International Conference on Chemical, Environment & Biological Sciences (CEBS-2014) Sept. 17-18, 2014 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Species Composition and Abundance of Marine Fishes in Selected Landing Areas of Northern Samar, Philippines Divina Galenzoga, and Geraldine Quiñones 2. To determine the abundance of marine fishes in the landing areas; Abstract—This study aimed to identify the species composition 3. To determine the local names of marine fishes sold in and abundance of marine fishes in selected landing areas of the landing areas; and Northern Samar, Philippines; determine their abundance; their local 4. To identify the fishing gears used by fishermen in names; and identify the fishing gears used. Sampling areas included catching the fishes. Balicuatro Area, Central Area, and Pacific Area. Data were gathered using translated questionnaires. Fishermen and fish vendors were III. METHODOLOGY asked about fishing gears, local names of fishes, species caught and their abundance. The landing areas were visited once every three Northern Samar lies in the northeast portion of the island months, from January to December 2013. There were 102 species of of Samar, Philippines with longitudes of 12° 15’ - 12° 45’ fish belonging to 66 genera, 23 families, 3 sub-orders, 2 orders, 2 and latitudes of 124° 15’ - 125° 30’. It is one of the six sub-classes, and 2 classes. The most abundant fish species is Atule provinces comprising Region VIII (Eastern Visayas). The mate Cuvier (yellow-tailed scad), while the least abundant is province consists of 24 municipalities, i.e. 15 coastal towns, 5 Plectropomus leopardus Lacepede (coral grouper). There were more island towns, and 4 interior towns. Catarman is the capital fishes in the Balicuatro Area, than in the Central and Pacific Areas. town of the province of Northern Samar. The simple hook-and-line was the commonly used fishing gear of the fishermen. Sampling areas included the coastal towns and landing areas of Allen and Lavezares (Balicuatro Area), Catarman Keywords—abundance, fishing gears, marine fishes, species and Mondragon (Central Area), and Pambujan and Laoang composition (Pacific Area).Data were gathered using semi-structured interview questionnaire in English and translated into I. INTRODUCTION Samarnon dialect, about the names of fishes, their abundance ISHES are cold-blooded animals, typically with backbone, in the landing areas, their local names, and the fishing gears F gills, fins, and lungs. Best estimates from 15,000 to used by fishermen. The interviews were conducted to 60 17,000 recent species. There are many kinds of fishes and fishermen (10 per landing area) and 60 fish vendors (10 per they come in different colors, shapes, and sizes [1]. landing area) during the course of one year, i.e. January – The Coral Triangle, which includes the Philippines, is the December 2013. Visits in the landing areas, where freshly- heartland of marine biodiversity. There is relatively poor caught fishes are sold, (local name: talipapa/small market) documentation for most groups other than fishes and corals. were done quarterly. During the sampling, fish species Even with fishes, there is a scarcity of information from composition and abundance were recorded. specific locations within the Triangle [2]. In the coastal areas reside about 59% of the country’s total population and this is where about 70% of the 1,525 of the municipalities in the country, including 10 of the largest cities are located. This indicates how the lives of most Filipinos are closely linked with the sea and its biodiversity [3]. II. OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are: 1. To identify the species composition of marine fishes in the landing areas of Northern Samar, Philippines; Fig. 1 Map of Northern Samar Divina Galenzoga is with the College of Science, University of Eastern Left: Balicuatro Area; Center: Central Area; Right: Pacific Area Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar 6400 Philippines (e-mail: [email protected]). Geraldine Quiñones is with the College of Science, University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman, Northern Samar 6400 Philippines. http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IICBE.C914065 81 International Conference on Chemical, Environment & Biological Sciences (CEBS-2014) Sept. 17-18, 2014 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 9. Family Lethrinidae Scarus hypselopterus Bleeker Lethrinus erythropterus Scarus niger Forsskal A. Species Composition of Marine Fishes in the Landing Valenciennes Scarus ghobban Areas of Northern Samar, Philippines 10. Family Lutjanidae Scarus guacamaia Lutjanus decussatus Cuvier 19. Family Serranidae The fishes listed below were found in all the landing areas Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch Plectropomus leopardus Lacepede of the Balicuatro, Central and Pacific Areas of the province. Lutjanus fulviflamma Forsskal Cephalopholis cyanostigma They composed the fish species composition. There were 102 Lutjanus sebae Valenciennes species of fish belonging to 66 genera, namely: Caesio, Lutjanus russelli Cephalopholis sonnerati Lethrinus nebulosus Valenciennes Pterocaesio, Elegatis, Atule, Alepes, Decapterus, Selaroides, 11. Family Mullidae Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Forsskal Megalaspis, Selar, Gnathanodon, Sardinella, Amblygaster, Parupeneus barberinus Lacepede Cephalopholis miniatus Escualosa, Herklotsichthys, Dussumieria, Stolephorus, Parupeneus multifasciatus Quoy Epinephelus fasciatus Coryphaena, Gerres, Mugil, Hyporhampus, Cheilinus, & Gaimard 20. Family Siganidae Choerodon, Coris, Cirrhilabrus, Halichoeres, Oxycheilinus, Parupeneus brbarinoides Bleeker Siganus virgatus Valenciennes Parupeneus cyclostomus Siganus argenteus Quoy & Stethojulis, Leiognathus, Gazza, Eubleekeria, Lethrinus, Coryphaena hippurus Gaimard Lutjanus, Parupeneus, Coryphaena, Pentapodus, Chanos, 12. Family Nemipteridae Siganus spinus Linnaeus Scolopsis, Nemipterus, Cypselurrus, Cymbacephalus, Pentapodus aureofasciatus Siganus randalli Woodland Congresox, Trichiurus, Parapercis, Pygoplites, Centropyge, Russell Siganus stellatus Forsskal Abudefduf, Chromis, Chrysiptera, Pseudochromis, Scarus, Pentapodus trivittatus Bloch Siganus canaliculatus Plectropomus, Cephalopholis, Epinephelus, Siganus, Chanos chanos Scolopsis 21. Family Scombridae bilineata Bloch Scomberomorus commerson Scomberomorus, Katsuwonus, Thunnus, Scomber, Auxis, Scolopsis margaritifera Cuvier Lacepede Rastrelliger, Euthynuus, Makaira, Helates, Arothron, Nemipterus japonicus Ishikawa Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus Carcarinus, and Sphyrna; 23 families, namely: Caesionidae, Scolopsis taeniopterus Thunnus albacares Linnaeus Carangidae, Clupeidae, Coryphaenidae, Gerridae, 13. Family Platycephalidae Scomber australasicus Hemiramphidae, Labridae, Leiognathidae, Lethrinidae, Cypselurrus opisthopus Bleeker Auxis thazard Cymbacephalus Rastrelliger brachysoma Lutjanidae, Mullidae, Nemipteridae, Platycephalidae, nematophthalmus Fowler Rastrelliger kanagurta Pinguipedidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Congresox talabon Euthynuus affinis Pseudochromidae, Scaridae, Serranidae, Siganidae, Trichiurus lepturus Thunnus tonggol Scombridae, Tetraodontidae, and Carcharinidae; 3 sub- 14. Family Pinguipedidae Thunnus albacares orders, namely: Percoidei, Siganoidei, and Scombroidei; 2 Parapercis xanthozona Bleeker Makaira indica orders, namely: Beryciformes and Perciformes; 2 sub-classes, 15. Family Pomacanthidae 22. Family Tetraodontidae Pygoplites diacanthus Boddaert Helates sexlineatus Quoy & namely: Elasmobranchii and Actinopterygii; and 2 classes, Centropyge vroliki Bleeker Gaimard namely: Chondricthyes and Osteichthyes. 16. Family Pomacentridae Arothron nigropunctatus Bloch & Abudefduf sexfasciatus Lacepede Schneider TABLE I Abudefduf vaigiensis Quoy & Arothron hispidus SPECIES COMPOSITION OF MARINE FISHES IN THE LANDING AREAS OF Gaimard 23. Family Carcharinidae NORTHERN SAMAR, PHILIPPINES Chromis weberi Fowler & BEan Carcarinus melanopterus 1. Family Caesionidae Sardinella longiceps Chrysiptera rollandi Whitley Sphyrna lewini Caesio caerulaureus Lacepede Sardinella gibbosa Blecker 17. Family Pseudochromidae Pterocaesio diagramma Bleeker Stolephorus indicus Pseudochromis fuscus Muller & Caesio erythrogaster 4. Family Coryphaenidae Troschel Elegatis bipinnulata Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus 2. Family Carangidae 5. Family Gerridae B. Abundance of Marine Fishes in the Landing Areas Atule mate Cuvier Gerres macracanthus Blecker During the first quarter of the year, i.e. January-March, Alepes vari Cuvier Gerres shima Iwatsuki, Kimura & fishes are less abundant since it is the time of year when ice Decapterus maruadsi Yeshimo and snow from the temperate parts of the world start to melt. Selaroides leptolepis Mugil cephalus Linnaeus Megalaspis cordyla 6 .Family Hemiramphidae The marine waters are cold, and some of the tropical fishes Selar boops Hyporhampus quoyi Valenciennes are still on their hibernation mode. While in the tropical Selar crumenophthalmus 7. Family Labridae countries, this is the season of spring time where the flowers Gnathanodon speciosus Cheilinus fasciatus Bloch begin to produce blooms and leaves again. The waters are still 3. Family Clupeidae Choerodon anchorago Bloch cold. Sardinella lemuru Coris batuensis Bleeker During the second quarter of the year, i.e. April-June, is Sardinella fimbriata Cirrhilabrus lyukyuensis Ishikawa Sardinella albella Halichoeres melanochir Fowler & the time when fishes are on their most abundant time of the Sardinella hualiensis Bean year. Juveniles and young adult fishes, and all stages of fish Amblygaster sirm Oxycheilinus
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