THE SPHINX OF THE CHARLES: A YEAR AT HARVARD WITH HARRY PARKER PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Toby Ayer | 200 pages | 01 Oct 2016 | ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD | 9781493026531 | English | Guilford, United States 15 | June | | the Rondout Rower Yet, behind all of these accomplishments stood a very soft-spoken, humble individual. A man of few words, Parker was nonetheless able to get the most out of his rowers. He never screamed at people. He set a precedent of success and hard work that his team strived to match through his example. When Parker used his words, he knew how to employ them effectively. Parker put his competitive fire on full display for his team leading up to the Harvard-Yale Regatta. While Parker had most of his success at Harvard, his accomplishments extended outside the realm of Cambridge. His achievements pushed American crews to change the way they operated. Parker is credited with creating the fall head racing season in the US. Other programs strived to compete with the dominant Crimson crews. Steve Gladstone, who was the head coach of the Harvard lightweight men from before moving on to heavyweight at other institutions, looked forward to competing with Harvard. Parker achieved success on the world stage as well. His impact was immediate, leading the eight-woman squad to a silver medal in its first appearance at the World Rowing Championship. The next year, he led the team to a bronze medal in the Summer Olympics in Montreal. He was very much an egalitarian at the time when most male athletes and coaches were not. When the former Crimson coach was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome in , Hodges and other rowers asked many former oarsmen for some notes that could be amalgamated in a get-well soon card. The expectations for the messages were not too large—more or less, just some small words of encouragement. As we came by the boathouse, we stepped it up and did a power 20 [an all-out pull of 20 strokes]. We had to do that. Suffice it to say that he was one of the most influential people in the history of American rowing. During his 51 years directing the Harvard program, his boats won eight national championships, boasted 20 undefeated seasons — including in , which was completed less than two weeks before Parker died — and posted a record against Yale. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he rowed under Joe Burk, Parker was a taciturn man whose expertise as a coach came from his ability to pick the right people for his boats. Kelly likens him to Hall of Fame Penn football coach George Munger, whose high personal standards inspired his charges to expend extra effort in pursuit of victory. He did it in a quiet way, but the high expectations he had for himself, and the way he carried himself made you want to emulate him by behaving the right way. It was pretty cool to see him as a family man and a father. It gave us a deeper appreciation for him. Ivanov was feted at a dinner last Thursday at the Vesper Boathouse , the same day he went to visit the gravesite of John B. Kelly Jr. Kelly still gets onto the river at least once a week, rowing out of Vesper. But neither of his children, Katherine 25 or Nicholas 21 , took to the sport. Perhaps if they had confronted Harry Parker as college freshmen, things might have been different. The person to focus upon over the next two years is David Montgomery, who has played an equally large role in the deterioration of the franchise and the bankrupting of its future. If Montgomery continues to back Amaro as he makes poor judgments, and continues to lavish countless millions on players clearly on the downsides of their careers, then the Phillies ownership group should consider installing a new president, as well as a new GM. Fellows and Visiting Scholars in Byzantine Studies — Dumbarton Oaks Budek, Jana, "Die Sonnenlaufszene. Budge, E. Wallis , The Book of the Dead. Budge, Ernest A. 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