Social reform .work in which American Quakers have taken a prominent part UESllY was reviewed here today at a centen-ni- al Jnlow celebration of the Indiana Year- ly Meeting of Friend the largest AUGUST 16th body of Quakers in'Ae world. ' Ninety-ttw- o year ld Timothy Nich- olson, the "grand old man" of the - AT THE - Quakers, presided. For nearly sev enty years he has Jen active in pris-- n theCrowds reform, 'and hepas been president of the Indiana Aftti-Salo- on League wince its organizatim. MILL END Prof. Rufus M, jones, head . of the ' department of plilosophy - in Paver-for- d College,, spoiy Of 'The Future of Quakerism," and jjProf. Harlow Llnd-ie- y. will Come director, ofithe department of SALE srehivesr and" hipory of the Indiana State Library, rjkd a history of this Yearly Meeting. ' . Later in the Jay incidents in the NO LENGTHY DISCOURSE NEliDED EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT THE MILL-EN- D SALE DOLLAR DAY MEANS. THE MERE AN- history of the .Quakers were repre- NOUNCEMENT WOULD BE SUFFICIENT TO BRING THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HERE, IF WE sented in a pag&nt oh the campus of T DID NOT PRINT ANY ITEMS, AND THE FOLLOWING ARE BUT A FEW OF THEM: . E&rlham College . , Slavery was die of ythe chief causes Carpet Remnants. "Velvet and Women's Pure Silk Stockings. Unbleached Muslin, 36 inches ; Women's, Silk ' Tpp Vests Kay-ser- 's . Women's Wool Scarfs 1 yds for the early Qiaker movement from Brussels carpet" remnants, size Gordon brand in black, tan and wide unbleached muslin; res. 19c Italian" silk to vests in pink, long and 12 inches wide with, p the-Carolin- values-u- i as. eory!a, Tenneaee and 27x36; to $2.49 yard. brown, made with a backseam and quality4 For Tuesday Mill- -' End' all sizes; formerly sold .at $2.79. fringe ends, navy, brown, gray, Mill-En- Virginia to eassrn Indiana and West- For Tuesday 'Mill End Sale! reinforced heel and toe; Sale Dollar Yards . d 1 For Tuesday d Sale 1 dark green and orchid, guaranteed ' regular f t ern Ohio. J J Dollar Day ........ $1 $1.29 value. "For Mill Day 11 V For P1 Dollar. "Day .. Each V all wool; reg. $1.55 value. For .each Tuesday Mill-En- d Tlie laoor of . In- Sale chief of members End Sale Uollar f Tuesday, diana. Yearly Meeting in behalf of the Day ................ PX - Dollar Day ......V. $1 Bed Suits-r-Prince- sa was exerted the "Un- 5 6 Sheeting Bleached bed .WQmens" Union slaves through Popular Ribbons, and inches ? Rjilrbad." Three branches sheeting extra heavy and soft fin- May nion suits with lace or cuff derground wide, heavy quality moire, taffeta 2 M -' ish,' 'yards wide;' reg. 69c qual- kpee and envelope r chemise ' style; Collar and Cuff Sets cntred in fountain City, ninejniles and satin ribbon in the season's New Voiles. and checked Mill-En- d Eyelet Figured ity. "For Tuesday' Sale value.-$l.- . Mill-En- ' north of Riamod. ' For Tuesday d with Buster Brown and tuxedo popular shades, also novelty pat voiles, assorted colorings,, 50 in. Dollar , YaidS LeVi CoflV,. a member of the Indi- Sale Dollar . for most "the terns; worth 55c to 69c, for. Tues wide; 49c for collars, the popular of ana .Yearly Meeting, was. head of the regular yard (enough J the' popular sets; reg $1.50 value. day Mill End Sale yds. for a dress Mill End Sale Mill-En- ' is Tuesday d 1 : . undergrouri system. He credited '. K For Tuesday d1 Dollar Day , Dollar . yards for - ' with assisting 3,000 slaves northward, $1 Children's Dresses Plaid Ging- Sale Doilar; Day- - V and - anothir tnenrber of the f s .Day 4i2 $1 Women's Xisle Sockings out- meeting! ham with embroidry trimmed col- size in with helpiig 2,700. sizes 2 to & worth $1 black, white, brown and lars, years; jcolors, sizes up to Beginning mission work among the Boys' Wash Suits at less than eaieh. For ' Mill-En- d Sale . 72 ft Tuesday Mill.-.En- d White Nets Fine quality, . ! Tuesday ; Pairs Shawnee I Indians at WapakOneta, cost of materials alone. Come early Stationery Offer. Combination of Dollar for. "1 inches wide for waist and. dress Meet-I- with - ty " .Sale Dolla.r.Day ..d or Ohio, In 182', Indiana Yearly f for , these' reg. $1.50 and $2 wash Eversharp pencil ring and Day n.... ....... fci P SI trimming; reg. $1.25 quality. ,For j has. continted its activities among suits Tues. Mill End for A eraser' and three books, shopping, Mill-En- d Sale . Q K v. Tuesday the Indians t. this day. Sale Dollar Lay . address and note book with leather . Flannel ; Dollar Day This rhetiS' is said to he the only $1 covers and glit-edg- e leaves. These Women's Petticoats White pet- Outing Extra heavy bleached I 25c Friends bodr that officially has un- four, articles for Mill ticoats with cambric body and ' outing flannel; reg. Tuesday , Mill-S- com- wide flounce of ; and value. For , Tuesday , d first embroidery - dertaken prien work. Its . End Sale Dollar all for i- ' " : 4 Boy's "Koveralls," blue or tan, Day, $1 lace, with extra dust duffle Sale.; .'Yards Embroidery Edges inches mittee was appointed in 1867 and it value rt fine in and ' the ideal suit for $1.45. Mill-En- d Sale Dollar . P X wide, embroidery open hai since' Jcie "work In this' state. recognized play, For Tuesday Day .... O .for or sum- n, both 2 8 blind work, ttrimmlng "S. Edgit-Nicholso- presiding clerk boy and girl, sizes to yrs. Dollar ik A new suit for one - Popular Fiction, by popular . mer underwear; reg. 19c quality. of secre that rips.- For Days $1 Mill-En- Indian Yearly Meeting, -- - ..., d . Sale. Dol Dol-- - V authors; regularly! $1 each. Your Bowl Sets yel- For Tuesday oz tne A.nii-aaioo- n Tuesday Mill EncL.Sale Mixing tary league pi " ' r ; low lar T Tarda lar .Day J. ..... P choice, downstairs, for Tuesday mixing, bowj sets, six assorted ' America. A Dressed ; Mill End Sale Dollar : for d Dolls .Beautifully sizes; , reg. $1.98 , value; limited Day for $1 dressed, and with closing-eyes- , - Day . P1 jointed quantity on hand., For Tuesday genuine bisque head;, reg. Ml-En- d Sale C BANBtaY ACCIDENT Mill-En- 1 $1.98 t value. d Men's Overalls .t and Jumpers, For Tuesday Dollar .'. Trimmed hats ' RESULTS IN DEATH ; Day per set Millinery Special . Sale Dollar V. blue, white and stripe.. CM in taffeU, georgetta, satin com- J 15- .- One was Women's Chamoisette Gloves, ... , , . ; Dantory, Aug. person Union laber, well made, heavy ma wrftt 'In! or Day ...... ipl binations, tastefully trimmed . in killed and three last terials. .For Mill strap style white, gray newest 'ideas. injured night Tuesday End with oui'-ro- w and f Saucers the For Tuesday ' beaver; f embroidered - Cups Japanese -- the automobile 'In" which Sale Dollar Day ; Bubble .Books A- . book saucers Mill-En- d . Sale when ,they $1 have sold ; story cups and in" blue dragon back; at $1.50 to S1..75, and .near -- three records for; the Victrola 'aiid .'.pretty" floral border Dollar Day ........ $1 wereriding overturned, this ;ity. - . Mill Sale designs; t4. 'Fof, Tuesday. End. to amuse . 8 the kiddies; 'reg.4 75c. reg. $2.95 dozen For Tuesday Mirs.'iUiim Rockwell,-2- years old, Dollar .. .. Mill-En- ' Day pair $1 d Sale Mill-En- d , Hand-tinte- d .,'... For Tuesday Dollar sale J Framed Pictures. 1 of NV Y., was killed. - Jitterson, "Her Day downstairs, Dollar Day. half dozen Children's Barefoot Sandals of Wil-li- nature prints, framed in or hu and vu slightly injured- -' a gilt Books and Records for 4 tan ; lotus calf with oak mahogany size 7x9; regular 76c. Smocks; Women's and misses' heavy of, Patterson was 2 g J soles, stitched- - with two Dorman,t!also At floor for . Mill Goodyear -- fourjth, Tuesday smocks of to the Daribury hospital with crepe. Palmer, linen, Root Beer Bottles Quart sise straps and buckles; reg. $2 values. tarn, End Sale Dollar for beach cloth some Mill-En- ' A. and poplin, hand SToites well-bui- lt d Sale tf "1 ful injuries. Chester Watts ' Roller Strong1,, with patented rubber stoppers; For Tuesday Day 2 Misses 8 - embroidered. to , was a. $1 sizes, sell $1.35. reg- - . Value. For Tues- Dollar . 1 oforiageporx sngnuy mjurea. to? kind; regularly ;at $l;39: Day V fw-o- ut a rear tire was the cause 18; women's eizes,' 36 46'value For Mill-En- d Sale Mill-En- d Sale ' of v Tutsday Dollar I the accident.: ; "up to $3.98".;" For Tuesday V, , Dollar Nets. Day, a 4 Day ......... dozen $1 Hair Perfect hair nets, Mill Sale Dollar ut End Day $1 Downstairs t . Pair P Women's Shoes High-c- calf double mesh, our own brand, large or kid lace some ' with 2 r- or, button, size; reg. for 25c: At notion - Suit Cases Fiber suit cases, cloth and with and low CITY ITEMS. & ' tops high Tie-bac- Tennis Balls Ditson's 2 4 -- - dept. for Mill End Sale j k Wright inch size with metal corners. sizes 2 to Tuesday Women's Sweaters, 60c each.. On sale down- heels, tan and black, Dollar regularly ' limited 'to sell, down $3 $4 - style, in Wool, with tuxedo ' , .
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