SUPPLIER INDEX Peter Latham, exec, off.; Finn Connell, Carpetwin, Carpetriever commercial upright sis. mgr. vacuums; Carpetron, Minitron dry foam car- A pet shampooers; Power Wand II carpet ABC INDUSTRIES, INC.—827 E. Locust St., ACUSHNET SALES COMPANY—Slocum vacuuming attachment; Foamatic upholstery Milwaukee, Wis. 53212 (414)264-3330 St., Acushnet, Mass. 02743 (617) 997-2811 shampooer; Arid Foam Plus dry foam carpet Dura-Brite expanded vinyl emblems; Pla- Titleist, Finalist, Titlette, Club Special golf shampoo; Convertamatic automatic scrub- Mate tote bags; Dial-lt-Swiv-Cover head- clubs; Bull's Eye, Acushnet putters; Title- ber/polisher; Liquidator carpet rinser covers; Limber-Up, Zip-Hit weighted practice ist Regular, Titleist 100, Titleist DT, Final- Peder Furuseth, asst. adv. mgr. covers; Golf-Mate Sunday bags; mini golf ist, Club Special golf balls; Acushnet golf bags; travel covers; shag, shoe, tennis bags bags; AVC, AA-B, CBV, HFS, FFW golf THE ADVANCE PRODUCTS COMPANY, Monroe H. Rosenow, pres.; John L. R. Edgar, gloves; Flexiglide, Bedford golf carts INC.—1101 E. Central, Wichita, Kan. 67214 sec., sis. mgr., treas. William Bommer, pres.; L. Dean Cassell, (316) 263-4231 v.p. mktg.; David R. Branon, sis. mgr. golf Storage cabinets ABBEY-SCHERER COMPANY—3130 Air- ball div.; Charles Rambo, sis. mgr. club William D. DeVore, pres. and gen. mgr.; way Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 (714) and bag div.; Robert Kirouac, prod. mgr. K. Warren Fuller, v.p. and treas. 540-2011 AGAR FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY— Nets ADAMATION, INC.—87 Adams St., Newton, 800 W. 41st. St. Chicago, III. 60609 (312) Joseph R. Guess, pres. Mass. 02195 (617) 369-6637 927-3300 Lusterators silverware polishing equipment; Agar canned ham and sliced bacon ABELES OF CALIFORNIA—5132 W. Jef- pot washers; dishwashing systems Neville J. Hayes, exec. v.p. ferson Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90016 (213) Paul Berger, v.p. mktg.; Robert L. White, 933-8464 adm. mktg. asst. AGCHEM-DECCO DIV. PENNWALTCORP. Lilly Dache, Sebastian sports shirts —1713 S. Calif. St., Monrovia, Calif. 91016 Oscar Abeles, pres.; Herb Gerry, off. mgr. ADIDAS SPORT SHOES—1515 N. Grand (213) 358-1838 River Ave., Lansing, Mich. 48901 (517) Aquathol (liquid and granular), Aquathol Plus ABERDEEN PUMP COMPANY—3925 Cov- 485-9415 (liquid and granular), Aquathol K, Hydrothol ington Hwy., Decatur, Ga. 30032 (404)288- Tennis shoes 191 (liquid and granular), Hydrothol 47 (liquid 4040 Gary W. Dietrich, sis. mgr. and granular), Hydout (Florida only) aquatic Otter, Otter Cub, Patio Otter, Otter '42*. herbicides Otter '52' fountain pumps; fountain and J. & L. ADIKES, INC.—182-12 93 Ave., Jack Mumighan, Agchem prod, mgr.; Donald waterfall systems Jamaica, N.Y. 11423 Hope, reg. mgr.; Jimmy Campbell, reg. mgr.; Donovan Mitchell, pres.; D. M. Mitchell, Grass seed; fertilizers; herbicides; insecti- Al Pilling, reg. mgr.; William Debusk, reg. mgr. v.p.; T. Clary, sis. mgr. cides; fungicides; Par Aide hose Phil Adikes, pres.; Bob Russell, v.p.; Bob AGRICO COUNTRY CLUB PRODUCTS ACCLES & POLLOCK SPORTING GOODS Cummings, asst. v.p.; Bill Ryan, sis. mgr. (Bishop Company)—P.O. Box 317, Leb- LTD.—Oldbyry, Warley, Worcestershire, anon, Pa. 17042 (717) 273-8103 England Eu 619 (021) 552-1500 ADJUSTABLE CAP COMPANY—1717 Country Club fertilizers, chemicals Racquet frames Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. 63103 (314) Vernon Bishop, pres.; Donald Pfleiderer, A. J. We I Ian, exec, off.; J. T. Hall, sis. mgr. 241 -0907 gen. sis. mgr.; T. A. Bayley, gen. sis. mgr. Tennis caps ACME IRON WORKS, INC.—4900 Frolich Hyman W. Matlof, exec, off.; Morris Matlof, AGRI-SYSTEMS OF TEXAS, INC.—P. O. La., Tuxedo, Md. 20781 (301) 322-3900 sis. mgr. Box 3757, Bryan, Tex. 77801 (713) 846-6543 Rac-Me bag storage racks Golf course and landscape architecture; con- R. G. Milbourne, pres.; R. P. Milbourne, ADVANCE FLOOR MACHINE COMPANY— sultation; land planning; soils analyses sec.; J. W. Heinicke, asst. treas. P.O. Box 275, Spring Park, Minn. 55384 Marvin H. Ferguson, pres.; Mark Eldred (612) 471-8481 Ferguson, v. p. ACRO, INC.—42 Pleasant St., Stoneham, Battery Roamer, Gulper Roamer, 8 hp Mass. 02180 (617) 438-0677 Roamer litter vacuums; Retriever power AGWAY, INC.—Box 1333, Syracuse, N.Y. Tennis bags; tennis balls; net top bindings; vacuum sweeper; Mini Triever vacuum 13201 (315)477-7061 net cables; court markers; net posts; nets; sweeper; Hurricane pressure washer; Gyro, Feeds, seeds, fertilizers, farm and home presses; racquet covers; racquet frames; Matador, Pacemaker single disk floor hardware, supplies racquet grips; fiberglass/plastic racquets; machines; Deluxe Hydro Vac, Triumph, G. Steele, chm. bd. and pres.; R. N. Goddard, metal racquets; caps; dresses; shoes; Pacesetter wet/dry vacuum cleaners; Pa- gen. mgr.; M. E. Harris, mdse. dir.; M. N. gloves; shorts; sweaters poose portable vacuum; Sprite dry vacuum; Knapp, adv. dir.; W. S. Hibbitts, sis. mgr. lawn ALADDIN LABORATORIES, INC.—620 S. ALL-ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMPANY— Eighth St., Minneapolis, Minn. 55404 Tulip and Westmoreland Sts., Philadelphia, Golfer's Bar Buoy drink holders for golf Pa. 19134 (215) 289-3400 carts; Jon-E hand warmers Folding game tables; mini folding tennis D. E. Wintz, sis. mgr. tables; folding chairs; snack tables; leisure loungers; casual outdoor furniture ALCO CHEMICAL CORP.—Trenton Ave & Boris Cohen, pres.; Charles J. Kissam, v.p. William St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19134 (215) sis. and adv.; Frank Mullen, p. a. 425-0621 Soil Gard erosion control products ALLEN-A COMPANY—803 N. Downing St., J. H. O'Rourke, pres.; G. T. Hammond, v.p. Piqua, Ohio 45356 (513) 773-3152 and garden; B. W. Dunning, mktg. dir. flour, mktg.; C. F. Vogt, v.p. mfg. Tennis shorts; sweaters cereals Karl Monson, exec. off.; M. M. Lloyd, sis. mgr. ALDILA, INC.—4883 Ronson Ct., San AIR-LEC INDUSTRIES, INC.—3300 Com- Diego, Calif. 92111 (714) 279-0074 ALLEN-EDMONDS SHOE CORP.—825 mercial Ave., Madison, Wis. 53714 (608) Improved Aldila carbon graphite shafts in Main St., Belgium, Wis. 53004 (414) 285- 244-4754 15 flexes; Alda iron shaft 3461 Air-Lec aquatic weed cutter; harvesting Dr. John L. Moler, chm. of the bd.; James Fairway, Holdiay golf shoes equipment for control of aquatic vegetation J. Flood, pres.; A. W. Pirtle, v.p./gen. Ralph Allen, exec, v.p.; Jack Bahlman, in ponds, streams and lakes mgr.; Mac Hunter, dir. mktg. v.p. sis. Herbert Thelen, sis. and ser. ALFCO ROKEBY COMPANY, INC.—613 DON ALLESON DIV., ALLESON OF ROCH- AIRLIFT DIV. OF NAFI-DIV. OF CHRIS- Second St., Marietta, Ohio 45750 ESTER—165 N. Water, Rochester, N.Y. CRAFT INDUSTRIES, INC.—P. O. Box A, Acti-Dione TCF, Acti-Dione RZ, Acti-Dione 14604 (716) 325-7930 Waterford, N.Y. 12188 (518)237-5850 Thiram, Amazin (maneb with zinc), Aura- Tennis caps Carpet cushioning green, Blitz 10 PMA, Cadex (liquid cadmium William Levine, exec, off.; Richard L. Levine, Jack Lynch, sis. mgr. chloride), Cadminate, Calogran, Daconil sis. mgr. 2787, Dexon 35% W.P., Dyrene, Fung- AIR WALL DIV., RICHARDS WILCOX MFG. Chex, Fungo 50, Guard-All M, Koban, Kro- ALLIANCE WEBBING, INC.—180 Madison COMPANY—8140 E. Rosecrans St., Para- mad, Mertect 140; Snow Mold X, Tersan Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016 (212) 685-2678 mount, Calif. 90723 (213)634-3116 1991, Tersan LSR, Thiramad, Thiram 75, Net top bindings; net center straps Air Wall portable walls and movable Thiram M, Tobax fungicides; Alfco spreader Robert H. Shapiro, exec, off.; Albert B. Lerin, partitions sticker, Penetrol, Aqua-Gro wetting agents; sis. mgr. Arthur G. Imbrecht, pres. X-15 trace elements; Liqua-Vita liquid fertil- izer; Alfco 24/8/16 water soluble fertilizer; ALLSOP AUTOMATIC—P.O. Box 23. Bell- AJAC SPORT GLOVES, INC.—5-7 N. Mel- Banvel D 4S, Banvel W/2,4-D, Betasan, Blitz ingham, Wash. 98225 (206)734-9090 cher St., Johnstown, N.Y. 12095 (518) 62 2,4-D amine, Blitz MCPP, Casaron, Shoe-In Traveler, Shoe-In golf shoe bag, 762-4645 Dacthal 75% W.P., Dacthal 5% Granular, shoe holder; Shoe-In display system, Shoe- Slam-It golf gloves Daconate, Diquat, Fairway (Trimec) Broad- In II display system merchandising displays Alan H. Lazarus, v. p. sis.; E. J. Manley, leaf, Fairway (Trimec) Bentgrass Kro-Foot- for golf and regular shoes nat. sis. mgr. Kil, Paraquat, Posan, Presan, Super Denol Mike Allsop, v.p.; Steve N. Haber, dir. sis. W/Calar, Trex-san (broadleaf), Trex-san and mktg. A. J. ATHLETIC SHOE COMPANY, INC.— (bent) herbicides; Baygon 70% W.P., Blitz P.O. Box 4302, 2215 Everett St., Richmond, 48 Chlordane, Blitz 72 Chlordane, Chlor- ALL SPORTS WEAR, INC.—945 S.E. 14 Va. 23224 (703) 233-9683 dane 50% W.P., Diazinon 50% W.P., Dia- St., Hialeah, Fla. 33010 (305)885-5775 Tennis shoes zinon AG 500, Diazinon 14% granular, Golf shirts; culotte sets; tennis dresses Barry Koval, exec, off.; Irving Joel, sis. mgr. Doom, Dursban, Proxol 80 S.P., Sevin 50% Charles De Lucca Jr., pres.; James E. Carno- W.P., Sevin 80 insecticides; Alfco Anti- han, v.p., sec. and treas. Foam; Alfco Ball Washer; Blitz Chelated AJAY ENTERPRISES CORP., DOUBLE Iron; Byho Sand Trap Edger; Spray Hawk EAGLE DIV.—1501 E. Wisconsin St., Dela- ALL STAR INDUSTRIES—411 Fifth Ave., precision mobile turf sprayer; Aquashade, van, Wis. 53115 (414) 728-5521 New York, N.Y. 10016 (212)683-0150 Cutrine, algaecides; Fomex foaming spray Double Eagle golf clubs; golf balls; golf All Star golf glove adjuvant and spreader-activator; Foli-Gard bags; carts; accessories; Tru Sphere golf Harold A. Jason anti-desicant; Grozyme soil conditioner; balls Sanzyme septic tank and grease trap activa- John Pawley, pres.; Ralph Horton, v.p. ALL STAR PRO GOLF COMPANY, INC.— tor; Mr. Chain plastic chain; Formula 44 (liq.) 120 S.W. Ninth St., Clarion, Iowa 50525 mktg.; C.
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