AGENDA FOR Governing Body Meeting Date: Friday 22 May 2020 Time: 1:00 pm Venue: Skype Conference Call No Item Lead Note/Information/Decision Indicative timing A Introduction and apologies A1 Welcome & Introductions Fiona Verbal to note Lemmens A2 Apologies received: M Smith; R As above Verbal to note Tunstall; A3 Declarations of Interest As above Verbal to note A4 Previous Minutes (10 March As above Paper for approval 2020) A5 Action Log As above Paper for approval B Officer Updates B1 Chief Officer Report Jan Ledward Paper for information B2 Chief Nurses Report Jane Lunt Paper for information B3 Public Health Update Matt Ashton Paper for information B4 Finance Report Mark Paper for information Bakewell B5 Performance Report Sam James Paper for information B6 GBAF, Corporate Risk Register Stephen Paper for information and Issues Log Update Hendry • Corporate Risk Register • Governing Body Assurance Framework B7 Emergency Preparedness, Stephen Paper for information Resilience and Recovery Report Hendry B8 Complaints Report Stephen Paper for information Hendry C For Decision No items D For Noting D1 Constitution Stephen Verbal to note Hendry D2 CCG response to COVID-19 Sam James Paper for information E Questions from Public To follow F Papers to Note / For Information Note – these items are provided for noting by / or for information to the Governing Body, they do not require approval or for a decision to be made. Members are asked to read the papers prior to the meeting and, unless the Chair receives notification before the meeting that a member wishes to debate the item or seek clarification on an issue, the paper will be recorded in the minutes as being noted without debate at the meeting in line with the process for Papers to Note / For Information. F1 Update to the 2019/20 Audit, Risk Sally Paper to note and Scrutiny Committee Annual Houghton Report to the Governing Body. 1 Page 1 F2 Finance, Procurement and Mark Paper to note Contracting Committee Feedback Bakewell - F3 Audit and Risk Committee Sally Paper to note feedback – 21/04/2020 Houghton Committee Minutes F4 Liverpool CCG Committees:; For information • HR & Remuneration Committee – 26/11/2019 & 21/01/2020 • Quality, Safety and Outcome Committee – 04/02/2020 • Committees in Common - 13/12/2019 • Primary Care Commissioning Committee - 17/12/2019 F5 Other Committees: For information – to follow • Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership System Management Board G The Public Meeting of the Governing Body is a meeting held in public, rather than a public meeting in which the public may participate. Once the Public Meeting closes the Chairman will ask if anybody would like to ask a question or raise any issues with the Governing Body. H The Governing Body is invited to adopt the following resolution: ‘That the Governing Body hereby resolves that the remainder of the meeting to be held in private, because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest, by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted’. [Section (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960] J Any Other Business J1 Any Other Business Dates of Future Meetings: Deadline for papers/questions: • 14th July 2020 • Papers due 30th June • Questions due 9th July • 8th September 2020 • Papers due 25th August • Questions due 3rd September • 10th November 2020 • Papers due 27th October • Questions due 5th November 2 Page 2 B1 Reporting to: Governing Body Date of Meeting: Friday 22nd May 2020 Title of Report: Chief Officer Report – May 2020 Presented by Jan Ledward, Chief Officer Report Author Jan Ledward, Chief Officer Lead Governor Jan Ledward, Chief Officer Senior Leadership Jan Ledward, Chief Officer Team Lead Information ☒ Report Category Decision ☐ Discussion ☐ Assurance ☐ Purpose of this report The report highlights to the Governing Body the issues and risks that have reached the attention of the Chief Officer and require noting by the Governing Body Recommendation(s) The Committee is asked to: a) Note the Chief Officer Report Is this subject matter confidential? No ☒ Yes ☐ Relevance to CCG Strategic Objectives / Governing Body Assurance Framework 01 Commissioning for better health outcomes ☐ 02 Ensure commissioning of high quality, safe and responsive health services ☐ 03 Reduce health inequalities ☐ 04 Ensure maximum value from available resources ☐ 05 Decisions that are evidence-based and evaluated for maximum impact ☐ 06 Maintain the CCG’s reputation and safeguard public confidence ☐ Executive summary Governance and reporting arrangements (list the committees, groups or other bodies that have discussed this report) Date Meeting Decision made / outcome 1 Page 3 Were there any conflicts of interest identified at any of the above meetings? Yes ☐ No ☐ If ‘Yes, please give brief details: Implications Yes No N/A Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ Patient Experience ☐ ☐ ☐ Conflicts of interest ☐ ☐ ☐ Equality / PSED ☐ ☐ ☐ Privacy or GDPR ☐ ☐ ☐ Workforce ☐ ☐ ☐ Are there any risks associated with this ☐ ☐ ☐ report or its recommendations? Are these risks included on the Corporate ☐ ☐ ☐ Risk Register (CRR) or GBAF? If ‘yes’, please provide CRR/GBAF reference number and risk description: Equality & Human Rights Analysis Yes No N/A Do the issue(s) identified in this report affect one of the ☐ ☐ ☐ protected group(s) less or more favorably than any other? Are there any valid legal/regulatory reasons for ☐ ☐ ☐ discriminatory practice? If the answer to either of the above two questions is ‘YES’, please include a section in this report explaining why. 2 Page 4 GOVERNING BODY CHIEF OFFICER REPORT – MAY 2020 1. BACKGROUND The report highlights to the Governing Body the issues and risks that have reached the attention of the Chief Officer and require noting by the Governing Body 2. PROPOSAL That Liverpool CCG Governing Body: Notes the Chief Officer’s report. 3. INTRODUCTION How rapidly life can change. In my last report we were presenting our plans for 2020, in this report we are describing our role and responsibilities and actions in respect of managing the COVID 19 pandemic. Firstly, I want to thank and praise the Liverpool health and care system for the way they have worked together tirelessly to care for and support our population. This is an unprecedented national emergency; the scale of the disease has required a response from society that has not been necessary since war time. Secondly it is right that at this point I propose a minute silence to respect those friends and families of staff and patients that have lost loved ones over the last few weeks. The CCG sends our condolences to all those families who have lost a loved one at this difficult time. 4. LOCAL ISSUES 4.1 2019/20 Financial Year I am pleased to report that the CCG has delivered upon its financial requirements for the previous year, posting a surplus of £6.5m as a result of a number of factors as described within the finance update on today’s agenda. This is a positive outcome for the CCG, given the significant challenges facing the health and care system and also enables a ‘drawdown’ of equivalent resources on a non-recurrent basis for the next two financial years to support place based transformation schemes. 3 Page 5 The year end accounts and annual report were submitted in line with national deadlines in April and we are currently working with our external auditors to review the submission in order to achieve sign off by the 25th June 2020. 4.2 Planning 2020-21 The CCG have been developing the ‘One’ Liverpool strategy with the support of key system partners as part of its response to the NHS Long Term Plan, resulting in the development of an operational plan for the 2020/21 financial year as agreed by the Governing Body in March. However, on 17th March 2020 additional contracting guidance was published in response to the national COVID-19 crisis which superseded all previous planning guidance and changed the approach for 2020/21 for all NHS organisations. The NHS is now in a national command and control structure and the implications for this are detailed within papers from the respective leads on today’s agenda. In support of this, the CCG has organised itself into two teams, one to manage the COVID-19 response led by Dave Horsfield and Cheryl Mould (Primary Care Lead), the other to manage business as usual led by Samson James. The Senior Leadership team have been meeting daily on a virtual basis. All decisions are logged by Sam James and the team to ensure we have a comprehensive record of the business that we have conducted for appropriate audit and financial management. It is probably an understatement, but these changes have challenged our ways of working, required rapid decisions and responses in hours, not days or weeks. Guidance produced rapidly is often then amended once operational aspects of delivery become known and or need to change. This has caused some difficulties locally, for example, the shielded patients. From the middle of March, all CCG staff that could work from home were asked to. We were fortunate that during 2019 we moved to ensuring most staff had equipment to facilitate flexible working policies, so had laptops to enable them to function from home. This, along with a rapid review of business continuity plans 4 Page 6 and identification of business critical functions has helped the CCG fulfill its statutory functions whilst responding to this incident. The CCG as part of the National Emergency Planning and response (EPRR) procedures set up our local incident room which is manned Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and over the weekends and evenings remotely. The Merseyside Resilience Forum is the lead mulit-agency forum for managing the response to COVID-19 across the area, and the route for escalation of issues and challenges.
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