SUGAR Onne: 13 Co. lb., $87.30 per WH5ATHER ton. Ther., mln., 88. Boots: 14s. 4d. por cwt., ltnr., 8 r. in., 310.15. $101.10 per ton. Wind, lm., 10 N. B. Rain, 8 a. m., .01. HAWAIIANTelephone 2365 Business Office. Star The Largest Daily Paper in The TerritorySTAR.SECOND EDITION. VOL. XIX, TEN PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1012. TEN PAGES. NO. 6236. INDIANA INSTRUCTS FOR MR TAFT GRAND JURO S Trap h-Pr- Simif atf DELEGATE WERE LEGALLY Wedding Was Not AT LARGE FOR UALIFIED PRESIDENT Although Bomo Irregularity Is found law, as stated in tho Byllabus, is as E opement In tho empaneling of tho grand jury follows: An (Associated Press Cable to the Star.) "The cxcsl"S Juror to for tho 1912 terra, tho Supremo Court Vr INDIANAPOLIS, March 20. Tho Stato Republican convention has In- service of summons nnd of tho court's decides that tho grand Anally structed tho four dclcgatesat-larg-o for Taft. ' i Jurors QWn ,f not contomplatcd by Lorrin K. Smith, a son of Hon. Wjfor Maui in tho steamer Kilauca this gaged perhaps several tlm cs chosen and Bworn were duly qualified tho statute, is, at most, a mere irrcg- - for O. Smith, and Miiss Slla a morning, therefore were not seen by some years. Hence ANOTHER M.I N E HORROR. to serve. Therefore tho indictment of ularity of which a Pratt, It was a love defendant under reporter, WELCH, West Virginia, March 2C Ninety-thre- e daughter of Joseph G. Pratt, post - tho ln(lulrlnB Star marriage. Lorrin K. Smith came of men have been Chung Nung, to quash which Lorrin indictment has no reason to complain, by an explosion in tho Jed I Hnwover, it was not an elopement ago some time last year, and it is coal mine. Four bodies havo been Andrews entered a plea in abatement, if tho grand Jury finding the indict- - master of Honolulu, were married on out and ten miners have been in that there was no running away by said that his brido was of marriage- rescued alive. stands. ment and as finally constituted Is Maui yesterday. tho loving couple. Both tho groom able age within tho law. Justice Do Bolt writes the opinion composed wholly of qualified jurors, IN Thoro was talk about tOWn thlS nrwl thn tirlfln hnvn liwin llvln,. By all can BATTLE MEXICO. of tho court, Chief Justico Robertson nil that b0 tho Iwo and if the defendant is not injured - JIMINEZ, March 2C The Federals under Urbin and Aubort writing a morning as if th0 event was an elope- Maul for some little time past. Yourns fathers carry their blessings with attacked concurring opinion, and tho (Continued on pago four.) 1000 liberals four miles west. Orozco ls rushing from Chihuahua to ment. proves Al-- 1 Smith it is truo not long ago came them for the happy couple. This to be not so. them. though the news of tne wedding came j homo, but recently after a short stay to tho respective parents of tho con-- 1 went back, and is employed by the u 10 DECIDES HIS DUTY Agricultural Company. THE PACKERS ACQUITTED. trading parties unexpectedly, from Mal Miss CHICAGO, - old March 2C Tho packers have been acquitted. Juryr what can bo learned from friends of ' Pratt has foi- some time been gov-th- o The ler was out nineteen hours Bald-pleasin- and has now been released. Tho trial was tho families the event is not dis-- ' emess in the home of Harry longest win. in local history. CULLS HIM TD WASHINGTON j Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Pratt left j Moreover tho couple have been en- - the Csr LIVERPOOL VISIT CANCELLED. LONDON, March 2G. King George has cancelled a v!.s!t to Liverpool where tho national steeplechase Delegate Kalanianaole addressed a by the chairman. Mr. Achi spoko of is being held, on account of tho strike. Sam Halll was lined $20 an1 costs crowd of 1500 to 2000 at Aala Park! tho development of the Islands from Churche Next Mahuk in tho police SENATORS IN last night. Tho Hawaiian band play a property valuation of $15,000,000 court this morning for FIVE MINUTES. PHOENIX, March 2C The legit ed from seven to eight o'clock, Prince when King Kalakaua secured the reci- cssault and battery oi Sergeant Fish- laturo elected Marcus A. Smith and Henry F. Ashurtt senators in five Cup'.d and- party arriving at tho latter procity treaty to ono of $175,000,000 Fraterniz Site Oases er of Fort Shatter. minutes' time, which breaks tho record. hour. Speaking in English and Ha- today. While this tariff question was Thero has been trouble of late REFINED DROPS waiian, tho Delegate announced that in Jeopardy was it advisable for the TWENTY POINTS. ujo tho Shatter men and a gang of SAN FRANCISCO, 20. would return to Washington as a princo to return to Washington and March Re! ned sugar has dropped 20 cents In Res-taric- nativo& and Mo hundred to $5.S0. Eg.itorn niatter of duty, trusting to his lieuten- leave his friends hero to fight for his Right Rev. Bishop Henry B. Tho next of the Manuka site cases several outbreaks havo Tho market is around $5.G0, oocurrc(1 ants and friends hero to protect his duo recognition in political matters? of tho American Episcopal will come up for trial in less than a t"o street cars with tho nnltHinl tWr..An. TT ..1 .. .1 .1 result that tho polIce SUGAR ACQUITTAL DENIED. That was what tho meeting was called church in Hawaii, accepted an invita month, according to tho expectations wel' askcd to Q NEW YORK, March 2G. A ciany ior tne people's support in elcct-- to consider. J. P. Cooko and A. D. taL "mttcr ln hand- - motiou to acquit tho defendants in thcL, tion to visit the Methodist Episcopal and hopes of United States District sugar mm as uopuD- - " Sunday "'sht, according to Ser- - case has been denied and tho trial will proceed. ius a aoiegaio to me Cooper were opposing the prince. Dut Attorney R. W. Breckws, as ox- - " -- church conference, and yesterday paid lltan national convention, with a solid if his friends here fought h'.a. battles, pressed by him this rao'rnbs. Eeant.Fisher, he was returning to delegation his respects to the conference, accom m Iast STEPHENSON EXONERATED. for Taft behind him. allowing him to go to Washington, ho Mr. Breckons sars he vVl .ornbino th. car' A l:tt!c Vast On tho platform were C. Lane, wou'.d by Rev. Leopold Kroll, ono of I'amma lire Halli WASHINGTON, March 2G. Tho Sdnato has exonerated - John be carried to victory. Both fac- two cases into onn, tho two boingmo station and two Senator Stonh- .presiding, It. W. Shingle, A. L. At- the diocese clergy. Both of the vis- privates boarded tho euson from charges of bribery by a votii of 29 to 27. C. tions were for Tolt and this friction those of tho omeo Specialty Company lattor kinson, R. W. Breckons, William between them was all party itors delivered very cordial and grace- slttins just la within the and the Hawaiian Trust Company, (roV, Lucas, George A. Davis, W. C. Achi. and the people should not It too ful addresses of greeting to tho sister tho native remained on tho running- - IDLENESS AT LOWELL. take "The next trial should not last Senator C. F. Chillingworth, Repre- much to heart. Tho Republican party church. board LOWELL, Mass., March 26. As a result of tho striko of cotton oper-- nearly as long as tho flrsa one," said at,ves sentative Kalama, Wm. A. Kane, Wil- was organized fifty-eigh- t years ago on Rev. John T. Gullck was also pres Haill and tho eo'diers In front had seven mills and 20,000 people aro Idle. ..... wuy ueun liam Kaulbaum, EH Crawford and Wil- tho principle that tho majority should ent as an invited representative of auuw iuo iikb a uisputo and suddenly tho former blazed and tho chief law points set- - swung liam Crawford. rule but Joseph P. Cooko headed a Jtho Congregational church, likewise from the car to tho ground and ASQUITH'S PLAN FAILS. tied. wo ougut to get through William C. Achi was tho first speak- minority trying to dictate who should offering fraternal greetings with struck Fisher a blow on tho neck LONDON, March 26. Mr. Aqqulth confesses the government's failure to to the reasonablo expedition." er, except for introductory remarks """ontjnued on Page Eight.) Methodists. whllo so doing. lend tho strike. Tho car was stopped de- Right Rev. James W. Bashford, and tho fendant was chp.ied by tho soldiers (Morning Cable Report on Pago Six.) Bishop of tho Methodist Episcopal ' and eventually caught by Motor Cyclo MANUFACTURING FAKE OPIUM church In China, who presided at tho ASSAULTED Officer Abreau who happened to be conference since ' his arrival on Sat close by. urday, responded most pleasantly to Halll admitted hovlng struck FIther :enographic Report of tho addresses of the three visiting C IE AGAINST L CHEO L though ho stated that tho latter did clergymen of the other denominations m ;not striko him. He him on gen-- . hit mentioned. oral principles juBt because ho was a Kuhio After the speeches of fratornallza-tio- n s Native In the police court this morning soMcr. Speech Tho process of manufacturing sec- - Tho resulting liquid tho conference passed resolu- is then boiled K5alapoepoo was sent to jail for fit- to tions by which the visitations became ond grade dpium from old opium down a certain consistency, when teen days and sentenced lo pay costs 11 yensl,l enshrined in tho records of con- Tho morning report of Kuhios na - 'dono my duty havo pipes was .interestingly described in ls mlxed wlth and tho comj tho of court for assault and battery on INSULTS and seen tho rich pound boiled again until ference.
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