THE DIAPASON APRIL 2013 Advent Lutheran Church Melbourne, Florida Cover feature on pages 26–27 CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN “STAR POWER FROM A YOUNG ORGANIST: Astonishing performance…Houlihan proved a captivating showman at the keyboard .” (The Birmingham News AL, 2011, awarded 5 out of 5 stars) PETER FLETCHER “Gracious virtuosity” (Fanfare) [email protected] www.concertartists.com LYNNE DAVIS “A strong sense of drama, brilliant theatrical contrasts.” (The New York Times) “A level of authority in playing French works that is virtually unmatched in this country.” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) “A commanding technical control and a re- fined sense of style and taste.”(The Diapason) “Exemplary performances: Lynne Davis gets tempos, registrations and esprit just right.” (The American Organist) THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Fourth Year: No. 4, In this issue Whole No. 1241 As this issue was in preparation, word arrived of the death APRIL 2013 of the great French organist Marie-Claire Alain on February Established in 1909 26. We are all diminished by the death of this great artist and Jerome Butera ISSN 0012-2378 teacher. Few organists have had the profound infl uence on our 847/391-1045; [email protected] profession as did Madame Alain. She leaves a legacy of more www.TheDiapason.com An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, than 2,500 recitals, more than 280 recordings, and former stu- the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music dents in prominent positions in this country and in Europe. This issue also includes the annual listing of summer confer- This issue includes an obituary written by James David Christie ences, in addition to our regular departments of news, reviews, CONTENTS (page 23), instead of our usual “Nunc Dimittis” notice. new organs, an international calendar, organ recital programs, FEATURES Among the offerings in this issue of The Diapason, John and more. Beyond the Nun Danket of Sigfrid Karg- Stallsmith examines organ works by Sigfrid Karg-Elert, on the Elert: On the 80th anniversary of the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the composer’s death. He In preparation composer’s death by John A. Stallsmith 20 suggests exploring works beyond the oft-played “Nun Danket,” In the coming months, we will be publishing articles on and discusses easier repertoire and more diffi cult works. the medieval organ and related conferences in Europe that Marie-Claire Alain August 10, 1926–February 26, 2013 Jay Zoller presents a personal remembrance of Heinz Wun- took place in 2012, an interview with Robert Clark, organs in by James David Christie 23 derlich one year after Wunderlich’s death, and cites his earlier Poland, Franz Liszt and Johann Gottlob Töpfer, fugal improvi- Heinz Wunderlich articles on the German organist and composer. sation, and much more. A Remembrance One Year Later The cover feature is the new Schlueter pipe organ at Advent by Jay Zoller 24 Lutheran Church in Melbourne, Florida. TheDiapason.com NEWS & DEPARTMENTS In his column “In the wind . .”, John Bishop muses on Have you visited The Diapason’s website recently? We Editor’s Notebook 3 the music of Bach, number symbolism, the Fibonacci series, continue to expand and refi ne the offerings found there. Here & There 3 Cavaillé-Coll and the French Romantic organ and its reper- To access all of the site, you will need your Diapason sub- Appointments 10 toire, technical advances of Ernest Skinner, modern console scriber number, which is found above your name on the label Nunc Dimittis 10 controls, and transcriptions. of your copy of The Diapason. View current news items, Harpsichord News by Larry Palmer 11 Gavin Black offers part seven of his organ method, continu- artist spotlights, extensive calendar listings, new organs, Carillon News by Brian Swager 12 ing the section on pedal playing: analyzing a pedal passage, classifi ed ads, videos, blogs, issue archives, and much more. On Teaching by Gavin Black 16 choosing pedaling, practice techniques, and begins the section You can also sign up for our free e-mail newsletters. Contact In the wind . by John Bishop 18 on the use of heels. me with any questions. Q REVIEWS Music for Voices and Organ 13 Book Reviews 13 Here & There New Recordings 14 New Organ Music 15 Events its 2012–13 music series: April 14, SUMMER CONFERENCES 28 The Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Margaret Mills, piano; 4/28, Russian Paul, Minnesota, continues its music Chamber Chorus of New York; May 5, CALENDAR 28 series: April 4, Choir of King’s Col- New York City Children’s Chorus; 5/19, ORGAN RECITALS 32 lege, Cambridge; 4/21, dedication of Haydn, The Creation. For information: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 34 the restored cathedral organs; May 19, 212/288-8920; Steele Family Singers. www.mapc.com/music/sams. The Choral Mass series: April 28, Widor, Messe à deux choeurs et deux Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, orgues; May 19, Pärt, Missa Syllabica. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, continues its For information: 651/228-1766; 2012–13 concert series: April 14, Hymns www.cathedralsaintpaul.org. of Faith; 4/28, the Heritage Chorale of Lancaster. For information: 717/397- St. Louis Cathedral, St. Louis, Mis- 2734; www.trinitylancaster.org. souri, continues its 20th anniversary season of concerts: April 6, Regensburg Washington National Cathedral Walt Disney Concert Hall organ Cathedral Choir; May 18, St. Louis continues its recital series on Sundays Archdiocesan Choir and Orchestra. at 5:15 pm: April 14, Benjamin Sheen; Walt Disney Concert Hall For information: 4/28, Christopher Dekker; May 5, Ines concludes its 2012–13 organ www.cathedralconcerts.org. Maidre; 5/19, Richard Spotts; 5/26, recital series on April 21 with COVER Paul Carr; July 4, Christopher Betts Cameron Carpenter. Designed by A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company, Musica Sacra San Antonio contin- and Benjamin Straley. For information: Frank Gehry and Manual Rosales, Lithonia, Georgia; Advent Lutheran Church, ues its third season of Solemn Evensongs 202/537-5757; the organ was built by Glatter- Melbourne, Florida 26 at Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic www.nationalcathedral.org. Götz Orgelbau, in collaboration Church in San Antonio, Texas: April 7 with Rosales. For information: and May 19. Robert Finster is musical First Presbyterian Church, Pom- 323/850-2000. Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] director. For information: pano Beach, Florida, concludes its music 847/391-1045 www.MusicaSacraSA.org. series on April 14 with Mark Jones and pianist Jon Robertson. For information: The First International Church Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON The Bratislava Philharmonie in 954/941-2308 x112; www.pinkpres.org. Choir Competition takes place [email protected] 847/391-1044 Slovakia continues its concert series April 25–28 in Kronach, Germany. in the Slovak Philharmonic Concert The Cathedral of St. John, Albu- Each of the four rounds (Renaissance Designer DAN SOLTIS Hall in Bratislava, on the new 66-stop, querque, New Mexico, continues its and Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER three-manual and pedal Rieger organ: 2013 concerts: April 14, Parthenia con- Contemporary) includes a compulsory Harpsichord April 7, Monica Melcová (Bach, Mes- sort of viols; May 19, cathedral choirs. piece, and free choice of one or two a siaen, Franck, Vierne, and Melcová); For information: www.fcmabq.org. cappella pieces from the period. Jury JAMES MCCRAY Choral Music June 2, Thierry Escaich (Franck, Durufl é, members are Dario Tabbia and Friede- Vierne, Escaich). For information: http:// St. Norbert Abbey, De Pere, Wis- mann Johannes Wieland. In addition BRIAN SWAGER www.filharmonia.sk/index.php?page= consin, concludes the 2012–13 season to fi rst through third prizes (€2,000, Carillon concerts&cycle=128Project Gallery. of its Canon John Bruce Memorial €1,500 and €1,000), publishers Bären- JOHN BISHOP Concerts on April 20 with Michael Hey. reiter, CARUS, and Edition Peters have In the wind . Emmanuel Church, Chestertown, For information: www.norbertines.org/ provided special prizes. The winning Maryland, continues its music series: abbey_music_canon_john_bruce.html. choir will present a concert on April GAVIN BLACK On Teaching April 12, Brian Harlow; May 9, Ascen- 28 at Christuskirche Kronach, with sion Evensong; 5/17, Ken Cowan. For The Church of St. Luke in the additional concerts April 29 at Miche- Reviewers John L. Speller information: 410/778-3477; Fields, New York City, continues its liskirche Ludwigsstadt, and April 30 James M. Reed www.emmanuelchesterparish.com. concert series: April 25, music by Allegri, at Päpstliche Basilika Marienweiher. David Lowry Palestrina, Josquin, and Anerio. For For information: John Collins Madison Avenue Presbyterian information: 212/414-9419; www.churchchoir-competition.com. Jay Zoller Church, New York City, continues www.stlukeinthefi elds.org. ³ page 4 Kenneth Udy THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Creek This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, and abstracted in RILM Abstracts. Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. Phone 847/391-1045. Fax 847/390-0408. E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright ©2013. Printed in the U.S.A. Subscriptions: 1 yr. $38; 2 yr. $60; 3 yr. $80 (United States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscriptions: 1 yr. $48; No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specifi c written permission of 2 yr. $70; 3 yr. $95. Single copies $6 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of Periodical postage paid at Pontiac, IL and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fi fteen students. Such copies may be reused for other courses THE DIAPASON, 3030 W.
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