THE BROAD AX, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 THE CHRISTMAS ISSUE OR THE TWENTY-SEVENT- H ANNIVERSARY AX EDITION OF THE BROAD 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLBIbh "STILL LOOKING BACKWARD AND FORWARD." CHAPTER IL BiwiitfttPB (Concluded from page 1) btbbbbHBHPm- 44 bbbbbbbbbbBBP- v. 'WmSilmMnsSfKiisiii&H dreds and hundreds of friends and formed Senator Cannon that "the papers of Utah for starting the long staunch supporters in all parts of this order had gone forth transferring the and bitter fight which was made on LaLLBLw BaLlB broad land and at the present time it 24th regiment to Fort Douglas; that Senator Cannon, which finally termi- LLLLBff IBaLLLB' bbbHbbLE -- jIIHHbhBsI has a regular mailing list of more than he could not recall nor revoke it," nated in hurling him headlong into his sixty feet long and it is now trans- and in spite of all the efforts put forth political grave. ported to the main postoffice by auto by the Tribune and Senator Cannon, It is still fresh in the minds of the from which it is transported through on October 21, 1896, the 24th regiment people in this city and throughout the 5" JflBaVs ii BBIs9SB9BiE93aBBBBBl the mails to all parts of the United proudly marched through the streets United States or throughout all parts IBBt Bfe 3bBbBB!j1bP Fort LHBBalliPw'arHBBBBBHBaMk ' ML BBBb .eBBBBlBBBlleS&SfilBHBMl States. of Salt Lake City on its way to of the world, for that matter, how The jbbbhBSs&bbIIbV 1906 bbbbbHEjK oMBKtu Many times copies containing its Douglas. Broad Ax in November, began LaLLLBIiF 'v iLLB HHK its terriffic, memorable, nation or BanananananananaKiLfvBanaaiMMw&L aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbVSSPIubbbbbbbbbbbBTvJwix i ,v- iVIKceQtHHP bbbbbbbbbbbbbwIbImSibbbbbbt bright and sparkling editorials and One year after this incident the Salt or HaBaaaaaaaaaaaK-3vaaaaaaaaaaaj- g HHsf JPaBBBBBBH bbbbbbbLB'. tf wH on leading topics of in long editorial, ad- world wide fight or onslaught on iS, articles the Lake Tribune, a LLLLbHHL vIBbSiJ JHSHB other :- the day have been eagerly read by mitted that it had made a mistake in United States Senator Benjamin R. iLLHMiSIr - GhhH9I he . regi- laiH many of the most eminent statesmen fighting and opposing the 24th Tilman and for two weeks before nBH in Douglas; attempted to speak at Orchestra Hall, and other distinguished personages ment from locating at Fort Kv-4r- broad, lady in- Tuesday evening, November 27, 1906. i BbbbbbLBbbbL ' i BBbbbLB this country and far beyond the that not one White had been deep, blue sea. sulted on the streets nor on the street the whole country was in an uproar, BBebb& LLbbHIbbbbH it, BbbbbbpLbbV-IhHHK aSlBffv bbbbBHbBbbbbbbbb1 With the aid of the daily press, cars; that each and everyone of its over for the Associated Press had Hashed whose editors have frequently com- members had conducted themselves it to the farthest ends of the mented on its neat appearance from its like true gentlemen and orderly and earth, and before it ended all the great i LbbbB. inception to the present and with the well disciplined soldiers; that they daily newspapers, the weekly newspa- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaajpa BTaTaTaTaTaTBTaTF- pers even lTaTaTaTfliE?V&- sMt.wa HHvlB were a great improvement over the and the monthly publications MpWjjMyhHPtBX&ljif 'llaTataaTaTbkw further aid of the associated press, its llailLaBBBBBBDiSBBKK!?! $P5ffS- wi ? BJjCtiBBr HS,HaV .BBBBaBBBBBB0BVBBflBBw.BdHliBW Abbbb name has been hurled or flashed clear White soldiers, who were always fight- took a hand in it. So great and sol was feeling permit- E jJVmIbbbbbbbbbEbbT SoaBLV throughout the civilized ing and shooting at each other on the bitter the against - aPI' i mjB around or world. street cars, scaring the wits out of the ting him to come to this city to pour HsuSiixr J a & arf TjBTaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaTf ABRttrEaBBTcSBKvBTaVBuBBklVFBBBTaBBTaaV fair White ladies; they had always out his vile spleen against the Colored I &: - vc.- xit? aw .aTaTaTaTaTaTaraTaTaTaTaTaT I place that VliAf. fr&HawdHWK It may not be out of to state I BSn seemed to take much delight in drink- people and the sentiment against him , right here that for twenty-seve- n years ing whisky cursing or swearing had been fanned into fever heat by the LLLLLLLLLLESeef ALLLLLBLBBHaaLLLLi it has gallantly fought a long and per-- and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaj .aaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj while they walking up and down writer through the columns of The i Mstent battle in behalf of justice and were BBBBBBBBBBHr JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH up Broad Ax and by no one else, for the equality of all men before the law. the streets, and it wound by saying 3 w;,--l w-- bW BTaYaYarBMi'zs&aTaBaTacATaYaKiflpBTaa 24th regiment many of the prominent Col- -, LLLLLw ? It has never knowingly attempted to that the members of the CwK"F,As'iiiKV BBBBBBBVaaBp.rM2Bw9i&BBBBBB?,nBaBBBBBvBBBBnaBBvA&?KanBBBm?.BBBBBjfcjaBvBBBBl did such habits and so orcd leaders of the race at that time & x a EaaAsra BBBBBBBLJBBBBBBBeff'.vrBH'AVaflBBBBBBFT; r ARaYaYaYaaYaYavfl grand rascals and scoun- not resort to LLLLLflEiaflLflHHaBBBBHLiBH9 SPlSaSy"vw!iarST ; JUHvt :bbbBBbbB?EL jl1Ebbbbbbtc$:-- VbbBLbH transform severely into! ,jHBaBBSBBBBagPiBlBBBli white-winge- on. condemned us for firing wWJjrJ.i4grJV fsbbbbi drels into purified d angels. .jjBB him; they claiming that he promised in denouncing Senator Frank Cannon was so HON. ROBERT R. JACKSON It has never hesitated J. them and one of their White lady DR. JOHN W. BURRELL attempted to appro- stiff necked that he was unwilling to those who have friends that he would not touch on the themselves all of the func- admit that he had made a mistake in priate unto "Negro Question" while delivering his Successful Physicians Surgeons on the South Side tions of this government and to ride fighting against permitting the 24th President of Fraternal Printing Company; Treasurer of the One of the and ed lecture on the "Annexation the Grand the rights and the regiment to locate at Fort Douglas. Who Occupies a Richly Furnished and FJeborate Suite of Offices rough shod over of Cuba" for the benefit of the Union Lodge Knights of Pythias of Illinois; Also Treasurer of the Su- toiling millions. has Shortly after the November election 201 E. 37th Street, Comer of Indiana Avenue. liberties of the It Hospital. preme Lodge, Knights of Pythias Throughout the World; Founder at made not the slightest difference to it in 1898 we met him face to face in one On the day of his whether they have been Democrats, of the leading hotels in Salt Lake City arrival in this city and Grand Major General of the Uniform Rank Knights of he was met at the North Western sta- W. Burrell, one of Chica- He is now on the clinical staff of Republicans or what-not- s. and during our short conversation, Pythias in All Parts of the World. On Tuesday, February 27, Dr. John tion by more than twenty policemen, Provident Hospital and also a member always bitterly fought on the while looking him square in the eyes, 1923, He Will Be Elected to the City Council from the New Third go's successful young physicians, is It has who escorted him to the Great North- of the Olivet Health Bureau. He is toiling millions and against we very softly informed him that we rapidly forging ahead. Dr. Burrell took side of the ern Hotel, where they stood guard Ward. Alderman Jackson Wishes a Merry Christmas to His Many a firm believer in preparedness and the rich or heaven born, the gigantic would do everything in our power to his Bachelor's Degree at Walden Uni- over him until he appeared at Orches- Warm Friends and Constituents. visions the time when his energies will the blood-suckin- g monop- prevent his to the United trusts and tra Hall, where hun- versity and graduated in medicine be devoted from the general practice States senate. He simply laughed at more than two olies. policemen gynecol- us and exclaimed "go ahead and crack dred had been stationed to from Meharry Medical College, Nash- of medicine and diverted to It has accomplished many ng your whip for I like opposition and in protect him and as he had been lashed ville, Tenn., in 1914. ogy (diseases of women) only. and brilliant achievements in the the end I will win in spite of all the into a fury by our writings, for we had HON. JULIUS ROSENWALD his interneship Prov- As a step in that direction, he now past. Its two greatest have been its He served at friends of the 24th regiment." At this dipped our pen in wormwood and bit- maintains the elaborate suite of of- terrific and memorable onslaughts on (Concluded from Page 1) ident Hospital in this city. After invitation on his part to continue the ter gall, while stripping the bloody fices formerly occupied by himself and United States Senator Frank J. Can- completing his interneship he associ- fight on him we started in rather mask from his anarchistic face. So it can readily be observed that accomplished one tenth as much in the Dr. Burrows at 37th street arid Indi- non of Utah, in 1897, 1898 and in 1899, first as pot began Still smarting under our Mr. Rosenwald has way ated himself with the late Dr. D. E. ana avenue and is planning a special causing his ignominious defeat in his slow at but the to merciless contributed more of assisting to educate the co- boil the fight became a little warmer lashing which had been kept up in Burrows, the far famed specialist in course in gynecology (diseases of attempt to succeed himself in the than three hundred and twenty-fiv- e lored people along practical lines as and as we had been keeping cases on these columns for two weeks that he diseases of women, and opened offices women).
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