TT ’ /■ TUBSDJIT, TDCT1B, IfPfVET/VIl Manchester Everting Herald Average Daily Cirenlation The Weather from 1914 to 1924. Upon leaving For the Mouth of June. 1944 Foreeuet of U. S. U'eatker Bureuu Miss Florence Kaufmann of Pastor’s Wife here he became paator of the Lu­ A b ou t Town East Lexington, Mass., is visiting Carnival Here Manchester theran ctiurch in Seymour, this Coueldeiuhle rloodlueeo toplght; her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. state. He. left the pastorate id' rlowly with ahowen and acuttered and Mrs. Robert Anderson of Oak­ HALE'S SELF SERVE 8 ,7 6 2 Seymour to return, to Germany thunder^ahowera Tbuniduy; no Im- land street. Very Careful Date Book Dies in Raid The Original In New England! Member «t the Audit TCfular monthly meeting of •f to become a teacher in a Lutheran portunt tempeiutnre chungea. .■' I college there. Mis wife and son, Bureuu of OIrealutloua _ m n k J. Mansfield Unit, Ma- The Red Cross Surgical Dress­ Tonight Ba Corps League Auxiliary will Republican Town Caucua at Mrs. Herman Stippich Walter. accompanlMT him on his Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm ings aonunittee urns much pleased Big Circus Tragedy ami return to Germany. Another son. held Wednesday at 8 p. m. Bt that so many of the volunteer High School hall at 8. WED. MORNING SPECIALS! American Leglor Home, 20 Killefl in Germany; Rev. Gunther Stippich is now pas­ workers turned out last night for Nearness of Sc^iie Ef» WedneiHlay, July 26 (ClaasUled Adverttahif ou Fage 12) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 26,1944 , ^FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS „,aard street. The Daughtera of the evening session at Center tor of a large Lutheran church In Large Family Sice Can VOL. L X in., NO. 252 -Surgical dressingik for Red Cross Son Also Is Killed. Brooklyn, N. Y. Blon Veterans will present the church parish hail, dc.spite the fect.s VFW Exhiliition. American Legion ball, Leonard nit an American Flag. All mem- heat. The attendance was^ almost It was through Rev. Gunther o f the local Marine Corps street, 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Word ha.s been received here Stippirh that word was received Can 1 7 c equal to last week. Tomoirow from A sisable crowd attended the Lecture by Prof. Ralph Brls- Friend's Beans _ Detachment are requested 10 to 4:30, the regular Wednesday that Mrs. Herman Stippich, wife here of Mrs. Stippich'a death and Dead Cattle for Cover r Intend. < ^ opening of the Carnival sponsored ehoff before Exchange club. Han­ of a former pastor of. the Con­ later that of her son, Walter. folders Will gather at the Ameri­ by Anderson-Shea Post, V. F. W., sen's restaurant. can Legion hall. ■ The committee cordia Lutheran church here, lost Cossacks Attain Tanks Smash last night at the Dougherty Lot. i Misa Ruth Turkington. daugh- hopes to complete the present - Saturday, July t9 her life during an Allied air-raid Sauerkraut Qt. Jar 25c “ o f Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Turk- The most popular ride, was the Two-day outing. Hose Co. No. 3, somewhere in Germany, At the quota within two weeks. The ever popular Ferris wheel. Roust­ CAR NEED REPAIRS? -\ of Winter atreet and Misa dressings are urgently needed. S. M. F. D. at Manchester Rod same time it was learned that ) Roy, daughters of Mr. and abouts were busy erecting an ad.> and Giin Club, Coventry Lake. Walter Stippich. son of Rev. and See Me For Prompt, Expert W isla East Bank; _ _fnest Roy of Walker street Mrs. Arthur Baednr and Miss ditional wheel to meet the de- .Monday, July SI Mrs. Stippich has lost his life in Auto Repair Service Zd-Rex Orange Fruit Syrup A * . ■ .'.'■jT- vacationing at the Falrview Patricia Baedor of Boulder road, mHiid.s of the crowd. In addition, a Siirglcal-dressings group meets Normandy while serving with .Ger­ For Fruit Drink! Ol.— Breach in Nazi Line; oteU Hampton Beach N. .H., are spending a few weeks at Chat­ new "Rocket Rule" was being set Center church hall at '7:30. man troops. ABEL’ S SERVICE STA. ere they have joined Mis(|. ham, Cape Cod. up. , Special town meeting at High Rev. Stippich was pastor of the Rear — 28 Oahpar Btraat Pint X 1C ___dya Scolsky of Winter, street, All equipment has pa.ssed the School hall at 8. Concordia Lutheran church here Push into Lwow r^lMl Miss Carol McVeigh. MXs. Mary Ann D.onlon, of 374 approval of Commissioner Hickey Collection of waste paper in O akl^d street. Is a patient at the after revisions and improvements northeast section of Manchester Premier Coffee 29c T * Sergt. Henry W. Matson, of 261 Memorial hospital, and In all prob­ were made in the tents and ample American Planes Give Pound into Marigny space allowed between concessions. Tuenday, Aug. 1 < > I J'^pruce atreet, Manchester, is an ability V lll iindergo an operation Veterans' Aid meeting at Ameri­ Radio Great this weel A "No Smoking" regulation was Direct Tactical Sup­ l.'iHlr Corps Supply Clerk at an can Legion Home. ghth Air Force Station in Eng- immediately put into effect and Watermelons L k . 4C £ 1 4 cited for distinguished and Friends of Sylvester McCann of strict watch was kept by both Sunday, Aug. 18 port by Strafing Air­ Aid Fighting Heavy Thrust Endan- Torrington, formerly of this town Airmen Again I ttitatanding service in 100 combat carnival help and local flremen and Outing Miantonomoh Tribe of Freah, Nattve drome 100 Miles Waste Seen j;ers Thousands o Y Idpiaaions over Europe. The Group, will be Interested to know that he police. A fire truck from Center Red Men at Villa Louisa. 1 iBHunanded by Col. Irvine A. Ren- is resting comnirtably at fTharlotte Hose Co. No. 2 was stationed on Wednesday, Aug. .80 Northwest of G ly; Range Fires Badly-Battered Gefs^sn dBe, of Rawlins,. Wyo., made its Hungerford Ho^ital in that, place, McKcf street with flremen stand­ Honor Roll meeting at Buck- Wed. Morning Specials Tomatoes 25c % Give Support As Big Drag tooth mission in support of the in- following an emergency appen­ ing by as an extra precaution. land school. Hit Gun Positions. Forces Along Etiemy*s 11 ^ landings by Allied Forces in dectomy. He will\ enjoy hearing Questioned about the Ringling ^^rance. The citation, ’ issued by from' his frlend.s, a»id is a, patient Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Proviftg Efficiency in In Normandy Upon Allies Southern Defenses; 1 Slsj. Clen. earner P. Hodges, Divl- .in Room 5i7 at the institution Moscow, July 26.—(/P)— tragedy some of the carnival men Hard-riding Cossacks reach­ Detection^ Communi­ - Germans Throw Giant I won commanding general, covered said that the Greatest Show on Group of Pinafores Two Yank soldiery uae the bodies of dead cattle for cover as German sheila whine over their heads ] InM ons to Berlin, Friedrlehsha- Mari' C. Keeney Ti\nt, Daugh­ ELASTIC HEALTH MARKET Earth was the fathe.f of all small­ ed the east bank of the Wisla cation and Actual Sup­ near Periers, during bitter fighting to capture the. important city of St. Lo, France. Marauders and Fighter- ^Elephantine Bureaucra­ Tanks into Battle in J.aren,'Poland, Norway, Holland, Bel- ters Of Union VeteransX will meet er shows, and whatever effected' White -with red and blue ric-rac (Vistula) rivei' today while ' |||tum, Gotha and France. tomorrow night at 8 o'clVh in the ™ HOSIERY pression of Blazes. Effort to Halt Drive. Zipser clubhouse, for theXpurpose the big show, hit all the others. trim. Size 14 only. Regular $3.98. WED. MORNING SPECIALS! other Russians, supported'for Bfftnbers Smash at Ger*. cy* Hit in Article Crit­ of presenting a flag to *hf\Fraiik They admitted that the proximity Heavy or Light Weight. Sale P rice .......... .............. toe* ••• 4 $2 .4 9 the first time by U. S. planes , VtTie Rotary Club, meeting at of the tragedy, gave them consid­ Freeh Oreond man Positions to Aid icizing Both Italians Bulletin! M he Country Club ;it 6:30 this J. Mansfield Marine Corps league. in direct, tactical operations, Boise, Idaho, July 2S—<e)—Ra­ Yarik Invaders of Guam Lay erable worry, but they were well dio-controlled fire fighting, the New Dawn Thrust. And Their Liberators. Ljavening, will hear Lionel Clark satisfied with the attendance last surrounded the mauled Ger­ Suiireme Headquarters Al­ —eak oh “Aircraft Engine Serv- night. flflT H O J R Hamburg - Lb. 27c man garrison at Lwow and United States grazing bureau lied Expeditionary . Force. ) And Maintenance." Mr. Clark Halter Back Dresses atormed Into that great rail city. said today, "ia proving its afficien- London, July 26— iJ') —U. S. Rome. July 26.— (>P)—The Al­ July 26,--</P)— Marigny and supervisor of the Pratt & Tbnder The Wlala wa# reached in ' the ^ Siege to Trapp^ J Japanese Marauders and fighter-bombers Jtney Aircraft service school. Weddiiiffs Flowered chintz. Sizes 10 to 16. cy in detection, communication lied Armies drag behind them an St. Gilles are firmly in Amer; Regular $5.98. Sale Price................. Pulawy area, 68 miles southeast and actual suppreaaion" of blazes --------- ;------------------------------------------------ — ------------------------------ -------♦ -------- again supported the American elephantine bureaucracy,” the of threatened Warsaw. There the lean hands, a field dispatch . Members of Anderson Shea Aux- FOR YOUR NEW which thrcatei. the nation’s range First Army today smashing at All Sales Final. $3 -4 9 Pickled Tripe Lb. 27c Cossacks engaged the battered and forest lands. Action party newspaper Italia Li­ from Normandy said tonight. y V.F.W.. will visit the WaU German positions wave on wave bera said today in an article criti­ 1 ■ — - „ „ Funeral Home this evening in, Wallett-Turkington Germans within 358 miles of Ber­ Reg;ional Grazier Kelso P.
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