Divine Discourse 31 July 1996 Vendata is Very Easy to Practise Sri Sathya Sai Baba Prasanthi Nilayam 31 July 1996 Editor’s note. This discourse appears in the Sathya Sai Speaks series. This more complete ver- sion appeared in Sanathana Sarathi, May 2013. You may master the Vedas and Vedanta, Thereafter, Yajur Veda was divided into two You may be an expert composer of beauti- ful poems and prose, parts: Krishna Yajur Veda and Shukla Yajur But if you lack purity of heart, Veda. The fourth Veda, Atharvana Veda, was You will ruin yourself. added later. These four Vedas are now being Never forget these good words. practised and propagated. (Telugu Poem) The Vedas have nine names. The first one is Sruti. What does it mean? Because the Vedas Embodiments divine Atma! were received by sages (rishis) through hear- Since ancient times, Indian culture has been ing in a state of deep meditation, they are propagating the principles of four objectives called Sruti, meaning orally transmitted sac- of life (purusharthas), namely righteousness, red knowledge. wealth, desire, and liberation (dharma, artha, In those days, there was no paper, no books, kama, and moksha), and also the principles of and no printing machines. Vedic knowledge the Vedas and their auxiliary sciences. The was imparted to disciples by the guru, by word Veda is derived from the root vid, which word of mouth. Hence, the Vedas were called means knowledge. This knowledge teaches Anusrava (that which is heard repeatedly). one how to lead a meaningful and noble life in this world by performing good deeds to The third name is Trayee (meaning three), the attain the four main objectives of life. fourth is Aamnaya (sacred tradition handed down by repetition), the fifth Samamnaya (similar), the sixth Chhandas (hymns, guide), The Vedas are infinite the seventh Swadhyaya (self-learning), the Sages and seers, in their state of deep con- eighth Nigama, and the ninth Agama. They templation, received the knowledge of the are called Nigama and Agama because the Vedas directly from Brahman. Initially, the Vedas are nothing but the inhalation and ex- Veda was one. “Veda is one (Ekam Veda).” It halation of the Divine. constituted a single body of hymns. It was The Vedas are related to man’s life in this also said that, Veda is infinite (Ananto vai phenomenal world. They deal with duality. Veda). Only the sages and seers were the re- Every Veda has three divisions: Brahmanas, positories of this infinite knowledge. Aranyakas, and Upanishads. Later, Sage Vyasa classified this knowledge Brahmanas are compilations of mantras used into three Vedas, namely, the Rig Veda, Yajur for the performance of rituals and sacrifices Veda, and Sama Veda, with the objective of (yajnas and yagas). establishing great ideals in human life through the teachings of the Vedas. 1 Divine Discourse 31 July 1996 The name Aranyaka signifies that one is sup- importance for everyone. Even students posed to study this part of the Vedas when should listen to this with full attention. living in the forest as a recluse (vanaprastha), The first type is tarakam, the second is san- along with one’s wife, after completing the khyam, and the third is amanaskam. These householder stage (grihastha ashram). The three are the essence and also the goal of Ve- rules that govern this stage are very hard. danta. Only when one adheres to these rules stead- fastly as a recluse will one earn eligibility for What is tarakam? Tarakam consists of under- the renunciant (sannyasa) stage. standing and experiencing the principles of subtle yogic postures (mudras) like khechari, Both husband and wife should leave their then going beyond these postures and, con- house and live like brother and sister in a centrating on the centre of the eyebrows hermitage in the forest. They should bear all (nada bindu) and the I-am-God (soham) prin- the hardships of forest life with patience, un- ciple, and ultimately experiencing Existence- mindful of severe heat or cold and other vaga- Knowledge-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). ries of weather. Not only that, they should ob- serve great discipline in their food. From the Tarakam essentially means the merging of day of full moon, they should go on reducing one’s mind in the supreme principle of Sat- a morsel of food each day from their regular Chit-Ananda Absolute and attaining total wis- intake so that they observe complete fast on dom. the new moon day. Again, from the next day The second type of yoga is sankhyam. Since it onward, they should go on adding one morsel deals with numbers (sankhya), it is called of food each day to their intake until the day sankhya yoga. before new moon day. The human body consists of: If some householders, out of compassion, of- fer them food, they should accept it only on a five sheaths of the soul, leaf and not on a plate. They should never five senses, enter the house of a householder and eat there. five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), In those days, people used to observe such five airs (life breath, downward air, dif- hard discipline of recluse stage of life. In fact, fused throughout the body, upward all four stages of life, namely celibate, house- through the throat, digestive air), holder, recluse, and renunciant, are related to mind, intellect, subconscious mind, ego, the worldly life. These four stages are pres- and individual soul. cribed so that one gradually gains control over the mind. pancha kosas, panchendriyas, There is a stage called maha purushartha, pancha bhutas, which is beyond these four stages. It is called pancha pranas (prana, apana, vyana, supreme devotion (parabhakti). udana, samana), manas, buddhi, chithta, ahamkara, jiv- The essence and goal of Vedanta atma, Then comes Vedanta (the doctrine of non- which together are 25 in number. duality), which is the ultimate goal of spiritu- Sankhya consists of understanding that you ality. In fact, the beginning and end of spiritu- are none of these and, going beyond them, ality is contained in Vedanta. Vedanta leads thereby realising that you are the Atma, which to three types of yoga, which has immense is the embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. 2 Divine Discourse 31 July 1996 The third type of yoga is amanaskam. (bliss- This incident was an eye-opener for Yashoda. ful state of realization). What does it mean? She said to Radha, “All along, I thought There is nothing else in this visible world Krishna was my son and I was His mother. I made of five elements except Brahman. That have been thinking that no one else has more is why the Vedas say: Brahman is one without love for Krishna than me. I had this pride that a second (Ekameva adviteeyam Brahma). The none other in this world gave such unlimited entire creation is the manifestation of Brah- love to Krishna as I do. But, so far, I never man. There is no second entity. realised that your love for Krishna is much Once this truth is realised, the mind ceases to superior and is endowed with great power. exist. You see diversity in this world only due There is so much power in your love that the to the thoughts and counter thoughts of your moment you remembered Him with love, He mind. When unity is realised in this diversity, manifested before you.” then there is no mind. Everything is Brahman. What was the type of Radha’s love for Krish- Whatever you see, hear, think, speak, and do na? It was pure, unsullied, and totally devoid and wherever you go, everything is Brahman. of ego. That is why Krishna manifested be- Only when there is a second entity is there fore her then and there. If there is even a scope for thoughts and counter thoughts. But small trace of impurity and ego in your heart, when there is only unity, and that is Brahman, God will never manifest before you, no matter there is no scope for thoughts and counter how many hours, days, and even eons (yugas) thoughts. This is the state of amanaska, mean- you may pray to Him. ing a state devoid of mind. Yashoda caught hold of Radha’s hand and There is only love in this state. That love is said, “I was under the influence of ego and the truth. In fact, truth and love are one and ignorance. You removed them and opened my the same. When truth and love unite, the eyes. Many in this world love Krishna more world loses its identity for you and you see than I do. But due to my ignorance, I thought Brahman everywhere. my love for Krishna was the greatest. This was my mistake. Kindly teach me the path of love that you follow.” Radha’s love for Krishna Radha replied, “Mother, this is not something Here is a small example. Once, Yashoda that someone can teach you or give you. Once searched for Krishna, “Where is Krishna, you realise your true Self and have total faith where has He gone?” She was searching for in Krishna, this love will automatically deve- Krishna because she identified Him with His lop in you.” physical form. Once you realise that Krishna is everywhere, then you don’t need to search Once when Krishna returned home, Yashoda for Him. complained to Him: While Yashoda was searching for Krishna, Oh Krishna! Radha came. Yashoda asked Radha, “Oh Ra- You don’t eat what I serve You at home. But You go to the houses of the gopikas and dha! Have you seen my child? Did my Gopala steal their butter.
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