LOWER FORT GARRY NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE: A Period Landscape By: Yousef Rasoulzadegan A Practicum Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrer of MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Deparunent of Landscape Architecnre University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba @ April 1993 Nat¡onal ubrary Bibliothèque nat¡onale I*l du Canada Acquisit¡ons and Djrect¡on des acqu¡sitions et B¡bliographic Serv¡ces Branch dès serv¡ces bibl¡ographiques 395 Wellinglon Slreet 395, rue Wellington Otlawa, Onlar¡o Onawa (Ontario) KlA ON4 K1A ON4 Y.\I tile votrc ¡ëtqênce Ou tite Noûø tëtétènce The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusíve licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons, mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. 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ETtTild U.M.l suSJECf CODI Subiert Colegories LOWER FORT GARRY NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE: A Period Landscape By: Yousef Rasoulzadegan A Practicum Submined in Panial Fulfi.llment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE @ April 1993 Pe¡mission has been granted ro the LIBRARY OF THE UNMRSITY OF MANITOBA ro lend or sell copies of this practicum, ro the NATroNArr rrrBRARy OF CÀNADA to microfilm this practicum and to lend or seII copies of the film and to UNfVERSITY MICRO-FIL,MS to publish an abstract of this practicum. The author reserves other pubLlcation right.s and neither the practicum nor extensive extracts from ít may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission, I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to extend my gratitude to those who have supported and confibuted in many ways to this practicum. I sincerely thank my committee members for their criticism, insight, a¡d support during the cou¡se of this s$dy. I am most grateful: To Professor A. E. Rattray, whose enthusiasm for the historic landscape was an inspiration to me and who supported me patiently through my graduate studies at this University. To D¡. J. M. Shay fo¡ her valuable suggestions and input. To M¡. G. Thomas, for generously providing all information and necessary documents and for the support of the Canadian Parks Service's Prairie Regional Office. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to my family especially my wife, Farideh, for her encouragement, suppo¡t and patience. It is to you that this practicum is dedicated. ll ABSTRACT This practicum deals with landscape restoration at the l,ower Fort Ga¡ry National Historic Site, a cultu¡al landscape in Manitoba. The site contains historic resou¡ces of national value, and functions as an historic "anchot''for the City of Winnipeg. presently, the site lacks a cohe¡ent landscape and does not provide an appropriate setting for the historic buildings. Addressing rhis issue, and within the framework of an historic preservation strategy, it is the aim of this wo¡k to develop a landscape proposal represent- ing the Fort during the 1850-1865 period. The proposal is guided by rhemes recommended by the Canadian Pa¡ks Service. The restoration plan for the site incorporates both an understanding of the site's heritage value and today's practical concems. The f,rst part of the study explores the historical background of the site, including its relation to the fur trade in Western Canada and the impact of the Fort on the natural landscape. These studies resulted in a comprehensive body of information depicting the landscape at Lower Fon Garry during the 1850- 1865 period. In the second part, a comprehensive site inventory is provided. The results a¡e analyzrÃ,, along with the prevailing conditions and issues and oppornrnities for development are add¡essed. In the third part, planning / design criteria and guidelines are established. Recommendations for landscape restomtion are shaped by evaluation of the information gained through resea¡ch and documentadon, internationally accepted guidelines and sta¡da¡ds for treatment of historic landscapes, as well as policies established by the Canadian Pa¡ks Service. Based on these recommendations for landscape restoration, a design program and a conceptual plan are developed. The concept presented in this study suppons a particular emphæis on the relationship of the Fort to the river, enharcement of the agricultural and indusrial activities, and the reintroduction of pre-settlement vegetation cover to the site. The study concludes with a discussion of the plan elements. lil TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Ack nowledgement I Abstract II List of Illustrations VI FIGURES VII PLATES vII TABLES uu CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROLOGIJE 1 1.2 PRACTICUMOBJECTTVES 2 1,3 SCOPE OF TFIE STUDY 2 1.4 EVALUATON OF ÐíSTING INFORMATION AND LIMITATIONS TO TI{E STUDY 3 CHAPTER 2: GEOGRAPHIC SETTING 5 2.1 SITECHARACTERISTICS 2,2 ZONING 5 CHAPTER 3: HISTORIC CONTEXT I 3.1 FUR TRADE AND ITS IMPACT ON TI{E I-A.NDSCAPE OFWESTERNCANADA 8 3.2 EVOLUTION OF THE LOWER FORT GARRY LANDSCAPE 9 CHAPTER 4r RESTORATION HISTORY OF LOWER 15 FORT GARRY 4.I Restoration Programs and Theme Establishment 15 4.2 A Living History Farm Feasibility Study 19 IV CHAPTER 5: METHODOLOGY )', CHAPTER 6: SITE ANALYSIS AND RELÄTED ISSUES 25 6. 1 DOCUMENTATIONOFCURRENTCONDMONS 25 6.1.i Climate 25 6.1.2 Topography 25 6.1.3 Drainage 25 6.1.4 Soils 26 6.1.5 Flooding 28 6.1.6 Vegeøtion 28 6.1.7 Visual Qualities 28 6. 1 .8 Site Access 29 6. 1 .9 Ci¡culation and Visitor Flow 30 6. 1. 10 Historic Structu¡es 30 6.2 SITE ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO THE 1850-1865 PEzuOD 31 6.2.1 Site Features 31 6.2.2 Period Plant Materials 33 6.3 ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTI.]NTIIES 33 6.3.1 Issues 33 6.3.1 Opportunities 38 CHAPTER 7: PLAN DEVELOPMENT 42 7.1 PLANNINGIDESIGNCRITERIA 42 7. 1. 1 General Development 42 7.1.2 Access 43 7. 1.3 Circulation 43 7. 1 .4 Natu¡al Landscape 45 7. i.5 User Needs 44 7.1.6 VisualQuality 44 7. 1.7 Safety 44 7. 1 .8 Maintenmce 45 7. 1.9 Agriculture 45 7.1.10 Recreation 45 V 7.2 DESIGNGUIDELINES 47 7.2.1 General 47 7.2.2 Circulation 48 7.2.3 Natural Landscape 49 7.2.4 Recreation 49 7.2.5 Visual Qualities 50 7.2.6 Agricultural Complex 51 7.2.7 Indusrial Complex 52 7.3 PROCRAMMATICELEMENTS 53 7.3.1 Parking/Enry 53 7.3.2 Visitor Reception Centre / Recreation 53 7.3.3 Indusriat Complex 56 7.3.4 York Boat Area 56 7.3.5 Native Encampment 57 7.3.6 The Fort Grounds Inside the Walls 57 7.3.7 Agricultural Complex 57 7.3.8 Riverba¡k 58 7.3.9 Administration and Maintenance Functions 58 7.3.10 General 59 7.4 SIJMMARYOFDESIGNOPTIONS FORDEVELOPMENT 62 7.4.1 Suategy 62 7.4.2 PlanOptions 62 7 .4.3 The Conceptual Plan Description and Elements 63 CHAPTER 8: SUMMARY 76 APPENDICES 92 Appendix I Guidelines and Standards for Conservatiory' Restoration of Historic Landscapes 92 Appendix 2 Chronological History of Landscape Evolution atLowerFortcarry 96 Appendix 3 List of the Existing Plant Species at the Lower Fort Garry site 101 Appendix 4 Historic Sructu¡es at I.ower Fort Garry 105 Appendix 5 Period Plmt Materials 112 VI Appendix 6 Canadian Parks Service Objectives fo¡ Restoration of Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site r32 Appendix 7 List Native Vegetation in Manitoba 134 Appendix 8 Priorities and Phasing of Plan Implementation 138 Appendix 9 Recommendations for Vegetation Establishment and landscape Maintenance t41 REFERENCES t44 vil LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ILLUSTRATION PAGE FIGURES Figure 1: Lower Fort Garry Location Map 6 Figure 2: Aerial View Of Lower Fort Garry and Context 7 Figure 3: Methodology Flow Chan 24 Figure 4: Site Inventory: Climatic C-onditions )1 Figure 5: Disribution of the Nodes Within the Site Indicating the Major Focus of Development 55 Figure 6: Conceptual Development Process 68 Figure 7: Composite Functional Relationship Diagram 7l Figure 8: Franklin House in Philadelphia and Scott House Near Winnipeg Utitizing the "Ghost House" Concept 72 Figure 9: The Big House 107 Figure 10: Saleshop / Fur Loft t07 Figure 11: Men's House 108 Figure 12: South-West Bastion 108 Figure 13: The Fort Walls and Bastions 110 Figure 14: Fraser House 110 Figure 15: Ross Cottage 111 Figure 16: Blacksmith's Shop 111 Figure 17: Planting Techniques Proposed for Refo¡estation of the Contemporary Grounds at l,ower Fort Garry t43 PLATES Plate 1: Site Inventory: Topography and Hydrology 78 Plate 2: Site lnventory: Vegetation 79 Plate 3: Site Inventory: Visual Qualities 80 Plate 4: Site lnventory: Access and Circulation 81 Plate 5: Site Inventory: Land Use and Site Features 82 Plate 6: Site Featu¡es: 1850-1865 83 Plate 7: Site Analysis: Issues and Opponunities 84 Plate 8: hogram Summary 85 Plate 9: Landscape Restoration: Concept A 86 Plate 10: Landscape Restoration:
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