?.*,,, ■' - ■/, ' \ s asfaooatM • y ' V A'vwaffe -Dtil.v Net Preiw Run The W aithtr PAGE TWELVE •ATURDAY^-APRIL 26, 1988 ■ For the Week Ended Fereeaet ef 0. ft. Weother jianct]f»Bti?r Itti^nine U m lb April 2A t t n C<N>I with rate moderato to heavy tapertny fill ’er up so there wouldn't be any 12,698 light rate tonight. Low.^ undu. delay at 5;'a.rh. ^histPai^S^' 45-50. Tnesday' eleudy,' akowora,' >wn He w u up bright and early, Member of the.Audit warmer. High near 60. Heard Along Main Street boiled himself a pot-of coffee to go Paquette-PaSqualini Wedding Bureau of drenkstton. 'Manchester^^A City of ViUnge Charm *nic mMUng of'Sunset Circle, with the sljvkeri The little lady By VFV l-adies p u t noble jtrsnds, whicK " w u And on Some of Manchester** Side Streets, Too could take pare of the dishes. No The Auxiliary to Anderson-Shea ■cheduled for Monday evenlnc. h u undue delay. W N is r (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, APftiL 28. 1958 (ClasMfled Adverttetaig on Pago 141 PRICE FIVE CENTS been canceled. 'He had in mind a stream over Post, 'VFW, is .sporisoring a mili­ VOL. LXXVH, NO. 177 Chug-a>Lug, * spot for future refereitce by tak­ east. At 5 he was In the car Forty- tary whist Tuesday nl^t at 8 The Chaminade Chorpi will hold o’clock at the post. home. MaMkjr>,Api^ - With the warm weathef, the ing numerous bearings on the fur­ five minutes later he had parked a rehurpal ManAuter High nace and posts supporting the and was ready for the day. Then M rA Laura Carbone of Rocky School Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.rin thoughts of nriany a Manchester flooring above. Hill[ill wltlxwlilx conduct the whist. St. Moiy's Crypt he opened the trunk. No geai. mrlUai-v ajit «jiMa „ U.S. Missiles preparation for the concert they resident turns, to exotic drinks. For two years the cask remain­ He had taken the second family ’The Auxiliary set a«tde April PAIW ST. will preMht in the chapel of the Unfortunately, this Interest as cancer month and is trylnjng to Doctor A mputates ed in the ground, its contents vain­ South Meuiodiit Church May 13 at car. raise money fo r research amnd to Oirb’ Friendly flpoiiaors caused a divorce in one family ly trying to break loose from the 'Befreehmenta—Door Frisco Lag Not Great, 3:15 p.m. The executive board will oaken prison. ‘ akslst member^ of the organisa­ have a ffleetlnK the same evening:. but not for the reasons usually as­ Peaking Toma tion afflicted wfth cancer, ''jh'o- DonatloR 75 Cento It was. spring again when the Jteaearchers from the Washing­ Ike Bids sociated with drink. experimenter'finally uncovered the ton headquarters of the U.S. Pub­ ceeds from the whist will go into Cardinal Stritch^s Chamber Told The Men's Club of Zion Lutheran Seems the husband was anjax* cask and cautiously tried his first thU fund. ,\ Church will meet Monday at 7:45 lic Health Service who arc stud­ Prises will be awardedawan and re-, perimenter, alwaVa seeking sopte drink—He 'D IXIn E IT! The ying Manchester Memorial Hos­ at the church. new form of drink which would iiqtlid Was jgood, it gave no hint Treshments will be served. The' ' Washingtoii, April 28 (fP)— pital's plan for progressive pa­ public is invitedlf. Mrs. Mgry E. stun, but not necessarily msUm, his of Its potentialities and was only tient care have been careful in This country will lag behind Any hlfh school freihman or guests. LeduC 'is chairman'of the'eapeer Arm Above Elbow slightly warming. The only re­ • sophomore boys who wish to make their relations with the staff. committee of the Auxiliary. X - Rufisia for a time in develop­ FOr months he saved the stipend action ^ a s that after one cup full, The team did not want the staff, ing intercontinental misailes, Mie Day of Recollection Tuesday ed from his weekly pay until the "scientiat” found he could only from 3 to 8 p.m. as the Holy ,Fam- uL enough to purchase the in- particularly the nurses, to get By FBANK BBUTTO f'The Pontiff expre-sed hit happiness Rep. Mahon (D-Tex) said to­ . lly M bnutery may make arfangfe- walk backward, not forward. the idea that there .was anything- at the neW. in Arctic Check ent necessary for the new Shrugging this off as a minor Rome, April 28 (/P)—The day, "but not far enough .be­ 1' mehta by calling Edward Mori- of liquid lightning his years' critical in the study. The team Shortly/oefore the Cardinal went difficulty, he backed his w ay up wanted to find out what made right firm of Samuel Cardinal under tire knife, he was visited by hind to invite attack.” ! arty. 27 Kensington St., or John C. gof research had devised. the cellar stairs and called a Stritch, Roman Catholic Mahon's addre,ss was prepared Funke, 144 W. Center St. / progressive patient care tick at the -Pdntlff’s' pcfiionsi physician. He .bought the best of brandy, neighlyjr, one who once drank a the' local hospital, so that other Archbishop of Chicago, was Prof,''Rlccardo Galeaxsl'Ulsi. for the opening of the 45th annual The Stanley Group of'^the South several foreign wines and whiskeys bottle of "Hair Auxlliator” for hospitals could benefit from the Cardinal, whose hund and meeting of the U.S. Chamber of and then mixed them in a large want of something better to do, amputated just above the el­ Commerce, which heard also a re­ Nikita Says Urg es Reds Methodist Chur.ch w^l hold a information. bow today to check a blood forearm had been darkened rummage ule in the murch base* earthenware crock. Naturally, he and gave him. a double "shot.” A special study was slated for left lifeless by his ailment, post of "astounding’’ American ment next Thursday ffom 9 a.m. to tasted the formula from time to The neighbor was very much Feb. 18. Printed sheets were clpt. The 70iyear-old prelate’s, was given the last rites of the progress from William M. Holaday, | time to make sure the proportions impressed and for the next hour or condition was described as D*fense Department director of 1 p.m. were correct. passed out to a team of observers. church befon. the opentioii. It was Soviet Still Reconsider so the two tippled and sought The sheets listed such categories PINE “very food,” / emphasised that they were admin­ guided missiles. Eighteen members and guests Satisfied at last with the ‘.'base," vainly for a name for the new in­ as "Patient's Needs.” "Medication The 55-minute open Uon yWae istered to provide spiritual forti- "It-is. my personal view.” Hola­ of the Manchester Mental Health he ^ e n proceeded to dump into vention until their wives showed Given.” and "Time spent on PHARMACY performed by Dr.. Pietro '^sldonl. flestion, not because his life was day aaid. "that the atatus of the Society participa^^ed In a tour 'of the mixture hsilves of peaches, up and there was the usual scene. 884 Oeator St.—Tel. Ml 8-M14 over-all Soviet development is ho For Parley N-Ban Plan apricots, a Jdr of some unidentified The neighbor then departed qn an Dietary Needs.” famed Italian surgeon w l^ eaved feared, in danger, . better than our own at the present the Norwich State Hospital Tues­ One category, hoWever, gave the life of Communist leader Pel- Asked before the operation day. preserves, apples, quarters of errand for his wife. time.” By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITH oranges, the peels (he was a sav­ The next day the neighbor, away more than the tea'm wanted mlro Togllattl after a" attempt to whether it might prove dangerous Mahon, chairman of the House Moscow, April 28 (iT*)—So­ to tell. It was "Housepeaklng." PINE LENOX kill him 10 yea»-s ago^'^ The executive board of the La ing soul) and some mangos donat­ slightly bedraggled, showed up for the Cardinal, Valdopi said, "I Defense Appropriations subcom­ viet Premier and party boss Augusta, Ga., April 28 dies of the Assumption will hold ed by a friend just back from the once again and proudly announced Two Chicago physlCiana assisted do not think ao.” mittee,- stressed the great cost of Nikita . Khrushchev says the' (fl>) — Prepident Eisenhower tropics. that he had a name for Ihe bever­ Dining by Sparkler Ugkt PHARMACY In the suegeT of the veteran "But you mu4t keep in mind,” Dr. Pietro VMdoni is shown missile and other military develop­ a meeting on/Monday at 8:15 p.m. Everyone seemed to be having' s9f E. ^ te r St—Ml t-OSM ' •Soviet Union still wants _ a called on Soviet Premier in the church haid He . then placed the crock in a age. “We'll call it Block and Fall,” '■ churchman wht/ was stricken he added "that the Cardinal la a arriving at his clinic in Rome, ments and added: darkened corner of the cellar which he said. a good time at the Chamber of \ aboard ship en/route to take up 70-year-old man.” Italy, this morning where he ”If we adequately finance and summit conference despite Khrushchev today to join the was slightly warmed up by the fur­ "Block and Fall?" qtieried the Commerce dinner Tuesday but, of his new duties as p*o^E»rafect of A venerated kburch relic, the amputated the right arm of sustain in succeeding years the Western Allies in an lArctic The Manchester Federation of course, there were "incidents.” ils recent blasts against the Democratic/ Women ^ will hold a nace.
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