, • oS ......; I ",", 0, Al J.. -I r, C~1 MINUTES OF THE MALAYA ANNUAL CONFERENCE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HELD IN SINGAPORE, JANUARY 1938 WESLEY CHUR C H, SINGAPORE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OFFICERS OF TEE ANNUAL CONFERENCE S II. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 4 Special Committees , .. 6 III. DAILY PROCEEDINGS 7 IV. DISCIPLINARY QUESTIONS 18 Certificate of Ordination 25 V. APPOINTMENTS 26 Special Appointments 34 Secretary's Certi1lcate 34 VI. REPORTS: (a) District Superintendents Singapore District-R. L. Archer 3!S Sibu District-Lee Hock Hiang 38 Central lI[alaya District-Abel Eklund 40 Central Tamil District-P. L. Peach 43 &erik! District-Wong King Hwo 46 Southern Tamil District-S. S. Pakianathan 47 Penang-Ipoh District-I Dodsworth 49 (b) Standing Committees and Boards Committee on Public Morals 55 Committee on Evangelism 55 Committee on Resolutions 56 Committee on the State of the Church 57 Committee on Home ][issions 57 Conference Board of Stewards 60 STATISTICS Summary of Kalaya Annual Conference and Malaysia Chinese Mission Conference Statistics 64 Statistical Beport of Malaya Annual Conference Inserted Statistics for Educational Institutions Inserted Statistician's Recapitulation Report Inserted Conference Treasurer's Report 66 VII. lIlISCELLANEOUS Recommendations of Committee on Christian Literature 67 General Report on Girls' Schools 67 Report of the Malaysia Commission on Beligious Education for 1937 69 VIII. ROLL OF THE DEAD 73 Memoirs 74 IX. HISTORICAL Conference Sessions 77 Chronol~gical Boll 78 Retired Ministers 79 .MINUTES OF THE FOR TY -SIXTH SESSION MALAYA ANNUAL CONFERENCE .METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HELD IN WESLEY CHURCH SINGAPORE, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, MALAYA JANUARY 6, TO 12, I938 PUBLISHED BY SECRETARY, MALAYA ANNUAL CONFERENCE FIVE, FORT CANNING ROAD -. SINGAPORE, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS MALAYA ->.~ ... ~'~~~'~: ~ --~'~~:i) OFFICERS 3 I. Officers Resident Bishop EDWIN FLEE (a) OFFICERS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE President. EDWIN FLEE Secretary. W A. SCHURR Assistant Secretary j. S. ARTHUR Statistician .. · C. D. PATTERSON Treasurer .. FRED DAVID Registrdr H. F KUEHN M ission Treasurer · R. L. ARCHER Edu.cational Secretary .. · L. PROEBSTEL Secretary Board of Building and Location. · R. A. BLASDELL Assistant Secretary B.B.L.. · R. L. ARCHER Any of the above officers may be addressed: 5 Fort Canning Road, Singapore, S.S. (b) OFFICERS OF THE LAY CONFERENCE President: T \V. HINCH, Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore Secretary: j. M. PAKIANATHAN, Kuala Lumpur, F.1\LS. Treasurer: LEE CHOON ENG, Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore 4 MALAYA C..oNFERENCE, 1938 II. Boards, Commissions and Committees :SOARD OF MINISTERIAL TRAINING H. B. Amstutz, Chairman: H. F. Kuehn, Registrar: P. L. Peach, Lee Hock Hiang, j. V. Ayaduray, Fred David, S. M. Thevathasan, W. A. Schurr, Gerald V Summers, Wong King Hwo. CONFERENCE RELATIONS Class C for I year: j. S. Arthur, Gerald V. Summers, H. F. Kuehn. Class A for 2 years: S. M. Tthevathasan, E. S. Lau, R. A. Blasdell. Class B lor 3 years: P L. Peach. N. G. Manickam. Lester Proebstel. MISSION FINANCE COMMITTEE Bishop Edwin F. Lee, Cbairman, M. Dodsworth, 1St Vice-Cbairman; R. L. Archer, 2nd Vice-Cbairman; T. W. Hinch, Secretary; S. S. Pakianathan, Abel Eklund, Wong King Hwo, Lee Hock Hiang, Mission Treasurer, Secretary B.B.L., Mission Correspondent,; Secretary of Education, Principal A.C.S. Penang, Principal A.C.S. lpoh, Principal A.C.S. Singapore, and Principal M.B.S. Kuala Lumpur. Elective: Fred David, P W. Tambyah, Lee Chaon Eng. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Secretary of Education, Principal A.C.S. Penang, Principal A.C.S. Singa­ pore, Principal A.C.S. Ipoh, Principal M.B.S. Kuala Lumpur, Principal M.G.S. Kuala Lumpur, V. D. Kuppusamy, Ho Seng Ong, L. B. Jenkins. ~ISTRICT CONFERENCE MINUTES Herbert H. Peterson, j. Milton David, Chew Hock Hin, Chua 10k Han. EXAMINERS IN THE VERNACULAR Malay: R. A. Blasdell, R. L. Archer, Goh Hood Keng. Tamil: S. M. Thevathasan. Foochow: Lee Hock Hiang, Mrs. j. M. Hoover, D. p, Coole. OONFERENCE STEWARDS Class A for 2 years: Lee Hock Hiang. Class B lor 3 years: S. M. Thevathasan, Kingham Joseph. Class C for I year: Fred David, W. A. Schurr. ~UBLIC MORALS R. A. Blasdell, Goh Hood Keng, Gerald V. Summers, J. S. Arthur, G. E. Stephens. ~UBLICATIONS AND CHURCH EXTENSION Ex-Officio: Chairman, The Resident Bishop. Ex-Officio: Treasurer, Secretary of the Board of Building and Location. Ex-Officio: Secretary, Secretary for Christian Literature. Malaya Annual Conference Members: R. L. Archer, S. M. Thevathasan, M. Dodsworth, Ho Seng Ong. Sumatra Mission Conference Members: A. H. Prussner, A. V. Klaus. :BOARD OF CO'NTROL FOR HOLDING CHURCH AND PARSONAGE PROPERTY For 2 years: Lee Hock Hiang, S. A. Phillips, Fred David. For 3 years: Secretary Board of Building and Location. F or I year: S. S. Pakianathan, E. S. Lau. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 5 PUBLIC WORSHIP AND MUSIC Waldo S. Reinoehl. Cbairman: Miss Geraldine Johnson, Lester Proebstel, J. A. Ayaduray, M. Thangamuthu, Mis. ~aul E. Thomas, J. Milton David. CHRISTIAN LITE·RATURE Secretary of Christian Literature, Cbairman: S. S. Pakianathan, R. A. Blasdell, ~. G. Manickam, Theodore Runyan, Chen Pi-Jen, D. D. Chelliah, Miss Eva I. ;\elson, V. A. Chelliah, Lyman B. Terry. STATE OF THE CHURCH Paul H. Schmucker, J. J. Kovilpillai, Goh Hood Keng, Chua 10k Han, Miss ,\label ;\iarsh, J. W. A. Kadirgamar. EVANGELISM Chew Hock Hin, M. Dodsworth, Abel Eklund, C. P Patterson, Goh Hood Keng, R. L. Archer, J. Milton David, Waldo S. Reinoehl, Victor Paranjothy. ]30ARD OF CONTROL OF THE JEAN HAMILTON THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL R. L. Archer. Cbairman: W. A. Schurr, S. M. Thevathasan, (ministerial). P. W Tambyah. Lim Un Tien (lay). MALA YSIA COMMISSION ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 1938 Cbairman: Bishop Edwin F. Lee. Vice-Chairman: Willard A. Schurr. F or one 'year: !\1iss Martha Gertsch, E. S. Lau, M iss Dorothy Moreton. For t7.£'O years: Ralph A. Kesselring, Miss Goh Gie Hing, V D. Kuppusamy. For three years: V Paranjothy, Miss Geraldine Johnson, L. B. Jenkins. Associate members: Miss Mabel Marsh, S. M. Thevat-hasan, Gurdial Singh, S. K. Ratnam, Miss Ruth M. Harvey, C. B. Paul, Mrs. Gerald V. Summers, Ho Seng Ong, Mrs. Tay Soo Keng, j.J Milton David, Chew Hock Hin. Geh Hun Keng, W A. Schurr. Secretaries: Miss Eva 1. Nelson and P. B. Means. Secretary fOT Epworth· League and Young People's Work: G. S. Arumugam. Elected Representative from Epworth League: T!lio Gek Choo. Sumatra Members: Mrs. A. H. Prussner, Darel McFerren. TRIERS OF APPEALS R. A. Blasdell. Abel Eklund, Goh Hood Keng, S. S. Pakianathan, Lester Proebstel, S. M. Thevathasan, C. D. Patterson, Fred David, J. J. Kovilpillai. Rcser'l}cs: Burr H. Baughman, Chua 10k Han, Kingham Joseph. HOME MISSIONS Executi'l)c Committee: V. D. Kuppusamy, President: Yong Ngim Djin, Vice-President; R. A. Kesselring, Secretar}'; Wong Hean Kim. Treasurer; Mrs. L. B. Jenkins, Miss M. Dirkson, M. T Fang, Members of the C011l.mittee. Ministerial Representatives: S. S. Pakianathan; Chuah 10k Ham; H. H. Peterson. M embers of Lay COl1ference: \' D. Kuppusamy; Yong Ngim Djin; R. A. Kesselring; Wong Hean Kim. Members of the WomallS Conference: Miss G. Traeger; Miss M. Dirkson; Mrs. M. Dodsworth. Members of tbe Cbinese Mission Conference: Andrew K. T. Chen; C. E. Fang; Hong Han Keng. Members 01 the Cbinese Lay Conference: Lim Un Tien; Cheng Wei King; M. T. Fang. 6 MALAYA CoNFERENCE, 1938 SPECIAL COMMIITEES EDITING AND PUBLISHING OF MINUTES The Conference Secretary, Paul E. Thomas, The Conference Statistician,. E. S. Lau. P. B. Means, S. M. Thevathasan. ASIATIC PASTORS' BUNGALOW j. Milton David, C. E. Fang. Shih Yu Shou, Eugene O. McGraw, LaiKam Hong. CONFERENCE PBOGRAMME Waldo S. Reinoehl, Cbairma1l; J. v. Ayaduray, Secretary; E. S. Lau, R. L. Archer. Miss Ruth M. Harvey, TI. W. Hinch, Paul E. Thomas, Thio Chan Bee~ TEXT BOOK (ADVISTORy) Lester Proebstel, Educational Secretary, ex-officio chairman: Miss Maber Marsh, Miss Dorothy Moreton, L. B. Jenkins, Thio Chan Bee, T. W. Hinch,. V. D. Kuppusamy. MEMORIALS Abel Eklund, L. A. Samuel, Miss Ada Pugh, Miss Carrie C. Kenyon, S. A. Phillips. RESOLUTIONS Ralph A. Kesselring, N. G. Manickam, Lyman B. Terry, Miss Marion Royce. CENTRAL CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Abel Eklund, E. S. Lau. OFFICERS OF THE LAYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF MALAYA (1936) President: Dr. Chen Su Lan. Vice-President: P. W Tambyah. (a) Malaya Lay Conference: Vice-President: Dr. I. S. John. Secretary: Thio Chan Bee. Treasurer: ]. A. P. Oswald. Auditor: Lee T eck Hock. (b) Malaysia Chinese Lay Conference: Vice-President: Lim Chin Hua. Secretary: Lim Yau Tong. Treasurer: 0 Lim Un Tien. Auditor: Dr. Ling Thian SimA The General Committee: The above officers; Khoo Cheng Hoe (Penang); Yong ~gim Djin (Perak); j. A. P. Oswald (Selangor); Tan Choen Kway (Negri Sembilan); Loh Hung Loon (Malacca); T~ R. Doraisamy (Singapore); Lim Khai Cheng (Sarawak); C. M. Chacko (Keda;h); W. H. T,. Abraham (Pahang); V. A. Matthew (Johore). COMMITTEE ON ACCEPTED SUPPLY PASTORS 'The work of this Committee is referred to the Committee on Conference Relations with power. STATISTICIAN C. D. Patterson; Assistants: Ralph A. Kesselring, J. S. Arthur, Paul H. Schmucker, V. A. Chelliah, Chew Kia Song, Gerald V. Summers. DAILY PROCEEDINGS 7 III. Daily Proceedings THURSDAY• January 6, 1938 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION The 46th session of the Malaya Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was opened in Wesley Church, Singa­ pore, S.S., at 8 :30 a.m., Bishop Edwin F. Lee, presiding. Devotions. Bishop Edwin F Lee conducted the opening ser­ vice of worship speaking on the theme "Getting Our Spiritual Bearings. " Roll Call The secretary called the roll of the Conference and the following responded: Eklund, Abel Runyan, T Pakianathan, S. S. Kuehn, H.
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