Report No. 16567-CD Chad Poverty Assessment: Constraints to Rural Public Disclosure Authorized Development October 21, 1997 Human Development, Group IV Atrica Region Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Documentof the World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AMTT Agricultural Marketing and Technology Transfer Project AV Association Villageoise BCA Bceufs de culture attelde BEAC Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale BET Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti BIEP Bureau Interminist6rieI d'Etudes et des Projets BNF Bureau National de Frdt CAER Compte Autonome d'Entretien Routier CAR Central African Republic CFA Communautd Financiere Africaine CILSS Comite Inter-etats de Lutte Contre la Sdcheresse au Sahel DCPA Direction de la Commercialisation des Produits Agricoles DD Droit de Douane DPPASA Direction de la Promotion des Produits Agricoles et de la Sdcur DSA Direction de la Statistique Agricole EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FEWS Famine Early Warning System FIR Fonds d'Investissement Rural GDP Gross Domestic Product GNP Gross National Product INSAH Institut du Sahel IRCT Institut de Recherche sur le Coton et le Textile LVO Lettre de Voiture Obligatoire MTPT Ministare des Travaux Publics et des Transports NGO Nongovernmental Organization ONDR Office National de Developpement Rural PASET Projet d'Ajustement Sectoriel des Transports PRISAS Programme Regional de Renforcement Institationnel en matie sur la Sdcuritd Alimentaire au Sahel PST Projet Sectoriel Transport RCA Republique Centrafrcaine SAP Systeme d'Alerte Prdcoce SCCL Societe Commerciale du Logone et du Chari SIM Systeme d'Information sur les Marchds SNER Societd Nationale d'Entretien Routier SOGEC Societd Generale d'Etudes et de Conseils SONASUT Societd Nationale Sucriere du Tchad TC Taxe Compldmentaire TEC Tarif Extdrieur Commun TCA Taxe sur le Chiftle d'Affaire TN Taux Normal TPG Tarif Prdfdrentiel Gendralisd TR Taux Rdduit TSP Transpdrt Sector Project TSP2 Transport Sector Investment Project [I UDEAC Union Douaniere des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale UNDP United Nations Development Program USAID UntitedStates Agency for Intemational Development VITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance CURRENCY EQUIVALENT (1996 Averag Currency Unit = CFA Franc (CFAF)/IUS$1= 525.3 Weights and Measures 1 hectare = 2.74109 acres 1 kilogram = 2.204622 pounds 1 metric ton liquid milk = 971 liters 1 metric ton = 2204.622 pounds We dedicate this work to the memory of David Jones Vice President: Jean-Louis Sarbib Director: Serge Michailof Acting Sector Manager:Arvil Van Adams Task Team Leader: Menahem Prywes TABLE OF CONTENTS PR EFACE...................................... i EXECUTIVE SUMIMARYAND CONCLUSIONS ..................................... iii A. Extent and Distribution of Poverty. iii B. Agricultural Productivity. iv C. Transport Costs. vi D. Charges on Agricultural Producers .vii E. Women'sContribution to Agriculture.viii F. Educationas a Constraintto Rural Incomes.viii G. Health .ix H. Rule of Law .x I. An Action Plan to Reduce Poverty .x 1. STATISTICALPORTRAIT OF POVERTYIN CHAD . 1 A. Natural and Human Background...................... 1 B. Overviewof Poverty Indicators .. C. Male-FemaleImbalance and Female-HeadedHouseholds .4 D. Labor Market .. 4 E. HouseholdLiving Conditions .. 5 F. Famine,Nutrition and Health .. 7 G. N'DjamenaHousehold Expenditure Survey of 1991 . 9 H. Assets,Incomes, and Expendituresof Rural Households in the Cotton Zone .. 1 I. The ECOSITSurvey of Urban and Rural Areas . 12 2. CONSTRAINTSTO AGRICULTURALINCOMES .15 A. AgriculturalActivities and Incomes: National Overview.15 B. AgriculturalActivities and Incomes: The Sahel and Soudan Regions. 16 C. Roads.18 D. Water.24 E. Chargeson AgriculturalProducers: Overview.24 F. OfficialTaxes on the AgriculturalSector .25 G. Cottonchad'sPurchase Price of Seed-Cottonas a Chargeon Producers. 27 H. Local Legal and Extra-LegalTaxes on AgriculturalProducers .29 I. Illegal Chargeson AgriculturalProducers .31 J. Land Tenure and Productivity.33 K. Technologyand Extensionas a Constraintto AgriculturalProductivity. 34 L. Other PotentialConstraints to Agriculture.36 3. CONSTRAINTS TO WOMEN'S CONTRIBUTION TO AGRICULTURE .............................................. 37 A. Overviewof the Constraintsto Womenin Agriculture................................... 37 B. Women'sCrops and Tasks.............................................. 38 C. Time Constraints.............................................. 39 D. Inheritanceand Land Ownership.............................................. 40 E. Credit to Rural Womenand NGO Supportfor Credit..................................... 40 F. Training and Extension.............................................. 42 G. Policy Optionsfor ImprovingWomen's Contribution to Agriculture............. 43 4. EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN CHAD ...... 45 A. The Contributionof Educationto Development.............................................. 45 B. Provision of Educationin Chad.............................................. 46 C. Financingof Education.............................................. 46 D. Coverageand Performanceof the EducationSystem ...................................... 50 E. GenderEquity of the EducationSystem .............................................. 52 5. HEALTH .............................................. 57 A. Health and Nutrition Conditions.............................................. 57 B. National Health Policy.............................................. 58 C. Financing of the Health System.................... 61 D. Women'sHealth .................... 62 E. Female GenitalMutilation .................... 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY .67 ANNEX A: STATISTICAL TABLES AND CHARTS ANNEX B: STATISTICAL SYSTEMS AND POVERTY MONITORING IN CHAD INDEX OF FIGURES, TABtLES,BOXES AND MAPS FIGURES: Figure 1 Cotton Fiber (Lint) Yields in Chad are Low ..........................................v Figure 2 Producer Shares of Prices ........................................... vi Figure 3 Cotton Prices ........................................... vii Figure 1.1 Distribution of Population by Climatic Zones .......................................1 Figure 1.2 Urban Male-Female Ratio by Prefecture ............................................ 4 Figure 1.3 The Distribution of Female Headed Households by Matrimonial Situation ............................. 5 Figure 1.4 Employment by Economic Acltivity, 1993.............................. 5 Figure 1.5 Distribution of Employment by Gender and By Economic Activity ........................................... 7 Figure 1.6 Household Access to Toilets........................................... 7 Figure 1.7 Type of Water Supply to Households by Place of Residence................ 7 Figure 1.8 Life Expectancy at Birth, 1993........................................... 9 Figure 1.9 Infant Mortality ........................................... 9 Figure 2.1 Millet Yields in Chad are Low .......................................... 17 Figure 2.2 Maize Yields in Chad are Low .......................................... 17 Figure 4.1 Structure of the Population Aged 15 or More by Level of Instruction ............................. 50 Figure 4.2 Illiteracy by Age and Gender ............................. 50 Figure 4.3 Primary School Enrollment Rates 1994/95............................. 51 Figure 4.4 Primary School Repeat Rates, 1994/95............................. 51 TABLES: Table 1.1 Social Indicators in Chad and Selected other Developing Countries ........................................... 3 Table 1.2 Poverty Rates by Socio-Economic Group: N'Djamena, 1991............. 10 Table 1.3 Poverty Rates by Arrondissement: N'Djamena, 1991.......................... 11 Table 1.4 ECOSIT: Average Household Revenues and Expenditures in 1995/96 .......................................... 12 Table 1.5 ECOSIT: Average Expenditures by Region ........................................ 12 Table 1.6 ECOSIT: Distribution of Household Revenues by Quintiles ............. 13 Table 1.7 ECOSIT: Preliminary Estimate of the Food Poverty Rate ................. 13 Table 2.1 Transport Cost as Percent of GrrossMargin in the Supply of Food Crops to N'Djame na, 1995-96 .................................... 19 Table 2.2 Taxes and Tariffs Affecting Agriculture ............................................ 26 Table 2.3 Producer Prices, Export Prices and Transport Costs of Cotton ........... 28 Table 2.4 Indices of Cotton Operating Margin and Cost of a Plow .....................28 Table 4.1 EducationIndicators and Expendituresin 9 African Countries........... 46 Table 4.2 Public Budgetfor Education: 1993-96............................................ 48 Table 4.3 Primary SchoolGross EnrollmentRates ............................................ 51 Table 5.1 Health and Fertility Indicators: 1993............................................ 57 Table 5.2 Health Problems: 1994............................................ 57 Table 5.3 Minimumand ComplementaryPackages of Medical Services........... 60 Table 5.4 Health Infrastructuresin Chad in 1993............................................ 60 Table 5.5 Health Personnel............................................ 61 Table 5.6 Evolutionof the Health Budget............................................ 61 Table 5.7 Public and Private Health Expensesby Financing Source................. 62 BoxEs: Box 2.1 Rural Roads in Chad and SelectedAfrican Countries......................... 18 Box 2.2 Local Extra-LegalTaxation at Karal...........................................
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