Document généré le 23 sept. 2021 10:31 Ontario History The Murder of Captain William Francis An Incident in the War of 1812 Charles Garrad Volume 111, numéro 2, fall 2019 Résumé de l'article Le capitaine William Francis a été assassiné durant la Guerre de 1812. Était-il un URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1065080ar innocent tué par des partisans américains dans le cadre d’une stratégie militaire DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/1065080ar ou sa mort avait-elle été de nature plus personnelle? Dans cet article, nous conclurons que l’assassinat était le résultat d’une longue dispute entre William Aller au sommaire du numéro Francis et son assassin John Dickson, aggravée lorsque Francis avait témoigné contre certains membres de la bande de Dickson. Cette querelle a eu des répercussions sur plusieurs actions militaires durant la guerre, celles de Éditeur(s) Sutherland, de Port Dover, de Port Rowan et de McCrae, ainsi que la bataille de Nanticoke. La guerre présentait à certains l’opportunité de régler des comptes The Ontario Historical Society personnels. ISSN 0030-2953 (imprimé) 2371-4654 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Garrad, C. (2019). The Murder of Captain William Francis: An Incident in the War of 1812. Ontario History, 111(2), 127–151. https://doi.org/10.7202/1065080ar Copyright © The Ontario Historical Society, 2019 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation des services d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. https://www.erudit.org/fr/ 127 THE MURDER OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM FRANCIS An Incident in the War of 1812 by Charles Garrad n the 3rd of Decem- ber 1814, Elizabeth ‘Dixon’ (actually Abstract ODickson) appeared before Captain William Francis was murdered in the land two Justices of the Peace and war in Canada in the War of 1812. Was he an inno- swore the following state- cent farmer murdered in his bed by American partisans ment: as part of some larger military strategy or was his death more personal in nature? This article concludes that the Personally appeared before us, murder was the result of personal antagonism between George C. Salmon and Thos. John Dickson, the murderer, and William Francis of Bowlby, Esqrs., two of His Maj- many years duration newly exacerbated by the testimony esty’s Justices of the Peace for given against a number of Dickson’s gang. This feud had the London District of Upper repercussions in a number of actions during the war in- Canada, Elizabeth Dixon, who cluding the Sutherland Raid, the Port Rowan, Port Do- deposeth and saith that John ver, and McCrae incidents, and the Battle of Nanticoke. Dixon, her husband, left this This article shows that, for some, the war was an opportu- country and went to the United nity to settle personal scores. States since the commence- Résumé: Le capitaine William Francis a été assassiné ment of this war, and that she durant la Guerre de 1812. Était-il un innocent tué par followed him to the neighbour- des partisans américains dans le cadre d’une stratégie hood of Buffalo; that during militaire ou sa mort avait-elle été de nature plus person- the time she was at that place, nelle? Dans cet article, nous conclurons que l’assassinat her husband John Dixon, John était le résultat d’une longue dispute entre William Fran- Robinson, and Henry Doch- cis et son assassin John Dickson, aggravée lorsque Francis stader passed over into Canada avait témoigné contre certains membres de la bande de together, and that she heard Dickson. Cette querelle a eu des répercussions sur plus- ieurs actions militaires durant la guerre, celles de Suther- them say they were determined land, de Port Dover, de Port Rowan et de McCrae, ainsi to take the lives of Col. Thos. que la bataille de Nanticoke. La guerre présentait à cer- Talbot, Capt. Wm. Francis, tains l’opportunité de régler des comptes personnels. Thomas Francis and William Drake. That sometime about Ontario History / Volume CXI, No. 2 / Autumn 2019 OH inside pages autumn 2019.indd 127 2019-08-29 11:12:15 PM 128 ONTARIO HISTORY the first of November last they returned to Dover and Fort Erie, this gang have been the house of her husband, John Dixon, near enabled to make repeated incursions in this Buffalo, that John Dixon was wounded and part of the Province, where they have plun- died a few hours after he reached his house; dered several families and have frequently that she heard them say that they had killed fired on the inhabitants. His last act was the Capt. Francis and burnt his house and him murder of Captain Francis, in the perpetra- in it; that she had seen also at the house of tion of which it appears from the annexed her husband, near Buffalo, several persons deposition, he was assisted by two other who had left this Province and remembers men, Henry Dochstader, a Canadian, and seeing the following persons: Eber Decew, John Robinson, supposed to be a citizen of John Vandervoort, John Van Allen, John the United States. Gibbs, Barney Gibbs, Martin Burnham, Guy Names of Dickson’s Associates. P. Richards, George Wolfe, John Kendrick - John Dixon, born in the United States and Simon Mabee, and that she was at her Murderers husband’s funeral, and a few days after she left - Henry Dochstader, a Canadian the United States and came into this Prov- - John Robinson, United States ince. (Sgd) Elizabeth her (X) mark Dixon. - Simon Maybee, born in United States Sworn before us this 3rd December, 1914 - Samuel Green, born in United States (Sgd) George C. Salmon, J.P., Thos. Bowlby, - John G. Harris, born in United States J.P. 1 - Robert Carr, born in Ireland Colonel Thomas Talbot forwarded this - Augustus Parks, Born in United States - John Vandervoort, born in United States deposition to headquarters with his own - Elias Long, born in United States report. By this time, John Dickson was - Barnabas Gibbs, born in United States dead: - John Gibbs, born in United States The late John Dixon, who headed a gang of - Wm. Corbett, born in England marauders composed of the undermentioned - Guy Richards, born in United States persons, was a native of the United States of The above persons have all been residents of America, but resided in Upper Canada for Upper Canada for several years before the several years prior to the commencement war. Dochstader is half Indian, born in Up- of the present war, where he married the per Canada. daughter of a U.E. Loyalist. He fled from Long Point to Buffalo in 1813, when troops Thos. Talbot. of the United States occupied Fort George Long Point, 4th December 18142 and the Niagara Frontier. From the unset- tled state of the coast of Lake Erie between Any reasonably comprehensive study 1 E.A. Cruikshank, The Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814, 9 vols. (titles slightly vary), n.d.-1908, Lundy’s Lane Historical Society, Welland (hereafter Cruickshank,Doc. Hist.) II pp. 318-19; as will be seen, this apparently frank account contains an element of misinformation in that Elizabeth withholds mentioning her brother Elisha Green and also Samuel Green, possibly also a relative. 2 Cruickshank, “Doc. Hist” II pp. 317-18. The gang had probably earlier also included Elisha Green (Dickson’s brother-in-law), Isaac Pettit (Dickson’s sister-in-law’s husband, then in jail), James Johnson (in jail) and John Shufelt (killed) per Cruickshank, “Doc. Hist” VIII pp. 183-84. OH inside pages autumn 2019.indd 128 2019-08-29 11:12:16 PM murder of captain william francis 129 of the 1812-1815 land war in Upper The Long Point Canada might be expected to mention the murder of Captain William Fran- Settlement of Ontario cis.3 The more detailed studies name the ven before he reached Upper Canada principal perpetrator as John Dickson, Ein 1792 to assume both the civil Lt. often mis-spelled ‘Dixon’, and the most Governorship and military command of generous describes his gang as “American the new Province of Upper Canada, John irregulars.”4 Other than generally observ- Graves Simcoe had formed plans for the ing that militia officers were the frequent Long Point district of the north shore of impersonal targets for American-based Lake Erie, which he held unswervingly marauders5 none of the published sourc- throughout his tenure until he left in es examined consider that John Dickson 1796 sick and frustrated. In his view a mil- may have had personal motives. This is itary base at or near Long Point was the understandable, being that little is known absolutely essential precursor to settle- about the two men. What is known, ment. Such a base would naturally spawn linked by reasonable suppositions, al- a town of considerable significance. A lows the conclusion that the murder was military base, even a blockhouse, would not an impersonal act within some larger allow a naval arsenal, shipbuilding, and a military strategy but the result of per- harbour. Located at Long Point, it would sonal antagonism between Dickson and be halfway between the present bases of Francis of many years duration newly ex- Niagara and Detroit which were due to acerbated by the testimony given by Wil- be given to the Americans, being at the liam Francis and his son Thomas at the same time a substitute for and defence recent Ancaster Assizes against a number from both.
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