Felixstowe Housing Market Area Maps S - 6125 - 2859 - Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites - None 6125 Support Felixstowe Housing Market Area Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites Respondent: Waldringfield Parish Council (Mr David Lines) Agent: N/A [2859] Full Text: Consultation response from Waldringfield Parish Council, 26/2/2015 Site Allocations and Area Specific Policies Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document §1.16 & §1.17 "This Plan (or Neighbourhood Plan should Martlesham continue to progress with one) will need to consider need to consider the relationship between this strategic development and the surrounding area". But Martlesham's Neighbourhood Plan specifically excludes Adastral Park (on the insistence of SCDC) so it cannot fulfil the role described above. Surely it is the intention of SCDC to produce the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan (as described in the Core Strategy's policy SP20), which will do this, but the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan isn't mentioned in anywhere in this document (see below). This is important as it is in contradiction to what is specifically stated in SCDC's Approved Core Strategy, for example: "... the development [Adastral Park] will be progressed as part of the Martlesham, Newbourne and Waldringfield Area Action Plan to deliver a high quality exemplar development built to the highest environmental standards. It offers the opportunity to create a high quality legacy development in very much the same way as the Martlesham Heath village ..." (CS, July 2013, §4.15, our emphasis) Following the EIP and the Inspector's comments, Policy SP20 was amended to read: "The Strategic approach to development in the Eastern Ipswich Plan Area can be divided into 3 sections - the area to be covered by the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan; the main urban corridor of Kesgrave, Grange Farm, Martlesham and Rushmere St Andrew; and the smaller settlements and countryside which surround these core areas." The paragraph then continues: "The strategy for the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan is one:" [12 points are then described in some detail] (CS, July 2013, SP20, p70, our emphasis) §1.19 The ignoring of the Policy commitment to the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan is in stark contrast to the Felixstowe Peninsula Area Action Plan which is referred to extensively, for example: "[the Felixstowe Peninsula Area Action Plan] will be prepared in parallel with this Plan and at every stage, consulted upon jointly to provide a consistent and comprehensive approach to the process of site selection, allocations and policy development across the District" To prematurely proceed with any major planning applications in the area covered by the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan would ignore the many reasons given (such as those quoted above) for producing the Felixstowe Peninsula Area Action Plan before determining relevant planning applications. §3.12 Table 1 (p14): EIPA figures: CS 2010 min target = 2,320. Sub-total (completions + outstanding permissions + s106 agreements) = 623 Residual requirement = 2,000 Surely the residual requirement should be 2,320-623=1,697. This is how the other areas' residual requirements have been calculated, e.g. Market Towns: 1,520-1,024=496, Key & Local Service Centres: 1,300-1,137=163. In other words, according to SCDC's own figures, there is only a requirement for 1,697 houses at Adastral Park. Table 1 should be changed to give a Residual housing requirement 2014-2027 in the EIPA column of 1,697 (not 2,000). §3.25 Q5. Thinking about your own community, the people who live there, the people who would want to live there but maybe can't because there is nowhere suitable - what type and mix of housing do you think is most needed to meet your community's needs? Do you have any evidence which would support your comments and which could help support this Local Plan document as it progresses? An example might be an up to date parish plan. In Waldringfield, the main need is for smaller, 1 or 2 bedroom homes. Recent new developments in the Parish have included only 4 and 5 bedroom detached houses. The situation is further exacerbated when the existing smaller homes, former HA and privately owned properties, are sold and new owners substantially increase the size of the property. In the Waldringfield Parish Plan Survey, conducted in the summer of 2014, parishioners were asked: "If you need alternative accommodation now or within the next five years, would you want to stay in Waldringfield? If yes, what type of accommodation will you need?" The overall need was low but of the individual residents who answered "yes" to the first part, the majority wanted a 1 or 2 bedroom home to buy/rent. Note: The composite reference number in the box at the top of the page is made up of the following information:Object/Support - Representation Number - Respondent Number - Plan Reference - Soundness Tests (if applicable). Felixstowe Housing Market Area Maps S - 6125 - 2859 - Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites - None 6125 Support Felixstowe Housing Market Area Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites §3.34 Q7. Using the Map Booklet, for your village/town do you think the boundary line as it currently exists as shown on Map 1 needs amending? A small amendment is needed. Q8. For your village/town do you think the changes suggested on Map 2 are sensible and would you support them? Waldringfield Parish Council is content with the minor modifications to the village envelope shown in this map. Q9. Would you want to suggest an alternative alignment to that set out in Map 2? If yes, please provide details and reasons. No §5.20 Q28. Are the Biodiversity Action Plan, local ecological networks, priority habitats and priority species given sufficient policy coverage? No. Insufficient attention is given to the preservation and improvement of lowland heathland, which (according to the BAP) is an important and endangered habitat. The same applies to the Deben Estuary, particularly the saltmarsh. Insufficient attention is given to the pressure on the Deben SPA caused by significant increase in visitor numbers from the proposed housing in the EIPA/IPA. General There is no mention anywhere in the document of the proposed Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan. This is referred to in many places in the Core Strategy (e.g. CS July 2013, §4.08, §4.14, §4.15, §4.16, §4.18, §4.27) and a detailed description of what it will contain is given in SP20 (p70)). It was also referred to by the Planning Inspector (Report to Suffolk Coastal District Council by Mike Moore, June 2013, §42, §75 & §92) and formed a major part of Main Modification 22 to the CS, as required by the Inspector. In SP20 a 12-point strategy for the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan is described (CS, July 2013, p70), and it is clearly intended that it should provide guidance for any planning decisions that come before SCDC's Planning Committee, so it is obvious that the Area Action Plan needs to be in place before any major planning applications are determined. To do otherwise would make the Area Action Plan irrelevant. Felixstowe HMA booklet p2 Map The area marked 'East of Ipswich Plan Area' is confusing. According to the Core Strategy the EIPA contains the area covered by the Martlesham, Newbourne & Waldringfield Area Action Plan (CS, July 2013, p70), which in turn contains all of Waldringfield Parish (CS, July 2013, Map 4, p139). The logical conclusion is that Waldringfield Parish is within the EIPA, but the map shows it to be outside the EIPA, and in the Felixstowe Area. It would be helpful if these apparent inconsistencies were explained. p5 & p6 Maps See comments on Q7 and Q8, above. p7 (Map) & p8 (Table 1) Waldringfield Parish Council agrees that the 3 sites (554, 960 and 961) are not suitable for development, for the reasons given in the table. Draft Sustainability Appraisals East of Ipswich Plan Area (EIPA) Housing Market Sub-Area, December 2014: This document strangely contains no references to Adastral Park, i.e. the largest allocation in the EIPA, by far. Summary: Waldringfield Parish Council agrees that the 3 sites (554, 960 and 961) are not suitable for development, for the reasons given in the table. Change to Plan N/A Appear at exam? Legal? Sound? Duty to Cooperate? Soundness Tests Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified N/A Attachments: Site Allocations and Area Specific Policies Local Plan WPC Final.pdf Note: The composite reference number in the box at the top of the page is made up of the following information:Object/Support - Representation Number - Respondent Number - Plan Reference - Soundness Tests (if applicable). Felixstowe Housing Market Area Maps C - 6410 - 2655 - Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites - None 6410 Comment Felixstowe Housing Market Area Map 3 - Waldringfield SHLAA Sites Respondent: Member of Parliament (MP) (Rt. Hon Therese Agent: N/A Coffey MP) [2655] Full Text: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the site allocations and area specific policies for the local plan. I think it is a welcome step to encourage all the public to participate in this early stage of the process. I only usually intervene on strategic issues and policies on planning. While I have detailed my comments on some individual areas below, I have three particular issues to discuss - i) the imbalance of housing allocations around the area with the vast amount of development inserted east of the A12, the side of Suffolk that has the AONB and nearly all the SSSls; iii) the absence of nominated sites in Framlingham and Leiston; iii) building on main roads and the absence of infrastructure, particularly roads, for major and cumulative developments with the risk of significant congestion and longer journey times as well as community facilities.
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