Public Document Pack AGENDA FOR THE CABINET Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the Cabinet in Committee Rooms 1 & 2 - Deanes on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, at 6.30 pm. Lisa Kirkman Head of Law and Governance Councillor C Sanders (Chair) Councillor T Reid (Vice-Chair) Councillor S Bound Councillor H Eachus Councillor J Izett Councillor M Ruffell Councillor R Tate For more information please contact the Democratic Services team: 01256 844844 Or email: [email protected] Visit: www.basingstoke.gov.uk/cabinet Public Participation Scheme Members of the public are invited to address the committee on all items presented at a committee meeting. Public speaking on these items will take place at the same time that the item is considered. If members of the public wish to address the meeting they should notify Democratic Services prior to the meeting. The public participation scheme is available to access through the council’s website - www.basingstoke.gov.uk/participation Members are encouraged to obtain any points of clarification on the reports on the Agenda in advance of the meeting. COMMITTEE PAPERS If you need this information in a different format, such as large print, please contact Democratic Services. Page 1 Alternatively all documents associated with this agenda can be accessed through the Council’s website on http://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/committeemeetings Please note It is likely that part of this meeting may need to be held in private as some agenda items may involve the disclosure of exempt or confidential information within the terms of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Members of the press and public may need to be excluded for that part of the meeting if necessary. Those items are at the end of the agenda. Details of any representations received about why the meeting should be open to the public – none AGENDA Members of the public will be invited to speak at the relevant item 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. URGENT MATTERS To consider any items of business, other than those shown on this agenda and which, by reason of special circumstances to be stated at the meeting, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16TH MAY 2016 5. TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 5 - 26 This report shows the activity within the council’s treasury management function for the year ending 31 March 2016. Recommendation from the Cabinet Member for Finance, Service Delivery and Improvement for Council Decision. 6. 2015/16 REVENUE AND CAPITAL OUTTURN 27 - 82 This report compares the final revenue and capital position for 2015/16 with the budget and identifies the reasons for variances. Recommendation from the Cabinet Member for Finance, Service Delivery and Improvement for Council Decision. Page 2 7. PROPERTY AND ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGY - 83 - 138 INVEST TO GROW FUND The report proposes the establishment of a Council based Invest to Grow Fund with the overarching objective to stimulate job creation, deliver new homes, and attract significant inward investment into the Borough. Recommendation from Cabinet Member for Property and Development and Cabinet Member for Finance, Service Delivery and Improvement for Cabinet and Council Decision. 8. IMPLEMENTATION OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING SCHEME:- 139 - LAND AT SANDRINGHAM COURT, SOUTH HAM, BASINGSTOKE 162 This report provides details of an affordable housing scheme to be undertaken by Affinity Sutton Housing Association. Recommendation from the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Property and Development for Cabinet Decision. 9. DISPOSAL OF THE FORMER PADDOCK ROAD SURGERY SITE - 163 - ADELPHI HOUSE 198 This report is to seek authority to the entering into of a conditional contract for the potential sale of a council owned property, the former Paddock Road Surgery, South Ham, Basingstoke. Recommendation from the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Property and Development for Cabinet Decision. 10. ADOPTION OF NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN FOR OVERTON 199 - 256 This report is to give an update on the Overton Neighbourhood Plan (ONP) which has now reached an advance stage of production and a local referendum on the Plan is due to be take place on 23 June 2016. Recommendation from the Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure. 11. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider whether, in view of the nature of the remaining items on the agenda, any of them are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt or confidential information within the terms of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Page 3 12. CONFIDENTIAL/ EXEMPT ITEMS FOR INFORMATION Item 7 - Property and Alternative Investment Strategy - Invest to Grow fund Confidential Appendix 3 Item 8 - Implementation of an Affordable Housing Scheme:-Land at Sandringham Court, South Ham, Basingstoke Confidential Appendix 4 Item 9 - Disposal of the former Paddock Road Surgery site - Adelphi House Confidential Appendix 5 Page 4 Agenda Item 4 Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 16 May 2016 at the Civic Offices, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council at 18:30 Members of the Cabinet in attendance: Councillors C Sanders (Chairman), S Bound, H Eachus, J Izett, T Reid, M Ruffell, R Tate 01/16 Apologies for Absence [Item 1] No apologies were received. 02/16 Declarations of Interest [Item 2] Councillors S Bound, J Izett and R Tate declared an interest relating to agenda item 6 – Local Plan Adoption, due to their membership of the Manydown Executive Committee and left the room for the item. 03/16 Minutes [Item 4] The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2016 were confirmed by the Cabinet as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 04/16 Appointments to Executive Committees [Item 5] Resolved: That Cabinet appoints: 1) Councillors Eachus, Izett and Reid to the Basing View Executive Committee. 2) Councillors Bound, Izett and Tate to the Manydown Executive Committee 05/16 Local Plan Adoption [Item 6] Councillors Bound, Izett and Tate left the meeting for this item. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure introduced the report which set out the modifications proposed by the inspector who examined the Submission Local Plan and sought approval for adoption of the Local Plan 2011- 2029 and the withdrawal of the saved policies of the Adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996 – 2011. He thanked all members for their contributions to shape the policies, officers for their hard work throughout the process and residents for their engagement in the process. Visiting member, Councillor Harvey was invited to address the Cabinet. He raised concern regarding the idea of a presumption in favour of development policy and the effect that would have over the planning process. He also raised concerns regarding neighbourhood plans and figures being a starting Page 5 point for development over the planned period and the sustainability of the five year housing land supply over the longer period. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure acknowledged Councillors Harvey’s concerns stating there were no easy answers. He stated that National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) wanted the development process to be permissive to those who want to develop and the Local Plan had to reflect that in order to be sound but accepted there was a tension between the apparent constraints to development that are enshrined within the Local Plan and the overall permissive nature of development within the NPPF, an example being the interpretation of the figures considered in neighbourhood plans. He further added that what was currently considered as a five year housing land supply may change in the future as this was based on a prediction for future development. The Cabinet supported the proposal, highlighting that it was important that throughout the planning process the correct infrastructure was put in place such as roads, schools, and open space to protect the quality of life for residents. Resolved: That Cabinet note the outcome of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan Inspector’s Report (Appendix A of the report) Recommendation to Council: 1) That in accordance with Section 23 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, that the council adopts the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan, incorporating the main modifications as set out in Appendix B of the report, together with minor updates and drafting changes authorised by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure, together with the Head of Planning and Infrastructure 2) That the saved policies of the Adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan (1996-2011) be withdrawn. Reasons for Decision: Following the receipt of the Inspector’s report, which concluded that, subject to a number of modifications, the submitted Local Plan was sound and capable of adoption, the Local Plan can now be adopted to form the Development Plan for the borough. The Local Plan is a key policy document which sets out the planning framework for the area and is a key tool in delivering the objectives of the corporate plan. Upon adoption of the Plan, the saved policies of the Adopted Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan (1996-2011) can be withdrawn as these are effectively superseded by the more up to date Plan. Page 6 06/16 Adoption of Oakley and Deane Neighbourhood Plan [Item 7] The Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure introduced the report which recommended that the plan was ‘made’ by Council following a positive referendum result. He commended the Oakley and Deane Neighbourhood Planning Group on their hard work and a well written, detailed plan that will provide a model example for other neighbourhood plans. Recommendation to Council: Cabinet recommends to Full Council, under section 38A(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to make the Oakley and Deane Neighbourhood Plan with immediate effect, with the consequence that it becomes part of the statutory development plan for Basingstoke and Deane Borough.
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