Tha Wdstlier Mr. aadMirs. WUUam K. McMul­ Feraeaal ef C. B. Waattin len of Cdmund atreet and their Alibtit Town daughter, Mra. IMwin D. Foater og Woodbridga street, are vacation­ Tonight fair and eool: I g- * «-* o«orf*tto OccnoB. ing at Wackapaug, R. L .>«. Wadnaadny, fnlri Mgh Main atiaat, and MIm Carol m of Hartford hava ratumad Mr. and Mra. Raymond E. Coop­ a two waaka’ vacation at er and daughter.Lola o f 71 Brook­ mt Manor. Bermuda. field street have returned after a 4 — vacation at Lake WInncpeaaukee. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22. 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS * Mambara of tha Anderaon-Shea 'lualliary, V. r. W., who ara plan- Mr. and Mra. Robert Dwyer of S n f to ( o to Baaba'a camp at Wynnewood. Penna., were week­ Oovratiy tomorrow ara raqueatad end viatiora in town. Hie heaviest week-end rain M maat at tha Center at «:16. since July of 1947 waa recorded Anyone planning to go who haa aw yet contacted Mra. Eleanor President . Mra. Ann Risley of here by the Town Water Depart­ Maloney, telephone 74M, la re- the Auxiliary to the British War ment for Saturday and yasterday. Veteran!, requests all past and lueawd to do 80. The Department gauge ahewa a present members to meet near the fall here, at 3:93 Inraea of which GJ.’s Wipe Out Threatening Road Block Center Congregational church this 3.74 Inches fall from Saturday Mambara of the Brltiah-Amerl- evening at 7:30. From there they aan club are requeated tp meet at morning to Sunday morning and will proceed in a body to the 1.19 inches fell from Sunday the clubhouse tonight at aeven Holmes Funeral Home, in tribute O'clock and to proceed from there morning to this morning. In 1947 to Mra. Sarah Croakey of Eldridge there was a period In which SJ18 M a body to the Holmes Funeral street who was a charter member. Borne to pay last respects to Mrs. Chaplain Mra. Fannie Kieblah will Inches of rain fell. Egyptian^ French Swimmers Barah Croakay. Brooks overfloared as the allow- Rail Strike Spreads read the prayer used by the aux- ery downpour succeedsd each oth­ lliarjt' for deceased members. Tuesday and Wednesday Only Doughboys and Tanks Mrsi Frances C. Herron of Main er, and many huosebolders discov­ atreet haa returned from Grand ered leaks in roofs that haa pre­ Break English Channel Mark Mrs. Robert Lodi and daughter, viously been weather tight. i o, i i u Itapids, Mich., where she was a Judith Ann. of West street, Bol­ To Canada Tying delegate to the forty-fifth biennial No Berioos Damage 37" SHOE LACES ton returned home Saturday from Borne, but not large damage waa BUBREIUSPOMGBS W a t e r s eonvention of the supreme lodge the Hartford hospital. SEWING THREAD CUP HOOKS In Race in Choppy Knights of Pythias and Pythian dons on the roads by reaaon o f lo­ Rust Red Stranglehold Siatere, last week at the Pantlind cal washouts and flooding, and RAZOR BLADES COASTERS The Board of Selectmen and the some cellars took water. The dry \ l Hotel. She was accompanied by O m *nE RIBBON PLA SnC KTPCHEN SCOOPS Up 2 National Lines Dover, Eng., Aug. 33 —iJ*)— An Georges ' Michel. Twenty-four tian. Last year he became the Mrs. Arhanda H. Chamberlin of town clerk will be in session ground however sopped up a great Egyptian and a French swimmer: swimmers took part in tha rfuia. third man to swim the chanhel in West Haven, another delegate. Wednesday from !S to 8 p. m. In Five members of Company A,»-Francia hold Private Flrat Claasn part of the moisture, and by last NEEDLE THREADERS W-ABTTO OURTAOr The Egyptian hit the Dover both dlrcLtlons. As he came out ratings while Enrico and Lawrence broke the record in quick auccea- Bksth women are past grand chiefs the town clerk's office for the pur­ 169th Infantry of the 43rd Divi­ night. In many placet vriiera rain M READERS coast flrat. His time w is 10 of the water today he said over are privates. On June 31, 1948, Kiddies Matinee BOTTLE OPENERS aion today In a mass race across On U. S. Supply Lines •f tha.Cannecticut Pythian Sisters. pose of making new voters. The had fallen heavUy, the ground was OAKB TESTERS Two More U. S. Cities Hit the English Channel from France. hours and 63 minutes for tha tor- the Britlah Broadcaating Corporh- party registrars also will be pres­ sion, stationed in Manchester and the five brothers were sworh into wet and damp, but not muddy. SNAP FASTENERS Airliner Motor ready for active duty are the Fiano s m a l l s c r e w DRIVERS By Stoppage as 1 ,2 0 0 Despite rain and choppy seas, tuoua 19-mlle co\irse, IS minutes tlon network: "1 feel good. I'm Mrs. Wilfrid J. CTarke of 16 ent to register those who wish to the National Guard by Major Na­ Here Tomorrow Vacation events at the lakes and SAFETY PINS Haasan Abd-El Rehim, 43>year- better than the 1926 mark. The not tired at all. I'm ready to Henry street has returned to town make a party affiliation. Literate brothers of Birch Mountain, 9®'" than B. Gatchell at the Manchester shore were rained out or held In­ STRAW GLASS HOLDERS London Dally Mail, which tponaor- Foe Marshals Niiip Di- Armofy during an all nut enlist­ POCKET COMBS Walk Out in Chicago old Egyptian army officer, and awim hack." tnar a two weeks' stay at Camp persons, who have resided in the doors. While the storm disturbed a l u m in u m c o o k ie Flies Off Wing, ed the race, will award him 11,000 Anpther Egyptian, Mareeh Haa- ton. The aone of Mr. and Mrs.^An- ment drive. Gatchel la now a Lieu­ There will be a special kiddies Roger 1^ Morvan, 36-year-old Johnson Sees Korea visions Wlih 90*000 wamindi, Stinson Lake, N. H. Mr. state a year and In the town six the holiday makers, it waa wel­ RAT TAIL COMBS And Pittsburgh; Korea French swimming champion, (32,800) for his victory. sah Hamad. .13. alao an army of- months are eligible to be made thony Fiano pictured (above) Val­ tenant Colonel. Some of the Fiano matinee tomorrow at the State comed by farmers who, in several OUTTBRB. ^ Clarke will return on Labor Day. LADOCS’ DRESS COMBS ploughed across to break the old Third Channel Cmaalng fleer was reported close to shore. Mph for Smash at voters on reaching the age of 31. entino. Rocco, Laurence,' Francia boys may get deferments because theater Manager Jack Sanson haa areas, have been starting to feel ALUMINUM JELLO MOLDS War Production Af­ One Rider Dies and Enrico. Roeeb, Valentina and of their farm work. announced. This matinee will espe­ TAPE MEASUBE8 record of 11 hours and five min­ It waa the third channel cross­ the effects of two weeks with Uttle b o w l COVERS Pusan and Ta^gu; cially be entertaining for the fected ; Seek Accord utes set in 1936 by Frenchman ing for tha massive six-foot Egyp­ (Continued on Pag* Twe) War End by February rainfall. DISH SCRAFERS youngsters since It will be chock Several traffic accidents, par­ c l o t h e s h a n g e r s U. N. Forces Hold Off For Your Individually A&P Employees BIAS TAPE AND BELTING Pilot Lands Ship at Air­ full of comedy. tially blamed on rainy conditions, NOVELTY FIGURES By The Associated Press Bitter Attacks; Per­ Deaiirned Spirelia ^‘HomelandDay^^ Question There will be three big comedy occurred In this section. Utilities ROUND GARTERS Natives Carry Supplies to U. S. Troops U. N. Plan to Push Po­ hits. There will be two Abbott SCHOOL SCISSORS Strikes today tied up (Can­ port in Denver With New Deputy Foundations—Cali Are Given Party had some failures reported due to CORSET SEW ON GARTERS lice Action Beyond shing Tanks Wreak and Costello pictures, "Keep ’Em wet conditions, but no major diffi­ TIIUMB TACKS ada's rail system and some Seven Hurt, One Dead Flying” and “ Ride 'Em Cowboy." SHOE HORNS Mrs. Elsie Minieoccl Arouses Much Interest culties. LEADS vital U. S. railroad terminals Parallel May Require Havoc; Wait Big Push George Miedell and Louis Jodoln, The third comedy hit will be the BOBBT PINS and switching lines. In other From Heart Failure Phone 77S7 who are both leaving with the 4Srd Three Stooges in "V ^abond Loaf­ BARRETTES PENCILS fields of labor trouble, most More Than 10 Billion Bulletin! Division of the National Guard, "Homeland Day" in Manchester i.ter'a great 'Homeland Day.' It ers." In addition (here will be Denver, Aug. 33—HP)—'The cabin several cartoons, Mr. Sanson said. SOAP BOXES CRAYON PENCILS developments were encourag­ Rambouiilet, France, Aug. were hdnored at a dinner party was observed on Saturday, June waa a beautiful day, hot in the sun. WASHING MACmNB of an American Air Lines plane Washington, Aug. 32—(J)—A There was folk dancing by people The regular matinee admission TROUBLE PIN CUSmONS PENCIL SHAItPENERS ing. The Canadian strike by 22.—</P>—rFrance’a cabinet given by Lipman Selwits and em­ 13, 1914. In Saturday’s Issue of prices will prevail. Doors will be waa ripped open when an engina United Nations derision to push of different nationalities in the For Expert Repair Work THIMBLES PEN POINTS 124,000 members of 17 decided today to send a ployes of the A.
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