i 3efubtir of tle Fnfliffines @elurtmeflt of @bucution REGION VII scHools DtvrsroN oF BoHoL Office of the Schools Division Superintendent June 18,2A2L DMISION MEMORANDUM No. lao s.2021 PRTVATE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS CONGRESS TO: ASST. SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDtrNTS SGOD. CHIEF StrPS-SMME PRVATE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORSi PRINCIPALS 1. Pursuant to Regional Memorandum No. 447, s. 2021, in consonance with the provision of Deped Order No. 88, s. 2010, also known as " Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education", the Department of Education Regional Office VII, through the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) will conduct a Private Schooi Administrators Congress in four ciusters on June 29- Jwly 2,2021 {9:0OAM-5:00PM) via MS Teams. 2. The objectives of this activity are as follows: a) Provide an averlue for bench marking and sharing of notabie experience and challenges concerning school operations amidst the the pandemic in the areas of: * Teaching-iearning process; * Teachers welfare and support; and * Other relevant matters b) Strengthen linkages among private school administrators and the Deped Regional Office VII. 3. The participants to this activity are the following: 3.1 For the Regional Office: a) QAD Personnel 3. 2 For the Schools Division Offices (SDOs): a) SGOD b) SEPS M&tr c) A11 Private School AdministratorslPrincipals 4. For proper guidance and reference for ail concerned, please see attachments. 6. Immediate and wide disseminatio .is Memorandum is desired. #rANrTO' AGATAI{, EdD, CESO School .Division Superintend ii*$rrhlrr st {*lt' i$btlr*$tttec Br*artffie$t *t €butirtictt ill-'.-,it.)". \'ii ( i i: IiiAi- \"i\,1\.'!-r pRrvATr SCHOO! *OSn$$Sr8*TOn5 COHGftE$S tune 29 iulY 2" 2O21 9:ffi AM. 3;00 PM via l!!5 IEAMS N-ist uf SDS Clusters and Nurnber of Sharers M5 Teams Link : Clqittr r nate l\ami' cf SiLiJ {,1. of Shaf Eii Laprrlapu CitY I . 1 DeoEd accradited 5ehool i ! r 1 DeBEd reeoSflized prlvat€ school Eais eity i . i ourto *.."'oited schoot I FAAP- accrtdlted Private school i l.':; :: ::r i, . ll recognized private rchool .l:::'i:l'.. ",' i Cluster 1 .'"' , . I: 1 Depfd i;*,*"* i l:ii'l ; i:r iia:,.: .ri . .:: i!i'.i -1 1 FAAP'accredited Private S[hoo] I i. erxsl.ls* irl i - ','r,l : i-i'r' !. ' , Cluster 2 tune 30, 2021 1 Sep[ci recognireo Brivats schooi I City of t*taga I , .. I i lil i::i.. i - i'::1,-i'i l; .,: ii ri, 1 DepEd rt*ognlzed Prlvate :cho*i Tanjay City I ;,'.,;,!:. :,::'',:ii :?-: :,-li)rl a 2 FAAP- atrredited private s{hools i.!:ilrI :: : r,r,, rili::i a 2 DepEd recognired private schools a 1 Oepfd reccgnized erivate schoo! Bcgo City ' l':. ,i..1 r:-."-,{,,;.:ri r.rr.l ' : :. i:rt.:..:i:-::il-', , flusier 3 i July t, ?021 e Z OeF[d recognired private schools i Carcar City ',,.: -.1.: i .'-.i,-I i. l:*-*- r 2 OepEd recognired private schools l;.::l,.rt,'. l ;' r I DeoEd accredited school -+--- I FAAP- acffedlted private school 2 DepEd recognired Frivate schsols i: - a:-:_j:. r't: : --:,,1,l 1 FAAP- accredited private:chool i r 1 DepEd recognized private school i o.oro i " .. i ntI$1:; Ill. i'!' /Jr:iIi:1,t" Iti{y ?, 2S21 t-*' i: "..tieirf$ *nos' - ., - i siquiior 1 I r 1 DepEd accredited schcol ' totedor v'Ewv cityL,L, i . 1 DeoEd rgqgg6ilg! private ia I DepFci recognized privare schcol r Neeros Oriental ! " ia -..,-*-,-..j .* -*..*,-"..-*j. legeildl rnlp, aecedted prirrate Sdpol- tirose schcols with accrcditation fram FAAP tP*AtCU, PACUCO}', etc') Deped Recotnirad priuate ${ho-ok" thsse schools graated Goyernfiieflt Rerogriitiofr Canificste oeped Accredhcd School- those schools with ren€wai or ternporary permit Address: Dofi* M. Gaisano 5t.. Sudlon. Lahug, Cebu Cky ;.;ffi,; Telcphone Hot"; {013) 231;1.4$3; {032} 4f4'7399 $. ,1:"r1;r ;...S 1L;*,# Ernail Addrp*s: [email protected] a l{*rrr&li* *f rlte {i}XllirP*tx*s 13rllarttnrtlf st ffhttrfiftfi tl REGISN YI i . CENT*AL VISiqYAS F*tvATE gcll*8t *ueqntllS'f aAYSBS f Of{6Ef S5 June 29- JutY 2, 2021 9:00 AM- 5:00 FM via MS TEAMS F*OGNAM ST ACIIVITIES ptRS[)N A{?IVITY fi15P,3N$tBl-[ [.4r. Rabert t'tr*rd* Atttndance *:C{, Friyi. $ 1fi 4fu1 Registrationl i &dministrative Alst"- SA* 9:3f AM I Sp*ning 'r I Dr. Cvnthia S. Miro Sational Anthem fdr:catio* &.4* 'r Dr. li*g*r M. Saio Frayer Edu**ti*n mSu s*r- 84il ol Participants ffi; o Acknoxrledgem*nt fOucation Ptogrum Su -'*i Dr. Emiliana B. [lnar Welc*rne Rernarks Chief EPS- QA* Dr. flristit* A. [cs i Ratisnale lDirector i Dr" $*lusti*ns T" Jime*ee r lnspirationalMessage lDireetor I CONFERENCE PROPER I Presentation of the Mechanies for *r" Ma. Felina 5. {alied* 3r31A$1- 8:40AM i ftepo*in&lSharing Idurati*n Fr*gram S*pervis*r- QAfi [PSr 9;41- F,M'Ll:0* NN LiplAit-!' 84ft 12;00l.iN- 1:00 PM Lunch Break Sharing *f f*otable Exp*ri*nces and Privat* Sehosl Adrfi inis$ators pto{- FM Challenges Concernins S€ha+t S.perbti*n I i,oo 3:3* {representatives from tha 19 tDOt} I amidst Pandemic Dr. Merden L. BrYant 3:31 PM" 4:3* Pr,r1 Open Forurn tducatiq,n Prqgtaryli,qe{Y -*; Dr. Emiliar:a B. Elnar I 4il1 FM- 4:1* PM Ways forward I Chief EP$- QAD *r. [,rners*n *. *eg*rno 4:5L P&S. 5:S0 PM i closing Prayer Educaiion Prograrn 5u s*r- QAil Master o{ Ceremonies Dr. CYnthia 5' Miro Educati*n Pr*gram Supervisar-QA0 Addresci Ssfia M. Gaisarrs 5t..Sudlsn, L*hug, C*bu City Te**phort* *os.: {032} }3111433: {032} 414-?399 frr,*ll A*dr*se: r*gion?&d*p**,gev"ph Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VII, CENTR.AL VISAYAS Attachment C PRIVATE SCHOOT ADMI NISTRATORS CONGRESS June 29-July 2,2OZl 9:00AM- 5:00PM via MSTeams LrsT oF PARTICIPANTS AND SHARERS/REPORTERS NameofSDO: BOHOL Cluster: 4 Name of SGOD Chief: DESIDERIO V. DELIGERO PhD Name of SEPS M&E: ELIZABETH J. PIDO Address Narne of No. Name of Private of school/s SharerslReporters I Cristal e-College Panglao Campus KM 15, Tawala, Panglao, Bohol 2. Christ the King Academy Poblacion, Antequera, Bohol ? lmmaculata High School Poblacion, Baclayon, Bohol 4. Bohol Province lnstitute Iaqbilaran North Road, Calape, Bohol 5. Holy lnfant Academy - Catigbian Baang, Catigbian, Bohol o. lmmaculate Mary Academy Poblacion Weste, Catigbian, Bohol 7. lnfant King Academy Poblacion, Cortes, Bohol 8. Sacred Heart Academy Mocpoc, Loon, Bohol 9. Saint Teresa Academy Catgbacan, Loon, Bohol 10. SaintAnthony De Padua Parochial School ofSikatuna, Poblacion, Sikatuna, Bohol 11 UB-Loon lnstitute [/oto Norte, Loon, Bohol 12. Saint Vincent lnstttute Poblacion, Maribojoc, Bohol 1) tJ. San Agusttn Academy Panglao lsland Circumferential Rd, Panglao, Bohol 14 Holy Cross Academy Pooc Oriental Mario Rama St, Tubigon, Bohol Mrs. Delia Lasco 15. Holy Family of Nazareth School of Tubigon, Bohol lnc. Nazareth Rd, Tubigon, Bohol 16. Salus lnstrtute of Technology Tinangnan, Tubigon, Bohol 17. Bohol College of Science and Technology, lnc.-Loon Canhangdun, Loon, Bohol 18. CarmelAcademy Del Carmen Norte, Balilihan, Bohol. 19. Sacred HeartAcademy Loon lVlocpoc, Loon, Bohol 20. Carmelite Learning Center Tontonan, Loon, Bohol ACADEMY INC.. BADIANG BRANCH 21 BOHOL MARANATHA CHRISTIAN San Jose, Talibon, Bohol 22. Bright Minds Learning Center of Tubigon, lnc. Poblacion, Tubigon, Bohol )7, Calape Bapilst Mission School lnc. Poblacion, Calape, Bohol 24. St. Pedro Calungsod College, lnc. Panadtaran, Tubigon, Bohol 25. Bohol lntegrated Schoolfor Business & Arts, Inc. Iagbilaran North Road, Tagbilaran City, Bohol ')A Panglao Evangelical Learning Center, lnc. Hontanosas Rd, Poblacion, Panglao City, Bohol 27. Bohol Northwestern Colleges Poblacion, Catigbian, Bohol 28. Arbasto Foundatton, lnc. Bolod Road, Panglao, Bohol ,0 Bohol lnternatronal Learning College De La Paz, Cortes, Bohol 30. Mater Dei College Laboratory Elementary School Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol Mrs. Jasmin Sumipo 31. Tubigon lndividualized Christtan Foundailon Purok 2, Cahayag, Tubigon, Bohol JL, Sacred Hearl School of Baclayon Sitio Panas, San Vicente, Baclayon, Bohol ?? God's Little Flock Learning Center, Inc. Pooc 0riental, Tubigon, Bohol 34. Alona L'Ecole li4ontessori School lnc. Panqlao lsland Circumferential Rd, Panglao, Bohol St. Therese Kindergarten School ofAntequera, Bohol, lnc. Poblacion, Antequera, Bohol <h Mateo Alejandra Estano Learning Center, lnc. Dauis, Bohol, 37. St. Teresa's School of Valladolid, lnc., Calape Branch Sta. Cruz, Calape, Bohol 38 Kabataan Learning Center of St. John of the Cross Parish Cahayaq, Tubiqon, Bohol ?o Saint Philip Neri Learning Center Bliss, Alburquerque, Bohol 40 i-ance Scitech Academy of Bohol, lnc. Hillside Drive, Pob,lacion - Anislag Cemetery Rd, Corella, Bohol 41. Liberty Chrisilan Academy of Panglao Dauis - Panglao Rd, Panglao, Bohol 42. Sto. Nino lnternational School Poblacion, Panglao, Bohol 43. Trinitas Learning Center, lnc, Poblacion, Loon, Bohol 44. Panglao Christan Academy, lnc. Lourdes, Panglao lsland, Bohol 4s. I nternatronal Academe of EnScieMa Iotolan, Dauis, Bohol 46. Ancillae Trinitatis Learning Center (Cortes) Salvador, Corles, Bohol 47 Dauis Christtan School, lnc, Poblacion, Dauis, Bohol Si Joseph's Children's Centre of the Ursuline Missionaries of the Sacred Bil-isan, Panglao, Bohol, 48. ileart - Panglao Branch 49. Alburquerque Hilltop Learning School, lnc. Ponong, Alburquerque, Bohol 50. Golden Link College Foundation, lnc. (Cortes Branch) Bermudo Street, Cortes, Bohol 5'1. Landmark Baptist Christian Academy Hontanosas Rd, Totolan, Dauis, Bohol FN San Pedro Calungsod Mission School, lnc C. Monton St, Maribotoc, Bohol A1 Iubigon Baptist Church Learning Center lnc PINAYAGAN N0RTE, TUBIGON, Bohol 54, Mlother Leopoldina Social Center lnc. Bohol Branch CALAPE, BohOI, 55. Catar Easter School lnc DAUIS, Bohol, 56. Saint Paul's Academy Poblacion, lnabanga, Bohol 57. Sto.
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