October 17, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23059 Tom was also involved in many civic activi- NATIONAL AIDS TESTING DAY TRIBUTE TO LOWELL PAXSON ties in Jefferson City. He was on the Board of Directors of the Jefferson City Chamber of HON. STENY H. HOYER HON. MARK FOLEY Commerce and the Board of Trustees of Me- OF FLORIDA morial Community Hospital. He served as OF MARYLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president of the Cole County Chapter, Univer- sity of Missouri Alumni Association, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 17, 2000 Cole County Bar Association. He was a merit Tuesday, October 17, 2000 Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to badge counselor for the Boy Scouts of Amer- take this opportunity to recognize a distin- ica. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, the Human Im- guished broadcaster and American, Mr. Lowell Tom married the late Christine Wood munodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic is one of ‘‘Bud’’ Paxson. Mr. Paxson has been involved Graham on April 22, 1944. They were married the deadliest foes that we have faced in re- in the broadcasting industry for over 40 years, for almost 54 years and had one son, Chris- cent history. Like any foe, we must learn all providing wholesome and family-friendly pro- topher Graham. we can about this deadly virus and take ap- gramming to millions of people nationwide. propriate action to halt its assault on society. Mr. Speaker, Tom Graham was my good PAX TV, founded by Paxson and friend and a great American. I know the Mem- One of the first steps in stopping the spread headquartered near my West Palm Beach bers of the House will join me in extending of HIV is to know if one is infected. A recent home, provides safe programming that the heartfelt condolences to his family. study showed that 90% of the people who whole family can enjoy. This network has knew their HIV status changed their sexual been welcomed by American parents seeking f behavior, thus helping to stop the spread of an alternative to much of the violent and sexu- HIV. This statistic illustrates the importance of ally suggestive programming currently being IN HONOR OF THE FORT WORTH knowing one’s HIV status. I believe it is essen- marketed to America’s children. As a result, MASJID OF AL-ISLAM tial for all U.S. citizens to be aware of their the popularity of PAX TV has made it the sev- HIV status. This will not only help them stay enth largest television network in the country. healthy, but it is the first step in preventing the Bud Paxson is a good friend and an up- HON. MARTIN FROST transmission of HIV to other. standing civic leader. Last year, he received the ‘‘Entrepreneur of the Year’’ award by Flor- OF TEXAS Unfortunately, many people in this country ida Atlantic University. This year, he received IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are unaware of their HIV status. The Centers an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Barry for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) es- Tuesday, October 17, 2000 University. This honor is given to individuals timate that 900,000 people may be infected who have been recognized for outstanding Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, this weekend in with HIV and nearly one-third of these individ- achievements in their profession, communities, Fort Worth, Texas, it will be my honor and uals or 270,000 are unaware of their HIV sta- and the world. privilege to attend and participate in events tus. Today I want to honor Bud for his excellent which promote racial and religious unity and We must ensure that people have access to peace. On October 21, 2000, the Fort Worth corporate example as well as thank him for his all FDA approved HIV tests. It is the simplest friendship and selflessness. Masjid of Al-Islam, under the leadership of and cheapest form of prevention. Imam Nasir Ahmed, will host a Southwest Re- f A barrier to HIV testing is that it is often per- gional Pioneer Banquet honoring those it con- H.R. 5164: TRANSPORTATION RE- siders to be pioneers in the causes of diver- ceived as painful because some testing re- quires blood samples taken through needles. CALL ENHANCEMENT, ACCOUNT- sity, religious interaction, Islam, economic de- ABILITY, AND DOCUMENTATION velopment, political awareness and education. Many people fear needles and therefore would rather not be tested than give blood. ACT I am humbled to be among a group of hon- orees which includes religious radio broad- I am pleased to learn that there is FDA ap- HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY caster and journalist, Robert Ashley; American proved technologies that do not require the OF MASSACHUSETTS Jewish Congress Southwest Region executive use of needles. Companies like Calypte Bio- director, Joel Brooks; community relations medical, which is located in my own state of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consultant, writer and member of the Thanks- Maryland and in California, have focused on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 Giving Square Interfaith Council, Rose Marie developing HIV diagnostic test than do not use Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to offer a Stromberg; 97-year old founder of the Tarrant needles, such as the HIV urine tests. few brief additional comments on the so-called County Black Historical and Genealogical So- Why then are so many not being tested? ‘‘TREAD Act,’’ which passed the House last ciety, Lenora Rolla; long-time Muslim, 95-year It has come to my attention that some facili- week in order to clarify the intent of one key old Dave Hassen; and the organizer of Brooks ties within the public health infrastructure are provision that was added after committee con- of Baaziga, a Muslim girl’s group, Ruby B. Mu- discouraging local community testing groups sideration. hammad. from using HIV tests that require only a urine The legislation as it arrived on the floor in- The work of the Fort Worth Masjid of Al- sample. Some states have even passed legis- cluded a provision addressing child restraints. Islam is, by itself, noteworthy. Yet, the lation that prevents organizations from access- This was a provision that Representative Masjid’s efforts are heightened and broadened ing FDA approved HIV urine testing tech- SHIMKUS (R–IL) had promoted and a subject in by the fact that this celebration will include the nologies. which we engaged in a colloquy at the Com- personage and the teachings of The Honor- It is critical that our public health infrastruc- merce Committee markup on the bill. I am able Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, leader of ture, which receives Federal Medicare, Med- very pleased that this provision was added to the Muslim American Society. Throughout this icaid and block grant funds, supports all FDA the legislation as it was deliberated on the country and around the world Imam Moham- approved HIV testing systems. In our efforts to House floor. med is known, respected and admired for his Mr. Speaker, it has become increasingly ap- help people learn their HIV status, we must work towards peace, religious freedom and di- parent that child restraints are too often mar- guarantee access to all HIV testing options, versity and liberty for all people. On October keted for children who are larger and heavier like urine testing. 22, 2000, the Fort Worth-Dallas area will have than the anthropomorphic test dummies used the pleasure of receiving his message on A first step in this direction is to become in- by National Highway Traffic Safety Administra- ‘‘Dealing With Racism From Religion’’. It is my volved in the upcoming National AIDS Testing tion (NHTSA) in the sled tests that the agency great pleasure, therefore, to join with the Fort Day. The National AIDS Testing Day is coordi- utilizes. This was highlighted for the Com- Worth Masjid of Al-Islam, its brothers and sis- nated by the National Association of People merce Committee members through the work ters in the Dallas Masjid of Al-Islam and the with AIDS (NAPWA), which Calypte Bio- performed by Consumer Reports magazine. larger Fort Worth-Dallas community in heartily medical supports. Its independent testing demonstrated that child welcoming Imam Mohammed to our commu- I strongly encourage all of my colleagues to restraints tested with a child at the highest nity. become involved with this effort. weight recommended by the manufacturer of VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:21 Jan 12, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E17OC0.000 E17OC0.
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