?4 - M ANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Feb. 19, 1986 MANCHESTER CLASSIFIED AD V E R T ISIN G 643-2711 Potholes tax town Fearsome storms :c ^ crews, motorists relent In West In exciting game [RECREATIONAL ICARS/TRUCKS APARTMENTS RESTORE AND I HOUSEHOLD [MISCELLANEOUS CONDOMINIUMS I ^ a p a r t m i n t s I FOR SALE ... page 3 ... page 5 ... page 15 ^OFFICE SPACE I GOODS [ f o r s a l e [ it e m s ____________ FOR SALE FOR RENT IFOR RENT Brother Electronic Pools! Poolsl Poolsl AAA 197) Dodge Charger — Manchester — Fully car­ Office Space — Excellent Used Refrigerators, Good 318 with transmis­ Now's The Tithe.... To 4 Room Apartment • — Typewriter-Printer. Ek- pool distributor must dis­ peted 3 bedroom duplex location with ample park­ Woshers, Ranges — sion. Good car tor ports. stop paving rent! You $440, utilities not Included. clean, guaranteed, parts cellent condition, $90.646; pose of entire stock of might lust be qualified to Central location. Adults. with attic, appliances, ing. 600, 400 Si 300 so. ft. $99. 643-4149.0____________ office suites are now and service. Low prices. 1760.O new, leftover, 1985, 31 ff. purchase this 4 room No pets. Call after Spm, washer & dryer hook up, family sized swimming references & security available. 649-2891. B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 Condo at Park Chestnut In 649-1240. Brown Plaid Carriage and pools with huge sundeck, Must Sell I 19*'; Mercury needed. 647-9340 or 241- Main Street, 643-2171. Monarch. Low mileage, Manchester. 2 bedrooms, stroller combination. E k- fencing, filter, ladders wall to wall carpet, and 3Vi Room Apartment with 1000. Manchester — Approxi­ oir, fully equipped. Two Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ cellent condition. $65. 647- and warranty for only appliances, basement. mately 500 sq. ft., 182 tone color. $2,500.643-0141, It's economical to heat. trial freezer. $350. 649- 8203 after 4:15pm.a $978. Initallotlon optional Only S44.S00. Call Today! Working single adult, Manchester — One bed­ South Main Street, Colon­ andextra,flnanclngayall- Tues. 8i Thurs. oil day. ial decor, good site visibil­ 9012. Jockson & Jackson Real married couple. No child­ room condo, 4 rooms, air oble. Coll Pool of 721-1884. conditioned, $450 montly ity and parking. $475 plus 1963 Ford Pick UP, good Estate, 647-S400 or 646- ren, pets. 643-2880. Ivt^v Naugahvde Rocker B646.0 plus utilities. Call 627-9359 utilities. Call Bob Allbrio Head Skis, $25 per pair. engine, $100. 643-6654. recllner. Good condition. iiandirstfr Hrrato Manchester — 3 room days, 525-0684 evenings. at 649-0917. [PETS_____________ 643-1554.D ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Manchester — 2 bedroom apartment, appliances, $65. 646-6229.0 1975 Firebird - Red/black end unit Ranch In desira­ garage, parking, cen­ Manchester — One bed­ 474 Main Street, the center vinyl top. Automatic, Herculon brown, rust AKC Golden Retrievers, ble Northtleld Green. t r a lly lo c a te d . $395 room aoortment, stove, of town. 3 rooms first power steering, brakes, braided rug. 6x9, $45. five females, ($250), 3 Automotive $70's. Owner, 646-1635 monthly. 289-9486. refrigerator, references floor. Call 646-2426 week­ excellent condition In and required. $290 monthly, days 9-5. Manchester. 649-1047.□ moles ($200). Ready out. $1,995. Call 646-7»2or Thursday, Feb. 20. 1986 25 Cents evenings. 2/10/86. 872-1422 evenings. 4 Room Apartment — 646-2311. 646-2796. 120 Gallon Electric Hot Available Now, odults, no [CARS/TRUCKS Water Heater in good pets, no appliances, one I RESORT [forsale condition. $15. Phone 644- MUSICAL BUSINESS car, security and referen­ le q jH O M E S PROPERTY I 0011.0 ITEMS PROPERTY ces. 649-1265. I«I for rent 1981 Chevy Van — Ponel, Myrtle Beach. South Co- I motorcycles / Worries lead Large Bevel Edged Mir­ V4 ton, 8 cylinder, 60,000 Manchester 2 family 5 Coventry — 3 bedroom rollna. Golf villa on fair­ Plano Fayette Coble. miles. Battery, front disc, BICYCLES Thinking of Selling or ror — 4'5" long, 2'10" wide. I room, 2 bedroom apar- lakefront available. Im­ way 2 bedroom 2 both, Very Good condition. exhaust 8. shocks all less Leasing vour orooertv? $95 or best offer. 643-1720.O ment. $625 heat and hot mediate occupancy, ap­ fully furnished, near $700. 649-3271 otter 4om. than one year old. $4,4(X). We specialize In commer- water Included. Children beach. Golf package or 1976 Harley Davidson pliances, washer & dryer, Double Bed, Mattress and 647-2392, Doys; 267-4176 clol. Industrial, Invest­ welcome. 647-7602. Availa­ vocation. 649-0547 after Sportster XLCH1000 In lease required, $650 per Box spring. Excellent Offer 6pm. mint condition. 10,000 PZC to delay ment properties. Warren ble April 1st. month, no pets. Call ERA 5pm. E. Howland Inc. Reoltors. condition. $60. Coll 649- IC7 i RECREATIONAL original miles. $3,000 or B 8, R, M ary Gabbev, 1974 Ford Von F200. 302 643-1108. 0845.O ITEMS best offer. 633-7834. Rockville — 2 bedroom. 646-2482 or 649-9459. ID' I engine, standard trans­ Good neighborhood. I WANTED mission, runs. $750 or best 2 Cash In A Flash!!! Brick Whirlpool Gos Dryer — 3 Stove and refrigerator. TO RENT Ski Boots, Mole, Swiss offer. Coll otter 4pm, 644- front commercial build­ $375 plus utilities. 643-1903 years old. Like new. $100. I MISCELLANEOUS mill conversidn STORE ANO 649-2034. Henke br/and. $20. Phone 2653. ing In high traffic area of after 5pm. 643-5873.0 \ [automotive Wllllmantic. First floor Professional couple, no OFFICE SPACE 1984'/a Mustang G t — 302, presently occupied by a 3 Room Apartment. Heat I children, seeking house Not all the news Is on the apartments into the Velvet Mill at By John F. Kirch bar and there Is also a 3 & Electricity Included. for rent, $500 per month. front page! There's lots of Bowling Boll, 10 Pin, V8 quad shock, low miles, 2 Snow Tires on Plymouth sunroof. AM/FM Herald Reporter 60 Elm St. and locate parking in the room apartment and 9 Private driveway, private Manchester, Main St., Quiet area, private yard, newsy Information In the weight 12 lbs., shoes, Rims P235. 7.75-15. Ekcel- Cassette. Asking $7,500. Weave Shed on Pine Street. It is single rooms. Excellent entrance. $525. 643-9804. Store & office for rent credit references, 649-8549 Classified section. 643- carry bog and oil accesso­ lent tread. $60 for both, Income. Offered at March 1. $225 8, $250 per offer 4pm. 2711. ries. $40. 649-7918.0 646-1706 evenings. 649-1302.U After a heated discussion Wed­ one of four conversion projects 9 $180,000. Jackson & Jack- White space makes vour month Includes heat, air, nesday night, the Planning and under way in the Cheney Historic 0 son Real Estate. 647-8400 ad stand o u t.. parking. 649-5334, 643-7175. Zoning Commission delayed action District. Eric P. Richelson of Cambridge or 646-8646. ROOMMATES 171 ICARS/TRUCKS ■71ICARS/TRUCKS 171 J CARS/TRUCKS ■71 jcars/trucks on final site plans for the conver­ I sion of the former Velvet Mill on Development, who represented the IfOR SALE ■ 'M forsale I'M for sale ■ 'M for sale I miscellaneous I MISCELLANEOUS [wanted , Elm Street to apartments. developers Wednesday night, said FOR RENT FOR RENT The developers, the Velvet Mill that other projects in the historic Female to share 3 bed­ Limited Partnership, called the district have received approval Rentals room Cape with 31 year delay unfair, but agreed to a 30-day from the town and that it was male. References, car and extension to allow commission unfair for the PZC to delay action job. Coll Steve at 649-1158. KEEP members time to review the on the Velvet Mill application. He I ROOMS THINGS possible impact of the conversion said the developers were ready to FOR RENT DILLON on traffic in the area. start work by March I. AT Han The extension was needed be­ A traffic study the partnership Ladles Only — Nice, quiet ^ For Sale cause state law requires the PZC to presented to the town has been room for senior citizen or SAFE & SECURE act on an application 65 days after approved by the Manchester Po­ • FENCED • ELECTRONIC SECURITY lice Department and town offi­ working girl. Located on • YOUR OWN SPACE. DOOR & LOCK it is received or the application is PRESIDENT'S cials, Richelson said. bus line. References and • WIDE DRIVEWAYS • ONE LEVEL IHOUDAY/ automatically approved. Time security. Call otter • h a n d ie s t SPACE AROUND SEASONAL was running out on the application But commission members said 5:30pm, 644-0383. MANCHESTER when the PZC took up the matter that police approval of the traffic A town firefighter opens a window on the third fioor of evacuated. Damage from the fire was confined to the 610 North Main St. 649-6980 DA Y SALE! during a business meeting at study, which was conducted by Snow Blower — 3 Va horse The Oicott, an apartment buiiding on Oicott Street where apartment, but smoke filled the corridors. Among the Manchester/East Hart­ Lincoln Center Wednesday. Fuss 8e O’Neill Consulting Engi­ ford Line — Large Room, power, oldie but goodie. a fire broke out .Wednesday night. Tenants of about 30 tenants who spent about two hours outdoors while the f n n n n H $60. Coll 649-6552 after During the meeting, commission neers of Manchester, was not Raised Ranch, kitchen enough. apartments in the east wing of the building were smoke was being cleared was Michelle Fein, below right. privileges. 568-5079.
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