Golden Gate University School of Law GGU Law Digital Commons Caveat Other Law School Publications 10-1967 The aC veat, October 1967 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.law.ggu.edu/caveat Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation "The aC veat, October 1967" (1967). Caveat. Paper 11. http://digitalcommons.law.ggu.edu/caveat/11 This Newsletter or Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Other Law School Publications at GGU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Caveat by an authorized administrator of GGU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME III NO.2 GOLDEN GATE COLLEGE SCHOOL OF LAW OCTOBER 1967 A Student Chapter - National Lawyers Guild A VIEW ANOTHER VIEW The formation of a student chap­ Although some interpretations Golden Gate College School of ter of the National Lawyers Guild of academic freedom find such cred. Law will never be the same with the marks a distinct change in faculty its amusing or even endearing, from inception of a student chapter of the policy which formerly did not encour­ 1944 to 1956 (both before and after National Lawyers Guild. For with age the formation of student organ­ the "McCarthy era") the National the advent of the Guild will come a izations. The hospitable receipt of Lawyers Guild was frequently cited new activist spirit to the staid halls this organization with faculty part­ by committees in both houses of Con­ of Golden Gate. The organizers of icipation and announcements made in gress as a subversive organization, the Guild here at Golden Gate pro­ the law school office has apparently that is, a communist front. (See mise programs which will increase seen the reasons for the prior policy "Internal Security Subcommittee of the awareness and concern of stu­ suddenly dissolve. If student organ­ the Senate Judiciary Committee, dents for the problems of our society. izations are now encouraged, will Handbook for Americans," S.Doc. Racism, the War in Vietnam, the any group, no matter how bizarre its 117, April 23, 1956, p.91). It seems plight of the poor in our cities are philosophy or discredited its history, unlikely that such a long and illus­ the legitimate concern of lawyers be permitted to form and identify trious record is attributable to who work in the legal system which with Golden Gate College Law School groundless accusations orto anyone acts in different circumstances in and automatically receive faculty ap­ man. both good and deleterious ways in proval? It is not clear therefore, Under the familiar banner of regard to the aforementioned prob­ whether the recent change in faculty peace, poverty and civil rights the lems. In other words Guild spokes­ policy reflects ignorance, tolerance National Lawyers Guild has been men believe that an organization of or a rapport with the philosophy of unswerving in its defense of com­ lawyers and law students cannot hide the Student Chapter of the National munists including communist espion­ behind a cloak of "professional re­ Lawyers Guild. age agents. Of course, an adequate sponsibility" in refusing to help the It should be determined whether legal defense of all persons accused poor or dissenters in society. Those the prominence of the Student Chap­ of crimes is not only logically sup­ lawyers who try to avoid touching ter of the National Lawyers Guild portable but Constitutionally guaran­ controversial areas of the law or the as the most recent, as well as the teed. However, it is when the line defense of people who hold unpop­ only student organization of its type, between legal defense and allegiance ular views only aid the people in our is an asset or a liability in its iden­ becomes blurred that the status of country who would deny Civil Liber­ tification with Golden Gate College the National Lawyers Guild becomes ties to those who disagree with them Law School. questionable. and legal rights to the indigent who It is assumed that a Student We are asked to believe that the cannot afford them. Silence of the Chapter of the National Lawyers National Lawyers Guild has cleans­ Good People is something the Guild Guild will not differ materially from ed itself of any historical imperfec­ is committed to eradicating. the philosophy of the parent organ­ tions. If this is true, it has been The National Lawyers Guild ization. Supporters of the National remarkably accomplished without founded in 1936 has had a stormy Lawyers Guild condition most dis­ either a basic change in philosophy past and during the McCarthy Era in cussions of the organization on the or membership and we are also asked the early 1950's was accused of false premise that all organizations to interpret a change in form as a being a;front for the Communist Party. involved in peace, poverty and civil change in substance. Nevertheless, as Guild spokesmen rights are necessarily responsible. It must be agreed that students point out, this association of lawyers Any criticism is dismissed as latent and faculty alike should be encour­ is no longer on the subversive list McCarthyism and critics are labeled aged to participate in responsible of the government and most lawyers as warmongering bigots who hate the projects of community service. How­ recognize it as a legitimate associa­ poor. Webster's dictionary defines ever, why has the National Lawyers tion even if they do not agree with guild as "an association of men with Guild been selected as Golden Gate all of its policies. kindred pursuits or common interests College Law School's standard bear­ The student chapter will spon­ aims for mutual aid or protectiono" er since membership in the National sor speakers, a program of placement .rPerhaps this reference to a need for Lawyers Guild is neither a pre­ for law students in law firms for protection explains the paranoiac requisite nor a qualification to par­ work experience, and seminars on fear of the National Lawyers Guild ticipate in such projects? legal problems. The student chapter that the ghost of Senator McCarthy - Staff - here at Golden Gate promises as its hides under every bed. continued on back page Within the last month a member of the faculty referred to the CAVEAT as "oatmeal". It is assumed that _ the term meant that the CAVEAT is _ a lack-luster publication which pro- duces mundane materials far below his literary tastes. Noting that there has not been an abundance of material for the CAVEAT eminating from the faculty, with the exce p- FALL DINNER DANCE tion of the Dean's articles, it is strongly suggested that the solu- tion to the problem does not lie with Set aside November 4th. That criticism, but rather could possibly evening Lee's easement will begin be rectified by a literary contribu- and end at A.Sabella's, Fisherman's tion from this person or any other Wharf, San Francisco. The Student Bar Association, member of the faculty who is of a like mind. Should such writings sponsors of the annual affair', have, come to fore and' find their way into so far failed to make any concrete the CAVEAT, the very least that commitments concerning the evening would be accomplished would be the other than to disclose the menu, personal satisfaction of the faculty- which will be prime rib and lobster writer in reading his own material, thermador, and the price, $3.25 per which presumably would be of the person or $6.50 per couple: The non-oatmeal variety. The Editor and primary reason for the Student Bar's Staff of the CA VEA T would welcome reluctance in committing themselves further seems to focus on the chair­ such superior contributions. In the of this year's affair, Mr. Bob Lee. future an attempt will be made to add Since Mr. Lee's selection. as chair­ raisins to the "oatmeal" and hope- man, rumors of light shows, Indian fully the CAVEAT will be a little ~ yogis, rock bands, incense and flow­ easier to digest. ., ers, etc. have been rampant through the law school. At press time, Mr. Lee was un­ The Editors available for comment. Tickets may be purchased f rom your class rep­ resentatives. ~~ TUITION-REMISSION SCHOLARSHIPS Annually, Golden Gate College awards a number of tuition-remission scholarships to students in its various schools, including the School of Law. Law School scholarships are awarded to students who have DEAN ATTENDS BAR CONVENTION completed one or more years of law school. Award criteria include need Dean Gorfinkle participated in presentation of the J. D. degree to and academic achievement. Appli­ the recent Monterey convention of future graduates of the School of cations must be received by Novem­ the "very nice" alumnae luncheon Law. Details will be announced ber 15, 1967. For details and appli­ attended by 39 Golden Gate College following the November meeting of cation forms see Mr. SmIth. School of Law alumnae and their the Board of Trustees. Farmers Insurance Group has wives. Among those present were An outstanding feature of the established a law school scholarship Judge Carl Allen and Dean Emeritus convention was the "magnificent in the amount ot $250.00 for the ac­ Paul Jordan. panel" which presented the art of ademic year 1967-1968. Award cri­ College Vice President for Dev­ cross examination. Dean Gorfinkel teria include academic achievement, elopment, Michael Hughes discussed expressed hope that this procedure need and the extent to which the the fund raising activities of Golden might eventually be used to gain in­ student has participated in student Gate College and Dean Gorfinkel sight into new ideas for implementa­ affairs or otherwise has made con­ spoke briefly about the future of the tion and development of a trial prac­ tributions to the advancement of the school, including the fact that the tice program in the Law School cur­ law school.
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