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Swofford Popular Reading Collection September 1, 2011 Title Author Item Enum Copy #Date of Publication Call Number "B" is for burglar / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11994 PBK G737 bi "F" is for fugitive / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11990 PBK G737 fi "G" is for gumshoe / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue 11991 PBK G737 gi "H" is for homicide / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11992 PBK G737 hi "I" is for innocent / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11993 PBK G737 ii "K" is for killer / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11995 PBK G737 ki "L" is for lawless / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11996 PBK G737 li "M" is for malice / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11998 PBK G737 mi "N" is for noose / Sue Grafton. Grafton, Sue. 11999 PBK G737 ni "O" is for outlaw Grafton, Sue 12001 PBK G737 ou 10 lb. penalty / Dick Francis. Francis, Dick. 11998 PBK F818 te 100 great fantasy short short stories / edited by Isaac 11985 PBK A832 gr Asimov, Terry Carr, and Martin H. Greenberg, with an introduction by Isaac Asimov. 1001 most useful Spanish words / Seymour Resnick. Resnick, Seymour. 11996 PBK R434 ow 1022 Evergreen Place / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12010 PBK M171 te 13th warrior : the manuscript of Ibn Fadlan relating his Crichton, Michael, 1942- 11988 PBK C928 tw experiences with the Northmen in A.D. 922. 16 Lighthouse Road / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12001 PBK M171 si 1776 / David McCullough. McCullough, David G. 12006 PBK M133 ss 1st to die / James Patterson. Patterson, James, 1947- 12002 PBK P317.1 fi 204 Rosewood Lane / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12002 PBK M171 tw 24 hours / Greg Iles. Iles, Greg. 12001 PBK I27 tw 2nd chance / James Patterson with Andrew Gross. Patterson, James, 1947- 12002 PBK P317.1 sec Thursday, September 01, 2011 Page 1 of 119 Title Author Item Enum Copy #Date of Publication Call Number 311 Pelican Court / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12003 PBK M171 th 3rd degree / James Patterson and Andrew Gross. Patterson, James, 1947- 12005 PBK P317.1 td 3rd serving of chicken soup for the soul : 101 more stories 11996 PBK C222 se to open the heart and rekindle the spirit / [compiled by] Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. 44 Cranberry Point / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12004 PBK M171 ff 4th of July / James Patterson [and Maxine Paetro]. Patterson, James, 1947- 12006 PBK P317.1 fj 50 Harbor Street / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12005 PBK M171 fs 500 great books by women : a reader's guide / Erica Bauermeister, Erica. 11994 PBK B344 gr Bauermeister, Jesse Larsen, and Holly Smith. 501st / Karen Traviss. Traviss, Karen. 12009 PBK T782 ff 5th horseman / a novel by James Patterson and Maxine Patterson, James, 1947- 12007 PBK P317.1 fh Paetro. 5th horseman / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. Patterson, James, 1947- 12008 PBK P317.1 fh 2008 6 Rainier Drive / by Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12006 PBK M171 sd 6 sacred stones / Matthew Reilly. Reilly, Matthew. 12009 PBK R362 ss 61 hours : a Reacher novel / Lee Child. Child, Lee. 12010 PBK C546 sh 74 Seaside Avenue / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12007 PBK M171 sf 7th Heaven / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. Patterson, James. 12009 PBK P317.1 sh 8 Sandpiper Way / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12008 PBK M171 ew 8th confession / James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. Patterson, James, 1947- 12010 PBK P317.1 ec 92 Pacific Boulevard / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12009 PBK M171 nb Abide with me : a novel / by E. Lynn Harris. Harris, E. Lynn. 12000 PBK H313 ab About face / Fern Michaels. Michaels, Fern. 12003 PBK M621.1 ab About that man / Sherryl Woods. Woods, Sherryl. 12001 PBK W897 ab Absolute fear / Lisa Jackson. Jackson, Lisa. 12008 PBK J13 af Absolute pleasure / Cheryl Holt. Holt, Cheryl, 1954- 12003 PBK H757.5 ab Absolutely, positively / Jayne Ann Krentz. Krentz, Jayne Ann. 11996 PBK K92 ab Thursday, September 01, 2011 Page 2 of 119 Title Author Item Enum Copy #Date of Publication Call Number Abuse of power / Nancy Taylor Rosenberg. Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor. 11997 PBK R813.1 ab Accidental family / Kristin Gabriel. Gabriel, Kristin. 12002 PBK G118 ac Accidental vampire : an Argeneau novel / Lynsay Sands. Sands, Lynsay. 12008 PBK S225 av Accidental woman / Barbara Delinsky. Delinsky, Barbara. 12003 PBK D353 ac Acheron / Sherrilyn Kenyon. Kenyon, Sherrilyn, 1965- 12009 PBK K37.5 ach Acorna's quest / Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball. McCaffrey, Anne. 11999 PBK M121.4 acq Act of treason / Vince Flynn. Flynn, Vince. 12007 PBK F648 at Adventurer / Jaclyn Reding. Reding, Jaclyn. 12002 PBK R317 ad Adventurer / Jayne Ann Krentz. Krentz, Jayne Ann. 11990 PBK K92 ad Adventures of a psychic : the fascinating and inspiring true- Browne, Sylvia. 11998 PBK B884 ad life story of one of America's most successful clairvoyants / Sylvia Browne and Antoinette May. Affair / Debra Kent. Kent, Debra. 12001 PBK K37.1 af Affair to remember : [the remarkable love story of Katharine Andersen, Christopher P. 11998 PBK A543 af Hepburn and Spencer Tracy] / Christopher Andersen. African short stories / selected and edited by Chinua 11987 PBK A177 af Achebe and C.L. Innes. After Caroline / Kay Hooper. Hooper, Kay. 11997 PBK H786 af After midnight / Merline Lovelace. Lovelace, Merline. 12003 PBK L898 af After midnight / Teresa Medeiros. Medeiros, Teresa, 1962- 12005 PBK M488 am After sundown / Amanda Ashley. Ashley, Amanda. 12003 PBK A826 ae After the abduction / Sabrina Jeffries. Jeffries, Sabrina. 12002 PBK J53 af After the night / Linda Howard. Howard, Linda, 1950- 11995 PBK H850 af After the storm / Jo Ann Ferguson. Ferguson, Jo Ann. 12002 PBK F352 af After twilight / Amanda Ashley, Christine Feehan, Ronda Ashley, Amanda. 12001 PBK A826 af Thompson. After twilight / Dee Davis. Davis, Dee, 1959- 12001 PBK D261.05 af Aftermath / Charles Sheffield. Sheffield, Charles. 11999 PBK S542 af Against the fire / Kat Martin. Martin, Kat. 12011 PBK M381.5 af Thursday, September 01, 2011 Page 3 of 119 Title Author Item Enum Copy #Date of Publication Call Number Against the law / Michael C. Eberhardt. Eberhardt, Michael C. 11996 PBK E16 ag Alamosa trail : a Ralph Compton novel / by Robert Vaughn. Vaughan, Robert, 1937- 12002 PBK C738.2 al Album / Mary Roberts Rinehart. Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958. 11990 PBK R579 al Alex Cross's trial / James Patterson & Richard Dilallo. Patterson, James, 1947- 12009 PBK P317.1 at Alibi man / Tami Hoag. Hoag, Tami. 12008 PBK H678 am Alienist / Caleb Carr. Carr, Caleb, 1955- 11995 PBK C311 al All a woman wants / Patricia Rice. Rice, Patricia, 1949- 12001 PBK R497 al All about passion / Stephanie Laurens. Laurens, Stephanie. 12001 PBK L381 al All because of you / Bridget Anderson. Anderson, Bridget. 12002 PBK A545 al All fall down / Erica Spindler. Spindler, Erica. 12000 PBK S757 ad All I know about animal behavior I learned in Loehmann's Bombeck, Erma. 11996 PBK B695 al dressing room / Erma Bombeck. All I need is you / Johanna Lindsey. Lindsey, Johanna. 11998 PBK L752.2 al All I want for Christmas is a vampire / Kerrelyn Sparks. Sparks, Kerrelyn. 12008 PBK S735.9 av All I want is forever / Lynn Emery. Emery, Lynn. 12002 PBK E53 al All my desire / Margaret Moore. Moore, Margaret. 12002 PBK M823 al All night long / Jayne Ann Krentz. Krentz, Jayne Ann. 12007 PBK K92 al All that glitters / V.C. Andrews. Andrews, V. C. (Virginia C.) 11995 PBK A571 al All that glitters. Howard, Linda, 1950- 11998 PBK H850 al All that remains / Patricia Cornwell. Cornwell, Patricia Daniels. 12005 PBK C821 al All the numbers : a novel / Judy Merrill Larsen. Larsen, Judy Merrill. 12006 PBK L334 an Almost dead / Lisa Jackson. Jackson, Lisa. 12007 PBK J13 ad Almost perfect / Patricia Rice. Rice, Patricia, 1949- 12002 PBK R497 am Almost perfect / Susan Mallery. Mallery, Susan. 12010 PBK M252 ap Alone / Lisa Gardner. Gardner, Lisa. 12005 PBK G218.5 al Along came a spider / James Patterson. Patterson, James, 1947- 11993 PBK P317.1 al Thursday, September 01, 2011 Page 4 of 119 Title Author Item Enum Copy #Date of Publication Call Number Along came trouble / Sherryl Woods. Woods, Sherryl. 12002 PBK W897 al Alpine for you : a passport to peril mystery / Maddy Hunter. Hunter, Maddy. 12003 PBK H946 al Always & forever / Linda Howard, Linda Lael Miller, Heather Howard, Linda, 1950- 11998 PBK H850 alw Graham Pozzessere. Always / Jude Deveraux. Deveraux, Jude. 12004 PBK D491 al Always a lady / Rebecca Hagan Lee. Lee, Rebecca Hagan. 12002 PBK L479 al Always a thief / Kay Hooper. Hooper, Kay. 12003 PBK H786 al Always Dakota / Debbie Macomber. Macomber, Debbie. 12000 PBK M171 ad Always six o'clock / Phoef Sutton. Sutton, Phoef. 11999 PBK S967 al Always time to die / Elizabeth Lowell. Lowell, Elizabeth, 1944- 12006 PBK L914 ad Amanda / Kay Hooper. Hooper, Kay. 11996 PBK H786 am Amazing grace / Danielle Steel. Steel, Danielle. 12008 PBK S813 ag Amazing grace : the lives of children and the conscience of Kozol, Jonathan. 11996 PBK K88 am a nation / Jonathan Kozol. Amber spyglass / Philip Pullman. Pullman, Philip, 1946- 12001 PBK P982 am Ambler warning / Robert Ludlum. Ludlum, Robert, 1927-2001. 12006 PBK L945 aw Ambush at Corellia / Roger MacBride Allen. Allen, Roger MacBride 11995 PBK A428 am American gangster : a novelization / by Max Allan Collins. Collins, Max Allan. 12007 PBK C712.2 ag Amsterdam / Ian McEwan. McEwan, Ian. 11999 PBK M142 am Anastasia syndrome, and other stories / Mary Higgins Clark. Clark, Mary Higgins. 11991 PBK C594 an And then there were none : previously published as Ten Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976. 11991 PBK C555 an little indians / Agatha Christie. And then you die / Iris Johansen. Johansen, Iris. 11998 PBK J65 an Anderson tapes / Lawrence Sanders. Sanders, Lawrence, 1920- 11983 PBK S215 an Andromeda strain / Michael Crichton. Crichton, Michael, 1942- 11993 PBK C928 an Angel face / Suzanne Forster.

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