T • — mLionPO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851 607-273-8519 WINTER 1997 NEWSLETTER & CATALOG SUPPLEMENT 1997—Year of Tibet The QeluglKugyii Tradition o{ in the Movies MAHAMUDRA This year we can hope to see the to any of its markets if Disney re- release of two major films on Tibet: leases the film. So far, the Chinese "Kundun" and "Seven Years in Tibet." haven't spoken out against Seven Melissa Mathison Ford, the wife of Years in Tibet. Harrison Ford, wrote the screenplay Filming for Kundun was done in for Kundun based on the Dalai Morocco since the Chinese interfered Lama's autobiography. She has also with the possibility of shooting it in written the screenplay for ET and The the Himalayan region. Black Stallion. Martin Scorsese is the The word "Kundun" means "the director and Disney's Touchstone Pic- presence of a great incarnation," and tures will distribute the film. the movie chronicles the life of the Jean-Jacques Annaud (The Bear, 14th Dalai Lama from his selection as Name of the Rose) is directing Seven the reincarnated lama to his perilous Years in Tibet, the story of Heinrich escape to India in the 1950s. The cast Harrer's great adventure in Tibet. Os- of "Kundun" is all Tibetan and per- car nominee Brad Pitt plays Harrer formers were chosen from exiles. HEALING ANGER THE GELUG/KAGYU and David Thewlis plays Peter Tsering Lhamo, a Tibetan from Aufschnaiter. The movie is being Ithaca, New York plays the Dalai The Power of Patience from filmed in Argentina, Chile and Canada Lama's sister. She said, "It is a movie TRADITION OF and will be distributed by Columbia especially made for Tibetans, so the a Buddhist Perspective friStar. world will know what happened by the Dalai Lama MAHAMUDRA Both films are scheduled to be re- when the Chinese invaded our coun- trans, by Thupten Jinpa leased in the fall of 1997. try." A crew of Italian designers re- by H. H. the Dalai Lama 155 pp. #HEAN $12.95 March The Chinese government seems to created the Potala and when the Ti- and Alexander Berzin be particularly worried about betans saw it, they all started to cry. ■ 325 pp. #GEKATR 18.95 March In this timely discussion, The Dalai Lama shows the Kundun and has threatened to bar power that patience and tolerance have to heal anger Walt Disney Productions from access (Related articles on page 9) In this book, the Dalai Lama gives brilliant commen- and hatred. As His Holiness points out, this is impor- taries on the mahamudra root text and auto-commen- tant in our own lives as well for achieving peace in the tary by the First Panchen Lama. This treasury of prac- world. The techniques and methods presented are rel- tical instructions contains extensive teachings on the evant not only for Buddhist practitioners but for all who nature of mind, the development of shamata, sutra and seek to improve themselves. tantra levels of mahamudra, and the compatibility of Three Year Retreat We think this is a great book. Dzogchen and anuttarayoga tantra. Here some excerpts from Healing Anger. The following excerpt is a presentation by the Dalai Lamas on the First Panchen Lama's autocommentary. Day One FIRST SESSION Visualizing Ourselves as a Buddha-form An Interview Generally speaking, all the major religions of the world, and particularly Buddhism, emphasize the importance If, for whatever reason—lack of time, sickness, travel with of the practice of love, compassion, and tolerance. This and so forth — we need to abbreviate our practice, we is particularly the case in all the traditions of Buddhism, must be careful not to omit fulfilling the main purpose LAMA (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 14) LODU RINPOCHE PLEASE READ THIS-! Special One-time Request for Our Readers Our newsletter can then be classed as a "requester" periodical and bulk mail costs will be reduced. As the readership of the Snow Lion Newsletter/Cata- With or without an order, we will sign you up for tunity to free themselves from suffer- On April 18,1996 the gates closed log continues to grow, so does the cost of postage and another free year of the Snow Lion Newsletter/Cata- for a Tibetan Buddhist three-year, ing and realize perfect Buddhahood the labor to prepare mailings. log. A few moments of your time will make a big dif- to benefit sentient beings. Although three-month, three-day retreat in Incredibly, there is a way you can help us to signifi- ference in our ability to continue to create and deliver many Americans have heard the same Mendocino County, California. This cantly lower mailing costs that is easy to do! The Postal the Snow Lion newsletter. We have really appreciated retreat sponsored by Kagyu Droden teachings and have even practiced Service will give us a discount on postage if you will your support in the past when we needed you, and we what they've heard, their karmic re- Kunchab is being led by Venerable send us the order form on the last page of this newslet- thank you in advance for helping with the ongoing Lama Lodu Rinpoche. The following lationship with three-year retreat is ter. Please print your name and address, check the work for Tibet! interview took place in August, 1996. not as strong as the people you met. box that says "I would like to remain on the Snow Lion Thank you. The interviewer is Deborah Price The retreatants had some past-life mail list" and return it to us with or without an order. Janke. connection with three-year retreat, Question: Rinpoche, when I talked to had followed the lineage, and had some of the people going into three- practiced. This familiarity gave them the feeling of coming home rather year retreat I was amazed at their Snow Lion Publications joy—it was as though they had won than of being imprisoned in the re- PO Box 6483 BULK RATE the lottery. Yet, for most Americans treat. Ithaca, NY 14851 U.S. POSTAGE the idea of being sequestered and Q: Could you please tell us the na- PAID ture of this particular three-year engaging in rigorous meditation PERMIT NO. 100 practice for three years is not a very retreat you started in Mendocino RIPON, WI entertaining prospect, so where does County. their joy come from? LLR: Actually, all three-year retreats Lama Lodu Rinpoche: The people you are essentially the same but each met had been students of the Buddha/ school has unique traditions, unique Dharma for many years. They had lis- ways to transmit and practice. Our tened again and again to the teach- Mendocino retreat follows the tradi- ings and over time through practice tion of the Shangpa/Kagyu lineage— their experience was transformed the lineage holder being His Holiness from an intellectual understanding to Kalu Rinpoche. So we are following a genuine understanding. So they in his foot steps. view three-year retreat as an oppor- (Continued on page 6) within the prison of cyclic existence. role-models. When we are over- THE 37 PRACTICES Influenced by sources of suffering whelmed by obstructions, feel afraid like the three poisons, they perform or are in pain, we have a support and OF BODHISATTVAS harmful actions which express their a source of strength and hope. Feel- hostility and desire. The praises ex- ing this trust is taking mental refuge, by Geshe Sonant Rinchen tolling such worldly gods actually expressing it in words is taking ver- trans. & ed. by Ruth Sonam laud them for these very activities. bal refuge and making any gesture of From a Buddhist point of view, this homage is taking physical refuge. We 112 pp. #THSEPR $12.95 February shows they're still trapped within cy- then try to live by the refuge precepts. clic existence and therefore, no mat- When we see no way out, when we ter how powerful, are incapable of look to our right and left but no one, protecting others from suffering and not even enlightened beings and our Gyelsay Togmay Sangpo wrote Bound himself in the jail of fear. If you're sinking in a swamp spiritual teachers, can do anything The Thirty-seven Practices ofBodhi- cyclic existence, yourself, you're not in a position to directly to help us, there's no need for saltvas in the fourteenth century. His What worldly god can give you rescue anyone else. In order to be despair because the virtue we our- succinct and simple verses of advice protection? fully capable of showing others how selves have created will act as our summarize the quintessence of the Therefore when you seek to free themselves, you must be free refuge and protection. Mahayana path to perfection. Geshe refuge, take refuge in from cyclic existence yourself. We If we imagine our spiritual teach- Sonam Rinchen's oral teachings elu- The Three Jewels which will not need a refuge we can trust and which ers and the Three Jewels before us, cidate these practices for the modern betray you— will not let us down. The Three Jew- thinking again and again of their ex- reader and show how we can trans- This is the practice of els are such a refuge, for they will cellent qualities, we'll remember form our actions, feelings and ways Bodhisattvas. never fail us. Taking refuge in them, them not only during our waking of thinking to become Bodhisattvas we look upon the enlightened beings hours but during the night as well. ourselves. There are many well-known pow- as those who show us our true pro- Through such prolonged familiarity The following is a short selection erful worldly gods and forces which, tection.
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