
San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1926 Special Libraries, 1920s 5-1-1926 Special Libraries, May 1926 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1926 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May 1926" (1926). Special Libraries, 1926. Book 5. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1926/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1926 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 17 May, 1926 No. 5 Recent Developments in Research British Special Librarians in Conference Medical Literature Next Issue California Number Compiled by San Francisco Special Libraries Association Special Libraries Association of Southern California Contents ARTICLES British Special Librarians in Conference .......................................... 1 62 Harvard Business Library .......................................................................... 1 66 How to Consult Medical Literature ............................................. 1 67 Library of the Medical Society of the County of Kings...... 167 Recent Developments in Research ................................................ 1 59 Atlantic City Conference ........................................................................... 1 7 1 European Trip .................................................................................................. 1 7 1 Associations and Groups .......................................................................... 1 79 Events and Publications .............................................................................. 1 82 . , Editorials ............................................................................................................... 1 72 Library and Research ................................................................................... 1 74 Personal Notes ............................................................................................... 184 Science and Technology ........................................................................... 1 76 World of Business Print .............................................................................. 178 Published Monthly Except August and September by SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Special Libraries Publishing office, 958 University Ave., New York City. Editorial office, State Library, Providence, R I. Treasurer's office, 195 Broadway, New York City. All paytnents should be made to Miss Gertrude D. Peterkin, Treas- urer, c/o American Telephone & Telegraph Co., New York City. -- - htered am aecond clnss matter December 17, 1023 at the Post Omce, Ncw York. N.Y.. under the aot of Marsh 3. 1878. Aeceptanoe for maillng at s~dalrate of postage provlded for in sectlon 1103, Act of October 3, 1017, autliorlzed Daember 17, 1923. Eaten: $4.00 a year. Forelm $4.60: single cople~60 ocmts. - .- Special-L Libraries Vol. 17 May, 1926 No. 5 Recent Research HE subject of research is montb by work of the iVlassachusetts Institute of Tmonth increasing in usage and in Tech~logy, the Industrial Research scope. Space will not permit an elab- associations tin-oughout the country, Co- orate discussion of the ramifications of operative Research in the Railroad Field, research in recent years, but a Bibliog- including the Joint Burcau of Research raphy on Research, consisting of a list of noted by F.E. Yoalculn in Railway Age. selected articles from the Technical In the laboratory field is noted the de- Press for the years 1923, 1924 and 1925 velopment of research laboratories in indicates the marked growth of various England and in Germany with brief ref- forms of research. This. publication, erences to a few American laboratories. edited by Maurice I-Iolland, director of The organization of research also the Division of Engineering and Indus- reaches to all parts of the world, includ- trial Research of the National Research ing Europe, South Africa and Australia. Council, was prepared by the Division to University Research is given a special "feel the pulse of industry" and to main- place with aIlusion to reference work at tain a close contact with research activi- Lehigh University, Harvard, University ties. The material is classified into the of Michigan, University of Illinois and following groups : Aeronautics, Agricul- many other colleges in this country and ture and Forestry, Automotive C+n g'meer- in Europe. ing, Cement and Concrete, Ceramics, A few general articles of importance Chemistry, Corrosion, Dyes and Paints, on the value of research are noted in the Electrical Engineering, Foods and Bev- publication and special reference such as erages, Foundries, Fuels, Gas and Oil the Sozwce Book on Rescawlz Data pre- Engines, Gas Plants, Geology, Heating pared by the Bureau of Business Re- and Ventilating, Highway, Illumination, search of New Yorlc University. Leather, Lubrication, Machine Tools, In a worlc of this character it is dif- Marine Engineering, Metallurgy, Metals, ficult to pick out item of especial im- Mining, Ore-Dressing, Paper, Physics, portance. The great significance is indi- Pumps, Radio, Refrigeration, Research, cated by the wide range of subjects in River and Harbor, Rubber, Steam En- which research plays a part. gineering, Telephony, Textiles, Wire Another publication which takes for Cables and Ropes, Wood and Wood its subject Cooperative Indzut~ial Re- Preservation. Appended to each entry search, indicating the constrt~ctiveactiv- are the Dewey classification numbers in ity of trade associations, has recently modified form and each item has a com- been prepared by the Department of plete reference to the author, publication, Manufacture of the Chamber of Com- date, volume, paging and number of merce of the United States. Again we words. find a great number of trade associations Under the subject of General Re- combining their efforts to make studies search elaborate plans for the develop- on matters relating to their own particu- ment of research are listed, such as the lar industry. A glance at the panlphlet Research Institute of Canada, Grants of published by the Department will best in- the Alnerican Association for the Ad- dicate tile type of actual stndies con- vancement of Science in Aid of Research, dtlcted by thcse associations. Such Research in China, Research in Bengal, topics, for example, as Bread-wrapping in Great Britain and in Australia; also by tile Alnerican Bakers Association, in the field of Co-operative Research the Causes of Casting Defects by the Anmi- SPECIAL LIBRARIES May, 1ga6 the organization by the Chief Executive can Malleable Castings Association, tI Methods of Packing Hats by the Na- of the nation. tional Association of Hat Manufac- The Council consists of eleven major turers, Kiln Drying Processes by the divisions, arranged in two groups, the Northern Hemlock and Hardwood first group including physics, mathe- I Manufacturers Association, also great matics and astronomy ; engineering and numbers of economic studies on Adver- industrial research ; chemistry and tising and Marketing, on Standardization chemical technology; geology and geog- of Measuring Sizes, New Uses of Prod- raphy ; the medical sciences ; biology and uct, and many other subjects, are typical agriculture; and anthropology and psy- of the researches. chology. The other group comprises The pamphlet discusses the method Federal relations, foreign relations, states of carrying on the investigations, opera- relations and educational relations. tion of research laboratories, various The Division of Engineering and In- forms of co-operative agencies, such as dustrial Research has its headquarters in the IvIellon Institute, University of Pitts- the Engineering Societies Bldg., 29 West burgh, and other college research bu- 39th Street, New York City, under the reaus, departments of the Federal gov- direction of Frank B. Jewett, chairman, ernment and other miscellaneous co- and Maurice Holland, director. This ! operating bodies, such as the National division is closely affiliated with various Research Council, Institute of Industrial scientific societies and a group of advis- Research, American Society for Testing ory boards and committees. ! Metals and many others. The Council also maintains a Com- Mr. Paul E. Holden, who, under the mittee on Research Information Service direction of Mr. E. W. McCullough, pre- under the chairmanship of Mr. Vernon pared the publication, has also discussed Kellogg, permanent secretary of the the question of selecting subjects, report- Council, Mr. Frank B. Jewett, Mr. ing results and using data developed. George M. Stratton and Mr. Clarence J. Important phases of the study on co- West, director. operative industrial research are the In this country at the present time costs of research, the methods of finan- there are many fine foundations for pure cing and the continuity of work. A few scientific research. Among these institu- outstanding research programs are out- tions may be included the Carnegie In- lined, especially those used in the paint stitute, the Smithsonian Institution, the and varnish industry, by the National Rockefeller Institute and the Mellon In- Canners Association, the American
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