Howard. Format: Top -40. Alvin 0. Bramstedt, pres & 468, 605 Radio St. (99559). (907) 543 -3131. Bethel Alaska Radio gen mgr; Randy Robbins, prog & mus dir; Lyn Roberts, Bcstg Co. Net: NPR. Format: Div. Spec progs: C &W 17 news dir; Charles M. Gray, chief engr. KENI -TV affil. hrs, Yupik Eskimo 5 hrs, class 3 1/2 hrs wkly. Martin to Rates: $25: 22; 25; 18. Moore, pres: Carol Schatz, gen mgr; Peter Twitchell, asst gen mgr; Betsy Blassingham, prog dir; Corey Flintoff, news dir; Joe B. Axford, chief engr. "KYUK- KFOD TV affil. Adult /Contemporary Pioneer Broadcasting Station Cordova KLAM(AM) -May 1953: 1450 khz; 250 w -SH. Box 60 (99574). (907) 424-3222. Denali Bcstg Inc. Net: KGTL APRadio CBS, Alaska Bcstg System. Rep: Alaska Radio/TV Sales. Format: Contemp, C &W. John Lindauer, pres: Alaska's Most Powerful Station Clay Shelton, gen & coml mgr, prog dir; Micah Lynn, mus & news dir; Billie Shelton, prom mgr; William (8)Ivt`C'/REN GULD Bechtel, chief engr. Rates: $6.05; 6.05; 6.05; 6.05. KGTL(AM) -Not on air, target date January 1981. 620 khz; 5 kw -U. Box 103 (99603). (907) 235 -7551. Peninsula Communications Inc. Net: APR. Format: Btfl Dillingham mus. Mark J. Goodwin, VP & gen mgr. Rates: S14.50; 14.50; 14.50; 14.50. 22, 1975: 670 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- KFOD(AM) -1924: 750 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 kw -N. "KDLG(AM) -July 842 -5281. Dillingham City 9200 Lake Otis Parkway (99507). (907) 344 -9622. N. Box 670 (99576). (907) KGTL -FM -Sept 15, 1979: 103.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant School District. Net: NPR. Format: Diversified. Spec 1,150 ft. Box 103, 99603. (907) 235-7551. KFOD Inc. (acq 8- 1 -62). Net: APR. Rep: Mc Gavren- Stereo. 1 Jeri Nelson, pres; Lester Guild, Broadcast Northwest. Format: Adult contemp. progs: Yupik hr wkly. Peninsula Communications Inc. Net: APR. Rep: Tacher. Robinson, gen mgr; Scott Diseth, prog dir; Louise 2 hrs wkly. Matthew N. Clapp Jr, pres; Roy Robinson, exec VP & Format: Btfl mus. Spec grogs: Class Fowler, news dir; Mark Johnson, chief engr. gen mgr; James C. Myers, coml mgr; Tom Rivers, prog David Becker, pres; Mark J. Goodwin, VP & gen mgr; dir; Mark Lewis, mus dir; Bob Dorn, news dir; Gale Patrick A. Gahman, coml mgr; Lee Yarbrough, mus dir; Allred, chief engr. Rates: $48; 25; 28: 16. Tim White, news dir; David E. Becker, chief engr. Fairbanks Rates: S14.50; 14.50; 14.50; 14.50. KGOT(FM) -Listing follows KYAK(AM). KAYY(FM)- 101.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant minus 41 ft. 434 Eureka Interior Bcstg Corp. Format: Btfl KHAR(AM) -Jan 7, 1961: 590 khz; 5 kw -U. 3900 St. (99701). Juneau Seward Highway (99503). (907) 272-9591. Sour- mus. dough Bcstrs. Net: APR. Rep: Savalli /Schutz, Tacher. KINY(AM) -May 28, 1935: 800 khz; 5 kw -U. 1107 KFAR(AM) 660 khz; 10 kw. Box 910 Format: Btfl mus. Patricia E. Harpel, pres; Ken Flynn, -1939: 8th St., Suite 2 (99801). (907) 586 -1800. Midnight (99701). (907) 452 -2125. Midnight Sun Bcstrs Inc. gen mgr; Robert Pate, coml mgr; Mario Holmes, chief Sun Bcstrs Inc. (group owner; acq 6- 1 -68). Net: ABC, (group owner; acq 1960). Net: ABC /I, NBC. Rep: engr. Rates: $29; 25; 29: 20. NBC, Midnight Sun. Rep: Katz, Howard. Al James C. Fletcher, NYC; Simpson /Reilly. Format: Con - Bramstedt, pres; Ken Wiley, stn mgr; Kelly Peres, prog A.O. Bramstedt, pres; R.D. Jensen, exec VP; KKLV(FM) -Co -owned with KHAR(AM). November temp. mgr; Charlie Gray, chief engr. KINY -TV affil. Don Andon, VP & stn mgr; Charles Sandburg, prog dir; 1966: 103.9 mhz; 2.8 kw. Ant 71 ft. Stereo. Format: Candy Holliday, off mgr; Don Garrett, chief eng; Jerry 19, 1952: khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w- Soft rock. Steve Stwan, coml mgr. Rates: S14; 15; KJNO(AM) -Oct 630 Fears, news dir. KRAR -TV affil. TWX: 15: 14. N. Box 929 (99802). (907) 586 -3630. 099 -45 -336. Southeastern Alaska Broadcasters (acq KFRB(AM) 820 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N. Box PRO Radio. For- KHVN(FM) - October 1, 1978: 100.5 mhz; 25 kw. Ant -1948: 1968). Net: CBS, Alaska Radio. Rep: 178 ft. Stereo. 2550 Denali (99503). (907) 278-4631. 950 (99707). (907) 452 -5121. Northern Television mat: MOR. Roy Paschal, pres; Jeff Brandt, coml Alaska Christian Voice of Alaska. Net: APR. Format: Rel. Je- Inc. (group owner; acq 8- 15 -65). Net: CBS; mgr; Jim Prevost, prog dir; Dennis Egan, gen mgr; Art Moore. Format: MOR. rry W. Nichols, pres & gen mgr; Richard Downing, coml Bcst System. Rep: Masla; Todd Hardesty, news dir; Don Erisman, chief engr. hrs wkly. A.G. Hiebert, pres; & prod mgr; K.B. Thompkins, prog dir; Dave Olsen, Spec prog: Classical 4 Rates: S16; 14; 16; 10. mgr; Lewis, coml mgr; Jerry chief engr Rates: $12.50; 11; 12.50; 9. Henry H. Hove, gen Jay McCook, chief engr. KTVF -TV affil. Rates: $14.50; "KTOO(FM) -Jan 27, 1974: 104.3 mhz; 1.4 kw. Ant minus 1016 ft. Stereo. 224 4th St. (99801). (907) KRKN(FM) -Feb. 1, 1973: 102.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 11.50; 14.50; 6.50. Capital Community Broadcasting Inc. Net: 165 ft. 338 Denali St. (99501). (907) 279-2655. Cook 586 -1670. 1972: khz; 5 kw -U. Box Public Radio. Format: Var. Charles Inlet Broadcasters Inc. Stereo. Net: APR. Format: Jazz, KIAK(AM) -Sept 18, 970 NPR, Alaska (907) 452 -1931. Prime pres & mgr; Ed Schoenfeld, prog dir; prog, top -40. Joseph Perry, pres & gen mgr; Ron 73410, 543 2nd Ave. (99701). Northrip, gen Time of Inc. owner, acq 8- 1 -78). Net: Hoyt, mus dir; Jim Gordon, news dir; Lena Thorne, coml mgr; John W. Noble, prog & mus dir; Lar- Alaska (group George HR /Stone, Tacher Co. Format: Point, mgr; Margo Melnicove, access dir; M.U. ry Sliger, chief engr. Rates: $36; 30; 30; 36;. MBS, Alaska Radio. Rep: opns Modern country. Spec progs: Farm 1 1/4 hrs, Alaska Taku, prom mgr; Jackie Erickson, prod mgr; J. W. KKLV(FM) - Listing follows KHAR(AM). Native news 25 min wkly. Martin Hamstra, pres; Tom Foster, chief engr KTOO -TV affil. Farrell Jr., gen mgr; Peter Van Nort, opns mgr; Geoff KNIK -FM- Listing follows KBYR(AM). Kennedy, pub affrs; William Tanner, chief engr. Rates: S20; 14; 20; 9. Kenai *KSKA(FM)- August 15, 1978: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant -Nov. 18, 1976: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 260 ft. Stereo. APU, Grant Hall (99507). (907) "KUAC -FM -Sept 20, 1962: 104.7 mhz; 10.5 kw. Ant KOOK(FM) 260 .ft. Stereo. Box 1000 (99611). (907) 262 -4408. 276 -3000. Aurora Community Bcstg Inc. Net: NPR, 440 ft. Stereo. U. of Alaska (99701). (907) 479 -7491. KSRM Inc. Net: ABC /E. Rep: Adam Young, Tacher. For- Alaska Public Radio. Format: Div. R. William Brooks, U. of Alaska. Net: NPR. Format: Educational, class. mat: C &W. Walter H. Stephan, pres; John C. Davis, gen mgr; Jim Tighe, prog dir. Spec progs: Jazz 5 hrs, Folk 4 hrs wkly. Donald B. gen mgr; Rol Davis, coml mgr; Jim Hein, news dir; Upham, gen mgr; Kathryn Jensen, stn mgr & prog dir; Howard Hornsby, prom mgr; Ken Wilder, chief engr. KYAK(AM) -July 15, 1967: 650 khz; 50 kw -D, 25 Louise Kowalski, mus dir; David L. Waisted, dir of Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. kw -N. DA -2. 2800 East Dowling Rd. (99507). (907) engrg. "KUAC -TV affil. Alaska Inc. owner, 344 -2522. Prime Time of (group KSRM(AM)-See Soldotna. acq 8- 1 -78). Net: MBS, Alaska Radio. Rep: H -R /Stone, The Tacher Co. Format: Modern country. Robert Glennallen Brown, pres; Don Ice, gen mgr; Martin Hamstra, VP; Ketchikan Dan Coulter, prog & news dir; Larry Wayne, opns mgr; KCAM(AM) -April 16, 1964: 790 khz; 5 kw -U. Box Joe Costello, nati sis mgr; Norman Fish, chief engr. 249 (99588). (907) 822 -3306. Central Alaska Mis- KETH(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 1290 & Religious. Rates: S33; 25; 33; 15. sions Inc. Format: Easy Listening khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. Box 299, Sitka (99835). (907) Leander Rempel, Alaska dir; Carlyle Callis, gen mgr; 747 -6626. Gateway Bcstg Co. Group owner: Media 15, KGOT(FM) -Co -owned with KYAK(AM). Sept Ethel Bloom, office mgr; Dan Zachary, chief engr. Inc. Roy Paschal, pres. 1975: 101.3 mhz; 26 kw. Ant minus 66 ft. Format: Con- Rates: $5.70; 4.95; 5.70; 4.95. temporary Rock. Stereo. Rates: $12; 12; 14; 14. `KRBD(FM) -1976: 105.9 mhz; 7 kw. Ant minus 418 ft. Stereo. 2415 Hemlock St. (99901). (907) 225 -9655. Haines Rainbird Community Bcstg Corp. Net: NPR, Alaska Barrow Public Radio Network. Format: Diversified. Spec KHNS(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 102.3 progs: Spanish 3 hrs, Tlinget -Haida- Tsimshian 1 hr KBRW(AM)- December 22, 1975: 680 khz; 10 kw- mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 1,220 ft. Box 245 (99827). Lynn wkly. Bruce Theriault, gen mgr; James A. Hanson, D, 5 kw -N. Box 109 (99723). (907) 852 -6811. Silak Canal Bcstg. pres; Jessie Gibbs, bus mgr; Jose Mateu, prog dir; Pat Kuagvik Communications Inc. Net: NPR, Alaska Public Conley, mus dir; Will Selzer, news dir; Eric Hummel, Radio. Format: Diversified. Spec progs: Eskimo 15 hrs chief engr. wkly. David Baumgartner, pres; Steve Thompson, mgr; Christenson, chief engr; Candace Homer gen Gary KTKN(AM) -1942: 930 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. Box Horter, prog dir; Joseph Sivula, opns mgr.
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