~I-I··~·:::: .- . I~ ~;;. leI WORKS';' ~; jJ \ ! -'-, _ ·,.v .. -~" f,,¥!.)"lpP:t~ Lmra. ." '._ ~ ~-.... ,'IA .. • '·vy- i ooev'"eNi_ I v ,. ni af Pu 1934 < * c : c Table of Contents 12,900,000 MIITI DIlY~ Work on Highways in Next Three years________ 1 BII GOL'~nlOr Prank T". Merr;"". State Completes New Link of Junipero Serra RoulevtmL____________ 2 fly J"o. H. 8k~(Jg!. District BngIJ,eer Views of New Construction on Junipero Serra Boulevard_~~________ ::l Director Kelly Pays Tribute to District Engineers__________________ 4- BII Earl I..,~ K~llll, Director of Public Works Picture,; of California's Highway District Engineers________________ 5 Firestone Bouleva.rd Bottleneck in Graham Abolished ~_____ 6 8y S, V. Cortell/Q", District Engi""..r Picturcs of Firestone BoulcVl:lrd JtllJ.lI·o\'emcnL ~______ 7 Tnbulation of Twelve Approved Federal Aid ProjectB______________ 9 Protecting Hoadside 'l'rees in Cooperlltion With Public Utilities- Illustrated __ __ ___ __ _ __ ___ _ 10 By H. S. lVhllaker, A&&!.l'la,H State Ar/><>rlC1at"ri&t Los Gatos-81mla Cruz Cut-off Dedicated_____________________ 12 Scenes Along Inspiration Point Cut-olf____________________________ 13 Research Laboratory Forced to Extend Building ~ 14 BU T. E. su"'to", M4teria!.l' alld Research 8nllilteer Illustrations of Present lind Former Lnborlltor.r Buildings ~ 15 Complflt,ion of Ray Rridge Deep Water Structure Celebrated 19 155 SIlOW Plows Ready to Kcep Roads Clear ~__________ 20 DII T. U. De",.t«, .lfaint",,,,,,c,, H"g;""",. Water Resources Report of State Engin·eer 23-30 Sunset-Glendale Boulevard Grade Separation Completed ~_ 24 Pictures of New Sunset Boulevard ViaducL_______________________ 25 Hattlesnakc Creek Bridge an Unusual Design_______________________ 28 Pictures of Rattlcsnake Creek Bridge______________________________ 29 First New State Route Marker Erected at CarmeL__ 31 Bids II.nd Awanls of Contl'acts for Seplf'mbeL 32 § * 12,900,000 Man Days Work Assured on State Highways By. Gover-nor Merriam During Next Three Years By FRANK F. MERRIAM, Governor of California El\1UNEItATIVE work for the largest All projects selected for construction with po:;sible number of citizens of Cali­ these Federal funds in California must be R fornia on the highways of this tate submitted to the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads for the next three years without an extra cent for 'approval. On the list appended to this of cost to the taxpayer is the program of article are the projects that have received this administration, which, I am happy to such approval. Accordingly they are being annOllllce, i:-: alrealiy well nDdll!' way. advertised for bids, and contracts 'will be In r e c e n i con­ awal'ued and men ference' IV i t 11 the put to work on these member of the Cali­ projects within a fornia H i g h way few weeks. Com m ission and The number o:t with Director Earl man-clays work that Lee Kelly of the will be afforded tOo D epa r t men t of cit i zen s of Cali­ Pub 1i c Works, I fornia by this :first 11 a ve stressed the 25 per c e n t of necessity for quick recommended proj­ action to achieve this ects is estimated at goal, and they have 81,000 representing nob 1y :responded. workers at jobsites, On September 7th that is, men directly the Highway C 0 m­ employed in work m ission allocated on t 11 e highwaJ's. $1,000,000 to keep In addition to these, at work on lOainte­ workers in related nance crews thr·ough industries share in the win t e r 3200 the employment pro­ beads of families vided b y the s c with s 0 m e 12,000 funds, such as men dependents who eng age d in the would otherwise manufactnring 0 f have bee n thrown highway building back upon the char­ materials and ity rolls of their supplies, in trans­ various communi­ FRANK F. MERRIAM portation of s u c h ties. The money for materials a. n d tIl e this fund comes from accrued savings on operation of equipment. The l"atiu of thill contracts during the past two years. class of labor is approximately 2 to 1, making The commission now informs rue that it has a total of 242,900 man-ds'J,g work that' will be allocated funds in the sum of $2,012,000 for provided by the first 25 pel' cent of these 12 projects representing 25 per cent of the available funds. highway improvements to be financed from Contracts will be awarded for the remaininO' ~ 0 the $7,932,206 Federal apportionment to Cali­ 7 <J per cent as fast as the projects &rA fornia under the Hayden-Cartwright bill approved by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads pa~sed by the last Congress. so that it is fairly estimate.d that 1,065,600 (Contlnued on page 8) 2 OALIl'ORNlA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIO WORKS State Completes New "Feeder-Road" Link of Junipero Serra Boulevard By JNO. H. SKEGGS, District Englntler NIPERO 'ERR BO LEVARD is an arterial ervlllg a large and rapidly J growing traffic between San Francisco and points south, especially in San Mateo County. 'fraffic census for the boulevard taken in January, :Ylarch and July of this year shows average counts of 10,129, with peak co uts as high UR 18,256 vehicles per day. Junipero Sel'l'a Boulevard is the natural developmcnt resulting from the need of a common outlet for traffic converging in "the circle" which i made by a major intersection of West Portal AvenuE', St.l"rancis Boulevard, Sloat Boulevard and Portola Drive. c::.> From" the circle" southward to the county ~ line the boulevard is part of the ystem of city 8 streets. Near the county line .A.lemany Boule­ ~ vard, another ity arterial of hiO'h standard Q, de ign, joins J unipero Serra. About one­ half milc north of the Alemany intersection JUNIPERO Junipero Serra i joined by the Nineteenth SERRA Avenue Exten ion, likewise of high standard BLVD. construction as far north as the intersection PROJECT with loat Boulevard. FEEDER ROAD LINK From the county line southward Junipero Sprra Boulevard is under jurisdiction of Joint J Highway Di trict No. 10 and stands in the relation of a "feeder" road to the State high­ ways. This great highway is in process of ::.tage TRAFFlC HAS INOREASED construction and now reaches southward more umerous other tributary streets feed this than two miles beyond Daly City, the last arterial, alid central city a.:eas contribute extension being a link 1.97 miles in length large volumes of passenger traffic via such constructed by the State Division of High­ important connections as Portola Driye and ways. Alemany Boule,ard, which, by reason of Outstanding features of Junipero Serra recent impl'ovemfmts, has nearly doubled its Boulevard are that it originates in the west­ traffic. erly borders of San Francisco's re idential For scveral years past this traffic has had diRt..rict and is in the natural line of a traffic no alternative but the connection to Route 2 outlet lor a va t se tion of the city population. (El Camino Real) via School Street in Daly Likewise it is the natural routing for through Oity, thereby being fore d to combat a dl1D.­ traftie between t1 . Redwood Highway of nort.h gel'ous railroad ero sing, two right angle bay countie and the highways of the penin­ turns and the congestion of business districts. sula of the bay via the Golden Gate Bridge. Junipero erra Boulevard throughout has a. As feeder to the boulevard are extended right of way 125 feet or more in width. Its northerly, especia y the major extension to location and general setting are mo t favor­ reach the Golden Gate Bridge via Tine eenth able to continuance of a minimum number and Funston avenues, traffic wIll be greatly of intersections, and to the preservation of increased. co ditions e ential to an arterial highway. (Continued one page 16) LATEST MODERN STANDARDS of highway CO".t~,I(;tio" a~. i"co~po~d.d i" the r..,."tly cOm­ pr.t.d ....t.naio" of J,,"ip...... S.r~a Bo ... layard, 0". of Sa" F.a"claco'. m.l" ...te~I.I. down tke Pan;n."t•. The "aW unit. 1.61 mil.. long. i. lI dad to • width of 65 feet Including ••mall ba.", On hill.. Th. 40· foot payama"t;. 6_inch ..phalt eone t. on 4-ineh er.... he~ run b.... Tha .hould.... of ".ineh c~lIshe••un ba.. h.va an oil bound .uriaea a"d ahoulder , ...tm.nt I. exta"ded to .dja~ant lIutte.... M.x;mum gr.da i. 5 per e."t. Double .trilling m.~l... the e."te~ of th. four'traffic I."... O.4.LIFORNIA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIO WORKS Director Kelly Pays l~ribute to Fine Achievements of District Engineers By EARL LEE KELLY, Di..eetor of Public WorkR URING the pti't year the Divi~ion of Highways organization has conducted Because of the outstanding performance of D the largest highway construction pro­ these engineers in the conduct of the affairs gram ever inaugurated in California. With of their several districts, it is with great the opening, in the summer of 1933, of the pleasure that I here acknowledge the debt of the administration to them and express national program for intensive State high­ the deep appreciation which is felt by Cali. way construction as a means towards recov­ forni.a for their splendid service to the State.
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