John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 9-25-1964 The aC rroll News- Vol. 47, No. 1 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 47, No. 1" (1964). The Carroll News. 259. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/259 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ) 1/- I L. • n..ramer a1rs U Club introduces current plans • for expansion pre-sertes lectures Mr. Thomas Kramer, ad­ By T~IOTHY Pl lLTE ministrator of the Buildings 1 As the Carroll Man -,turned to campus for the 1964-65 and Grounds Departm('nt, t•e• academic year, he noticed many changes. However, one cently announced that plans change which is not apparent to the eye is the increase in for the completely ullra­ cultural advnnt..1.ges offered to the Carroll student. mod('rn science building arc To dP\"elup interest ·md better be given to the student who has in the advanced stages. instght into the Unh·t'rsity Series, no understanding of the future C'.omplct ion of the proposed edt­ the University Club wil sponsor ~Pries IiCl' will ultimately bring about Jl'cturcs and pane-l discussions pre­ Novelty to campus the rC'novnticm of the present in­ \ cedin~ each sc-l'ie,;. At these dis­ Xothing !>UCh as this has ever I nckqunt(· sdcnce quarters locatt•d cussions eithet· a visiting speaker appeared on the Carroll campus. in the Administration Building. or a membc1· of the faculty will The idea came from the students Present science rooms and labora­ explain the- pl't'lormancf'. and is mainly for the students. tories will be remodeled and fash­ If a jazz concet·t were on the Since the University Series this ion<'d into wf'll furnished. attrac­ agenda, lhe topic of music would yc:'a1· 1·angrs from legitimate thea­ tive (:~culty rooms, oCfices, and be discussed. Such things as the tre to folk singing, there cer tain­ adtlit ionni cla.-.srooms I difference bc-twl'en jazz and clas­ ly should be at least one discus­ 'l1tt'l'C much needt'd classrooms UNIVERSITY SE.RIES OPENER presents Spoon River a rtists in a sical music, how ja?.£ has pro­ sinn. if not all, which "Will appeal will t.>llminatc the usefullncss of unique performance. gressed and where it originated to the- average college student. the building now occupied by thC' ---------------, will be brought up to give the stu- Eventually, it is hoped that ~chool of Business. E\.'cntually that dent a true understanding of the (Turn to Page 8, Col. 4 ) building will be demolishC'd and coming pt'rformance ,..---- an addition to the Union Building will take its place. Circus theme excites Under student direction Howe,·er, thc~e discussions will Gerber opens Accor<llng to Mr. Willlam A. H • be left open enough so that the Fisslnger, \'ic<'-president in charge I ornecoming student may guide It~ direction. • of development. no announcement spirit They will not be conducted as on the statu" or the campaign has classroom sessiOns, a nd the Car- AED ser1es yet been made. However, the for- mal plnns for construction, ground- "The Greatest Show on Earth" is coming to town! Hurry, roll Man will be able to tap a • h resource otherwise not available Wll breaking, finances. and contribu- hutT}, hurry! Step right up folks and get on the bandwagon! to him. Questions on the arts will lecture ti,ons will be an~ounced in early The John Carroll University annual Homecoming Weekend be answered, and information will' \Vith the success of such ~o,·~mbct· of th1s. year. The ap- is rapidly approaching! prox1mate completion date for this . presentations as the panel dis- S·1 million project, located on the J~me-; Wmchester, g." n era 1 cussion on birth control last site dirl'ctly opposite Grasselli Li- ,chatrman of :a:omecommg, an­ brnry, is ro • the- fall semester of nouncc-s that th1s year's theme, year i~ min~, Al~ha ~psilon 1 The C arroII Delta, m con)unctlon w1th the 1967. "The Greatest Show on Earth," promises ro be just what the title Scientific Academy, has again reads. planned a number of lectures Fall ter m starts Best of the bes t for this school year. While An all out push by the gf'ncral these lectures are of special s1udcnt body and vat·ious campus with Holy Mass org-anizations indicates that this N E W S I interest lo the science orient- ~en1·'s "Big Weekend'' will be the ed student. presentations are Once again the Mass of the most succe,;sful ever staged by Representing John Carroll University such that they present a Holy Spirit will formally open the men of JCU. University Heights 1 8, Ohio source of interest and enlight­ tlw Fcslh hie-s will be kicked orr b\ Uni\·ersity's school year. the traditional bonfire rally, enment to all students. It will be held todav in the which will be held on the practice Vo l. XLVII, No. 1 Friday, September 25, 1964 The presen t series will be ini­ Gym at 11 a.m. · field on the e\'ening: of Friday, ~--------- tiated on Wednesday, Sept. 30, Unlikl' Prt·,·ious ~ears. the con­ Oct. 9. at 7:30p.m. Following the I 711 ifJ~ T T • with a lecture by Samuel R. Gerb­ ~l'i!J.l'lllion will note some changt's b~nnrc the different class parties 1r.1..anners 0 ers u n lOR er, M.D., the Coroner of Cuyahoga m the cct·crnony. For the first w111 tnke place. County. Dr. Gerber is a graduate tinw tn the hh;tory or this Mass, Saturday morning at approxi- of CinCinnati Electlc Medical 11 will bt.• celebrated as a low mately 10:30 a.m., the student _J fi t t School. Following an internship in .\la-.s. 'l'l'chnlcnUy though. it is clnssifif'rl in th~ new Church ~~t~"~~~:~ ;~~\~;:d~ar~Ol~~ c~~=l rOOTnS Or S Uuen S use New York City, he undertook a lhut-gy us a "IO\\ mass with sing­ orful re\'iew down Warrensville , . residency in New York where he Ing." Ct'ntcr Rd. and Route 8 to the 1 At last Tuesdays Umon meeting a novel1dea was brought reecivE'd a certificate in pathology. Tlw \'cry Rt'\. Hulth E. Dunn, \\'arrc·nsville Heights football before the student body by Mr. Jerome Mayerhofer, manager In addition, Dr. Gerber r eceived s .. J., v,.IIJ presidC' as celebrant and field where the Blue Streaks will of 1\lanners Fairmount Circle restaurant. a law degt'Ce from Cleveland ~ill be US."-tstcd hy RC\', John D. do battle \\ith Eastern Michigan l\Jt'. Mayerhofer stated that Marshall Law School. Presently Ge1·kt•n. S .• J.. Christopher Zegers, b• gmnmg at 2 p.m. Manners is willing to donate the enter and then wait for them to he is president of the Greater prcft•ct of the Sodality, will be ·rwin hjghJights two connecting rooms m thP.ir be brought down to them, or Car­ Cleveland Safety Council, execu­ the commentator, w hi I c Rev . Social highlight of the weekend basement for lhe exclusive use of roll students could be hired for tive secretary and treasurer of the Charles Sullivan, S.J , will be the will be at 9 p.m. Saturdny evening John Carroll students. The pro- vadous times during the day to N ational Coroners Association and ma-.tl'r of cerf"monies, and nev when the Homecoming Dance will posed Carroll Room would be able serve as waiters. the Ohio State Coroners Associa­ Joseph Mul•nzer S.J .• will direct be staged in the Gym. Also on to accommodate betwP.Pr. fifty and The Studf"nt Union Review Com­ tion. Dr . Gerber is also the asso­ the singing. Re-. Edwat·d P. Ech­ SuturdaJ. evening an alumni dance seventy-five students. Manners mittee is ironing out the m inor ciate treasurer of the American lin. S .•l., will deliver the Sf"nnon Academy of Forensic Sciences, an (Turn to P ago 8, COl. 5) Insks no payment from the Univer- problems that now exist. \Vben sity for the use of these rooms and organization of which he is past state;; that there will be no mini- these problems are solved, tbe president. new Carroll Room w ill be opened. Dorm Council expands ~~~r;' 01' cover charge to the SlU· Two entrances The Carroll Room actually con- to meet new enrollmen t ~ists or two rooms that can be completely cl os<>d off from one Due to the added facilities provided by Murphy Jinll, another if so desired. T here arc­ John Carroll is now able to provide on-campus rcsidP.nce to two entJ.·ances to the~e basement over one thousand students. This fact places new responsi­ rooms. One is at the bottom of the stairs next to the rest rooms bilities and new duties upon the Dorm Council. and the other is at the ,·cry rear Joseph \\'altht'r, presidf'nt of the C<>unc:il, poI n t s out that "with In acl!lition to its nonnal con- of the store down throu~h a cor­ mol'c students on can1pu" thnn trlhutions, the Dorm Council plans ridor in back of the kitchen.
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