rcBusnED BOOK AND JOB Every Wednesday Morning, PRINTING ESTABUSHUNT I AT $0.00 PER AXXUSL. THE "GAZETTE" OFFICE Mailed to Foreign Subscriber sit GAZETTE. HAWAIIAN Is now prepare-- ! to orders for $'' excrete all Office On Jlerchant street, west of Lo Po3t Office, Honolulu, II. I. MI m FiKY NIITIK. Printed and published by J. Mott rrrn, at the G, OF ETERT DESCRimOX, Government rriating oruee, xo wnora an business VOL. V NO. 38.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1869. $6.00 PER YEAR. WITH KEAT1TESS AND DISPATCH communlemtl'Wc Diust aaarrea. Hour the World Huns. From the London Mall, Aug. 17. War among: Ants Asd Fishes. The Con- BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. FOREIGN NOTKES. PATENT MEDICINES. the fireworks ou the Champ de Mars, cord (N. U.) itopfe says tbat a large body of Ir black were seen a few days ago in tbo Across the mead at eren-tid- e in ants and the illuminations tbe Champ Elysees, highway between Loudon and Concord, V. C. CIIAIXAXC-l- X. X. 1LEHE. txoir a. Mjr doth S. S. C1IT1X. J. X. ATHEKT03. - t. COOKE. wriras. jiuta 3. eloci MORE TILIX 100,000 PERSONS path erer lie; on Sunday, did not exceed in brilliancy the formed In two lines cxlendlcg entirely across Ac Ac She to ber summer-hous- hath hied. CASTLE fc COOKE, :iiAi.i.Air.i. co.. I.EOI IE. MEVERS CO., BEAU TESTW03T TO displays of former years, there was one ac- tbe road to tho bank opposite. Persons And peeps as I pass bj. IKPOETEES, GENEEAL MEECHANTS, IMPOETEES AND DEALEES IN WINES, IMPOETEES AND MANDFACTDEEES OF companiment of La Fete SationaU who taw them estimated their number by The Wonderful Curative Effects of Of fixed we none; of this battle, Spirits, Ales, Xc, Xo. 8, 'nuanu Street, opposite ITALIAN & AMEBICAN MAEBLES, appointments bare the million. A severe was fought, AND GENEEAL AGENTS, year which made np for ail short comings, if which lasted an bonr, Mercnaut ftreet, Honulolu. Mantels, 'Tis but the way tbe world doth run. nearly after wbicb No. 80 Kicr; Street, opposite tbe Seamen Chapel Grates, Monuments. Headtooes. Torol, Dr. Joseph "Walker's In Wasbeund, Bureau and Counter How first It chanced I cannot guess ; there were any such. The universal Amnesty both sides were occupied burying their A0E5T8 JOB Tola, ltilliard Beds, dead. The Koliala P Company, Hawaii, D. H. HITCHCOCK, Fire Hi lct, 1'laster, Ac. lc. 930 Market Street, op-- 1 kiss her erery day : was at once bold, and wise, and gracious. ORar poeite Catholic Church, San Francisco, 'Cat. I The New Orleans Tfcetyum of the 24th Tbe Haiku Sugar Company. Maul, IVOTAIt Y PUJtlilC, I ask no leare she says not yes. It was bold, for If it bo not, as tome are dis- contains the following account of another The Hawaiian ncar Mill. Slant posed to tear, a letting loose of all the spirits The Walalna Plantation. Oabu. and other IS Hilo, Hawaii. ly B. W. SETEEAXCX. similar affair: Svzr C a. CUKE. How first It chanced I cannotgness; of destruction, it throws open the prison Pnrar Planters of Waloli and Kolua, Kauai, I Wo learn from parties just from Missis The Lnmahal Hire Plantation, Kauai, SEVEHANCE, CLAKK & CO., kiss her erery day: doors to sworn enemies of the Imperial t; sippi City tbat a very remarkable affair came A. S. CEEOIIOICV, I Invites Franco exiles whose Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Family Medicines, I ask no leare she says not yes, it back to off in tbe water Just opposite to the hotel on Wheeler Wilson's fewinc Machine, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALEE Commission days of banishment have been days of brood- t merchants But still she says not nay. Saturday aftereoon last. The OUnt Powder Company. HI. In Merchandise, Store, corner of Queen ing over wrongs too often real, and wbohavc A great commotion was noticed In tho The New England Mntnal Life Intnrance Co.. and Kaahuinann Streets. Itetail tabli.hinents, on AND SHIPPING AGENTS, When lip on lip so eager lights. not unfequently consoled themselves In a 52 The American Steam Fire-pro- Safe Co. fij5 water by a number of persons, and It was Xuuanu Street, aod on the corner of Fort and Hotel 405 Front St, corner of Clay, San Why should we pause In our delights f strange land by looking forward to tbe happy 5 Franchco. toon ascertained tbat a school ol porpoises EtreeU. time when tbe children of the oppressor were driving In a school large red flsh C. 31. We trill attend to the sale Scpar The breexe that with the rose-be- d sports of A. BUFFUM. of and all kinds shall be served as they. The Amnesty Is towards the shore. In a few moments the BEZXXAX a. a. r,CAKTn. of Island rrodnce, also to the purchasing and for- Is POET PHYSICIAN, AND STOGEON. rtcz. warding Asks nerer, Lqr'st thou me I bold, but it also wise. At a time n hen red fish, being checked by shoal water, of Merchandise. Cash Adrances made on Emperor recognizes and responds to tbe Office and Residence No. SS Fort Street, Honolalu, C. UREAVEIt &. CO., Consignments. The rose, which pearly courts, tbe were compelled to turn directly toward their the will of France, it has become impos- first house mafcal of the Catholic Church. SHIPPING AND Says norer, Give tomel fierce pursuers, and then commenced a terri- At borne day and night, when not professionally JOUX M'CEICI, J. C. SCLRniLL, sible to insist upou the full exaction of So I lore her, and she lores me. ble conflict: tbe water of tbe tound was engaged, Iortlsnd. S.F.CaL tbe punishment from those whose main fault many COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Yet neither says, love but thee! lashed into seething foam, and of tho M'CEAZEN, MERHILI & CO., I bad been tbat tbey struggled for concessions red fish were thrown completely Into the Jc CO., IIOXOLUI.U, II. I. Frvn the 6Vrmano" VKUni." such as are now made, and were rcrrorscless air by their powerful adversaries, whose 1II.IIIIAM FORWARDING AND In attacking a Constitution wbich has been huge tails did Immense execution. Occa- IMPOETEES & DEALERS IN HARDWARE, AGEXTS-- Or Ilie Boston and Honolulu surrendered. It was also gracious. It would Oils, and General sionally a portion of the red flsh, finding an Cntlerr. brr Ooodt. Paints and Packet Line. COMMISSION CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS! AX IXCIDEXT IX THE FlIKSHET OT 1847. have been easy to;discriminate between tbe Merchandise, S0.9S, King Street, Honolulu. MERCHANTS, opening In the cordon wbich had been AGEXTS-F- or the linker, Walluku nnl During the great flood of 1817, the Ohio river classes of offenders wbich were suffering the would off the hope ot Portland, Oregon-Havin- g THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIES. thrown them, dart In liana Plantntlolis. solar orerleaped the bounds ol propriety as to penalties of the law, or bad escaped them by escaping: a DorDoises ruasar inowx. conrnr.T brow. Em- but few of tbo would AGEXTS Ii use Sale been engaged la our present come up to Pearl street without any invita an cosy flight across the frontier; tbe almost instantly shoot the fugitives, UIXOU7Y A: CO., For the Pare and of bneinessror peror might have qualified bis pardon of tbe off after Island Produce. upwards of twdi e years, and being located in a Fire- "The Life of all FUh it the Blood thereof." tion, a creat many dwellings located on the and heading them off, drive them back to IKPOETEES b WHOLESALE DEALEES proof Ilrlck Building, we are prepared to receive and river banks were swept away and came float mass by exceptions which wonld exclude scene of the conflict. The struggle last- dispose Staples, such Purify the Blood and the health of the im- the Eplrlts, Merchant St., .tfltlaud a tujrar. Syrups, Itice, on Loss or those he bad reason to deem the most an a In Winer, JUe, rorter, 4c, Pulu. Coffee, etc, to advantage. Consignments whole system wilt follow. It is a Gentle Pur ing down tbe pitiless tide. Iue not ed about hour, and number of the red Honolulu. B. r. EDLERS. A. JAEGER. unfrequently attended these disasters, as when placable of bis enemies, and the world, while usu solicited for the Oregon Market, to which gative, a? well as a Tonic. not have must have been killed. aV their were regretting their exclusion, could . it. 1. co.. personal attention will be paid, mnd upon which cash These Bitters are not a giMed pill, to de- a family, unconscious of danger, E. P. AnlllS. O. WILDER. eiii.i:ics advances will be made when required. condemned his prudence. But tbe Amnesty DEALEES IN DBY GOODS AND GENERAL light the eye or please the fancy, but a Medi- asleep in their beds when the waters rose about was made universal. All arc Included in it, Womes's RianTsixTnEORT asd Practick. A: fVIT.lniC, Kxru. lasers their house and lifting it from its foundations AJA5IS MEECHANDISE, Charles W Brooks.. cal Preparation, composed of the Best Vege- from the least to the greatest, the contuma- The Lowell (Mass.) Courier telli an amusing & COMMISSION ..San Francisco bore it away amid the darkness and the tur- AUCTION MERCHANTS Fire-pro- Store on Fort Street, ahore Odd Fellows J C Merrill 4 Co table Ingredients known. cious equally with the penitent, the offender story of an old lady a sttenuous advocate of bulent flood. 27 Uueen Street, Honolulu, II. I. lyi llaii. Fred Iken... CUante the Vitiated JJtood, whenever you whom the accident of an hour made an enemy the rights of women, at interpreted by leaders Badger Lindenberger...., On the west bank of he Ohio at that time, of the Empire, If not against bis consent, yet of the Rights Party who was recently a vis- James Patrick find its impurities bursting through the skin, hum-bi- II.
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