Plinian eruptions at Glacier Peak and Newberry volcanoes, United States: Implications for volcanic hazards in the Cascade Range James E. Gardner* GEOMAR, Abteilung Vulkanologie und Petrologie, 1–3, Wischhofstrasse, 24148 Kiel, Germany Steven Carey Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Haraldur Sigurdsson } ABSTRACT (intensity) and magma composition, suggest- 121° ing that eruptions of these volcanoes relate to Several fall deposits from Glacier Peak and the accumulation rate of magma in their Newberry volcanoes, both located in the Cas- reservoirs. cade Range, United States, have been studied BC to determine eruptive column heights, intensi- INTRODUCTION WA ties, and volumes. The late Pleistocene erup- Lake Chelan tions of Glacier Peak ranged from small The most important facet of forecasting and 48° Glacier phreatic explosions to two Plinian eruptions mitigating hazards associated with volcanic erup- Peak that each erupted more than 1 km3 of magma tions is understanding the eruptive histories of at intensities >108 kg/s, generating plumes volcanoes. As an example, detailed stratigraphic Mt. Rainier Figure 2A with heights >30 km. At Newberry volcano, examination and extensive dating of past events the last Plinian eruption (ca. 1300 14C yr B.P.) at Mount St. Helens, Washington, led Mullineaux Mt. St. Helens had an intensity of 2.8 × 107 kg/s and a plume et al. (1975) and Crandell et al. (1975) to forecast 46° height of 18 to 21 km. About 0.1 km3 of that the volcano was likely to erupt before the end magma was erupted in the Plinian phase, fol- of the century. In fact, it erupted within 5 yr of lowed by eruption of a pyroclastic flow and an that forecast. Without their pioneering studies, obsidian lava flow. Combined with similar little would have been known about Mount St. data from Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, Helens’ potential to erupt or the types of erup- ° Newberry and Mount Mazama (Crater Lake), these tions that it would produce. 44 eruptions define the range of Plinian events Despite the importance of tephrochronological that have occurred in the Cascade volcanic arc studies, like those at Mount St. Helens, little has in the past 12 k.y. During this period there been done to quantify important aspects of past Figure 2B have been Plinian eruptions with plume eruptions, in particular their intensities (mass Crater Lake heights between 11 and 55 km, intensities be- eruption rates) and magnitudes (volume of ° OR 6 9 42 tween 10 and 10 kg/s, and volumes between erupted material). Important advances in model- CA NV 0.01 and >5 km3 of magma. All eruptions with ing of explosive volcanic eruptions now allow intensities ≥108 kg/s also produced large- these parameters to be inferred for prehistoric volume pyroclastic flows and surges. Monitor- events, especially for Plinian-style eruptions ing column height (intensity) during eruptions (Carey and Sparks, 1986; Sparks, 1986; Wilson 0 120 could help mitigate hazards because it may and Walker, 1987; Woods, 1988; Pyle, 1989; indicate pending generation of pyroclastic Fierstein and Nathenson, 1992). When combined kilometers flows. In the Cascade Range, there have been with detailed stratigraphic information, knowl- at least 12 eruptions of >1 km3 of tephra in the edge of the intensities and volumes of past events past 12 k.y., suggesting that eruptions of such allows for a more complete picture of the erup- Figure 1. Location of recently active strato- magnitude occur about once every 1 k.y., tive history of a volcano and its likely future ac- volcanoes (triangles) in the Cascade Range vol- although such frequencies vary greatly at each tivity (Carey et al., 1995; Gardner et al., 1995a). canic chain of northwestern United States and volcano. The volume of magma erupted in In order to better constrain the eruptive activity Canada. Volcanoes for which fall deposits are each event correlates with both column height of volcanoes in the Cascade Range, we examined discussed in this study are highlighted (filled some of the fall deposits of Glacier Peak and New- triangles). Locations for study areas of this re- *Present address: Department of Geological Sci- berry volcanoes, United States (Fig. 1). The explo- port are shown, as well as known distributions ences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island sive volcanic activity of Glacier Peak took place in of the Plinian-fall deposits from Glacier Peak 02912; e-mail: [email protected]. two intervals, one in late Pleistocene time and one (solid curve) and Newberry (dotted curve). GSA Bulletin; February 1998; v. 110; no. 2; p. 173–187; 14 figures; 2 tables. 173 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/110/2/173/3382922/i0016-7606-110-2-173.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 GARDNER ET AL. in Holocene time (Porter, 1978; Beget, 1982, TABLE 1. COMPOSITIONS OF ERUPTIVE PRODUCTS OF GLACIER PEAK AND NEWBERRY VOLCANO 1983). The late Pleistocene episode was domi- Deposit Glacier Glacier Newberry Paulina Big nated by explosive activity, including two of the Peak G Peak B Fall Ash Flow Obsidian largest Plinian eruptions in the Cascade Range, Flow which deposited the G and B fall layers (Porter, SiO2 67.65 65.40 73.05 73.76 73.25 TiO 0.39 0.61 0.25 0.23 0.23 1978). Both of these events erupted dacitic mag- 2 Al2O3 17.02 18.43 14.26 13.44 13.77 mas that are very similar in composition (Table 1). FeO 3.08 3.38 1.98 2.11 2.10 Between G and B, there are five other fall layers: MnO 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 MgO 1.76 1.87 0.25 0.20 0.10 N, C, F, M, and T (from oldest to youngest), with CaO 4.00 4.39 1.01 0.91 0.90 M being the thickest and coarsest (Porter, 1978). Na2O 3.98 3.90 5.06 5.05 5.39 K O 1.99 1.82 4.04 4.00 3.96 About 3 to 5 km3 of pyroclastic flows also erupted, 2 P O 0.13 0.17 0.04 0.00 0.01 some flowing more than 20 km away from source 2 5 Note: Major oxides in wt%; total Fe reported as FeO. Samples of G and B (Beget, 1982, 1983). Radiometric dates for layers fall layers are one pumice from the base of each deposit. Both pumices were G and B cluster around 11 200 14C yr B.P., in crushed, fused at 1300°C and 1 bar for five hours, and analyzed by electron 14 microprobe (see Gardner et al., 1995b, for analytical details). Sample agreement with C ages for the pyroclastic flows of Newberry fall layer is the average of six pumices analyzed by X-ray (Beget, 1982, 1983; see Foit et al., 1993, for a sum- spectroscopy. Other data are from MacLeod and Sherrod (1988). mary). The mid-Holocene episode began about 5 ka, and the volcano has since erupted about every 1 k.y. until about 200 yr ago (Beget, 1982, 1983, 1984). Most of this activity consisted of mi- A nor explosions of ash fall and intermittent dis- charges of pyroclastic flows. Newberry volcano has been very active in the past 0.5 m.y., and has erupted more than 25 times during the Holocene (see MacLeod and Sherrod, 1988, for summary). During the Holocene Epoch, there have been six eruptive episodes in which either basaltic or rhyolitic magma was erupted. The four rhyolitic episodes, separated by reposes of 2–3 k.y., consisted of Plinian-style eruptions of pumice and ash and extrusions of domes and flows, totaling about 1 km3 of magma (MacLeod and Sherrod, 1988). The last episode occurred ca. 1300 14C yr B.P., and consists of a tripartite sequence of Plinian-fall, ash flow, and an obsidian lava flow (Big Obsidian flow), all very similar in composition (Table 1). MacLeod et al. (1982) suggested that the fall deposit erupted at or very near to the vent of the Big Obsidian flow, and because of their similar compositions, suggested that the three eruptive phases erupted closely in time (MacLeod and Sherrod, 1988). For this study we determined the intensities and B volumes of the Plinian eruptions of Glacier Peak (G and B) and Newberry (1300 yr B.P.) volcanoes and the volumes and possible eruptive style of the other late Pleistocene fall layers of Glacier Peak. Those data are used to assess the potential vol- canic hazards posed by future Plinian eruptions at those volcanoes. We also combine those data with similar data from other stratovolcanoes in the Cascade Range to determine the range in Plinian- style activity that has occurred and to make pre- liminary assessments of future volcanic hazards and likely volcanic activity. METHODS Figure 2. Generalized maps showing locations of sample sites of this study. (A) Glacier Peak volcano. (B) Newberry volcano. Positions of specific sample sites in other figures and text are We examined the late Pleistocene fall se- shown with larger dots. Locations of Big Obsidian flow in Newberry caldera and the vent of the quence of Glacier Peak at 24 localities (Fig. 2A). Plinian phase of the 1300 yr B.P. eruption are shown. 174 Geological Society of America Bulletin, February 1998 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/110/2/173/3382922/i0016-7606-110-2-173.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 PLINIAN ERUPTIONS IN CASCADES VOLCANO RANGE At Newberry, we examined the 1300 yr B.P. fall the Newberry deposit display such two-curve be- the contour along the axis is related to both deposit at 23 localities (Fig.
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