AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Next Parish Council to follow Annual Parish meeting on Thursday 19th August 2021 at 7.00pm to be held at Audley Pensioners Hall, Church Street Audley THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT – But please note that they may be excluded for any item the Council decide should be treated as confidential Date of Issue: 12.08.21 (Clerk/RFO) PARISH COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 1. To receive apologies – 2. To consider the appointment and co-option for the Casual Vacancy (Audley (1)) – applications to be circulated – Appendix A 3. To consider approving and signing the Full Council meeting minutes on 15th July 2021 4. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda (Note member should notify Monitoring officer within 28 days if not already. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships) To note dispensation granted for Parish Councillor Ian Rowley (Audley Allotments Chair) and Parish Councillor Chris Cooper (Audley Allotment Tenant) 5. Public Participation: Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power for up to 5 minutes each, with the item lasting up to a maximum of 15 minutes. 6. Covid 19 matters – to note removal of banners Covid 19 by unknown source 7. Neighbourhood Plan update – to note minutes of meeting 20th July 2021 as circulated and draft minutes to be circulated for 17th August (if available), to agree the plan period runs until 2040 8. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- 1. 21/00707/FUL | Single storey side & rear extension | 54 Miles Green Road Audley Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST7 8LQ Village Env/Delegated 2. Detached House and Integral Garage 22 Wood Street Bignall End Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8QL Ref. No: 21/00726/FUL Village Env/Delegated 3. Proposed replacement dwelling The Chalet Bungalow Farm Rye Hills Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8LP Ref. No: 21/00702/FUL Village Env/Delegated 4. Boundary side wall 2A Watlands Road Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8QQ Ref. No: 21/00695/FUL – Village Env/Delegated 5. FYI ONLY – approval has been given T1 Beech. Crown raise to 5m. Crown thin by 15% and reduce branches near to the house to give 3m clearance. T2 & T3 Beech. Prune back from the house to give 3m clearance 26 Nantwich Road Audley Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8DH Ref. No: 21/00690/TCA 6. Two storey side extension Hillside Boon Hill Road Bignall End Staffordshire ST7 8LF Ref. No: 21/00709/FUL Green Belt/Delegated 7. Extension to existing garage to enclose external staircase Kingfisher Farm Barthomley Road Audley Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8HT Ref. No: 05/00199/NMA 8. Change of use of converted barn attached to the dwelling house from holiday lets to additional private living accommodation Hillside Farm Heighley Lane Knowle Bank Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire CW3 9AZ Ref. No: 21/00767/FUL (Green Belt/Deleg) 9. Single storey timber clad building to accommodate new changing and showering facilities for cricket club Bignall End Cricket Club & Miners Institution Boon Hill Road Bignall End Staffordshire ST7 8LA Ref. No: 21/00731/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated) 10. Single storey side & rear extension 54 Miles Green Road Audley Stoke-on-Trent 1 Staffordshire ST7 8LQ Ref. No: 21/00707/FUL (Vill Env/Delegated) 11. Additions to be made to the Local List - deadline is 1st September 2021. Comments can be submitted via the online form at www.newcastle-staffs.gov.uk/locallistresponseform 12. Borough Council Local Plan update – Open Space strategy consultation as circulated (closed 16th August Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council Open Space Assessment Consultation) 9. Parish Awards (October meeting or defer ?) – nominations for the following categories: 1-R.W Edwards Community Award, 2-The Capewell Naylor Trophy for services to the environment and 3 - Elsie Kelsall Young Persons Award 1. Allotments - Halmer End Inspections- outcome of plot inspections (DB, CC, MJ) 2. To consider Grant applications (£1700k remaining (T1)/£300 per application, constituted parish groups – note £300 pre-approved PAMS for 22/23) 1. Leddys Field Support Group - £296.56 towards grass cutting equipment – to be circulated Appendix B 3. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas/Car park/Assets inc: 1. To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for August and approval of any action required or taken under Delegated Authority : removal overhanging branches at Bluebell wood (£30), strimming around bin at Alsager Road, removal of graffiti at Miles Green play area seat, to note gate repair Halmer End (£TBC) and Alsager Road (£25) 2. Albert Street play area - request from resident to reduce height of trees at rear of Wood Street by 6 meters – to seek opinion of tree surgeon and costs (info circulated 11.08.21) 3. Land rear of High Street. Halmer End Play area – to consider a quote to cut back bushes 4. To appoint Wicksteeds to carry out the Annual Play inspection (11 Unaccompanied inspections @ £60.00 + VAT = £660.00 5. Request to close Leddys Field on Sunday the 19th September 2021, for the purpose of an archery event subject to all the usual requirements eg Insurances, Risk Assessment, footpaths - Audley Parish Bowman 6. To note Leddys Field Western Power Tree work to be completed w/c 17th August (2 days) exact dates to be notified 7. To approve Western Power to enable them reduce in height trees at rear of Rileys Field MUGA Wood Lane due to encroaching on overhead power lines 4. Footpaths – to use the £1000 budget to cut back overgrown footpaths 35, 48 and Narrow Nick, and others that come forward that Rights of Way have not got resources for following resources 5. Nantwich Road (Audley Allotment Association) - Highways licence to be approved for wildflowers outside Audley Cricket Club Nantwich Road 6. Land in front of 38 Nantwich Road (Britain in Bloom) – request to tidy up the land – to consider a quote 7. To consider the cost for the Insurance renewal with Zurich - 5-year LTA premium of £2875.17, 3-year LTA premium of £3022.45 or 1-year standard premium of £3169.76 8. GDPR (standing item) • Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security – reminder of responsibilities • Update on email accounts – feedback from Madeley PC – suggestion is to use Gmail 9. Standing item – CCTV 1. To note any requests for footage from Police and to request that Staffordshire Police/Police and note the outstanding support info from local police before sending the letter to the Police Crime Commissioner to reconsider their position on a Data Sharing Agreement (GDPR) 2. Outcome of survey in relation to mobile network for Hall Street and Halmer End - NH 10. Correspondence and circulars -To review other items received not listed and consider for next agenda 1. Comments - NBC - triennial review of the Gambling Act 2005 Policy https://www.newcastle- staffs.gov.uk/all-services/business/licensing/current-licensing-consultation - closing date for comments is 17th September 2021 2. St James Christmas tree festival December 2021 – to confirm entry for this year 11. Clerks Update – see Appendix C 12. Councillor Reports (for information only/further actions and decisions must be included on next agenda) 13. To approve payments/orders, receipts and transfers including noting payments made by delegated authority and Budget update – Appendix D 2 14. TO RESOLVE UNDER THE 1960 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS ACT) TO EXCLUDE THE PRESS AND PUBLIC DUE TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE MEETING TO BE DISCUSSED: 1. Queen Street – update if available 2. To consider the tender responses and evaluation for the Butchers Arms Car park and appoint a contractor and approve the budget – confidential see Appendix E Appendix D – Payments and budget update TOTAL INVOICE Chq/Bacs TO WHOM PAID DETAILS INC VAT Bacs 88 Mrs C Withington Zoom Aug inv to follow 14.39 Bacs 89 Mr O Machin Seeds wildlflowers Halmer End Play area 7.50 Bacs 90 Mrs C Withington Zoom April (missed off) 14.39 Bacs 91 Mrs C Withington Aug Salary inc Nplan steering grup x 2 1566.00 Bacs 92 Mrs C Withington Aug Expenses inc mileage 95.00 Bacs 93 HMRC Tax and NI Aug 552.12 Bacs 94 Staffordshire Pension scheme Pension Aug 661.24 AM Grass cutting (8,9), Alsagers Bank/H End memorial/Mgarden grass x 1, Leddys bin Jul 5-12- 19-26&2nd Aug, Paths leddys, lifebelts strim, Mgreen noticeboard strim, Alsager Rd x 1, Cenotaphs x 2, Play inspect report, Bluebell Podmore & Carparks report, shortfall grass cutting Bacs 95 Mr S Hough amount July £60 1892.00 Bacs 95 Mr S Hough ON 86 - Wildflower plugs Halmer End 40.00 Bacs 95 Mr S Hough ON 85 - Reinstated Play equip Covid 350.00 Bacs 95 Mr S Hough ON 84 Damaged Swing replace H/End 20.00 Bacs 95 Mr S Hough Miles Green bench Play area graffiti removal asb 10.00 Bacs 95 Mr S Hough ON 77 Grass cutting Leddys (picnic) 60 60.00 Bacs 96 WM Riley Materials 33.42 Bacs 97 Leddys Field Supporters Group Grant (£296 towards brush cutter) to be approved 296.00 Bacs 98 PME Bunting up 300.00 Bacs 99 Bruce Johnson NP expenses TO BE NOTIFIED 0.00 Bacs 100 Mrs C Withington Land reg - land in front of 38 Nantwich Road 6.00 Bacs 100 Euroffice Stationery 35.22 Bacs 101 Wickstead Seat Halmer End 69.72 Bacs 102 D&G Bus Bus subsidy 2149.42 Monthly Total 8172.42 Receipts: 09.07.21 Lloyds bank Interest July 2.08 09.08.21 Lloyds bank Interest August 1.64 23.07.21 Leddys Field Support Grp
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