All the News of All the Pointes EverY Thunday Morning rosse ews Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the Ne1DS VOL 26-NO_ 40 Entered as second CIa.. Matter at tile Polt lOch. ~.oo Per Year omce at Detroit, GROSSE' POINTE. MICHIGAN. OCTOBER 7, 1965 lOc Per Copy 24 Pages-Two Sections- Section One HEADLINES Children Learn About Fire Prevention City Police of the School Crossings WEEK Depending on A, Compiled by the Ordered Lighted Parents' Aid Grosse Pointe News .Z' Problem Called Acute in '" arms ounel T~e Villagej Youngsters Th1lJ'8day. September 30 B F C Block Stores. Loll on RICKY THORNE was separ- J ated Wed n e s day from the Top ()f Cars mother who abandoned him Charlevoix and Ridge Corners at McMillan to Have and placed in a Miami, Fla. Special Blinkers Pending Study Being City Police Chi e f An- school for retarded children. Conducted By Auto Club drew Teetaert has made it His mother who was r('leased, known. that be has in- called the decision by Dade At its regular meeting held on Monday, October 4, structed officers to issue County JuvenJIe- Court Judge the Farms council ordered the installation of temporary loitering tickets to any Ben Sheppard "a load off my blinking lights on existing school crossing signs at two juveniles found congregat- mind." Sheppard acted on the locations near the Gabriel Richard School, 176 McKinley, recommendation of a psychia- ing in shopping areas and trist who examined Mrs. Thome for the protection of students in the area. interfering wit h pedes- and ordered that she return to The council decreed that the0>------------ trians. He asked the help Detroit for, psychiatric treat- lights remain until the Safety of par e n t s in getting ment. He said, however, that and Traffic Department of the Leaf Smoke children directly h 0 m e there's not much hope Ricky Detroit Automobile Club com- after school. will be returned to his parents. pletes a survey of what are The problem has b€come He'll probably remain in this cO!lsidered dangerous crossings. Blamed for acute, be said, along Kercheval school for two or three years A request for a hearing be- in The Village, where students before other arrangements can fore the council to discuss the Car Crash of junior high age, especially, be made." problem was made by Richard gather in groups of 10 or 12 '* * • W. Kay, Richard School Princi- after school to talk, stand in FrIday, October 1 pal, who was at Monday eve- Three Injured As Automo~ front of store entrances, and THOMAS L. COLEMAN, a ning's meeting. He was accom~ biles Hit Head-On In refuse to give the right of way part-time deputy sheriff who panied by Ralph Burton of 810 Pdll From Fire In Mc- to people trying to pass by or killed a young civil rights work- Lincoln road, president of the enter a business establishment. er August 20 in Alabama, was Richard School P.T.A.; and Kinley Avenue He cited as another disturbance found innocent Thursday by an Robert Brackett of 794 Rivard youngsters who conduct their all-white jury which called the boulevard, a member of the Three persons were in- chats OD the hoods and bumpers shooting self.defense. Alaba- SChool's committee studying jured, one seriously, 1Vhen of cars parked along Kercheval. ma's Attorney General Rich- Children's kindergarten classes in The Grosse CHRISTOFFERSON. Behind them is Public Safety the matter, and a member of two automobiles collided Chief Teetaert said he has mond Flowers, however, said Pointe Public School System had an opportunity to Officer MARTIN TROMBLEY. The children heard an the executive board. head on in front of 366 Mc- been receiving complaints from the verdict represented "the learn about an important community agency during explanation and watched a demonstration of new fire- Curves Create Danger Kinley on Saturday, Oc- shoppers and merchants which democratitc process going down Fire Prevention Week. Those pictured during a visit fighting equipment of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. Under study are the Cross- tober 2. Bot h drivers made stronger measures neces- the drain of irrationality, big- to Dexter M. Ferry Elementary School, 748 Roslyn The 55-foot snorkel aerial platform can be used as a ings at Charlevoix and McMil- blamed heavy smoke from sary. He hopes to be able to otry and imiJroper enforcement road, are (left to right) MRS. PEG CAMERON, teacher; tower for 'fire fighting and rescue operations. It has a lan, and Ridge and McMillan burning leaves for obscur- solve the problem with the aid of the law." An aide said Flow- JAMES CLINTON, PAUL BOCKSTANZ and SANDRA water capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute. where sharp curves exist, and ing their vision before the of parents, however. ers was "researching" the case Wlhich are termed a dangerous accident. Juveniles" - minors 17 and to determine whether any fur- hazard that is of grave concern under - wi10 do receive tickets ther legal proceedings are pos- to school officials and to par- William F. Carson of 88 Cambridge, the d!'iver of one must appear in Juvenile Court sible in the shotgun slaying of Blood Drive Farms Okays New Sewer Woods Police ents. with a parent. There they may Jonathan Daniels, 26. a white A 5Uggestion that these in- car, suffered a compound frac- ture of the right arm, and was be reprimanded or, required to Episcopal seminary & t u.den t tersections be made four-way obey a curfew, according to from Keene, N.H. To Be Held To End Basement Floodmg Recover Van, stOp 9treets was rejected by the taken to St. John Hospital by Farms firemen, for treatment. Chief Teetaert. He added that counell at the recommendation offenders over 17 are tried in •• • of Police Chief James Furton, Also conveyed for treatment Saturday, October 2 October 15 In Dean Lane Residences Furniture Justice Court, where they are who said that this would not was Barbara McBrien, 16, of 1230 Bishop, a pas~nger in subject to a $100 fine or 90 Moving to assure equality in Red Cross Mob -,Ie UnO,tFive New Homes Built Would Add to Problemj Will be a solution to the problem. days in jail or both. education under the new fed. Driver of Vehicle Given Kay informed the council Carson's car, She suffered fa- eral civil rights act, Francis To Be S tat i0 i'l e d at Replace 12-lnch Line With IS-Inch One Violation Tickets and Re- that approximately 96 children cial and throat lacerations. Kep~l, u.s. Commissioner of Calvin United Presby.. To Charlevoix Main cross at Ridge and McMillan, to Education, has announced that _ leased Before It Be- Christopher Kurtz. 16, a pas- IWoods Residents and from school and home, and senger in the second ear, driven I $34 million in federal aid will be t e ria n C h u r c h The Farms council approved the hiring of the firm came Known Truck approximately 58 at .Charle- by Christopher Lee Waddell, Shun the Polls denied Chicago public schools of Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc., engineers, to prepare And Goods voix and McMillan, and even 17, of 381 Rivard Boulevard, until complaints of racial dis- The Red Cross Bloodmo~ plans and sp~cifications to allow advertising for bids for Were Stolen with safety patrol boys on duty, :suffered a shoulder injury, but crimination are settled. While bile will be at the Calvin a relief sewer to be installed in Charlevoix a,,-enue. The the children are in constant refused medical attention. Grosse Pointe Woods resi- dents paid $2,367 for the Sep- the bill was aimed primarily at United Pre s b y t e ria n sewer will relieve basement flooding in Dean lane. A moving van filled' with danger. _ Carson, who was travelinl the South, a spokesman for the Church, 6125 Cadieux road, The COUDcil consented to the~"'------------ He said that approaching mo- south on McKinley, said his vi- tember 14 primary election, in miscellaneous fur nit u r e, which only 11 percent of all Department of Heaith, Educa- b H d Ch d (Continued on Page 2) sion was obstructed by a heavy tion and Welfare said investiga- etween aryer an .an - ret8ining of the firm on Mon- nected to the existing sewer un- was impounded by Woods registered voters cast their bal- pall of smoke from burning tors had found evidence Chicago ler Park drIve, on F~day, day, October 4, at the recom- der Charlevoix, will s'olve the police on Tuesday, Septem- lots for circuit court judges. had failed to comply with de- be mendation of City Manager An- problem. T ' B · leaves, and he pulled out to OCt. 15. The hours will ber 28, and the driver of eeners uymg These statistics were revealed segregation provisions of the 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. drew Bremer, Jr., who, re- ,Zinn mailed copies of his pass a parked car and struck the van received two traffic by City Clerk Leona Liddle . to quested the COS'~ of the project letter outlining the problem in S H. S the car driven by Waddell, head 1964 act. A.ll blood donors. ca.n give d be paid from the Public T __ violation tickets and re- pree ItS nag on. Waddell also said there was Monday night, September 20, at • • • th t bi .wu his street to Mayor William the regular meeting of the SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 ba: a~is ~~:n~~dl~~n m:e provement Reserve Account Connolly, Jr., B rem e r, and Ie'ased before the author- heavy smoke.
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