Purses snatched in Nesbitt design room it i,., the suspcct in the rix-im snd he men's room on the third (loot Tuesday, the second floor was ijuiet during the robbery next to the back stj\iic«se was robb^. On Wednesday it However both purses were in .•Mso, there v»as loose change was the third flovir. Between clear \ie« of the door The in the toilet Perhaps someone three and four o'clock robber had to Know the had surprised the robbei oi he Wednesday, two girls were building because there is a had no pliisT to stash the loose robbed at the Nesbitt College back corridor to the room and change. .Mso on ihe second here at Drevel Two pur'^es there's also a back stairs t'or an floor lamiing on the hack were taken with an estimated escajse For the back stairs one staircase a wntten chesk b\ value of over one hundred had to kno« of it', presence to Palermo was found Nothing dollars between the two girls. know svhere ii led. This back of the othet victim was found “ The suspect had to know stair'- on the first floor area I'.ruui Hank, a suident of the the building or be a student. " leads to the lobby area and o'.it class emphasised, "The explained Ntar\ Ann Palermo a back door. students here at Nesbitt aie who was one of the victims. No one saw the suspect, I'nends W'e tiust each othei The incident occurred on howeser one siiuient did We lUst vioii't I.ike each otheis the third tloor of Nesbitt dur­ notice an unfamiliar daik things. It's a code I'f ethnics ing which time Palermo and haired, man around .‘''10” im .•\nother student ol the class her friends were in a cntiquc 5'II", with a must.iche recomended as a piecaution, se^slon- The class was outside wandering around the third ".lust don't leave voui monev the room in the lobbv area, n^'or an hour or two prior to King arinind, keep it with away from the classroom the robbery Palermo's wallet SOU." Now that's a code ol door The room wa> empts. It was found, wiih the help of ethnics that shouUI keep was impossible to visibly see the design depanment in the everyone honest for sure Tax returns due on Tuesday VOLUME LV, NO 32 DREXEL UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. FRIDAY. APRIL 11. 1980 Commencement Speaker Malcolm Toon to speak by Tony \ ‘oce Sen/Of Class Presnicnt and will be available in the We will be starting our C lass This year's commencement Creese Student Center or from Endowment f-'und to donate speaker will be the former US anyone on the Dinner Dance something to the new library. Ambassador to the USSR. Committee. Included also in You will be receiving a letter in Yugoslavia , Czechoslavakia the price of the ticket are ten the mail shortly, descibing the and Israel, Malcolm Toon. one dollar raffle tickets. You fund. With more than 30 years in the may either keep them for For more announcements State Department behind him. yourself or sell them to reduce and information, read the Ambassador Toon has the price of your ticket. The Triangle. Good luck and see established a reputation as an drawing will be at the Dinner you at commencement. outspoken hard-liner with an dance. uncanny ability to foresee crises and analyze trouble Exchange programs spots. Considered one of the world’s top diplomatic vary by school speakers, he matches his elo­ by Francme Doui-ves ferences, there are no charges quence with an unbeatable Many colleges and univer­ for this aspect of the academic background as a top Soviet sities participate in academic program. Specialist. exchange programs with other Drexel has ongoing pro­ Seniors can also look for­ schools, thereby being able to grams with other universities, ward to the Senior Dinner offer a wider variety of though not on a term-by-term Dance which will be held on courses to students. In the basis. The Drexel-Lincoln May 24 at the Marriott Hotel Philadelphia area, Bryn Plan enables a student to at­ on City Line .Ave. Dinner will Mawr, Haverford, Swar- tend Lincoln University,(in include your choice of either thmore colleges, and the Lincoln University, Pa.), for 3 Roast Top Sirloin of Beef or University of Pennsylvania years and then come to Drexel Chicken Cordon Bleu. together partake in a “ 4 Col­ for 3 years. This is a six year .Also included will be a four lege Plan for Cooperation” cooperativ e-education hour open bar with top shelf program. engineering program. beverages and one hour of Students at the schools The Graduate Program at hors d’ overs before dinner. listed above may register at Drexel has an exchange pro­ Entertainment will be provid­ their school for courses held at gram with Penn. Students at Drexel student headed ed by the musical group Trees, the other institutions, after either school may register for a who play a variety of songs receiving approval from their particular course at the other and styles. Department Head. Aside from continued on page 3 for Miss Pa. Contest Tickets are $55 per couple a payment to cover tuition dif­ Gina Major, a senior major­ ing in merchandising and design, has been named Miss Happy birthday John Panther Valley. She will com­ pete in the Miss Pennsylvania year. During this time, John Contest during the week of by Tom Sees has not only acquired a June 9 to 14. Panther Valley is John Davis, Drexel’s Inter­ reputation of a hard-nosed comprised of Carbon, Colum­ nal Auditor and Financial Ad­ business man, but has also bia, Luzerne and Schuylkill visor of this newspaper for displayed his athletic ability. counties. about five years will be “ He can’t play racquetball, The contest was Gina's fifth celebrating his 39th birthday but he makes a valient effort attempt in a pageant. She was on Tuesday April 15th. Many on the court” stated one of his twice named second runner-up claim that his birthday and the closer friends, “ He has not at­ in the Luzerne County Junior annual due date for filing in­ tempted swimming because Miss competition. In the com­ come tax returns is more than Mr. Semanik doesn’t want to petition Gina wore a fitted a coincidence, but those who refill the pool everytime John dark blue, all sequined gown, know John see him as a very, jumps in,” added this source. she made herself. very jolly fellow. However, John has the ability She was one of ten national Better known as “ Nomad” to drive a golfball 150 yards fin alists in Seventeen (his CB name), John has been straight ahead and off to the magazine's design competi­ at Drexel for about five years, side at the same time. tion, Gina also enjoys although he didn’t complete Thanks for the telegram photography, singing and J o h n Davis his Bachelor's degree until last John, and Happy Birthday, fashion design, cwa Ma/ar DREXEL TRIANGLE April 11,1980 P a g e 2 Hillel Friday Niter Honors Day Summer Jobs Asbury This Wednesday, April Delta Sig invites you to yet HONOR AWARD applica­ Looking for a new and ex­ This Sunday at Asbury 16th, we will have a special another Friday night party. tions are now available in the citing summer job. Check out Ministry, 3311 Chestnut St., lunch and hear Rabbi Meir Little Anny is getting Dean of Students Office, rm. the blue book in Drexel’s Per­ the guest speaker will be the F'und speak on “ Facing the lonesome, being all alone in 215 Creese Student Center. sonnel Office. (Located on the Reverend James McDonald of corner of 32nd and Market Wilderness.” The lunch will the basement for such a long Applications must be com­ Tabernacle Church. Reverend be in the Hillel lounge from time. She wants your com­ pleted by those students In­ Street.) We have a full listing McDonald works with Drexel- noon 10 1:30. The regular pany! If you haven’t met her tel ested in being considered of summer jobs for employ­ Asbury as a representative of ment outside the university. Kosher Deli lunches will be yet, tonight’s the night. for such awards by April 30, the Presbyterian and U.C.C. The personnel office also Tuesday and Thursday form 1980. These awards are given Churches. The service starts at maintains a bulletin board of noon to 1:30 in the Hillel at the Dean of Students 11:00 a.m. and coffee and off-campus part-time and full Lounge. Honors Day which will be held donuts will be served after­ Assertiveness time jobs. Why don't you Saturday, April 19th is our this year on May 28, 1980. wards in the social hall. In­ Coffee House in the Hillel drop by and see us! terested persons are invited to Lounge .starting at 9:00 pm. An introductory session on Students must have a join the choir for rehersal at All proceeds go to United Assertiveness will be con­ satisfactory academic record, Adult Students 10:00 a.m. ducted by Dean Jane M. Jewish Appeal. and have been actively engag­ Are you an adult who finds Stellwagen on Tuesday, April Wednesday Dinner and Sunday, April 20th is the ed in extra-curricular activities difficulty in identifying with 22, 1980, at 3;30pm. In order Dialogue continues. Hope you Jewish Folklife Festival from to warrant this special recogni­ the typical Drexel Student? to attend the session, students can join us for at least some noon to 5:00 with a concert at tion.
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