University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-6-1917 Western Liberal, 04-06-1917 Lordsburg Print Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news Recommended Citation Lordsburg Print Company. "Western Liberal, 04-06-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lwl_news/40 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Is Lordsburg Growing?--Re- ad This Week's Liberal THE WESTERN LIBERAL Vol. XXX No. 20 Lordsburg, New Mexico, Friday, April 6, 1917 SUBSCBIPTIOK, It rBB TEAR - Favor Chamber oí Com- Lordsburg Man Many Patterson-RossMarria- Important Changes In Lords-- - ge Fences Must Come Down In merce Lordsburg For High Office burg Business District To Be Made At lucson Tuesday Maps May -- 00- Monday Forward-lookin- g men in Lordsburg afternoon at Tucson, Ariz., In Tuesday's issue of the Silver Miss Jcnn Sutherland Robs became The following communication was nro discussing seriously the need of City Independent, which is Important Change Bank Will Enlarge some competent organization, such as tho wife of James Patterson of this received here Monday by the local re- being tho B. a chamber of Commerce or Commer- known for its authenticity in city, culmination of a pretty United States Commissioner from club, porting matter of "inside infor- At Old romance begun here not long ago. II. Gibbs, chief of the Field Division cial to accomplish the important Building and May Build Soon groom Office work of acquainting the outside mation" among the county Both bride and arc well known of the General Land at Santa Grant in Lordsburg and vicinity where they Fe, N. M., relative to fences on pub-li- e world with what is going on, here- democratic circles, an article of have a wide circlo of friends to whom Recently Special agents about. Of all of the towns of its size One of Lordsburg's oldest buildings domain. interest to southern Grant county At a meeting the word of tho marriage ennic a a Rush nnd Whcland of the Depart- in Arizona and New Mexico Lords- and a landmark on the main street of the board of very pleasant surprise. in south- burg body. and Lordsburg especially, is ment of the Interior were alone is without such a of this rapidly advancing city is to directors of the First National; Miss liosa is the daughter of Mr. ern Grant county Inspecting a largo printed. It tells of the likely two-stor- y El Paso has an oranization of live soon bo razed and a modem i uuruauiUK luesaay uooert koss or tne r mine camp, r.umber of fences alleged to be on wires. Doming never ceases its ef- advancement of this city s dis business block erected. The 111 y morning a transaction was com-- 1 nor uirihood, she lived hero with public lands and as a result n iimn-tit- forts at exploitation abroad through tinguished citizen Herbert J. corner brick building now occupied by pleted !,cr and attended the Lords- - of wire and posts are taking u wide-awak- e whereby the bank will i"11?"1? the medium of its Cham- J and hardware depart, - ry McGrath. The article is in itself """"i'- ? r rest. The communication U likewise. mc,,ts Dru take a fiftv vear lease on tho! Kí..u,, -, ber of Commerce. Tucson B&of t.ho .EaKlc Mercantile V "'wuilt resinen ni and is sent by the Com- Also Yuma. Even San Simon main- ovnlnmrnrv Company, back as far as the cement brick building now occupied by1 Her-- Calif., coming here last summer to missioner of the General Land office: tains its commercial body and has It is reported that sheriff construction, will be torn down li- Dr. Crocker adioinintr the hnnk be with her father. Until Snturd.iv It will bo seen from the foregoing ap- - W. II. Small in oli.-- ' appropriated no mean sum of money berto". McGrath may accept an and its ti on the west. The buildinir is now ?.he .wnB employed as cashier at the tha.1 by mihmitting n plat ihiw.iig up-to- - for tho publication of very attractive pointment as clerk for the United ,er, planned to erect, an K Mt,rcnnt"e comimny 8 tho fences, nr.v who nro vioMin.: Hie ovned by W. H. Small. F. R. t- - folders, depicting in pictures and text Statos district court for Npw'"ate bu,I(UnR wil" a BPnc",;" 9t0c c" Ii.wh mrv rl tpin a right to low rei.-so- ;i the opportunities in that locality. toom t0Wll.8lairs ml olylfe on the Coon, cashier of the First Nat- - for Inclosing or using the public Mexico, which position has been a. - Is Time was when Lordsburg had the Sf..d nr. Hmmimi ii..iw.i- lOlial Bank has been instriirdorl Patterson a native son of domain. The United States Comniw-sione- r 1)V'(M n,(J scmblanco of a commercial club. on crcu mm, it is said, oy Jiuigei architects from ui iw bv tho directors tn nlifnin nln,, i southwest whuro he lins heen very at Lordaburg is prepared with That was many years ago. Just what Colin Neblett. over the ground this week ami have successful in slock raising and other l.iuts anJ firms lo filo with tin' Field anu speculations ior Un- 1 . the erecti meritorious business ventures. t1 illegal became of it no one seems to know The rumor has been current completed the plans nnd spec' lion un liivlslon statements as that-wha- ol a aecona story to tne pres til recently he was interested with but tho assumption is t fow for several weeks Grant tfonis. fences and will give careful attention de- that ent uani building and prop- his brother and mother in extensive to remained of its members were and efficient the this work. whole by n wampus cat. county's popular The Eagle Drug Mercantile Com- erty now accquired and cattle holding at Gold Hill. voured for a Uoth Miss Mr. "Relative New Mexico unlawful Since sheriff has the first refusal of the pany of which S. M. Chase is mnn-ogc- r, general Iloss and Patterson there have been several efforts remodeling and comb have been popular with the younger situation additional order position, which is a coveted one, will remodel their quarters - cITcct to revive that defunct organization, ining- of the two places, in order set of Lordsburg. Following their this day issued to that all but until recently, when several men but he has as yet neither affir- putting in a front on 2nd street in fences on public lands must be re- that part of the building which is to give the bank more room for marriage at Tucson the bride left for associated with the vital activities of med or Calif., will moved on or before April fifteen ns dcnied.it. now used as n warehouse. Adjoin- their rapidly growing business. Pasadena, where she visit twenty-thre- e un- the community seriously considered a short time and the groom returned ier order .January the project, tho enterprises held little As county ing on tho east a meat market will be If the plans arc decided upon the less completo map showing all fences sheriff of Grant for built unci on the west, offices. The to Iiordshurg owing to the pressure public promise. Now it looks as if wo are bank will erect a business hiñóle - and inclosures on land b" some years past, Mr. McGrath ' dry-goo- of business interests. The newly- actually to have an adequately brick partition separating the filed with you on or before April ware-roo- of which Lordsburir mnv wnll weds will make their home here commercial has made a most enviable record department from the in fifteen in which caso such fune'-- s financed, "axless", live will be torn out giving feel proud, Office or lodge rooms h heuutifid new Patterson rusi club or chamber of commerce, which being recognized as the best the shown on main nejd not be rcmov.vl company more spaco for the drug, win liKeiy Do out m tho dence in the Crocker addition. by date but will bo permitted to will take its place among the up- peace othcer in New Mexico .i i , - i . litted that standing organizations of the South- At the November election he wftchii second story. Tho Western Liberal joins the reifiain until issuance special orders will crystalize a Viol change couple's many friends here in wish- with reference thereto. Maps should west. The plans at was to the Office by a the grocery, hardware andth'iSfurniture ihis is welcome news identify with certainty with be to ing them every happiness. May this fence meeting to held within a week or majority spir-- departments near the 2nd street cn- - those who believe in the fu public surveys. Give two. Substantial after a be the beginning of a long, happy reference land ited political campaign, being a trn.nc.e-- Bcsid.e, thi? work the ?l?re ture of Lordsburg and have sub t it l." i. this telegram and letter follo'ving V11 bo in general giving stantiated their belief in the town May they keep from care and immediate publicity." Candidate, on tlie Democratic tha EaRlo Drut? far AN ERROR IN ASSAY STATEMENT Mercantile Company by investinir or locatinir here.
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