MAYOR Michael Carnagie City of Fraser MAYOR PRO-TEM CENTENNIAL COMMUNITY David Winowiecki CITY MANAGER COUNCIL D. Wayne O’Neal Amy Baranski Kathy Blanke CITY CLERK Suzanne Kalka Kelly Ann Dolland Michael Lesich Patrice M. Schornak FRASER CITY COUNCIL – REGULAR VIRTUAL MEETING THURSDAY – AUGUST 13TH, 2020 @ 6:00PM AGENDA Revised 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. CLOSED SESSION a. Closed Session – Section 8 (C) of the Open Meetings Act for Strategy and Negotiation Sessions Connected with the Negotiation of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (Sergeants) 6. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ON AGENDA ITEMS 7. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 9th, 2020 b. Approval of Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of July 23rd, 2020 c. Receive and File Budget to Actual through June 2020 d. Approval of Bills for the month of July - 2020 in the amount of 3,940,273.75 e. Receive and File Finance Budget to Actual Report ending June, 2020 f. Receive and File Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of June 2nd, 2020 g. Recreation and Senior Center Update 8. REQUESTS FOR COUNCIL ACTION a. Tabled Item – Permission to Hire a Replacement DPW Laborer Position – Amy Cell, LLC for HR Services b. Discussion and Update Interim City Manager Interview – Amy Cell, LLC with Marc Thompson c. Tabled Item - Discussion of City of Fraser Hazard Mitigation Plan d. Discussion Item – Increase to Two City Council Meetings per month e. Discussion Item – Consider Request for Proposals for IT Services f. Approval to Hire Two Additional Public Safety Officers to Replace Anticipated Retirements 33000 Garfield - Fraser, Michigan 48026 - 586.293.3100 ext. 110 – www.micityoffraser.com FRASER CITY COUNCIL – REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY – AUGUST 13TH, 2020 @ 6:00PM AGENDA Page 2 9. PENDING ITEMS OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS / REPORT OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION a. POSTPONED ITEM - Property Maintenance Enforcement Options – Don DeNault 10. STANDING ITEMS, UNFINISHED BUSINESS / PROJECT STATUS UPDATES a. Status Update of Hidden Pines Senior Apartments Management Company RFP – Mark Z b. Update on City Parks Capital Improvements c. Update on Infrastructure Improvements – Water Main Replacements and Fruehauf Road Re-surfacing d. Discussion of Changing to 24 – Hour Shifts for the Public Safety Department 11. REPORT OF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL / NEW BUSINESS 12. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 13. ADJOURNMENT (Posted Thursday, August 6th, 2020 @4:00pm Revised 8-11-2020) Topic: City Council Meeting August 13 2020 Time: Aug 13, 2020 06:00 PM America/Detroit Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84662102876 Meeting ID: 846 6210 2876 One tap mobile +13126266799,,84662102876# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,84662102876# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 846 6210 2876 NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC PUBLIC MEETING In accordance with Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order2020-15, which allows for electronic meetings of public bodies, notice is hereby given that the City of Fraser City Council will be meeting electronically on Thursday, August 13th, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. using Zoom for videoconference and public access. The electronic public meeting will be held as a Zoom electronic conference. The public can participate via the Zoom application, internet and/or telephone. The public will be able to listen to all discussion by Council members and will be permitted to speak for up to five minutes during the public participation section of the agenda. Please note that callers/viewers will automatically be muted. Public comments can be submitted during Public Comment, when viewers are unmuted on an individual basis. Secondly, written comments will be accepted prior to the date and time (no later than 4:30pm day of meeting) by the City Clerk @ [email protected]. You may e-mail comments during the meeting to [email protected]. The e-mail must provide the following: 1. Your name, address and e-mail address 2. The agenda item in your subject line. Public Hearing comments will be heard during Public Hearing and other comments to will be heard during public participation. The City of Fraser provides live public access to this meeting on Comcast Channel 5 and WOW Channel 10 and online at www.ci.fraser.mi.us. This live public access meets the OMA’s requirements that all public body deliberations and decisions take place at a meeting open to the public. City of Fraser thanks everyone for their understanding and support as we all attempt to navigate these challenging times together. City of Fraser Administration April 2nd, 2020 33000 Garfield - Fraser, Michigan 48026 - 586.293.3100 ext. 110 – www.micityoffraser.com Honorable Mayor and Council August 6, 2020 Municipal Building Fraser, MI 48226 Re: Manager’s Report Dear sirs and Mesdames, 8. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION: A. TABLED ITEM - PERMISSION TO HIRE A REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LABORER EMPLOYEE – AMY CELL, LLC FOR HR SERVICES This item was tabled at the last meeting and the replacement is needed to maintain the service levels enjoyed by our residents. The number of full time employees has decreased by fifty-percent over the last ten years. Our residents deserve good services for the taxes they pay and decreasing our ability to provide these services is not fair to them. City Council has imposed a hiring freeze city wide and we are requesting permission to replace a retiring DPW employee. Currently we are down two employees, one vacancy and one out on injury leave. We are budgeted for ten full time union employees. Proposed motion: to approve permission to hire a replacement DPW employee. B. TABLED ITEM – DISCUSSION OF CITY OF FRASER HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN The City of Fraser Hazard Mitigation Plan was tabled at the last meeting even though it was added at the last minute by city council. This plan is crucial to our organizations efforts to respond to a hazardous event and keep the residents safe. Proposed motion: to approve the City of Fraser Hazardous Mitigation Plan as presented. C. DISCUSSION ITEM – INCREASE TO TWO CITY COUNCIL MEETING PER MONTH This was requested by council for inclusion on this agenda. D. DISCUSSION ITEM – CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR IT SERVICES This was requested by council for inclusion on this agenda. E. APPROVAL TO HIRE TWO ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS TO REPLACE ANTISIPATED RETIREMENTS Interim Director Pettyes is requesting approval of two additional Public Safety Officer to replace anticipated retirements. Proposed motion: to approve two additional Public Safety Officers as requested. 9. PENDING ITEMS OF UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. POSTPONED ITEM 7/9/20 - PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ENFORCEMENT OPTIONS Don DeNault, City Attorney will discuss his email of June 22, 2020 that outlines the different options available to the City of Fraser for the enforcement of property maintenance. This is in response from Jim Wright, Building Official, and his comments on a request of council members to investigate the options that the city may have for two particular properties. These are the old Dairy Queen on Groesbeck and the Luxemburg house at the corner of Fruehauf. This is an excellent opportunity to educate everyone on how this process works and the pitfalls of proceeding through the different channels available to us. The biggest roadblock is the cost for some of these remedies and how and if the city would be reimbursed for these costs. There is a detailed process under the codes and the property owners have certain rights that must be adhered to. These range from “Show Cause Hearings” with an appointed Hearing Officer, appearance at the Zoning Board of Appeals, to appeal to City Council for relief and to the courts. All these cost monies which can be assessed against the real property. If the owner fails to pay the costs and they are transferred to taxes and its sold on auction, what if we can’t recoup our costs? In its simplest form and for ease of comprehension, if the city were to pursue an action that would require us to remove a building, the costs would be borne by the city and placed as a lien on the property. If it costs many thousands of dollars in legal fees, court costs and demolition costs and the vacant property is worth less than our cost; then who would pay the difference? The taxpayers. 11. STANDING ITEMS, UNFINISHED BUSINESS / PROJECT STATUS UPDATES a. Status Update of Hidden Pines Senior Apartments Management Company RFP – Mark Z City Attorney Don DeNault will have an update on this item. b. Update on City Parks Capital Improvements Nick Schaefer and Christina Woods will have an update on this item. c. Update on Infrastructure Improvements – Water Main Replacements and Fruehauf Road Re- surfacing Nick Schaefer will have an update on these projects. d. Discussion of Changing to 24 – Hour Shifts for the Public Safety Department The mayor indicated that three members of council requested this be placed on the agenda. The City Council subcommittee dealing with reviewing the possibility of changing the shifts will update and discuss this item with all of council. I have notified the members of the Public Safety Department so they can address the council on this proposal should they wish to do so. I have included email correspondence between the PSO Union and Councilwoman Baranski. rEVIDDRAFT MINUTES Minutes Fraser City Council – Regular Meeting – (Virtual) th July 9 , 2020 A Regular Virtual meeting of the Fraser City Council was conducted on the above date at the City Municipal Building, located at 33000 Garfield Road, Fraser, and County of Macomb, Michigan. Present: Mayor Carnagie, Council Members; Baranski, Blanke, Kalka, Lesich, Schornak and Winowiecki Absent: City Manager Wayne O’Neal Also Present: Kelly Dolland, City Clerk Donald DeNault, City Attorney 1.
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