MEETING OF THE WORCESTERSHIRE SCHOOLS FORUM (WSF) Monday 6th October 2014 at 2.00pm Council Chamber, County Hall A G E N D A 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of the Last Meeting 5th September 2014 (attached) 3. Matters Arising 4. Any Other Business 5. Schools Issues Area Briefings September 2014 (attached) 6. DfE School Funding Reform 2015-16 Outcomes of the Consultation on the Proposals for Changes to the Existing New Mainstream Formula from April 2015 a) Responses to Consultation Issues * b) Analysis of Formula Options * c) Consideration of Recommended Actions * * Given the consultation period does not close until 1st October 2014 these papers will be provided at the WSF meeting 7. F40 Group Update a) Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting th Steph Simcox on 6 September 2014 (attached) Head of Finance and b) Briefing Paper (attached) Resources c) Research Group – Towards a National Children's Services Funding Formula for Schools (attached) PO Box 73 8. Academy Update (attached) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 14th January 2015 WR5 2YA At 2pm Kidderminster Room Tel 01905 766342 Fax 01905 766156 Please pass apologies to Andy McHale who can be contacted on E-mail Tel 01905 766285, fax 01905 766156 or e-mail [email protected] [email protected] MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE WORCESTERSHIRE SCHOOLS FORUM (WSF) Monday 6th October 2014 In the Council Chamber, County Hall, Worcester The meeting started at 2.00 pm IN ATTENDANCE: WSF Members Clive Corbett (Chair) - Pershore High School Lawrence Gittins - St. John's CE Primary School Julie Reilly - The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre Guy Shears - RSA Academy Arrow Vale (from 2.15pm) Malcolm Richards (Vice Chair) - Governor, Bromsgrove David Hargreaves - Governor, Redditch Peter Ingham - Governor, Wyre Forest Alistair Thomas - Governor, Malvern Hills David McIntosh - Governor, Wyre Forest Jeff Robinson - Governor, Malvern Hills Richard Taylor - Governor, Bromsgrove June Longmuir - Governor, Bromsgrove Steve Baker - Union Representative Tricia Wellings - PVI Sector Michael Kitcatt - 16-19 Providers WSF Observer Member Keith Howkins - Education Funding Agency (EFA) Local Authority (LA) Officers Stephanie Simcox - Resources Andy McHale - Children’s Services Caroline Brand - Children's Services Rob Phillips - Children's Services Local Authority Members Councillor Liz Eyre - Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Children and Families Observer Emma Lees - Finance Manager Droitwich High School 1. APOLOGIES AND WELCOME Marian Gager - Evesham Nursery School 1 Elizabeth Spencer - St. Richards CE First School Paul Kilgallon - St. Barnabas First and Middle School Jane Long - Fort Royal Community Primary School Val Houghton - Church of England Board of Education Sean Devlin - Archdiocese of Birmingham Sean Williams - The Forge Pupil Referral Unit Vicky Dunn - PVI Sector The Chair welcomed Keith Howkins (EFA) to the meeting in his capacity as Schools Forum observer member and Andy McHale back from his recent absence. The Chair advised that Keith was willing to take funding questions as required. 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (5th SEPTEMBER 2014) The Clerk was requested to record Elizabeth Spencer and David McIntosh as giving their apologies. A member of the WSF requested clarification in the wording under Paragraph 7.3(b) concerning the LA view on the Low Prior Attainment (LPA) discussion and queried when this view was expressed. Steph advised that she recalled saying at the WSF meeting that she on behalf of the LA was surprised by the WSF decision. Another member of the WSF also under Paragraph 7.3 queried the decision on the Options for consultation and the interpretation as the member felt the understanding was that LPA would not be adjusted in any of the options. The Chair responded he did not share that view and the existing LPA issue was an issue for Option 3 only. This position was shared by the majority of WSF members. The minutes were then agreed. 3. MATTERS ARISING 3.1 In light of the discussions at the last WSF meeting and issues arising since the Chair reminded members of their responsibilities to represent their groups and sectors and the need to not champion individual school issues. 3.2 To support this, the Chair proposed setting up a strategic group of WSF members and others to consider the longer term strategic principles for the National Fair Funding Formula (NFFF) and the local funding model. The Vice Chair supported this and reminded the WSF that the major issue is the lack of adequate funding for Worcestershire. RESOLVED – The WSF to set up a sub group when required and for any nominations to be made direct to the Chair and for the Clerk to ensure all schools are contacted to ensure a wide representation of views. 4. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None. 2 5. SCHOOL ISSUES AREA BRIEFINGS SEPTEMBER 2014 5.1 Andy confirmed both meetings were well attended and the issues discussed and raised were included in the consultation feedback. The WSF noted the issues included on the agenda for the meetings. 6. DfE SCHOOL FUNDING REFORM 2015-16 – OUTCOMES OF THE CONSULTATION ON THE PROPOSALS FOR CHANGES TO THE EXISTING MAINSTREAM FORMULA FROM APRIL 2015 6.1 Andy introduced the item and confirmed the consultation had concluded at 5pm on 1st October 2014. A significant number of responses were received during the last two days and as such the outcomes had been complied as quickly as was practicable. 6.2 To support the WSF meeting the following information had been provided prior to the WSF meeting by e-mail on 3rd and 6th October 2014 with copies also available at the WSF meeting: - The written responses to the consultation and area meetings summary – Agenda Item 6(a). The overall outcomes of the consultation detailing the number of responses – Agenda Item 6(b). The overall options analysis based upon the preference votes linked to size of school based on pupil numbers – Agenda Item 6(b) Appendix A. A summary of the recommended actions – Agenda Item 6(c) 6.3 Responses to Consultation Issues (a) The WSF noted the issues arising from both the consultation responses and the area consultation meetings. The papers provided a FAQ document from the area meetings. (b) Andy advised that all the feedback would be part of the Cabinet papers for their meeting on 16th October 2014. 6.4 Analysis of the Consultation Formula Options (a) There were 109 returned questionnaires, which represents 48% of schools. This is a high response rate but the turnout was varied between the sectors with this being much higher in the secondary sector compared to the primary sector. (b) In terms of the overall summary, excluding the formula options, Andy advised there was support for: - The treatment of any additional Schools Block DSG in 2015/16 is allocated via the AWPU using the ratio of 1:1.27 for primary and secondary schools. Support for the minor changes to the existing split site formula for newly qualifying schools. Schools Block Funding is retained in that block and that no transfer is made to the Early Years or High Needs Blocks. Continuing with the existing arrangements in 2014/15 into 2015/16 as permitted by the DfE for the: - Delegation and de-delegation of centrally retained DSG services for maintained schools, except for those included in the Learning and Achievement (L&A) review. 3 Other centrally retained DSG services for all maintained schools and academies. (c) Members of the WSF commented as follows: - Their appreciation of the extremely quick turnaround on the consultation outcomes. That a number of primary schools may not have understood the issues on the treatment of the additional DSG and queried whether it had to be allocated through the AWPU. The outcome not to transfer funding to the Early Years and High Needs blocks was not surprising although there were encouraging comments made on Early Years in particular. In terms of a longer term strategy the need to review and assess criteria definitions for deprivation, sparsity, etc. (d) Steph confirmed that the primary/secondary AWPU values in Options 4 to 6 where the MFLs were used, originally related to the MFL values, but were then adjusted for the addition of the £6.2m expected extra DSG and that any additional DSG would need to be allocated through the formula. This together with the MFG/capping had impacted on the draft AWPU units of resource. It was agreed that there was a need to include WSF members and other interested parties in the longer term strategy analysis. (e) In terms of the outcomes for the local school formula, Andy confirmed the most popular option after taking account of the preference votes linked to pupil numbers was Option 6 i.e. the use of the DfE MFLs for 2014-15 WCC factors plus sparsity (tapered) and widening to include IDACI 1 to 3. This was followed by Options 4, 1, 5, 2 and 3 in that order. (f) A member of the WSF queried the weighting levels applied to the preference feeling the 2nd and 3rd preference weightings were too high. Andy advised it was the system from 2014-15 and differentiated between the options and size of school as agreed. The WSF noted the results and the differences in number of schools and pupils in each of the preferences for the 6 options. 6.5 Consideration of Recommended Actions (a) Andy requested the WSF consider Agenda Item 6c) which provided a summary of the consultation outcomes and recommended actions. These would then form part of the decisions required by the WCC Cabinet. (b) The WSF were reminded that, apart from the delegation and de-delegation matters where maintained school members were the decision makers, the decisions were for the WCC Cabinet.
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